sparky 0 Posted January 28, 2008 Leopard, M113A1, and the Weapons except the mounted MG3, are from pack1 release. Back then we didn't have the tools, and when we release the 2nd pack, we didn't want to waste much time to this, so we kept, old configs for Leopard and M113A1 (except the skletons and animations since we binarised them), with the old RVMATs. To tell you the truth (i believe anyone can see it), in Leopard and M113A1 specular and normal maps, aren't so good as in Uh-1H and 240GD. But we have a whole release schedule/plan for the whole mod..... so when the time comes, everything will come to the right place. @MehMan The M60 model is almost ready (high poly version) the M60D is an easy conversion since, we've got the manual, and we know what things to change/replace. But we don't plan, a release just for this. Next release will be again, a whole addon pack. And as i say few pages before, i believe that a lot of people will be pleased (according to request) So please be patience Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
biggerdave 56 Posted January 28, 2008 Good Evening I was wondering if you had any plans to make a RACS version of the Leopard? I think it'd be a nice addition (or, even better, an independent release). Good work so far, look forward to seeing more Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-HAC-_mainframe 0 Posted January 29, 2008 yes, as Sparky told leopard was made with the old tools. So now that we have the tools we are planing to make some updates on the models fixed with the old tools. One is retexturing with the "new way" and adding more skins Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CyDoN 0 Posted February 2, 2008 the destruction system is so GREAT! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
manzilla 2 Posted February 2, 2008 the destruction system is so GREAT! Absolutely! That's why I can't play a new mission anymore with out first adding in these vehicles via the Editor. Excellent work gentlemen, ladies too if that's the case. Thanks for this Pack! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wld427 1705 Posted February 2, 2008 I know you fellas have an american UH-1H transport planned. Will there be a gunshp or navalized version? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Red Devil 0 Posted February 3, 2008 Was out having a little rumble in Rahmadi with RACS commandos, called in the UH-1H for pickup and got this pic on the way. click for larger screenshot Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
KorpeN 0 Posted February 3, 2008 Wow.Nice photo there.You should put it at the arma photography thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rubberkite 19 Posted February 4, 2008 When HWM mod is runnig some addons dosen't work: Like LSD FX & SDP weapon fix these are based on XEH event handler so this could affect all the XEH based addons, pelase check this and fix if is possible ! I also post this report in your bug tracker site. I post here to ask if other people got the same problem and found a solution. Thank you for nice work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-HAC-_mainframe 0 Posted February 4, 2008 Red devil supreme photo as always, I think we should make you our official photographer ..."photo added to our photo gallery". D@VÅ as promised an American transport with m60 will be included in pack3.As said before we don't have any plans for a gunship at the moment but this idea is under consideration (Aplion is modeling something else with a lot of guns ) Rubberkite to be honest I didn't understood the problem. if you are using something that overwrites default BIs effects and sounds then it will not work in HWM since all classes (sounds, effect, particles,particle templates, etc) are made from scratch and have different class names. Other addons should effected by this thought. Our beta test partners in HAC haven't report anything like that. Please check again and give us more details in this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rubberkite 19 Posted February 4, 2008 _mainframe @ Feb. 04 2008,11:11)]Red devil supreme photo as always, I think we should make you our official photographer ..."photo added to our photo gallery".D@VÅ as promised an American transport with m60 will be included in pack3.As said before we don't have any plans for a gunship at the moment but this idea is under consideration (Aplion is modeling something else with a lot of guns ) Rubberkite to be honest I didn't understood the problem. if you are using something that overwrites default BIs effects and sounds then it will not work in HWM since all classes (sounds, effect, particles,particle templates, etc) are made from scratch and have different class names. Other addons should effected by this thought. Our beta test partners in HAC haven't report anything like that. Please check again and give us more details in this. Sorry for not perfect english. the problem for me is when I load your mod i notice two other addons .. not sure only this two don't works... with your vehicle ( I don't expect this, just a bonus not important ) I want that the old working vehicle works also aftwer the HWM loading... for example the cargo lift function from LSD FX whe I don't load your addon.. it works for the UH60 an M17, after I load your addon, this funcion is never showed in action list? I try again an send u screenshot by mail, is the one in readme.txt ? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rubberkite 19 Posted February 4, 2008 When I load your mod in ArmA I noticed these addons do not working: ArmA Effects SixTracer LSDFX SDP Weapon... just loading your mod, without using anything. there are example screen: before hwm ( LSD FX ) after hwm ( LSD FX ) before hwm ( SixTracer Arma Effect & SDP nice working ) before hwm ( SixTracer Arma Effect & SDP after loading) no more arma effects no more tracer, no more double weapon fire fix by SDP... I don't Know why!!! Please, I really like your work but I can't use in my modde arma... