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Finaly support pack 2 is ready for beta testing

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Here is My Support Pack Version 2

Standard 1.08 Mission


Queens Gambit Mission


Just the SupportV2 Pack


Updates from SupportV1


Changed -- SupportV2 is now PvP playerable for DeathMatches and Team Coops Ect.

Changed -- SupportV2 can now have -West-,-East-,-Guer- sides at the same time.

Changed -- Most of the code to work with PvP.

Changed -- No need to name any units on the map except the planes listed below and the server "LOGIC"

Added -- Napalm

Added -- Napalm Sounds

Added -- Reinforcement Troops

Added -- Safe Zones

Added -- AI now can and will do everything a PLayer can do.

Added -- Works with Persistent Servers

It Has:




AirStrike Bomb / Missile / Naplam

Helicopter Strike

Helicopter Transport Units / Reinforcement Troops





What you need to do.


You need to do is create a empty AV8B2 and call it WestAir OR/AND GuerAir,

OR/AND a empty SU34B called EastAir depends which sides you want To use the Support Pack.

Put them anywhere you want the planes to start from (does not need to be an airport)

Add A Empty A10 called A10plane as well, if you want A10 Support Planes as well as AV8B2 support planes.

If you are running QUEENS GAMBIT and

If you want a DC3 to do the AmmoDrop

Add A Empty DC3 called DC3plane as well.





If you are using Respawn add a trigger to each sides Respawn Point and call them.

SafeZoneW for West

SafeZoneE for East

SafeZoneG for Guer

Add this line to the init.sqs or init.sqf :


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[] execVM "SupportV2\Support_CFG.sqf";


Add this line to the description.ext :


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#include "SupportV2\AirStrike\Napalm\sounds\sounds.hpp"


Then copy the SupportV2 folder to your Mission Folder.

To Easy!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everything else needed for the mission will be created

10 Seconds after the game starts.






Target with either the Map with the Radio or Binoculars with the Action Menu..

If AIuse = 1 is set the AI will Call

Artillery,AirStrikes and AmmoDrops, Helicopter Strike & Helicopter Transport As well as Reinforcement Troops.

When you use Transport try and give the Helicopter a good Landing Spot as it will try and Land where ever the

marker is.

If you get hit by Napalm run as fast as you can away from the center of the flames

and if you get far enough before you die you have a chance of surviving. But you will still be hurt.

If a Support Event does get stuck "This should not happen" Use the Action Menu or Radio Menu

and Cancel the Support Event. This should send it back to base.

If you Cancel a Transport and it does have AI or Players in it , It will land and let them out

where it can. If the Transport is has a Reinforcement Squad in it , They will be Deleted.

The AI will Throw Smoke and use Flares when they are under attack,

Updates to SupportV2 at http://www.zonekiller.ath.cx/missions/SupportV2.rar



When a Player or AI calls an AirStrike With either the Map or Binoculars

the Target will Determine the Ammo used. On the bottom left of the screen the Airstrike will tell you what it has Targeted.

If the target is nothing or a building the AirStrike

will use Bombs. If the target is a man the AirStrike will use Napalm. If the target is a running Vehicle

the AirStrike will use Missiles and will track the Vehicle and the Marker will also follow the Vehicle.

When a Player calls an AirStrike With the Map the Player can choose which Plane he wants to use if ther are more

than one available.

When a Player calls an AirStrike With the Binoculars or the AI calls an AirStrike the

Plane type will be random of what is available.

West = AV8B2 or A10

East = SU34B

Guer = AV8B2 or A10



When a Player calls a AmmoDrop With the Map

the Ammo will be droped where ever you select on the map.

If the Action Menu is used it will drop the Ammo where the Player is.

When the AI call a AmmoDrop the Ammo will be droped at the position of the AI.

At the AmmoDrop A Damaged Medic tent will appear if you go to it

you will automaticly put it up you need to be right next to it.

at night flares and day green smoke, will show you where the ammo is.

If AmmoDrop Plane is not a type DC3 the plane will be random of what is available.

