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Kurdistan !

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What do you think about that ?

Ignore it. It's just a name FFS. He's not taking sides. It's the same as ignoring the greek whining over Macedonia, meaning the country. I recall somebody throwing a big fuss because somebody named The Fomer Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia, Macedonia in a mod and he got really sensitive. It's just a name.

what do u know about macedonia? u havent a touched a book in ur life and come talking about things u dont know. If u dont care about ur history then we dont care, but we have our history sacred. So dont compare things if u dont know facts.

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What do you think about that ?

Ignore it. It's just a name FFS. He's not taking sides. It's the same as ignoring the greek whining over Macedonia, meaning the country. I recall somebody throwing a big fuss because somebody named The Fomer Yugoslav Republic Of Macedonia, Macedonia in a mod and he got really sensitive. It's just a name.

If you have the normal iq you can understand the the "kurdistan" and Macedonia matter is not the same.And in Macedonia's matter its not just a name,is history.But maybe your country have no history so you think that all is around names.

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Bah, if everyone were yapping like this about everything we wouldn't have a single WW2 shooter ever made, and BIS would be sued 250 million dollars for having "US soldiers killed in the game when US soldiers actually die in Iraq, and we don't like it. We even get a bit sad and cry sometimes."

Cut the bullshit, keep the personal attacks to PMs, and let this thread be about the map that he's making.

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Bah, if everyone were yapping like this about everything we wouldn't have a single WW2 shooter ever made, and BIS would be sued 250 million dollars for having "US soldiers killed in the game when US soldiers actually die in Iraq, and we don't like it. We even get a bit sad and cry sometimes."

Cut the bullshit, keep the personal attacks to PMs, and let this thread be about the map that he's making.

sorry for that but every insult has to be answeared i think, and ok u werent insulted so from a 3d eye everythings funny and cool and as u say bullshit and crap and things like that.

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what do u know about macedonia? u havent a touched a book in ur life and come talking about things u dont know. If u dont care about ur history then we dont care, but we have our history sacred. So dont compare things if u dont know facts.

This thread is solely about a map in the works, whatever it is called.

For your political rants we have threads in the offtopic forum.

BTW, it's you not u.

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Looking forward to this map, hope theres lots of little villages and rought ground (always hate how smooth BIS islands!wink_o.gif

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Hey VladAlex, on the flatter surface areas you should try some small undulations by adding some pixels noise the blurring it, enough for AFV's to go hull down!

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what do u know about macedonia? u havent a touched a book in ur life and come talking about things u dont know. If u dont care about ur history then we dont care, but we have our history sacred. So dont compare things if u dont know facts.

This thread is solely about a map in the works, whatever it is called.

For your political rants we have threads in the offtopic forum.

BTW, it's you not u.

when the other post came up u said nothing. as a moderator you have to be fair. case colsed

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what do u know about macedonia? u havent a touched a book in ur life and come talking about things u dont know. If u dont care about ur history then we dont care, but we have our history sacred. So dont compare things if u dont know facts.

This thread is solely about a map in the works, whatever it is called.

For your political rants we have threads in the offtopic forum.

BTW, it's you not u.

Where were you when MiehMan posted his POLITICAL opinion?

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Not here because no one reported his post.

You might not be aware of that, but we moddies are not here to check every thread or post 24/7 personally.

And since when this thread is about how the forums are moderated?

Quote[/b] ]§18) No public discussion on how the forum is moderated

If you have questions/complaints/comments about the board or moderators please PM them to a moderator, we will do our utmost to reply to any that we receive. If you have an issue that you feel cannot be solved by another moderator then please PM the head moderator (Shadow), he will be happy to look into the matter.

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This is what I'm talking about. I'm not getting political here, I'm not dragging it in. It's you who's doing that. All I'm doing is pointing out reactions gone out of control for a name in a video game. It's just a name in a video game, it has no effect on the real world.

Quote[/b] ]what do u know about macedonia? u havent a touched a book in ur life and come talking about things u dont know. If u dont care about ur history then we dont care, but we have our history sacred. So dont compare things if u dont know facts.
Quote[/b] ]If you have the normal iq you can understand the the "kurdistan" and Macedonia matter is not the same.And in Macedonia's matter its not just a name,is history.But maybe your country have no history so you think that all is around names.

Oh wow, real mature and nice job at seeing past the point. Love the insults. Maybe next time you'll actually insult me.

Those are the reactions I'm talking about. Calm down. I'm not saying that you shouldn't care, but you also shouldn't go into what you're doing right now.

So calm down bucko. It's just a name in a video game. Take it lightly. It doesn't change the real world situation.

As for the Kurdistan map:

Looks awsome, really nice. The only complaint I have is that the terrain still has the satelite shot shadow on it, which doesn't quite fit at all times in ArmA. check the tutorial Plantiff posted.

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MehMan, your reference and reasoning to this issue is quite off the mark. There are lots of 'innocent' references to such sensitive issues that everyone is getting a bit touchy about it. Anyway, as it is, any creator names its creation as they see fit. You didn't have to comment on that dragging another highly controversial issue to the topic. Granted, you are not obliged to know how seriously these issues are taken, but please bear in mind that they really are.

