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mr burns

Ghillie snipers - by xam mod

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Awesome work! Bashing 1.12 together while typing .. hang on for another update smile_o.gif

edit: Done, see first post.


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I'm here clicking refresh every few minutes waiting....aaaarrrg! It's giving me a bowel movement! arrrrg! I'll have to click refresh again after conducting a bombing mission over the porcelain sea.... arrrrg!


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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thank you Mr Burns for your kind words, it's cool to work with you notworthy.gif

red devil, i can't wait to try your modifications ! they look really nice

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Hi, the alpha channel bug is almost unnoticeable now, only opposed

to certain vegetation/tree leaves, and the addition of OPFOR snipers

and spotters is really a very good thing, this will make the BLUEFOR

recon units life alot harder and they're advance alot slower.

Seems that the head model is a bit above the possition where it's

on the default units, i've seen this when using the binocs.

Add binocs to the snipers may be a good thing... for better target

spotting, and maybe add laser markers to the Spotters too; what

i really miss is that this units don't allow the use of custom faces,

that will be very pimp at least for me. But's not my addon. Good job.

Let's C ya

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all is good then, that config was just a little rushed / bodged together.

If you fancy Mr Burns, I could re-skin him with desert ghillie, but you'll have to do the path and config tweeks.

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yay, much better!

Now we need some missions, maybe like the one in COD 4 wink_o.gif

something stealth like...


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Gimme a computer that´s able to run CoD4 and i´m off to mission making biggrin_o.gif

Thx for the mirrors guys!

If you fancy Mr Burns, I could re-skin him with desert ghillie, but you'll have to do the path and config tweeks.

Sounds nice! But you´d better be waiting for the alpha channel texture fix Matt Rochelle´s been talking about - together with that it´d make up for a nice full final v1.2

We´ll see if the p3d can take any more HexHacks tounge2.gif

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Hi, will the final version use the default random faces or the player's

custom face?. Let's C ya

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I dunno. Since you´re the more experienced modder of us both, why not make it easy and give a solution to remove the face dependencies from the p3d w/o breaking the model + having it accept the default BI facepaths smile_o.gif

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Hi, the last time that i touched an addon unit... was back in the

OFP days, when i retextured (again) the USMCBeta3 by E&S and

the units are harder to do than 71 M4A1's in 3 camos, they've way

more selections with zcech names that is not that don't know what

they do or mean; is that i choke when try to read 'em. And hey man...

how could i fix your addon when i can't write my own config for do

my own M4's pack or just fix the way that my M1911 spitt the empty

shells!?. Anyway... i hope that you find out a way for fix that bug,

must be some selection name for the face & hands and some lines

in the config, for me an ArmA config is like a scroll with runes; or

some love words in swedish. Let's C ya

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well I'm no config mistro, I tried ripping out the face texture paths and any reference to them but all you get is white faces, it must be in the model help.gif must be someone around here that can help? although it would look even nicer if they used the spec op gloves and custom face.

as for desert ghillie, I'll make a start on the basic textures and if we want to finish it up then cool.

didn't someone find an abandoned desert M24 in the Official ArmA files just not configed, would be a cool addition without blowing the file size.

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no no, not an addon pack, I wouldn't want to tie people down to using one particular desert weapons addon.

this one, it was made by BIS and it sits in the main weapons.pbo but BIS never used it.

BIS Desert M24

discovered and configed by Frederf yay.gif

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not sure about that BIS Desert M24 now, I guess I could match the ghillie with the rifle ?



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nice found, i almost forgot this desert m24

a quick google search pointed me out that desert ghillie, maybe that camo could be a fine compromise between sand texture and the desert m24

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not sure about that BIS Desert M24 now, I guess I could match the ghillie with the rifle ?




Looking real nice, awesome work mate thumbs-up.gif

How would you like it if we´d include some addon weapons in v1.2? You have any ideas, requests or don´t like this at all?

mlod would be schweet, gotta ask snake22000 about it.

Oh and i have yet another question to you guys but must be done via IM/PM. You´re on ICQ or Skype, Red Devil?

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They Look really good, but the black gloves give it a real give away.


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But they have gloves huh.gif

Purty green ones to be exact, nicked from wipman.

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Hi, the custom faces that i did for the public are there for steal,

use, modify and take what anyone wants; they're for the players.

Let's C ya

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actually, the top picture has my black gloves on, and yeah because they stood out, much like the dark camo face for the second pic I took the camo and gloves off, I was going to use desert gloves but can't find reference material. and is there such thing as desert camo paint ? huh.gif

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