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Cold War Rearmed Addons v0.80 released

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Cold War Rearmed Addons v0.80 released


As a little special, we decided to release some addons which have not been in the original OFP:R series.




*Mikero made the CWR Editor addon which conatins classes of the OFP Editor/Object addons.

*BergHoff and some others created Winter Kolgujev.



Find more info and the downloads here.

Please note that this is a fun addon. It's there to make it easier to convert OFP missions. Some things in the Editor Addon are only templates etc...

Also note that this addon is not going to work with later CWR releases. We'll provide you with an updated version shortly after the release of Cold War Rearmed 1.00 smile_o.gif

Have fun anyway. smile_o.gif

Note to Mission Editors:

Fer was so nice and added a Winter Kolgujev template mission to BAS f. You can get it here. And now go and make missions... tounge2.gif

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Guest Ti0n3r

Thanks you so much! notworthy.gifxmas_o.gifxmas_o.gifxmas_o.gif

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Congrats CWR team nice job wink_o.gif

Someone should make some winter units inlove.gif

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"Inferno Kolgujev" here i come!

The scripting isn´t gonna work for sure but i´ve had enough beers to give it a try biggrin_o.gifyay.gif

Thanks! thumbs-up.gif

edit: Holy crap! Too much deja vu´s ...

Also found the biggest xmas tree ever! biggrin_o.gif

@Wolle: Tried Rellikkis Urban SLA & USMC already?

They fit great imho.


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Now ... how about some decent units in winter camouflage? tounge2.gif

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@Wolle: Tried Rellikkis Urban SLA & USMC already?

They fit great imho.

True, I knew there was something like that but couldn't remember who made it. crazy_o.gif

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Is the island converted to "V3 format"? smile_o.gif

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You can be sure it's not the result of an hexeditor session. wink_o.gif

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thank you thumbs-up.gif Winter Kolgujew is really beautiful , too bad that in Saharani there is no snowy zones , that way you could have used the snow step sounds like in the old OFP, it really added much inmersion to the winter experience , anyway i love it , the textures and the trees are awesome inlove.gif

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Haha, great suprise, thanks a lot CWR team, i love it smile_o.gif

Seems the Hogfather read my wishlist ^^

Now someone port Mr.Murrays christmas mission over xmas_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]You can be sure it's not the result of an hexeditor session.

Well some people only know that way.

Would you please be so kind to share your knowledge of the process to convert a OFP wrp to the ArmA format.

The community would be very pleased, you can bet that. wink_o.gif

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Ist denn schon wieder Weihnachten?

The release of this addons is a big surprise. I thought that there will be nothing released for some time, after the release of the demo.


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Felt inspired by the addons ^^


Rather shitty as its 15mins in PS but for the winter feelign it will do ^^

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Cool stuff, Shadow smile_o.gif We could include some winter units into CWR Addons v1.0. wink_o.gif But we'll put our main focus on the main CWR v1.0.

@Q: I have no idea about it... confused_o.gif

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I know you dont like to have mirrors posted here but I have a problem with my wiki account. I seem to not remember my old account pass, retrieving its password doesn't work (I never recieve a mail) and also signing up again with new account doesnt work cause I dont recieve that mail neither.

So.....if someone could please add the armaholic mirror to it I would be very thankfull. smile_o.gif

Frontpaged at the Armaholic.com homepage.

The Armaholic.com download page can be found here:


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Do you call it Winter Kolgujev or Winter Kolgujew?

I think it makes a difference, and should be clarified and fixed to be consistently called in your own documentation and configuration.

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IMHO it should say Kolgujev. But does it really matter? It clearly says it's a "fun addon", be happy it's there at all.

@Shadow NX

They look pretty good for a 15 min PS session. I want them... and if you could spend another 15 mins for the other side as well. wink_o.gif

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