West = AV8B2 or A10

East = SU34B

Guer = AV8B2 or A10

The AmmoDrop Action is the only Action you do not need to use the Binoculars



When a Player or AI calls a Artillery With either the Map or Binoculars

A random number of shells with a random time spacing between explosions.



When a Player or AI calls a HeliStrike With either the Map or Binoculars

it will send a fully armed and angry Helicopter to That position that will scan

for Enemys and attempt to destroy them.

On the bottom left of the screen the HeliStrike will tell you what it has Targeted.

Very good for checking if areas are safe.



You Select 2 Points on the map, a Pickup and a Destination point

The Chopper will Pick You and the AI up and take you to the Destination Point

If your leader you have to tell the AI to get in but if the AI group

Have an AI leader they will get in by themselves.

At the Destination Point all cargo, Player and AI will automaticly get out.

When a Player selects Transport with the map a Marker will appear om the map with "Select Here For A New Reinforcement Squad."

if you select that marker as your Pickup Point a new squad of 5 units will be created and transported to where ever

you select on the map as a Destination Point and then eject them from the helicopter and join the squad of who ever

called them AI or Player.

AI can call in Reinforcement Squads as well.

When a Player calls a Transport With the Binoculars the Player selects the Pickup Point with the Action Menu

then what ever the Player is looking at with the Binoculars 5 secons later will be the Destination Point "there

is a count down in the top left corner of the screen" Not used for Reinforcement Squad.

The Support Call Menu


Use this to call Support while using the map. Also you can cancel the Support Event

with this Menu.

The Action Options Menu


Use this to remove or add the Support Actions from the Action Menu

The Actions can be removed or added at any time as long as they are available.

The Camera Options Menu


You can turn ON or OFF the camera view of the Support Event of the Squad you are in.

Ie: With the AirStrike you will have a top view of the Bombs or Missile view of the Missile.

Ie: With the AmmoDrop you will have a follow view of the Parachute.

Ie: With the Artillery you will have a top view of the Bombs.

Ie: With the HeliStrike you will have a target view of the HeliCopter.

Ie: With the Transport you will have a top view of the HeliCopter at the Pickup and Destination Points.

To Configure what happens

edit the SupportV2\Support_CFG.sqf


Turn Support On For All Players Set This To True Only Let Leader Use Support (Leader AI Only As Well) Set This To False


MapControlPlayers = true;


Set The Timing Of The BombDrop All Ammo Drop Will also Get Set By This; The Higher the Number the Earlier it will Drop


DropTiming = 95;


Set Delay Minium Time Before You Can Use The Same Support Action {10 = 10 Seconds}


Delay = 30;


Turn Radio Menu On Set This To 1 -- 0 For Off


SupportCall = 1;


Turn Camera Menu Options On Set This To 1 -- 0 For Off


CameraMenuOn = 1;


Turn Action Menu Options On Set This To 1 -- 0 For Off


ActionMenuOn = 1;


Turn on AI Info Set This To 1 -- 0 For Off {Used For Debug}


AIstats = 0;


Turn AI Support On Set This To 1 -- 0 For Off


AIuse = 1;


Set The Amount Of Chance For The AI To Call Support {20 = 2%}


AIFrequency = 250;


Set The Amount Of Chance For The AI To Use Smoke {20 = 2%}


SmokeFrequency = 200;


Set The Amount Of Chance For The AI To Use Flares {20 = 2%}


FlareFrequency = 200;


Turn AirStrike Support On Set This To 1 -- 0 For Off


ASS = 1;


Turn AirStrike Missile Support On Set This To 1 -- 0 For Off


ASSMissile = 1;


Turn AirStrike Napalm Support On Set This To 1 -- 0 For Off


ASSNapalm = 1;


Turn AmmoDrop Support On Set This To 1 -- 0 For Off


ADS = 1;


Turn Artillery Support On Set This To 1 -- 0 For Off


ARTS = 1;


Set Artillery Delay 20 = Random 20 Second Delay(Plus 10 Seconds)


