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Mark XIII (DayZ)

Hifi Sound FX V1.00 Released

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^^the way it was explained to my by polo, its volume over distance....20db = something like 2000feet, maybe metres, I can't remember, the sound you've highlighted I believe is the Karmov/bmp main cannon sound.. Anyways I've just tested some stuff my self, if the volume levels are causing you concern, the number highlighted above by alpha125rbf is a good place to start, bear in mind that the sound dampening system comes into play alot sooner the more you adjust the levels up. I guess its personally preference, I like having the new footsteps quite loud in my personal config, think I've got the running step at -40db and walking at -46db.

To clear something up...

I don't mind you tweaking the config for personal use, or even unpacking my sounds an messing with them...just don't get uploading/releasing them anywhere without my own permission...else your right in the S**t..As far as cutting & pasting my stuff and mixing it with other people's work...I can't stop you doing it, but goes against the whole idea of consistency, the 2nd reason I starting doing this thing in the 1st place. Within the readme, I've requested that if you're gonna go releasing a mixed mod config file with anything from in 1.4, ask me 1st...I'll probly say no tbh because to me, its lazy, I tried everyones stuff too, I liked some stuff but didn't others, so I decided to make my own, nothing stopping you people doing the same, you don't need to pay for anything to get started, anyone with any questions regarding the sound addon process, just PM me an I'll do my best to answer..

Best Regards


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hi mark. just played test your 1.4 for 3 hours with a big arse battle over south sahrani, and i closely listen to every gun fire, explosion, flyby, vehicle sounds, the whole nine yard, even the camel<--- (you know what i mean) and its possibly the best sound pack to be released so far in arma, it captures the modern day battle to the letter, stood next a shilka and had it fire in bursts, BOYE i nearly weeed myself, the sound depth of some of the weapons are awesome, never heard anything like this before, and my favourite the AK's well buddy if i ever met you, you would never have to buy a beer ever again, there F**KING amazing!!

Much love [KH]Pauld

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Nice stuff Mark ! biggrin_o.gif

I must admit the main reason I downloaded it (I've never DL'ed anyones Sound pack yet) was the potential of a fixed AV8 engine sound ....... but I was disappointed with that result. It still sounds like a bad loop, maybe next time. sad_o.gif

Many of the weapon and vehicle sounds I like ...... except the Fade-bug, or whatever you want to call it.

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^^ Thanks for the great comments guys, as always feedback is appreciated just like the new mirrors..Thanks alot guys

I gotta say 1.4 has been playtested on the new warfare gametype, and everyone including me loves it, especially the arty.... whistle.gif

ahh thats a point, I've been working on the config alittle, mainly for myself, but I will happily share this with you when I've tested it online thoroughly. It basically consists of what I would consider a more realistic capture of general small arms and infantry volumes, ie, weapons & footsteps. I play co-op more & more these days (I'm amazed my pc will run arma at all) so I wanted to enemy hear shots further away, and hear footsteps of other soldiers clearer, and earlier. I understand that this will have its costs, increasing volumes usually bring the sound dampening into play sooner at closer distances but I think I've found a good balance...still need alittle work though, I shall release an updated 1.4 today with any luck that should contain working bikeys and alternative config..

Thanks again for you support guys, oh had an idea about 5 minutes ago. what about an alternative sample for each firearm. I was thinking along the lines of Short tight sounds/Longer more detailed sounds, that way you get more choice and personalises the mod to your own specifications.

The idea came about after making the new m4 sound, I've got the process down for 'tightening' each sound and working on the trailoffs is easy enough. Obviously, once downloaded, you'd have to manually unpbo my addon, move some sounds about and repbo it, but I figure most of you guys can figure that out easy enough..So, if you have any thoughts on this idea please let me know, this could be content for a 1.5 release.

Anyways hav a think about it...

Best regards


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Quote[/b] ]I downloaded it (I've never DL'ed anyones Sound pack yet) was the potential of a fixed AV8 engine sound ....... but I was disappointed with that result

Hey buddy, really happy you tried HiFi as your 1st mod, that makes doing all this worthwhile to me.. I appreciate what your saying about the av8 sound, I've never really felt that confident about making vehical sounds, This loop was an extended version of a previous loop I'd created, which was far too short... If you can post me a decent reference (youtube, .wav download) I'll do my best to make it sound good..that said, this goes for everyone, as far as vehicals are concerned any good reference's are good..

Hope this helps ya mate, thinking about it, I change my sounds alot between versions, so maybe an earlier version of HiFi could fix the problem. if you unpbo Hifi_sound.pbo, the vehical sounds are in the 'v' folder, and your looking for this sound;


just download an earlier version of my mod, and swap the sound across to 1.4, no copyright issues, HiFi to HiFi...

really hope this proved helpful mate, good luck

Best Regards


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I will never "release" your or someones else work. I play and edit just for fun and for myself. It is just that easy and makes my ArmA quiet unique!