I say let's all leave this thread alone and move any of this discussion in other forum areas.

Now, on topic, the screens look awsome, how abouy some close ups? I would love to see how the ground looks from soldier's level, I understand that it will be your most difficult task to make it look that good.

Keep it up!

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can the mountains have more bumps in them?

I know its hard but it would make the map even more real biggrin_o.gif

Great fotos!

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MehMan, your reference and reasoning to this issue is quite off the mark. There are lots of 'innocent' references to such sensitive issues that everyone is getting a bit touchy about it. Anyway, as it is, any creator names its creation as they see fit. You didn't have to comment on that dragging another highly controversial issue to the topic. Granted, you are not obliged to know how seriously these issues are taken, but please bear in mind that they really are.

I say let's all leave this thread alone and move any of this discussion in other forum areas.

Now, on topic, the screens look awsome, how abouy some close ups? I would love to see how the ground looks from soldier's level, I understand that it will be your most difficult task to make it look that good.

Keep it up!

I was just comparing, but I do agree that I did step over the line.

So apologies for going over the line. Hopefully I didn't insult somebody so greatly that he won't be able to forgive me.

On topic again.

Good point about the ground level. I hope the micro won't disapoint. The Macro looks awsome. Those mountains look really great, but I hope the island won't be too flat and that there will be a place for cover.

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As you know, as Turkish Union Mod, we’ve been modding since 2004 and released a couple of free addons for the community, supported Bohemia Interactive Studio in Turkey and recently acquired 65 Turkish members founding our Turkish forums.

We discussed this issue as a little Turkish community and below you will find our message to the author, the community and Bohemia Interactive Studio. We accept that this issue is somehow related with politics however, we can’t express why we are offended and requested the author to change the name of his project without touching some points lightly.

First of all, of course this is just a game and modders are free to create their projects their own way unless harming others. We think that showing understanding and sensibility to each other is the essence of the peace in this community. This is why all of us sharing our creations and supporting this game. Although this is a game, if someone comes with an addon whose name refers to a separated map of your country, this offends you and you express him/her what this is all about and why you feel that way. Then it’s time for showing sensibility, understanding to each other and becoming a community. For example Cervo says that he doesn’t really care about religious jokes but some others do care about. This is also valid for mentioning about borders of your country or a name which is sensitive to you since it’s not a “natural†name of the area but loaded with special meanings over the time. Kurdistan is such a name and we expected the author, VladAlex, to show sensibility and change the name to make a peaceful gesture as we expressed our reasons.

Of course there are books written 100 years ago which include the name Kurdistan but those times the conjuncture was different and it was not associated with a map and a separatist idea. Since 10-15 years, this name is being associated with a “big idea†and really offensive to the countries whose are shown as parts of this fictional land. No one wants to give their land and no one wants to see the name of the dream country of the separatist terrorists on a computer game.

Till now, we haven’t posted our opinions and requests on this thread because such explanations about the name would drag the topic into politics naturally and this could lock the thread. We didn’t want to lock it and preferred sending PM to VladAlex. But he posted our “private message†on his thread without even asking. This attitude was not mature and friendly to us. As a response to our requesting private message, he has sent us a rude, insensitive PM.


I don't have to respect your laws ! I don't think that the kurdish government in place in Nothern Iraq is a terrorist organisation. I don't think Syria and Iran have any lessons to give in term of democracy...

 By the way I suppose you have a good reason to send me that message. And I give the chance to defend your point of view on the forum and not in private. If during the debate the comunity think that I should not give this name to my project I will change that name.


So, are you going to give “democracy lesson†to Syria, Iran, Iraq and Turkey with this addon?! This is a shame as far as we’re concerned.

Then, he “gave us a chanceâ€; started a debate and reached his quick conclusion after taking 10 messages.

It’s sad to see that people in this community don’t see that UN, GB, US don’t recognize Kurdistan officially but the majority of mass media pumping propaganda messages about the area and showing the Turkey inside of fictional Kurdistan. Even CNN and BBC... The last week BBC showed a cropped Turkey map (the southeastern part of Turkey was cropped) and according to the news the area was called Kurdistan and PKK terrorists attacking to Turkey were not terrorists.

As Turkish Union Mod, we don’t really care about CNN or BBC but we do care about this community and this game. We always did our best to communicate peacefully but apparently some people are really insensitive and hostile in this community.

Even BLUFOR and PrivateNoob called us “fascists†judging our request message which was ending with two “requesting†lines! We can’t really believe that all of these happenings taking place in this community. Of course, we just requested him... However, if we are offended, VladAlex, why are you still insisting on using this name knowingly? Our projects are very similar and we can even support each other in a peaceful way. You are working on Northern Iraq but still insisting that it’s called Kurdistan.

Our final remark is for Bohemia Interactive Studio and the community;

Ok, right now there is no explicit forum rule about this issue but what will happen if people begin to release separated maps of the countries according to their own ethnic, cultural, regional, religious, or better agenda-based dynamics or simply name them in a similar fashion such as;

France: Algeria and the rest

United States: Afro-American and the white part


We think that, such addons are simply insult to territorial integrity of the real countries such as Kurdistan for Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Iran.