ArtilleryDelay = 30;


Turn HeliStrike Support On Set This To 1 -- 0 For Off


HELIS = 1;


Turn Heli Transport Support On Set This To 1 -- 0 For Off


HELIT = 1;


Set The MAX Distance The TransPort Heli Can Travell -- Set in Meters


Transportdist = 5500;


Turn Transport Reinforcements Support On Set This To 1 -- 0 For Off


Newtroop = 1;


Set The Amount Of Chance For The AI To Call Reinforcements {20 = 2%}


Maketroop = 100;


Set The MIN Distance The Soldier Must be Away From the Leader AI To Be Picked UP -- Set in Meters


Awaydis = 550;


Turn Plane Markers For Air Support On Set This To 1 -- 0 For Off


MarkersAir = 1;


Turn Markers For Targets On Set This To 1 -- 0 For Off


MarkersTarget = 1;


Sets The Area Of The SafeZones -- 100 = 100 Meters --


SafeZone = 300;


Do Not Edit Past This Line



Thats it!





PS :

Thanks to all those other people

that made scripts that I made use of.

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Very nice script i'm loving it right now. The mission it came with was very fun and chaotic. Good work

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Sounds good, I'll give it a try.

Quote[/b] ]Changed -- No need to name any units on the map except the planes listed below and the server "LOGIC"

The logic shouldn't be needed if you use the isServer command. No big deal though.

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Sounds pretty cool Zonekiller wink_o.gif

I will test it.

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Does this work with Grouplink? As in, are reinforced troops recognized by the Grouplink scripts?

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Very good script, however, the airstrikes could be refined, so that the player can choose the munition used. (btw looks totally awesome when the aircraft flies in at low altitude and the ammo drop is the best i have ever seen)

And also, if you want to go for the realism front, i have various artillery and mortar scripts which i have based on real life rates of fire/accuracy that i could send you to integrate if you are interested.

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V good been playing with this most of the day - how about putting it in user mission I just happened to look here could have easily missed it.

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Hi ! really impressive work you have done here , i love it ! i'm using your scripts in a heavily scripted mission (group link II , patrol script, XAM , FFN, etc ) and works like a charm notworthy.gif it adds a lot of atmosphere to the game .

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yeah I added this to domination for singleplayer and it really adds to the immersion 100%

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safezones are areas you can not target in;

you set them around respawn points

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Hmm, how does one enable the reinforcements? I've yet to figure that out. Do I just order a transport or something? Same for the AI?

Great fun though. I'm having quite a blast with this. I did get an error at one time, but I haven't been able to reproduce it or take a screenshot, unfortunatley.

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Tested and works

However these scripts allow for an unrealistic amount of support, there should be an option in the cfg to allow for a limited amount of artillery or ammo drops/bombings (editable by the mission maker). The delay option should be kicked out and instead an amount/how many times the support can be called included, with the delay as a hardcoded script/constant.

The support pack 1 offers others scripters more flexibility to do this than this new pack does.....but hey you cant please everyone !

I am sure V3 will improve these factors  smile_o.gif

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No no, not limited ammount. I hated that with every support pack. A bigger delay time would be more appropriate as it would force the player to rethink about waiting a good ammount of minutes more for another airstrike.

I'd also like more options with choosing the approach vector of the support craft. I'd like to be able to choose either to approach from any of the compass directions(S,SW,SE,E,W,NE,NW,N). Also I found the bino targeting rather unrealistic, so I don't use that, but that's up to the player but I feel like grunting for a bit. The bino targeting reminds me of the BF series.

Maybe one day something will appear that will involve a bit more than just point and click on the map.

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The delay should depend on how far away you are from the support centre, hardcoded in.

Limits on the amount of support is realistic - you dont get an unlimited amount of ammo drops and leave them all over the map in real life, the same goes for artillery and air. Perhaps the laser des would work better than the binos?

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So...how does one reinforce his own squad? I seem to be doing something wrong because I'm not seeing a reinforce action.

