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Sigma Six Vehicle Pack

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Great stuff Sigma, could you please make sure that the windows aren't bulletproof and the vehicles takes standard BIS damage? That would mean a lot to us! smile_o.gif

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Great stuff Sigma, could you please make sure that the windows aren't bulletproof and the vehicles takes standard BIS damage? That would mean a lot to us! smile_o.gif

This to me is the only two main things I would improve, I would love to see them happaning.

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Quote[/b] ]have you thought about slapping a DShK, or M2 HMG, or some other type weapon on to those pickups, so as to make some quick and easy, but still first-rate technical gun trucks?

Hmm. I'm sure someone will, but I'm not sure that these are really appropriate as technicals. BIS has already made good ones, and theirs are much more appropriate to the purpose because the makes and models are available in places where technicals are used. . .

These would only really be appropriate as technicals in something like a postapocalyptic North America. . .

I think they're cargo trucks, really, or mobile scenery/atmosphere, or 'local civilian transportation'.

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Oh. . . I also have to announce that there will be a '71 'Cuda with the same level of detail as the Roadrunner, and possibly (but not absolutely certainly) a convertible version.

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Man great work so far but how about a Suburban or Excursion large SUV type vehicle. For glamor you could even do like a lincoln navigator....

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You'll have to excuse me, but with gas prices at 1.45/L here, SUVs are totally out of the question. (Not that they wouldn't be otherwise).

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Sigma, did you finish you political science studies or something? Wow, so good to see you working again! If you did get your degree, congratulations!

May I request some of those muscle cars of yours in Sahrani police version? Little bit of tropical Dukes of Hazardisimos.

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You'll have to excuse me, but with gas prices at 1.45/L here, SUVs are totally out of the question.  (Not that they wouldn't be otherwise).

That is the funniest thing i have heard lately.... biggrin_o.gif

No but seriousely a large SUV like SWAT and other tactical forces use would be cool....

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Sigma, did you finish you political science studies or something? Wow, so good to see you working again! If you did get your degree, congratulations!

May I request some of those muscle cars of yours in Sahrani police version? Little bit of tropical Dukes of Hazardisimos.

No, it's summer, and I'm neglecting my summer activities to some degree. . . wink_o.gif

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there is a picture of the Sigmas Mac's trailer in your post. Did you finish that? Care to share... please.

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Very nice pics there sigma! Love the cars! Im learning modelling now and i wish i can become as great as you are one day. wow_o.gifsmile_o.gif

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He's got it working with a trailer released by someone else (sorry, I forget who at the moment), but I haven't imported the new model into O2 yet.

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Hi, i guess that the chance of see a Mercury Cyclone Spoiler from

the 71' is nule, but i gonna say it anyways; i'll love to see this nascar

beauty in game, signed and with that degree of detail. Let's C ya

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Little request,

Could you make a Nissan Silvia S15 or a Dodge Charger '65

That would be great mate. Love your vehicles and ship. Just a question, is it possible to walk on the Iosola (AKA Cargo Ship) and do COD4 style missions or not?

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Top quality addons as usual! smile_o.gif

You'll have to excuse me, but with gas prices at 1.45/L here, SUVs are totally out of the question.  (Not that they wouldn't be otherwise).


Your muscles cars dont really drink fewer gaz that SUV with their big 370HEMI and 440 engine! wink_o.gif

The gaz price is now 1.50$ in Montreal... everything will cost more, even the food. huh.gif

Good day!


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I don't suppose this is a request type of thread, but I was just wondering if in one of your neglecting times you plan to make some Russian cars? I am kind of partial to Russian NIVA little jeep-type of a car.

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Is that for a liter? Gaz prices for 98 is 2.72 USD here, socialism at work banghead.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Your muscles cars dont really drink fewer gaz that SUV with their big 370HEMI and 440 engine! wink_o.gif

The gaz price is now 1.50$ in Montreal... everything will cost more, even the food.

Damn right. The HEMI gets 3 miles to the gallon.

Yeah, that's dollars/liter. Socialism? Of course. . . whistle.gif How knowledgeable of you. Socialism, of course, is the blind pursuit of profit, right?

No, this is not a request thread. The only way your request will be granted is if I have already made the model, or already have it in my list of possible models.

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Nah, socialism is increased government power and ownership, but thats pretty offtopic smile_o.gif

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Your definition is false (and a very odd interpretation of gas-price increases), but you're right, it's very off-topic.

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