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Quote[/b] ]I will never "release" your or someones else work. I play and edit just for fun and for myself. It is just that easy and makes my ArmA quiet unique!

^^ good mate, glad to hear your tweaking stuff for your own personal usage, didn't mean to sound harsh to you, I was just making a point to the 'whole' community, I think most people 'do' read from page one of a thread but on occasion it would seem people to skip to the end and assume things they should'nt (again not directed at you matey)...little story..awhile ago someone decided to comment on how crappy some sounds were, funny thing was, if he'd bothered to read the readme/thread from begining, he'd of known that I hadn't actually gotten around to even looking at the sounds he was talking about....LOL

So, look again, I'm talking c**p again...anyways, enjoy..

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Mark, I don't got a clue about this, but I just though about it. I'm about the AV8 sound now. Wouldn't a very short sample, like a fraction of a second loop nicer? But I don't know if ArmA actually suports such a short sample looping so fast in such a small period of time. Do you know what I mean?

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^ I do know what you mean mate! and it does support short loops, you've just gotta get the perfect loop, I'll look into it!



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I must say that those sounds are great. It's a big peace of good work.

But the config sux badly.

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Quote[/b] ]It's a big peace of good work.

But the config sux badly.

Fix it then mate............

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Watch this space for HiFiFX 1.4F

-Bikeys updated (should work this time!wink_o.gif

-M2 firing sound brought up a notch..thanks cole!

-Alternative Config added

Ok, mirror will be up soon, check armaholic for updates too!

Thanks in advance Foxhound!



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What's the difference between normal and alternative config?

About loops - I can do smooth loops for some vehicles wink_o.gif got GoldWave and some kind of experience smile_o.gif If You're interested, upload .wavs somewhere so I can take a deeper look at them smile_o.gif I don't like reconverting the sound files again and again and again.

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Quote[/b] ]It's a big peace of good work.

But the config sux badly.

Fix it then mate............

Mate, I would love to, but I'm green.

The thing annoying in config is that when I shoot to wall from 100 meters I hear the impact like from 10 meters...

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Quote[/b] ]What's the difference between normal and alternative config?

Well, just a different set of volumes really, the ones I use myself. Footsteps/Small arms & crew mounted weapons have all been notched up alittle within the config. The idea came from a chat I had with the .D about the M107, He loved the actual sound of the rifle, but felt it should be heard quite a distance away, I edited the config accordingly an it seemed to work, so I then set about working the volumes of all the weapons and finally the footsteps....

Quote[/b] ]About loops - I can do smooth loops for some vehicles got GoldWave and some kind of experience If You're interested, upload .wavs somewhere so I can take a deeper look at them I don't like reconverting the sound files again and again and again.

Sound like a plan to mate, I'll be intouch !

Best Regards


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Quote[/b] ]The thing annoying in config is that when I shoot to wall from 100 meters I hear the impact like from 10 meters...

Heya mate, sorry if I was abit harsh I'm just very busy atm, anyways, I know what your talking about. tomorrow, if I get some time I shall explain how to edit the volumes yourself within the config file.

Take it easy !



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Hey Mark XIII

Excellent sound mod mate! Loved it since V1!!!

One thing i have noticed is that the PK and DSHKM that are mounted have low volume... are you able to bring them up a notch or two???

P.S What is the alternative Config for???

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Heya guys,

Ok, lets go over some stuff in the config, I've had a few question as to what the alternate config does?...It just adds volume over range to some specific weapons (so you should hear them alittle furher away).

Ok so..I'll use my config as an example, as people have asked for a few volume changes;

1st Weapon volume request

Quote[/b] ]

class PK_veh : MGun {

sound[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\s\pk_s", 20, 1};

reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\s\pk_r", 0.004162, 1};

soundContinuous = 0;

soundBurst = 0;


class DSHKM : MGun {

sound[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\h\dshk_vs", 20.56, 1};

reloadSound[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\h\mg_vrb", 0.006, 1};


Ok then, this is quite easy, to adjust the volume do this;

Quote[/b] ]

class PK_veh : MGun {

sound[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\s\pk_s", 25, 1};

reloadMagazineSound[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\s\pk_r", 0.004162, 1};

soundContinuous = 0;

soundBurst = 0;


class DSHKM : MGun {

sound[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\h\dshk_vs", 25, 1};

reloadSound[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\h\mg_vrb", 0.006, 1};


^^You see how I've increased the volume by 5db, ok that should work fine, but remember that this will effect how loud the sound is, the further away you are from the sound. I think every 1db = 100meters, not sure about this, although I bet someone here is...

