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Mando Bombs and Mando Air Support Console

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From the readme:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

To use it in your missions:

- Copy mando_bombs into your mission folder.

- If you want to use the Air Support Console, edit (or create) your description.ext file and add:

  // Include required for air support console dialog

  #include "mando_bombs\mando_airsupportdlg.h"

- And now you can use any of the provided scripts at will.

I have to be missing something else here, cuse it doesn’t work. It’s like I didn't do anything, I can't see the "Air Support Console" in the action menu to call air strikes and such... banghead.gif

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You might want to reword the readme to better explain EVERYTHING you have to do to use it in a mission. Right now you find this information in two different sections of the readme. This also threw me off when I first started using the scripts.


What you have to do is add the following to the unit's initialization box. You could also add it to a vehicle's initialization box if you wanted to use a vehicle to pull up the air support console.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this addAction ["Air Support Console", "mando_bombs\mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"]


Place this in your mission's init.sqs or init.sqf

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[]execVM"mando_bombs\mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"

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Place this in your mission's init.sqs or init.sqf


I tried that line of code in the ini.sqf; now the console shows up at mission start, except when I close the console it’s gone for good... Wouldn't placing that line of code in either of the 2 files integrate it into the action menu?

After it didn't work with the *.sqf file I then tried it in the *.sqs file and got the same thing.

I guess what I'll do to try and get it to work is implement the "addAction" code to each playable unit.

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Yeah, the addAction is the way I did it at first. Then Mando hooked me up with a custom script to attach the console to the laser designator. So in order to use the air support console you have to have the laser designator. It works best for the way my team uses it.

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Ah maybe that’s a good reason why it will not work in Warfare.

And before anyone says anything; yes I know pip has already integrated it to warfare and I like it. It's just I would like to know how I can implement the Mando Air Support Console and Mando bombs to my personal warfare suit.


I think I got it, in the editor I had to create a trigger and placed:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

player addAction ["Air Support console", "mando_bombs\mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"];

Which is activated by the radio command (Alpha for mine), this allowed the air support menu to appear in the action menu.

A problem though:

The text "Air Support Console" will not leave my screen until I activate it or pick a different action and that text on the screen shows up when I get finished contact with another "action function" object. Like standing close to a car for the driver action to take over and when i step away that darn text appears.


hehe this just keeps getting better and better. I think I bombed an entire squad on my side and so naturally my side kills me for it. I was driving a Humvee out of the battle zone and got shot dead by my own guys.

So when I repawned at the base, the Air Support Console is no longer there in the game help.gif So what I have to do is revert back to the radio trigger to be repeatable.


Instead of setting the amount of strikes to 999 is there an infinity number?

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New 1.57 version available:

- Reco camera now shows vehicles with engines on detected in front of the reco airplane, so now you can perform accurate night reco and attack missions.

- SHIFT + rightclick over the camera changes the reco plane destination, now you can guide your reco plane all around the map.

- New globals available, now you can setup initial ingress dir and maximum mission altitude up to 1000m.

- Bombs script modified to be accurate even attacking as high as 1000m AGL.

- Demo mission mando_bombs_armedrec.Sara modified, now your armed reco mission is by night (


- Some minor fixes and additions to the help file.

- Some bugs fixed (Mateck, thanks for the feedback).

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Awesome indeed ! I'm now happy as I can sit, as commander, in a UAV, and call in support for my troops (Gunships, LGBs, armour, ammo, etc). What a FANTASTIC resource. Have already put it into my own mission and having a BLAST !

Well done again Mandoble. Another triumph of scripting !

[TAO] Kremator

PS anything else in the pipeline for Mando Bombs ?

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Great job smile_o.gif

Unfortunately there is small bug in new version of recon mission wink_o.gif

When recon plane reaches new destination it ends recon mission Plane will not "return to base". It is just deleted and it sends reconnaissance info without wait.

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Yeah, the addAction is the way I did it at first. Then Mando hooked me up with a custom script to attach the console to the laser designator. So in order to use the air support console you have to have the laser designator. It works best for the way my team uses it.

ohh can i have this script to attach to the laser designator Mando possibly pretty please

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colligpip, the script for LD assignment is in the help file, just scroll down a bit till third example.

Thanks again for the feedback Mateck, will check it ASAP.

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I somehow managed to miss this first time around but now after playing with the scripts for a day or two they are really great.

But one thing I have noticed is that aircraft don't appear to give any sidechat messages and well in my case that's a shame cause it makes my job a lot easier of including some radio sounds that I have had recorded biggrin_o.gif

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I dont want to add sideChat messages there because with several missions otw it would overload the radio buffer. But radio messages (voice) might be an option (and optional). Which voices have you recorded so far?

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Well there just basically things like "Requesting imediate airstrike on given coordinates" with conformation messages from hq and reports of upto 1300 metres and bombs dropped from the pilot.

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New v1.58 available:

- Now you can set radio chat sounds/messages for all the missions requests and replies.

- Missile camera shows up to three detected potential targets (vehicles/ships) in front of it.

- FLIR available for missile and reconnaissance cameras.

- Mission cameras available for all mission types (missile and reco have priority if present).

- Demo mission mando_bombs_armedrec.Sara updated (


- Evac chopper egress after final stop following previous egress direction.

- First row of console buttons realigned and resized.

- Range to destination and range to target added to reco camera.

- Minimap added to all the cameras.

- Reco plane pilot now can set as captive to avoid enemy attacks.

- New universal script included to allow console usage (it considers also respawns).

- Once you turn off reco camera, you have a timeout of 18 secs to regain control before plane egress.

- More details, examples and explanations added to the help file.

- More navigation aids for reconnaissance and missile cameras.

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He's done it again !!! This will be another late night putting this into my missions !!!

You are a star Mandoble !

Thank you.

[TAO] Kremator

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Thanx for the update mando; I hope this puts an end to people not being able to use the reco plane properly.

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Thanks again Mando... updating my warfare mission now.

erm just tested it dropped the folder in and with the exact same setup that works in my old version i'm getting no recon plane. It just comes up with recon data available and thats it, any ideas?

The other options work fine its just the recon that wont appear at the moment

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There are not differences between 1.57 and 1.58 for reco plane spawns. Try mando_bombs_armedrec.sara demo and check reco missions there, then change plane type by the type you are using.

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sorry mando My fault. I was editing the wrong version that had an addon for the recon.:-)

If you hadn't been so quick in replying I would have deleted that post - please be slower next time :-)

Everything is fine with mando bombs love the mini map

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Amen to that mrcash! With talented scripters like Mandoble Arma2 would be game of the decade !!

/me looks forward to new update of ANY Mando stuff !

[TAO] Kremator

PS I LOVE LOVE LOVE being able to sit underneath the CAP aircraft watching them do their stuff !

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Two quick questions

1. How do I change the recon alt to 1000m. The slider on the console goes to 400.

2. When in flying recon mode does the camera act as a designator as well. I locked onto a building and called in Laserbomb. It missed my locked impact point.

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1. mando_airsupport_bomb_altmax = 1000; check the readme and online help for globals.

2. Yes, it acts as designator but only for mando missile armed planes or for the reco plane itself if also armed:

mando_airsupport_armedrec = true;

mando_airsupport_armedrec_max = 8;

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