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Swat units release

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Wicked ArmaVidz.. just wicked!

Any chance your willing to release the Sarahni SWAT Hummer?

Regardless, good work.

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Yeah that SWAT hummer looks amazing...

not fair, armavidz gets it all first sad_o.gif

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Screw the Hummer tounge2.gif ,that police SUV looks sexy.Any chance you could release it?

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Do you guys actually look at the credits? If you would I guess you would know what those addons are and where you can expect them from.

Anyway........awesome vid ArmaVidz thumbs-up.gif

I am not much of a movie watcher cause I lack time to view all of them but this one rocks smile_o.gif

Excellent work.

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Some visuals for your mod man.

Time has passed and I have the fruits of much labour(alot of which didn't make it into the video haha doh). Combined with a few other addons, you got some serious SWAT style fun to be had! pistols.gif

<span style='color:navy'><span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'><span style='font-family:Century Gothic'>SWAT - THE HEAT</span></span></span>

omg - awesome video! A bit long, but it really made me want to play the scenario you´ve put up, also some scenes are almost looking real wow_o.gif

I dont know how you made the animations respond to the action that precisely, but if stock ArmA had some of the moves implemented into actual gameplay and not only cutscenes it would make the whole game alot more immersive.

I especially liked the guy dodging the cuda that rushed through the roadblock. Once again: totally awesome work! thumbs-up.gif

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^ Totally agree with the above

Awesome video would love a mission like that to be released. smile_o.gif

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Thanks @ all smile_o.gif

I'll see what I can do with the Hummer, I just added lettering/scratches to the existing Hummer, but it does look awesome. Might be able to do more with it in the future. I'd personally like to see a shotgun mount in the front with a shotty for quick removal and some other "tactical" goodies built into the track and loadout. Heh. At the moment, it's just a couple textures.

Burns, yeah, we need those in game. Dodging and other animations like the "ordersoldiersunderfire" animations being extremely useful for immersiveness. Two problems with it though, a) you have no more control over the soldier. b) clipping and "breakout" of the animation.

Would be interesting to see a mod that can tell if you're proximity is too close and move to a different animation before executing. Food for thought for "real" scripters! biggrin_o.gif

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well that looks quite good smile_o.gif

however I'd appreciate if you would add proper credits to your readme since you where using my desert and woodland marpat camo.

Thank you.

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NICE, Now, only some ones made a replacement pack for US Special Forces.

PS: Johnny you come back to us?

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My bad jonny. when i first made the SS, and then people requested that retex from me. I grabbed it from my 2MEF units what used slightly edited your camo. Swat didnt know that smile_o.gif

Still old request for premission to use working for these too jonny?

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I found bug in addon:



In your picture


I hope this bug will fixed smile_o.gif .

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top banana..any chance of us digital camo and british dpm...textures for the above..xxxx wink_o.gif

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anyone still playing with these dudes..if so any chance of some uk dpm woodland and desert schemes..please xxxx

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Wouldn't there have been an answer to your post in the last 5 months if there were any plans. Just a thought.

It would be a nice addition though.

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