Please after getting killed and losing a lot of men, then teamswitching I get this error:


Could be because of DAC, or CWR.

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Everything works fine for me EXCEPT the Heli Strike. Whenever I try to call it it says expected array etc etc etc and nothing happens.


PS : Will copy and paste details after lunch wink_o.gif

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Very good script, however, the airstrikes could be refined, so that the player can choose the munition used. (btw looks totally awesome when the aircraft flies in at low altitude and the ammo drop is the best i have ever seen)

And also, if you want to go for the realism front, i have various artillery and mortar scripts which i have based on real life rates of fire/accuracy that i could send you to integrate if you are interested.

I see that the Napalm will only work if you have the AirStrike Support on & Napalm turned on, Otherwise its random wether you get Airstrike or Napalm. (unless you targit a enemy soldier) Maybe there should be a way of just having napalm as a selection or as he said chose the type of support required from Air.

Also, if I dont add an A10 to the Mission I still get tho option to use one? Is there a way of taking that out.

Thanks mate.

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Everything works fine for me EXCEPT the Heli Strike. Whenever I try to call it it says expected array etc etc etc and nothing happens.


PS : Will copy and paste details after lunch wink_o.gif

Yes, this happens if you:

1. you are east and have only put west air support down.

2. same as above other way around

3. you have selected a friendly soldier as a targit.

I to have had this, and decided it wasnt a good idea to select friendly soldiers as targits

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As a matter of fact this was the same in OFP (I remember it in some of the Tonal missions that had Air Support).

It seems that if you do not target a live enemy, you will get this error. I just removed all my Addons/Mods to make sure it wasnt on my end and it still does the same thing. The minute I actually target an enemy Vehicle, it works perfectly. I target a house or the ground etc, it bugs out.

Excellent set of scripts by the way, probably not too hard to write a little exclusion that basically says that if you are not targeting X - then cant complete or something to that effect.

(I'm no programmer sad_o.gif)



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Thanks for all your input guys

i am looking into these little bugs.

My server was down for awhile but it should be ok now.

so many electrical storms this time of year.

if anyone would like to help me sort out or find a better way to refine the SupportV3 let me know as i am only a beginner really at scripting.

some want things to happen one way and others want it another , this should not be a problem as the way it is written i should be able to give the option in the cfg file.

keep them ideas comming in.


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Thanks for all your input guys

i am looking into these little bugs.

My server was down for awhile but it should be ok now.

so many electrical storms this time of year.

if anyone would like to help me sort out or find a better way to refine the SupportV3 let me know as i am only a beginner really at scripting.  

some want things to happen one way and others want it another , this should not be a problem as the way it is written i should be able to give the option in the cfg file.

keep them ideas comming in.


Hey mate,

Couple of other things I've noticed -

- Helos and planes crash a little too frequently due to altitude. Im designing a mission around the city of Bagango and when I try to extract 2 out of 3 times the helo will extract me into a tree sad_o.gif

One way I have found to stop this from happening in my limited experience is to set a flyinheight and another way is to slow the aircraft down a bit.

- I notice the bombing runs are VERY innacurate sometimes. Im not sure if you have done this on purpose or not but occasionally they are way off target.

- It may be a better option to allow the person calling the strike to decide what kind of ordnance he wants to employ. Sometimes when I want bombs, the pilot opts for a missile run, flies over without firing and then tells me he is going home. Letting the player choose the ordnance allows for more flexibility since generally you know what kind of damage you want.

You might want to set it so that people can limit the Airstrikes/Arty etc. I personally just set the reuse to 300 seconds which is more than enough for my purposes but being able to limit them would be handy when you dont want people spamming say Airstrikes, but dont mind if they have 3 or 4 Arty calls.

Other than that they are really good scripts. A couple of things that would be nice additions would be an Arty barrage that uses smoke and maybe a satellite view that only team leaders can use in order to pinpoint targets. I like all the Camera views but a satellite is more in line with being realistic.

Good job mate smile_o.gif


PS : If you ever need help testing I would be more than happy to help .... just PM me!


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