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Civil md-500e helicopter!

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You all can have look at mdhelicopters.com too wink_o.gif

This yellow is.... please paint it with other color maybe fit one helicopter Santa/New Year "camo" biggrin_o.gif

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tounge2.gif )

* Remove all the mil-spec antenna, you can hardly call something "CIVIL" when its got more mil-spec equipment hanging off of it than your average airsofter.

* Reshape the nose, if you want to call it a 500E, then it needs the pointy nose, if you cant be bothered to do that, call it a Hughes 500 Model 369 or an MD500D (the E model was launched in 1982 which introduced the recontoured nose).

* Add doors, te civilian variants fly with doors on 99.999% of the time (its a comfort thing)

* Tone down the paint, as it is, it may as well just have a procedural texture.

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just be happy there is a CIVIL helicopter now and dont be baby!


Lee_H._Oswald, hotshotmike1001

Those flaming comments was unnecessary.

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Oh, and having looked at the source a bit, a few more things:

* LoDs are there for a reason, having the same model pasted into each Resolution LoD is going to do NOTHING for performance.

* I really dont think AV-8B wheels are used as castors on the MD series helicopters

* I also really REALLY dont think that SU-34 boarding ladders are on the agenda either crazy_o.gif

* Ii'm pretty sure the pilot and copilots seats would make for better cargo seats too, rather than those from the datsun...

This truely is kitbashing at its worst confused_o.gif

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-The skid toes are quite a bit too pointy and should have the position lights on the tips. Also the skid angle when viewed from the front is too steep, they should be squatted outwards more.

-The sound, well it doesn't sound anything like a 500, inside or out.

-Also a 500 has a completely different instrument panel but I don't really care about that.

-Why does it fly around with ground handling wheels (which are in the wrong spot btw) and ladders wtf? Those pegs in the front struts are steps, they should also be added to the rear struts as well, not ladder needed.

-The blades don't spin clockwise on MD500's either, could be BIS's fault never noticed it on the MH6 but maybe they do also.

-Doors off are fine in my opinion, 500s fly with doors off often when doing utility work, which is what they are usually doing... but so many other problems its probably just better to start over.

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cool! smile_o.gif i just hope you make more work in the future and maybe make it with a few other color schemes, the yellow hurts my eyes.

Im no military expert of any kind but doors would be nice. But for a first addon or something this ain't that bad tounge2.gif

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great work mike and thanks for the add on

if you dont like it dont download it......

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I better not say what i had in mind when i looked at the first pic...

Seriously, nothing exept yellow paint with zero details and more than tiny model edits and hooray the already there BIS normalmap does the rest of the work.

Better take your time and work on your skills and produce something that really can be called addon.

Btw amazing to see that whatever gets released some will always cheer for it.

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Hi, its me again..

Ehm, first of all i just want to thank for the YEAH f..... first civil Chopper! *g*

I have load it just a few seconds ago. Whatever there could be bettered..  for the first, there is an civil Chopper. Fin!

Thanks a lot.

And perhaps someone could realy select another color^^.

Ok, will do civil Spectatorflights now through all my missions...


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I wouldnt mind blue or green or red with white...

And I think its a good start!

It can allways be improved!

I would add some more colours then just plain yellow!


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Lee_H._Oswald, hotshotmike1001

Those flaming comments was unnecessary.

Don't know what you mean with flaming.

This addon is lowest possible quality.

Sorry, no cookies for this from the "community".

Edit: I helped him with the wikipedia link to make this a better addon, isn't that something?

MfG Lee xmas_o.gif

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wow, the textures are awesome.

i also like the ladder, makes it much easier to get inside.

I hope Hughes will add it to their choppers in reality so all people at all ages can get inside.

keep up the work!

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Guest RKSL-Rock
wow, the textures are awesome.

i also like the ladder, makes it much easier to get inside.

I hope Hughes will add it to their choppers in reality so all people at all ages can get inside.

keep up the work!


Ok since 'tis the season of good will to all men...so i'll be nice.

Atleast he's trying...

@ hotshotmike1001 I really suggest you go do some research and take some time to make some decent textures.  "Painting" everything in solid primary colours only makes your stuff look like Santa gave you a nice big box of crayons.

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