Therefore, we think that Bohemia Interactive Studio needs to define a clear rule for their forums accordingly and the community should only embrace peace not the intentional messages pumped by mass media and other sources.

Best wishes

Turkish Union Mod

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Before anyone get overheated - "Kurdistan" in game ArmA is kind of fictional map without any political/religious/patriotic things. Simple map nothing more. Kurdistan broadly defined geographic region in first place.

Think of history there was also the Armenian Genocide - many countries in the world have some kind of "dark side". Here we are playing ArmA hopefully without any kind of hate and prejudice.

Playing games means have a nice time!

Lets have a closer look at "AI improved" terrain. wink_o.gif

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there was no Armenian Genocide as well...you cannot call it genocide where a rebelling minority is asked to leave Turkish soil in wartime and 80% of which has left in 1 piece back in 1910s.

anyways..I dont think we need more fuel to the fire norailgunner..

The map is really nice VladAlex but I agree that you acted immaturely by posting Gokhan's friendly & sincere PM requesting a name-change to the forums. As far as I can see from your PM, you've been hostile as well...

It's a matter of morality, integrity and honesty...

Personally i think in long-living communities such as OFP, ARMA and possibly ARMA2, members should be more respondent and behave more understandingly to the sensitivities of other members..And if not..to hell with it..it does not change anything apart from creating annoyance.

But, what good is it to make addons at the expense of other members enjoyment ??

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I was also quite baffled to read the "facist" comments, but it only shows that the posters who used this expression simply don´t have the slightest clue of the meaning of this word and have been absent during their history lessons.

The flaming of that kind should have certainly been interrupted by a moderator and the guys in question should have received a warning from a mod as namecalling is a nono here on the forums for a very, very long time.

On the name subject:

I guess people usually are having problems with understanding such delicate issues. While in the US or elsewhere noone really gives much about such, the people who live in the region or are having a history of violence with such region will certainly see things different. For non-turkish members this is probably hard to understand.

Still, this is a fictional game about fictional conflicts and therefore people will always develop or create their places and units or missions of interest. If there is a true relevance in reality is secondary.

I can remember US guys going berserk when a guy posted Arma videos on youtube that showed reenacted or fictional IED attacks on US personel or vehicles in Iraq. At that time they were the ones who got offensive and didn´t think for one second that it is a fictional game.

I guess this shows best that there´s always a point of view for such issues. While those who felt grown-up when using the facist expressions certainly didn´t even try to understand the matter and most probably don´t even have the slightest idea of the conflict, those who stand on the other side of the Taurus and Zagros mountains and have to live with regular attacks from PKK will certainly have a different set of experiences and opinions on that matter.

Still, matters like this should be viewed relaxed. In the end it´s a computer game open for anyone who wants to reenact anything, anywhere, anyhow.

If someone wants to build gas-chambers in Arma and reenact KZ-life the only thing that will stop him is when people show their opposition and don´t use that stuff.

I don´t see such motivation behind this project. It´s simply a name for a region that has been called like that for a really long time.

I am sure there is no bigger plan or political message behind it. It´s sad that such discrepancies will most likely prohibit the use of the map for your turkish mod as it would certainly be an addition to your mission scenarios.

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I name that map Kurdistan because I use satelite data from the zone called Kurdistan in all geographic books ! That's all. No political message, nothing behind that.

My attitude wasn't aggresive, and you don't provide my entire PM.

And in my personal opinion (because I know quite well Turkish problems) you turkish have a real complex of persecution. It's sad because a lot of people think that your country is really too imature to enter in the european union. To finish: In France it's totally illegal to said that the genocide in Armenia was not a genocide. You can go in trial when you said that. If you recognize publicly that in Armenia it was a genocide. I will change the name of my map. If you dont do that, I have NO REASON to change the name of my map. It will be Kurdistan, kurdistan, KURDISTAN, KURDISTAN !

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This sadly proves that you have some political motive behind it in contrary to what you and your supporters have previously said.


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Great job ruining the thread guys, can I humbly suggest that the OFF TOPIC debate continue in THIS thread before this one gets locked? confused_o.gif

Anyway, VladAlex are there any plans for urban areas on your map?

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oh Opteryx..you've opened a whole new door for me with this link... the doors of heaven  biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif .. *jokes*

True...enuff of pointless discussion which would not get anyone anywhere..

Yes..add couple of sattelite images of some cities in Northern Iraq as well..forests and may be some terrorist camps up in the mountains.

*switches to the next tab to take a look at the link..* biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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rofl.gif I like this kind of discussions...lies versus truth, humans versus facists about a ADDON.

anyway keep the name no matter what...

If they don`t like it then they better leave and stop playing A GAME!!.

Anyone busy with Kurdish resistance/freedom fighters? whistle.gif

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Who cares how its called Kurdistan or not, in this case georgraphical region exists, and its called kurdistan, if you don't agree that Kurdistan exists, then go into international politics topic, and flame there.

Great looking map, too bad ArmA AI, can't handle fighting in mountains....

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