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Makake 0 Posted February 4, 2008 I second that. SIX tracers do not work with HWM_air.pbo Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sparky 0 Posted February 4, 2008 We're testing our addons, in the latest (non beta patch), in a clean ArmA installation. Now as far as the known issues, that we have announce in this thread and write in our manual, we haven't notice anything else. BUT, since so far we have 2 people telling about the same issue, we will check, if they are is, something wrong, somewhere in the config. So be patient, any bugfixes will be included in the 3rd HWM addon Pack release. So for now, the best thing that you can do, is to report us, more and more, bugs, in our bug tracker and in this thread.bug tracker Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-HAC-_mainframe 0 Posted February 5, 2008 As Sparky stated, our primary goal is to make these addons as much compatible as we can with the official game and as bug free as we can. Incompatibilities with other non official addons can not be covered as released addons are too many . Since you second the request I will try to duplicate the problem. Rubberkite are you getting any error messages? if you want send me your *rpts, they may help me identify any possible conflict. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rubberkite 19 Posted February 5, 2008 _mainframe @ Feb. 05 2008,12:34)]As Sparky stated, our primary goal is to make these addons as much compatible as we can with the official game and as bug free as we can.Incompatibilities with other non official addons  can not be covered as released addons are too many . Since you second the request I will try to duplicate the problem. Rubberkite are you getting any error messages? if you want send me your *rpts, they may help me identify any possible conflict. No I don't get error displayed... this could be the problem for the chopper and plane because tracert and other effects works for tank, I try just few minute ago, the problem is with your Air units. here the point that could be disable all previous effect: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Updating base class ->Mi17_MG, by ca\air\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Mi17/ Updating base class ->Extended_EventHandlers, by extended_eventhandlers\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Helicopter/EventHandlers/ Updating base class ->Extended_EventHandlers, by extended_eventhandlers\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Plane/EventHandlers/ Updating base class ->Extended_EventHandlers, by extended_eventhandlers\config.bin/CfgVehicles/ParachuteBase/EventHandlers/ Updating base class ->Extended_EventHandlers, by extended_eventhandlers\config.bin/CfgVehicles/AV8B/EventHandlers/ Updating base class Extended_EventHandlers->, by hwm_air\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Helicopter/EventHandlers/ some arma.RPT lines that could locate the problem. thank you for listening my request Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-HAC-_mainframe 0 Posted February 6, 2008 Updating base class Extended_EventHandlers->, by hwm_air\config.bin/CfgVehicles/Helicopter/EventHandlers/ well I don't know if this is causing a conflict or something. It would be normal thought, since UH1 is using much more event handlers than the "vehicles" and "weapons". Now since all addons are using init , getin & getout EvH I bet that the conflict would be in one of the following either engine on-off or damaged. If you want try to deactivate these functions and see what happens. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PSYCHOSIM 0 Posted February 6, 2008 Love your models and the effects they use.......... Â Â One thing I would say, can you equip the aircraft with two pilots in the cockpit? Just for realisms sake, as how many times have you seen a soldier being transported in the co pilots seat in R/L.................... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sparky 0 Posted February 6, 2008 OK, one more "easter egg".In this pack we have 2 different types for huey crew, one is the pilot and the other is gunner type, unfortunately due to crew line in config, by default we had to use only the pilot type, but, here is a way of how to use and the other type, this time correct in gunner place. 1)put an empty uh1h in the editor and name it (example uh1h). 2)now put 2 pilots in the editor and 2 gunners and give a name to each one (example a,b for pilots and c,d for gunners) 3)in the init field of pilot named "a" type (a moveindriver uh1h) 4)in the init field of pilot named "b" type (b moveingunner uh1h) 5)in the init field of gunner named "c" type (c moveingunner uh1h) 6)in the init field of gunner named "d" type (d moveingunner uh1h) when the mission starts the units will be moved directly without animations to their proper positions. If someone wants to do this in more "gentle" way you have to use the assignasdriver and assignasscargo commands, but then you have to create and the appropriate waypoints. Now some small tips, for the photographers and mission/makers You can have some user made animations for the vehicles done when the mission starts, you can do that For M1131 a)put a M113A1 in the editor and name it (example m113) b)in the init field type - For the ramp (m113 animate["ramp",1]) - For the cargo hatch (m113 animate["cargo_hatch",1]) For GD240 a)put a gd240 in the editor and name it (example gd240) b)in the init field type - For the left driver door (gd240 animate["ld_door",1]) - For the right driver door (gd240 animate["rd_door",1]) - For the windshield (gd240 animate["pampriz",1]) - For the back spare tire (gd240 animate["bc_wheel",1]) For uh1h a)put a uh1hin the editor and name it (example uh1h) b)in the init field type - For the left pilot door (uh1h animate["lp_door",1]) - For the right pilot door (uh1h animate["rp_door",1]) P.S. you can have more than 1 animate commands for the same vehicle by sepereting them with ( ; ) example for having all the animations for the gd240 in the init type gd240 animate["ld_door",1]; gd240 animate["rd_door",1]; gd240 animate["pampriz",1]; gd240 animate["bc_wheel",1]; Ok that's all, hope that these tips can give you some more ideas of what you can do.... ok, this is quote of myself 2 pages before, here is a small trick of how you can do it, in this version, we'll see how we can do it by default, in our next version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dwarden 1126 Posted February 8, 2008 i must say i got huge problems with this addon , randomly other XEH compatible addons stop to work or not work at all ... seems like HWM 2.0 is not compliant with eXtended EH 1.1 and 1.2 or so... typical example is 6thS tracers on AH6 mg ... w/o HMW works ... with HWM not ... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rubberkite 19 Posted February 8, 2008 i must say i got huge problems with this addon , randomly other XEH compatible addons stop to work or not work at all ...seems like HWM 2.0 is not compliant with eXtended EH 1.1 and 1.2 or so... typical example is 6thS tracers on AH6 mg ... w/o HMW works ... with HWM not ... Hi, I find the problem and now I try to improve the config script setting up to use XEH instead normal event handler... If u remove all eventhandler class from config file ( air.pbo ) u get all the XEH addons works again.. but of-course you don't see the features called by eventhandler... I'm very noob in this, and I'm trying to find the correct sintax for "upgrade" to XEH... If u want, I show you the code to enable all xeh addons works: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> /* class EventHandlers { init = "_this exec ""\HWM_Core\scripts\damage_lightUH1.sqs"";"; getin = "_this exec ""\HWM_Core\scripts\getin.sqs"";"; getout = "_this exec ""\HWM_Core\scripts\getout.sqs"";"; killed = "(_this select 0) exec ""\HWM_Core\scripts\UH1detruct.sqs"""; Engine = "if (_this select 1) then {[_this select 0, isEngineOn (_this select 0)] exec ""\HWM_Core\scripts\ignition.sqs""}"; dammaged = "_this exec ""\HWM_Core\scripts\dammage.sqs"";"; }; */ This disable the "bonus" effect like ingnition engine effect and damaged script, but theyre not basic to use Huey I'm working on this script to enable this function using XEH instead old eventhandler is for my knowledge, and, if I find the correct sintax and all work I send the new config to the mod team if they want, they can use for new relase. ok back to work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-HAC-_mainframe 0 Posted February 8, 2008 Well as said before, we bare no responsibility if other addons are not complaint with HWM. As stated before we are not considering this to be bug but we are looking into it for the lack of global compatibility. Rubberkite by making comments all event handlers you are not only disabling ignitions sfx and console damage inticators but also random tail numbers and destruction system. Also taking under consideration that there is no actual problem or bug with pack2, making HWM dependent on other addons is not an option. If off coarse we or the community discovers a solution that will give compatibility with out severing running functions we will glad to incorporate the changes to our next release. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rubberkite 19 Posted February 8, 2008 _mainframe @ Feb. 08 2008,17:11)]Well as said before, we bare no responsibility if other addons are not complaint with HWM.As stated before we are not considering this to be bug but we are looking into it for the lack of global compatibility. Rubberkite by making comments all event handlers you are not only disabling ignitions sfx and console damage inticators but also random tail numbers and destruction system. Also  taking under consideration that there is no actual problem or bug with pack2, making HWM dependent on other addons is not an option. If off coarse we or the community discovers a solution that will give compatibility with out severing running functions we will glad to incorporate the changes to our next release. I know that I'm disablig these function but is the only way for me, for my personal use of Arma where I use more addons togheter like Arma Effects SDP weapon fix Six Tracer, and other based on a working system like XEH. I'm not here to tell your work is not god or not tested, I'm here to try to fix the problem for me and if I could enable the optional feature using XEH I will continue using your mod togheter the other with all feature enabled, if not, after telling you here and in bug report what's my experience, if u want fix ok if not there is no problem for me, I don't want offend you and your works, of course is not my intention. Sorry Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-HAC-_mainframe 0 Posted February 8, 2008 Rubberkite as shown above we are not offended. I did this because we feel offended and strongly disagree with comments like that. Quote[/b] ]Posted by Dwarden: Feb. 08 2008,02:40 so after painful hour of trial tests i finally pinpointed addon pack which caused huge XEH troubles HWM pack 2.0 ... most of XEH addons cease to work at all or just work randomly ... so ... bash You lovely mod makers to develop only XEH compliant mods or "get lost" nothing in ungood just be compatible I am just saying that making HWM dependent on other addons (when there is no need to) is not an option. As I already stated, if you discover something that can be done to give compatibility in both addons, then there is no reason not to make the changes. Maybe the users of EH would willing to help too instead of making insulting comments. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Maddmatt 1 Posted February 8, 2008 _mainframe @ Feb. 08 2008,18:42)]I am just saying that making HWM dependent on other addons (when there is no need to) is not an option. Are you saying that you will not make your addons depend on XEH? I hope you guys seriously consider using it. XEH is a way to make all our addons and mods fully compatible with each other. Have a look at it here. Check out the included examples to see how to add it to your addons. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites