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Mando Bombs and Mando Air Support Console

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Thats real nice, breaking things down to group types than one shot init list or radio option (radio for me at the moment).

So im guessing its open house (vehicles / infantry etc) to use the list boxes like I kind of was using the radio in that mission I posted.

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Yes, it is "open house". The final number of customizable setup lisboxes is 5. You can also use a single listbox for multiple purposes at the same time, for example, in the previous code the second list box is used for reinforcements, but it might be used also for both, reinforcements and airborne assault groups adding items like these:

"Normal Reinf", "Heavy AA Reinf","Heavy MG Reinf","Engineers Reinf" ,"Normal Assault", "Heavy AA Assault","Heavy MG Assault","Engineers Assault". And then, in the switch case of the code var for that listbox depending on the selected string you apply changes to mando_support_infantrytype_re or to mando_support_infantrytype.

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Wow that extremely felixible  notworthy.gif

I had another thought with a mission im on at the moment. You are some what tied to weapon load out using default addon units or messing around with ammo boxes. I was wondering if there could be vars added whereas you setup an array (much like ammo box content) that could then attached to teams on deployment or reinforcement/air assualt.

So i could setup an array of ammo and attach it to reinf team / air assault team or better still (if not overcomplicating things) per man in the team. I notice this new way of working with vars for listboxes could be setup to tie ammo array to men/team before jump/land.

My example is SF units only carrying primary SD weapons. I can addweapon them on init or have an ammo box ready, or even drop ammo box at mission start to kit out, but later in mission I need reinforcements (team member dies) I could drop them in with specified kit so they have SD by default before they deploy. I know I could drop more ammo boxes, but in a real situation whay would have loadouts sorted before drop/deployment.

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You are asking for something that was already implemented in the first versions of the console:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

mando_airsupport_magz = array of pairs of [mag class, quantity] in case you want to change the default content of ammo boxes.

mando_airsupport_weap = array of pairs of [weapon class, quantity] in case you want to change the default content of ammo boxes.

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Those two vars I already use and work fine, what I was refering too (ammo box content was an example) was a var like this used for default loadout of reinforcements/air assault members before they are dropped.

I have those vars setup in my mission but as far as i can see thats just for "ammo drop" changes, im refering to the same but for the default kit of rienforcements units / any unit that gets airdopeed in mando console.

Quote[/b] ]

in case you want to change the default content of ammo boxes.

I was refering to "default kit" for reinforcements/air assault team.

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Aha, now I understand you. Well, that is not planned for 1.59, might be for a future version. It is not difficult to implement, but now I a bit tired of typing code whistle.gif

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Hehe. OK how about we let the guy get on with finishing the release smile_o.gif

I promise to not ask for anything more until 1.59 is out wink_o.gif

Can't wait though.

[TAO] Kremator

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You should release a small script "Mando RSI" tounge2.gif

Future release is great, im just throwing all things into the bag, but please pencil it in for another time thumbs-up.gif

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New v1.59 available (check first post):

- Now you can switch between cameras of all missions in-flight (cruise missiles have priority).

- Now you can select LAND or JUMP mode for reinforcements and airborne assaults.

- Now you can set different vehicle types for LAND and JUMP reinforcements or airborne assault missions.

- Setup/Info dialog is now working, you have 5 configurable listboxes and a configurable info text.

- Demo mission mando_bombs_armedrec.Sara updated (


- Carpet bombing option added.

- Now you may control comms state with a new global var, if value = 1, no comms so console will not work.

- Added a new read-only global array with all the vehicles of the leaders in current missions.

- Now you can control the side of the console with a new global var.

- Now you can switch the control mode of missiles fired by reco planes to manual (TV) mode with a new global.

- Lateral widescreen bars gone when in camera mode and console hidden.

- If you change the course of a reco plane, it will consider also the current altitude set in the slider.

- More details, examples and explanations added to the help file.

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Mando you are the Bomb baby. Great job. Now all that is left is redoing the mando gun so we have real artillery. Way to go my man.

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New v1.59 available (check first post):

- Now you can switch between cameras of all missions in-flight (cruise missiles have priority).

- Now you can select LAND or JUMP mode for reinforcements and airborne assaults.

- Now you can set different vehicle types for LAND and JUMP reinforcements or airborne assault missions.

- Setup/Info dialog is now working, you have 5 configurable listboxes and a configurable info text.

- Demo mission mando_bombs_armedrec.Sara updated (


- Carpet bombing option added.

- Now you may control comms state with a new global var, if value = 1, no comms so console will not work.

- Added a new read-only global array with all the vehicles of the leaders in current missions.

- Now you can control the side of the console with a new global var.

- Now you can switch the control mode of missiles fired by reco planes to manual (TV) mode with a new global.

- Lateral widescreen bars gone when in camera mode and console hidden.

- If you change the course of a reco plane, it will consider also the current altitude set in the slider.

- More details, examples and explanations added to the help file.

Mando is your video pointing to the latest 1.59. It says 1.58 on the clip title.

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Now all that is left is redoing the mando gun so we have real artillery.

