dk-vcb 31 Posted April 8, 2008 nice work though just one comment make sure that u dont get the m113 to be to high... just like almost everyone i've seen has been.. if u want a reference scale try dl my m113 from norfor. and scale it after that.. should do the trick.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vektorboson 8 Posted April 9, 2008 nice work though just one comment make sure that u dont get the m113 to be to high... just like almost everyone i've seen has been.. if u want a reference scale try dl my m113 from norfor. and scale it after that.. should do the trick.. Problem is, that most reference sheets didn't say from where to where the height applies. Depending on how I measure the height, my M113 is either too low, or too high. And that's without the gunner's open hatch. Of course, the hull is much lower compared to BIS' M113, since I rebuild the floor (the floor is at a higher position). So the tracks+wheels moved down in regards to the floor; but in the game they (tracks/wheels) move up slightly again. And then there is the problem of "ingame realism" vs "reallife realism". In OFP all soldiers are of the same height, which does not fit the APCs reallife interior. The extreme example is the BMP, which is scaled in such a way, that OFP soldiers fit into its interior. A bigger issue for my mod are the FDF BMDs I'm using; the relation of the interior and exterior is simply impossible. I cannot make the units 100% "realistic" and perfect to every inch/mm. Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eagleusa 0 Posted April 10, 2008 I think VTE M113 is great Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zhenja1 0 Posted May 17, 2008 I must say iv'e been waiting for a mod like this for quite some time, I do NVA re-enacting and have much of their gear. You may want to add the option of having helmet nets, like listed in the action menu, because NVA used them for concealing their model 1,2,3 helmets. you could do that and they also had these sniper hoods that they wrapped around their helmets like a cover, all raintree pattern. Your grey web gear you have for them looks good you have to then it out a bit though, make it more narrow, and each nva soldier should have 1 e-tool with raintree pouch,1ak raintree pouch,one raintree canteen, and a gasmask bag for their gp-5 styled gasmasks. You should for a sidearm just give the officers ppk or tokarev pistol, and no grenade launcher flares just a flare pistol. Please if you have any questions regarding the NVA contact me ill be happy to help. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tankieboy 0 Posted May 17, 2008 Nice to see this Mod! Sadly no British kit being made (even to complement Falklands Mod). Looking forward to some Cold War fun. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zhenja1 0 Posted May 29, 2008 Any progress on this mod?, i wanted to ask and also find out if you plan on making the east german paratroopers, the Fallschirmjager those guys were bad ass. Also in this mod East germany should be pretty strong it was the strongest out of the whole Eastern bloc,only Czechoslavakia and poland were right behind her, the NVA was the better equipped of any eastern army and was close to number size as the soviet Army. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vektorboson 8 Posted May 30, 2008 Any progress on this mod?, i wanted to ask and also find out if you plan on making the east german paratroopers, the Fallschirmjager those guys were bad ass.Also in this mod East germany should be pretty strong it was the strongest out of the whole Eastern bloc,only Czechoslavakia and poland were right behind her, the NVA was the better equipped of any eastern army and was close to number size as the soviet Army. Yep, it's still alive. I'm a little bit unmotivated, but I'm still working on it. Though, if I do the Fallschirmjäger, the only difference between them and regular infantry will be the helmet. As I've read into the history of the NVA, it indeed seems, that they could've taken over West Germany easily by pure firepower and determinance. But the other thing is tactical/creative thinking, where the NVA pretty much lacked. This was a big problem with integrating (few) NVA officers into the Bundeswehr, as they thought lower ranks were not allowed to think for themselves (and make suggestions to higher ranks). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zhenja1 0 Posted May 30, 2008 if you need to comrade I am a collector of east german military equipment I would be happy to send you a spare uniform to help you out, and to act as motivation. Edit-if you do fallschirmajer do the fallschirmjager with berets, brown/grey and officer's have black berets. I would kind of put the fallschirmjager in the same category as spetsnatz giving them increased hearing and line of sight. With permission a good base model would be the RHS apc commander with the beret, reskinned of course in raintree, this would also eliminate the problem of having a original tank crew because they wore the same stuff as the soviet tank crew men did, just in rain pattern so I would reskin that as well. Here are some good pictures I have that you could use... Also check out this You tube video of the fallschirmjager you'll see what I mean by almost spetsnatz. p.s. these guys here were making a NVA mod, I believe these are the same guys who released the DDR nVA minsol island, they have a few things done , I don't know if theyr'e still active, but never hurts to ask for whatever material they have. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vektorboson 8 Posted June 2, 2008 if you need to comrade I am a collector of east german military equipment I would be happy to send you a spare uniform to help you out, and to act as motivation. Hehe, thanks for that offer; I think it's enough if you make some good photos from many angles of the equipment. Just send them to [email protected] if you don't want to post them here. (I guess the Project '85 for ArmA would be glad if they could use those pictures, too?) Quote[/b] ]I would kind of put the fallschirmjager in the same category as spetsnatz giving them increased hearing and line of sight. That's what I imagined; the propaganda videos are pretty hardcore if I think about my basic training Quote[/b] ]With permission a good base model would be the RHS apc commander with the beret, reskinned of course in raintree, this would also eliminate the problem of having a original tank crew because they wore the same stuff as the soviet tank crew men did, just in rain pattern so I would reskin that as well. I've got permission from RHS, so I'll look into it, didn't think about using the tankers as a base for the paras, though. Quote[/b] ]p.s. these guys here were making a NVA mod, I believe these are the same guys who released the DDR nVA minsol island, they have a few things done , I don't know if theyr'e still active, but never hurts to ask for whatever material they have. As I remember they have moved to ArmA, though I can't check as I've lost the link. Quote[/b] ]With the end of the NVA went the last true German Army... It was also the only german army that never fought a war! EDIT: Never mind Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zhenja1 0 Posted June 3, 2008 Ok, Well here are a few more photos, ill send them to your email and you can check them out. I also sent you some sound files that you might be able to use in a UGI"user guide interface", if you need any other kind of help, im willing 100 percent. Also if you plan on doing bundi units, i would suggest probably not using the helmets the BW mod has with their soldiers the Bundi's back then had the steel pot helmet copy the nato version, with the flecktarn cover and ofcourse the g3 rifles and what not. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vektorboson 8 Posted June 3, 2008 Also if you plan on doing bundi units, i would suggest probably not using the helmets the BW mod has with their soldiers the Bundi's back then had the steel pot helmet copy the nato version,with the flecktarn cover and ofcourse the g3 rifles and what not. Well, they didn't have flecktarn back in the 80s (some units may have experimented with early flecktarn pattern). But it was all olive drab back then (uniforms and vehicles); of course with steel pots, they were still used in 2000 (I was issued a steel pot)! I don't know whether I'll do the Bundeswehr at all; first come the US and GDR/SU. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tankieboy 0 Posted June 3, 2008 Are Brit's not being made then? I think they played a part in the Cold War. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zhenja1 0 Posted June 3, 2008 @tankieboy,Are Brit's not being made then? I think they played a part in the Cold War.* Although the Brits played a part in the cold war it's not as well known as the DDR,USA,and USSR. Though the beauty of it is you could just grad the addons from Falklands mod, which is 80's era and use them in creating your own scenarios. @vektorboson*Well, they didn't have flecktarn back in the 80s (some units may have experimented with early flecktarn pattern). But it was all olive drab back then (uniforms and vehicles).* Your right I was looking at my book and the pic I saw was the Joint German/French division the Division salamandre"I think thats how it's spelled". Just a thought, operation french point's Infantry pack the one with the different era's of french soldiers how close do you think that is to Bundiswehr units. The olive drab ones of course give them G3 rifles,Mc51,HK21 and you could be onto something, ill grab a link. Here's a link that might help out, for sounds, just download the demos and take the sounds from those,lol. P.S. You don't plan on making your own U.S. troops do you?, that would take a lot of time when HYK 85 era soldiers are already available. Just a thought that might save you some time, for the GDR, and USSR. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vektorboson 8 Posted June 3, 2008 Are Brit's not being made then? I think they played a part in the Cold War. I'd love to see them, too. But as long as I'm the only one working on this mod, and I don't see anyone in the community working on or releasing British fitting the 80s, I see no chance. So, who volunteers to do the Brits? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tankieboy 0 Posted June 3, 2008 I would if I could, but I can't... Just wanted to drive ingame the first tank I ever drove IRL, the mighty Chieftain! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zhenja1 0 Posted June 3, 2008 Well I can only say that I dress up as an NVA soldat and terrorize local airsoft fields and collect and learn about GDR. So I can only provide you with pics and info about GDR, and like I said actual physical GDR items. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-Snafu- 80 Posted June 3, 2008 @tankieboy,Are Brit's not being made then? I think they played a part in the Cold War.*Although the Brits played a part in the cold war it's not as well known as the DDR USA,and USSR. Though the beauty of it is you could just grad the addons from Falklands mod, which is 80's era and use them in creating your own scenarios. The Falkland's units only fill a part of BAOR (British Army of the Rhine). The main thing being is that there is no armour addons with the Falkland's mod as BAOR had a lot of armoured units. More detailed info But vektorboson's is only one man doing this in his free time and appreciate what he is doing as of now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zhenja1 0 Posted June 3, 2008 True enough, I could help in this way though very small, but ill grab some more pics. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eagleusa 0 Posted June 4, 2008 I remembered RHS made good  T-55 And I downloaded British Challenger 1 before SOME PICTURES FROM MF Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
eagleusa 0 Posted June 4, 2008 other photos warsaw part photos ,also have some cold war BW Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zhenja1 0 Posted June 5, 2008 those are some beautiful NVA pics eagleusa, Great pictures, and ill have to keep a a few of those myself. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vektorboson 8 Posted July 1, 2008 Hi guys, sorry for lack of progress support, therefore this post. This project is really huge, and by huge, I mean it has already 430MB raw unoptimized data. I need to make some statistics about number of models, textures and config classes to give you an idea what this is all about. As I have to handle this all in some way, I've written and I'm still writing tools that help me in handling this. This is an excerpt from the various tools that will help me; I'll just give you the output of it: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> Trying to read C:\ofp\oxygen\scf_weap_3d\scf_beretta92_sd_empty.p3d ------------------ path: scf_weap\m9\silencer.paa (C:\ofp\oxygen\scf_weap\m9\silencer.paa)     max U- and V-distance: 0.651059, 0.549658     min/max U: 0.018201, 0.982710     min/max V: 0.073962, 0.925253     alpha flag: False     width/height: 512, 64     pixel data format: DXT1     physical area: 0.085680     texture area usage: 82.11% Tags: excessive width/height ratio, mergeable ------------------ path: data\blck_sum.pac (C:\ofp\oxygen\data\blck_sum.pac)     max U- and V-distance: 0.000000, 0.000000     min/max U: 0.000000, 0.000000     min/max V: 0.000000, 0.000000     alpha flag: False     width/height: 32, 32     pixel data format: DXT1     physical area: 0.003660     texture area usage: 0.00% Tags: mergeable ------------------ path: scf_weap\m9\m9_3.paa (C:\ofp\oxygen\scf_weap\m9\m9_3.paa)     max U- and V-distance: 0.531232, 0.986764     min/max U: 0.467959, 0.999191     min/max V: 0.003236, 0.990000     alpha flag: True     width/height: 256, 128     pixel data format: RGBA4444     physical area: 0.243319     texture area usage: 52.42% Tags: mergeable ------------------ path: scf_weap\m9\slide.pac (C:\ofp\oxygen\scf_weap\m9\slide.pac)     max U- and V-distance: 0.871094, 0.103516     min/max U: 0.009766, 0.993704     min/max V: 0.404207, 1.669922     alpha flag: False     width/height: 512, 512     pixel data format: DXT1     physical area: 0.095451     texture area usage: 124.54% Tags: vertical repeat, mergeable, height-duplication ------------------ path: scf_weap\m9\frame.pac (C:\ofp\oxygen\scf_weap\m9\frame.pac)     max U- and V-distance: 0.568359, 0.541016     min/max U: 0.009766, 0.992188     min/max V: 1.011719, 1.994141     alpha flag: False     width/height: 512, 512     pixel data format: DXT1     physical area: 0.109174     texture area usage: 96.52% Tags: vertical repeat, mergeable, height-duplication ------------------ path: scf_weap\m9\parts.pac (C:\ofp\oxygen\scf_weap\m9\parts.pac)     max U- and V-distance: 0.339844, 0.833984     min/max U: 0.005859, 0.990234     min/max V: 1.005859, 1.996094     alpha flag: False     width/height: 512, 512     pixel data format: DXT1     physical area: 0.047466     texture area usage: 97.48% Tags: vertical repeat, mergeable, height-duplication ------------------ This tool hopefully becomes an automatic texture optimizer, that crops/resizes/merges textures. The data you see is collected from SJB's M9 Beretta which I may use for my Mod. Most of the data is self-explaining. The tags are used for 'tagging' a texture; so when it says 'mergeable, height-duplication', this means that a texture is mergeable if I tile the texture vertically once. (In the example output the last texture doesn't need duplication if I translate the V-coordinate by -1). But not enough, the auto-merger will be able to work on several models (this will be called an 'ensemble' ). This makes sense for weapons with a few variants, or for models that are supposed to occur on screen at the same time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TFatseas 0 Posted July 1, 2008 I don't post often, but I can't wait! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AfrographX 0 Posted July 2, 2008 Sounds good, keep it going! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
vektorboson 8 Posted July 2, 2008 Sounds good, keep it going! Thanks! I hope you didn't forget the CH-47! Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites