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I love this and always been a TrueMods user.

But the AI seems to not see me when i use AIspotting, AIengage etc. They just chuck nades at me even though i stand right in front of them. Like 50 meters away from them on open ground. Vehicles shoot but infantry just throw nades at me, like when they cant see me but feel/hear that im there in standard unmodded ArmA, same thing. I use no other AI enhance mods, only other stuff not AI related.

Is this happening anyone else?



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truegameplay-ai-radar.pbo.truegameplay-ai-radar.bisign is missing, but truegameplay-ai-radar.bikey is there. TrueGamplayMods.rar 103.666 byte.

I can confirm this.

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Hi rg7621, from Japan!

First of all, I love the TrueMod and I thank everyone who has participated in creating these great addons.

Now, that was the good news, but Ive got some bad news as well... sad_o.gif

Ive reacently found a error which says "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVoice/Words.medic2'."

It seems this error is caused by "truegameplay-ai-spotting.pbo" file.

This error pops up whenever some AI or a person tries to say the word "medic" over the radio.

Might be easier understanding by seeing it for your self:

create a squad with a player as the squad member and have some other squad member injured(eg. 50% health).

The squad leader will say "2, goto that Medic at 6H" or someting like that; and thats when the error occurs.

btw, I have ARMA ver1.1.4, and the error showed even when I had no other addons installed.

Lets do a quick fix, shall we? biggrin_o.gif


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Ive reacently found a error which says "No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVoice/Words.medic2'."

It seems this error is caused by "truegameplay-ai-spotting.pbo" file.

This error pops up whenever some AI or a person tries to say the word "medic" over the radio.

Might be easier understanding by seeing it for your self:

create a squad with a player as the squad member and have some other squad member injured(eg. 50% health).

The squad leader will say "2, goto that Medic at 6H" or someting like that; and thats when the error occurs.

I get this error too. As there does not seem to be a large number of people having this error (as I'm sure we'd have heard more by now ) is there a dependency on another addon that I don't have perhaps?

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Its more an ArmA bug try playing warfare without any addons and you will get this error message too. Lets see if BIS will fix this little one in next patch.

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Thanks Q and NoRailgunner for the quick reply.

So, it seems like a 1.08 patch compile error... huh.gif

Is there any way we can fix this for the time being?

Maybe trying NOT to alter the medic config helps, as I havent yet seen this error with vanilla arma.


I have quickly edited the "truegameplay-ai-spotting.pbo" config.cpp file.

What Ive done is simply delete the "class SoldierWMedic : SoldierWB" from the config file.

As you can probably guess whats gonna happen; the error is gone.

Well... at least I cant see the error in the "injured squad test mission".

I do NOT recomend anyone to do this though.

It is only a First Aid solution for the error that I was getting, so it may not be a solution for you.

Also, the config file that Ive edited will not be released anywhere, meaning it is only for my own benefit and Ive done it at my own risk.

Dont blame me if your fish dies... blah blah tounge2.gif

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Is that whats causing that damn error! Thanks i thought it was one of the many addons i have, seems its a BIS bug brought out more so with the use of addons. Sorry this is off topic.

Anyway great addons i use most of these as standard not matter which mods/addons i use!

edit i just made a small addon on that replaces the BIS Medic classes with the right entries, so no more errors when loading any addons so far. If any one wants it for personal use let me know and if there is enough people asking for it ill provide a link for everyone.

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try this:

create folder my_hotfix

create a textfile in it

rename it to config.cpp (WITHOUT .txt)

enter this code

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgPatches


class MY_Hotfix


units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.14;

requiredAddons[] = {"CA_Hotfix"};



class CfgVoice


class Words


medic2[] = {};




pack to PBO with cpbo

copy in some modfolder\addons folder

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Quote[/b] ]class CfgPatches


class MY_Hotfix


units[] = {};

weapons[] = {};

requiredVersion = 1.14;

requiredAddons[] = {"Hotfix"};



class CfgVoice


class Words


medic2[] = {};



Now, this sounds like a much better solution then what I have above.

Thanks Q again.

Now, we shall patiently wait for BIS to have the error completely fixed.

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haha thats even better than my solution! biggrin_o.gif

Should be "CA_Hotfix" other wise i get missing hotfix at start up

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thanks snoops_213 smile_o.gif

edited the post. sloppy fast post band.gif

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WOAH! Looks like a fantastic ArmA Mod will be using and convincing the VMA clan to use on their Dedicated Server

Well its November now and we have implemented this mod and its great.

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Now, making everything slower and awkward, does not make it any more real.

In real life while crouch, I can turn 180 degrees in 0.5 sec.

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Now, making everything slower and awkward, does not make it any more real.

In real life while crouch, I can turn 180 degrees in 0.5 sec.

In full uniform, armour, boots, webbing & weapons & ammo? In a way that doesn't make you lose you balance or firing stance? Don't think so smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]In real life while crouch, I can turn 180 degrees in 0.5 sec.

Do you spend alot of time in a real life, real time war situation spinning 180 degrees and timing it? tounge2.gif

All I know is in real life I dont think people are on speed most of the time either like vanilla Arma. Also correct me if im wrong but I always though gravity and weight plays a part in real life too = thats the point of this mod.

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I'm having a bit of trouble getting the AI spotting and engagement range bits to work. All the other pbos do seem to be working (for example blacking out on rolling), however, the AI will neither spot nor engage me at any range greater than 300 meters.

I've tried testing it by creating a custom mission and putting myself on one end of the airstrip, and an enemy AI 300 meters further down.

The first problem is that he doesn't spot me. This is true even if I start walking or running, or dancing the congo.

The second problem is that he won't return fire when I open fire on him.

I've tried it with various AI skill levels and I get the same result each time. Do I need to run some kind of script in the mission to enable the new AI?



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any other addon loaded?

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Did you modify the unit skill or the overall skill in the difficulty menu?

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I've tried changing both skills to various values.

I also tried using the original True Range AI, and that worked better, although it still wouldn't engage past 500 meters.

I'll try installing it on my other computer and see if that helps ..

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Did you try the test missions Rg attached.

Yet you may also expect something that was not meant to be

that way. While trueRangeAI has higher engagement ranges,

AI still either need to see you, hear you or get the info by

another squad.

The class of the unit, time, weather, binocular etc all influence that.

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On further investigation it's a problem with engagement, not spotting.

I put a friendly AI on my team and made the enemy AI run round in circles. The friendly AI spots the enemy AI even up to about 600 meters, and after spotting the enemy he raises his sights to take aim. However, my AI team mate won't actually engage the enemy beyond about 250 meters. This is true even if I explicitly order him to fire on the target.

If he's given a rifle with an ACOG he will engage at a longer distance. Perhaps this is as the designer intended, although personally I'd say even an ironsights weapon is effective beyond 250 meters ...

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well AI will on fire if it can aim steady at the target.

this maybe along with his others tweaks, it was best not to let

AI use this kind of weapon used for such high distances.

(so either too high shacking value or engagement range "too" low)

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