...and Mando Missiles of course.

Brilliant job Mandoble. Putting it into my mission now.

[TAO] Kremator

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Mondo I think ive found a repeatable bug but not sure what it is to fix or if its global for the script pack.

Load up "mando_bombs_armedrec.Sara" mission from the new 1.59 script missions, enter console and select "Setup & Info" button, change any "vehicle type" supply option to any one in the list, exit console & re-enter console again and it comes up with an error message and no target options anymore.

I tried repeating this for all other options but it seems like this only happend with "vehicle type" options in that menu. Not sure if that just an error for that mission in the ini or actual guts of script.

Just thought id throw it over to you to see what you think its something like "error line 1783" in main console sqs script, unless thats a red herring.

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It is a mistake in the init.sqf


mando_support_left_ve_WEST = _item;


mando_airsupport_type_vehicle = _item;

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mando I was wondering when are you going to turn your great talents to the world of artillery. I would love to see the console include simulated mortors etc (although thinking about it this could probably be done with mando missiles already)

Also is there any chance of you releasing your recon cam as a separate script that I can attach to any unit i like, I want to be able to simulate in aircraft targeting pod and your recon cam is exactly what im looking for but i cant see how to separate it out of mando bombs.

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Great scripts, implemented well in my missions, took the weight off options in the radio thats for sure  biggrin_o.gif

One small tiny thing (among my other suggestions for later updates) is when I select "Land" could the console remember this setting next time I re enter console?

Better still a default setting for the button, then remember last option selected on exit/re enter of console.

Its a small thing but thought id throw it in.

(please don't forget the idea of applying ammo/kit arrays to pre-deployed troops for reinforcements/air assault  tounge2.gif )

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I am having issues that I can't find answers too in the search feature:

One, when trying to port this into the Warfare Advanced 1.31 mission by Arma.is.great.org, I can't get the Air Support menu to come up.

When trying to place this item into the 506th warfare mod with Mando Missles (Awesome btw), I can't get the air support dialogue to stay past the opening screen. When I enter a HMMV it I get a second, "Options", menu to open the commander screen.

Sorry if redundant, but I couldn't find these items in with the search feature.

What I have done so far:

I have placed the correct lines into the Description and Init files.

Thanks in advance, I have no idea how to script. Enjoy your work man.

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Deus, I dont know Warfare, but I think colligpip already included the console there, so probably he will be able to help you.

Colligpip, to have the reco cam as a separate "tool" is already planned, might be within mma 2.4 or just a standalone suite.

Mrcash, that land/jump selection will be "remembered" wink_o.gif

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When trying to place this item into the 506th warfare mod with Mando Missles (Awesome btw), I can't get the air support dialogue to stay past the opening screen.  When I enter a HMMV it I get a second, "Options", menu to open the commander screen.

Sorry if redundant, but I couldn't find these items in with the search feature.  

What I have done so far:

I have placed the correct lines into the Description and Init files.

Thanks in advance, I have no idea how to script.  Enjoy your work man.

the way I did it is by adding this to the initmission.sqf then you have to buy a laser designator and you have the console.

// Add somewhere to your init.sqf

[] spawn


 private["_acidx1", "_acidx2", "_unit", "_veh"];

 _acidx1 = -1;

 _acidx2 = -1;

 while {true} do


    waitUntil {("Laserdesignator" in weapons player) && (alive player)};

    _acidx1 = player addAction ["Console: Air support", "mando_bombs\mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"];

    while {("Laserdesignator" in weapons player) && (alive player)} do


       _unit = player;

       if (vehicle _unit != _unit) then


          _veh = vehicle _unit;

          _acidx2 = vehicle _unit addAction ["Console: Air support", "mando_bombs\mando_airsupportdlg.sqf"];

          waitUntil {(vehicle _unit == _unit) || (!alive _unit)};

          _veh removeAction _acidx2;


       Sleep 1;


    _unit removeAction _acidx1;



@mandoble thanks for letting me know about the seperate recon add on- looking forward to it.

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You name both at different times in your post.  Thanks in advance though, going to tinker with both.


scratch that, got it to work. Awesome guys, thanks for the help.

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Mando, this isnt a request but I have a mission where I want the reco vehicle to be friendly to enemy but still be "west".

I know the code to change a vehicle to be friendly to enemy but not sure where to place it in mando dialogue script, could you point me to where I could possibly place this to make reco plane west but friendly to enemy.

Please dont ask why, its an odd situation but I just want reco in this particular mission to be neutral and not shot down no matter what height I set it too.

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You may set its pilot captive:

mando_airsupport_rec_captive = true will set reconnaissance pilot captive (default is false).

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What's comming up with 1.6:

- Vehicle supply working also with static objects and static weapons (also for non console support missions).

- Jump/land current selection remains after closing and opening again the console.

- Jump/land working also for non console support missions.

- Civilian1 class is now Civilian11 (civilian1 doesnt exist).

- Global code vars for reinforcements and airborne assaults. If defined, the code will be executed when the group is created getting as argument the corresponding infantry group (you may change groups weapons using these vars).

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