Right then, next one...Vultar mentioned he could hear bullets hits too far away...this is alittle more annoying to do, because it usually means more than 1 attempt to get it right, which also means you'll be in & out of the game a fair bit...

Quote[/b] ]class CAManBase : Man {

hitSound1[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit01", 3.4924, 1};

hitSound2[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit02", 2.4924, 1};

hitSound3[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit03", 3.4924, 1};

hitSound4[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit04", 2.4924, 1};

hitSound5[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit05", 3.4924, 1};

hitSound6[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit06", 2.4924, 1};

hitSound7[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit07", 3.4924, 1};

hitSound8[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit08", 2.4924, 1};

hitSound9[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit09", 3.4924, 1};

hitSound10[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit10", 2.4924, 1};

hitSound11[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit11", 3.4924, 1};

hitSound12[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit12", 2.4924, 1};

hitSound13[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit13", 3.4924, 1};

hitSound14[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit14", 2.4924, 1};

hitSound15[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit15", 3.4924, 1};

hitSound16[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit16", 2.4924, 1};

hitSound17[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit17", 3.4924, 1};

hitSound18[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit18", 2.4924, 1};

hitSound19[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit19", 3.4924, 1};

hitSound20[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit20", 2.4924, 1};

hitSound21[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit21", 3.4924, 1};

hitSound22[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit22", 2.4924, 1};

hitSound23[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit23", 3.4924, 1};

hitSound24[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit24", 2.4924, 1};

hitSound25[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit25", 3.4924, 1};

hitSound26[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit26", 2.4924, 1};

hitSound27[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit27", 3.4924, 1};

hitSound28[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit28", 2.4924, 1};

hitSound29[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit29", 3.4924, 1};

soundEngine[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\breath", 0.5924, 1};

Ok, so this is my setup, I like them louder, in R/L you can hear hits upto 200meters away and beyond that depending on the situation and whats hit, but personal preference rules again so, maybe these values would suit you more...

Quote[/b] ]class CAManBase : Man {

hitSound1[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit01", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound2[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit02", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound3[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit03", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound4[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit04", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound5[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit05", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound6[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit06", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound7[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit07", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound8[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit08", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound9[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit09", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound10[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit10", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound11[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit11", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound12[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit12", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound13[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit13", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound14[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit14", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound15[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit15", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound16[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit16", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound17[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit17", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound18[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit18", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound19[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit19", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound20[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit20", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound21[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit21", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound22[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit22", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound23[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit23", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound24[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit24", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound25[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit25", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound26[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit26", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound27[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit27", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound28[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit28", 0.4924, 1};

hitSound29[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\fhit29", 0.4924, 1};

soundEngine[] = {"\HiFi_sounds\c\breath", 0.5924, 1};

Ok, so there you go vultar, that should work out much better for you..

So, thats the config stuff, if your interested in getting your own sounds heard...read on

Would you like to make your own sounds ? Would you like to make your own sound addon?

Well, I thought I'd compile some of the things you'd need to get started, as when I started I had to hunt around for this stuff, it makes sense to link it all on one page..

ArmA Tools (cpbo included)


^This allows you to pack & unpack sounds into the bis's folder format (.pbo) so once you've got a config file together along with a a folder contain the sounds you've worked on you can 'pbo' it and test your results in game.

Wav/Ogg to Wss converter


^This is a great converter for turning your WAV files into the WSS/Ogg files the game needs (The game also supports Ogg files too), so once you've made your new set of sounds you convert them with this..

Free Sound Editing Software


^This is just an example of the software you can use to edit the sounds, there is lots of different software available, some free some not..Its up to you, all I'll say is...you get back what you put in...

Ok, so those are the tools you'll need to get yourselves started. I can tell you that this info is just scratching the surface of sound addon making, but I hope it proves helpful..

Best Regards


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Hi Mark III

Just wanted to pop in and say thanks for an excellent soundpack. Truelly awesome mate, i can't stop playing ArmA now. Got back from work last night and straight on it. The atmosphere is amazing, battle sounds in the distance really give you a sense of being there, and sh*t i'm gonna die.  biggrin_o.gif

If i have one gripe it's the breath sounds, the top end sounds like a steam train inside a plastic tube. Not that i've heard a steam train in a plastic tube.  biggrin_o.gif

Just sounds a little unrealistic to me. I think the best breath sound i've heard was in a flashpoint mod by thunderbird84.

Despite that pathetic little gripe by me, truely awesome mate. And a big thank you for breathing some life into the dull sounds dominating this excellent game.  notworthy.gif

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