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Yoma's Arma Addon Synchroniser

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Thanks for help.

I've made some progress and now I was able to synchronize my ArmA directory with yours Addon Server and found all my installed addon modfolders on my disk.

It is a superb tool and I like it very much to be able to choose the mod folder sequence!

A few more questions please:

- Do I need to set up a web server if I want to synchronize the addons with my friends on LAN not over Internet?

Would it work this way?:

1. Add Server button

2. Server name (My Server name specified in ArmA)

3. Game Server IP (IP address in LAN)

4. Port 2302

I leave the URL blank, Password blank, User blank, Pwd blank, TeamSpeak IP blank, Port (for TS) blank, Nickname blank, Anonimous (he he this should be anonymous, spelling...) unchecked, TS Login blank, TS Password blank

and then would the machine of my friends recognize me as LAN gaming server when they enter my Server Name, IP and the port and they could synchronize?

- What is the function Start Monitor for?

EDIT: OK I found out it's monitoring Servers this I understand now.

- What is the function for Local Game for?

- What is the function for Auto Launch and Launch if Room for?

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- Do I need to set up a web server if I want to synchronize the addons with my friends on LAN not over Internet?

Yes you would need to do that, this is not as hard as it seems. You could allso set up an FTP server to achieve the same goal.

-I leave the URL blank, Password blank, User blank, Pwd blank, TeamSpeak IP blank, Port (for TS) blank, Nickname blank, Anonimous (he he this should be anonymous, spelling...) unchecked, TS Login blank, TS Password blank

This cannot work, you would need to fill in the name of your pc or it's IP adress in the URL box and the gameserver box.

-What is the function for Local Game for?

For launching the game without connecting to a remote gameserver.

-What is the function for Auto Launch and Launch if Room for?

Auto Launch: when you play on a NON-JIP server you can have the game launch when a new game is set up.

Launch If Room: Damn my favorite server is full, i can start monitor and "Launch If Room" and the program will launch arma when places become availlable.

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Thanks for the answers Yoma.

Meanwhile I found a program to setup a MiniWebServer and your tool runs very good with it.

One little suggestion:

Every time I start YAAS I have to check the wanted modfolder again. This way I have always to remember the best modfolder sequence and do it again for each start.

Is there a possibility to make a function that remembers my last used modfolder sequence?

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It remembers the settings after you click launch arma.

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There is a problem with this software.. if few addons required to be placed in the ArmA\Addons folder, it creates zip of 4Go of files.. but the BIS standard files don't need to be checked.

There should be a list of ignored files by name (BIS addons file + their bisign) to prevent the server from registering BIS original files in the MD5 checksum & zipping them.

I am currently zipping all these files to allow the users to download 3 special addons that sized 33Mo where i have to zip 4Go confused_o.gif

Maybe add an option for the server admin to create a list of files which must be ignored ?

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You should never place addons to Arma\addons folder but create

eg. Arma\@yoma\addons folder where you place your external addons.

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That's not what is said on their website.

You have to go to the addons folder.

It could be @armaeffects\addons but it also could be \addons because some of the addons on the server are in the basic BIS addons folder..

It's not my fault if some addons need to be installed in this folder :/

There is few missions that need AT_Napalm.pbo ; AT_Rockeye.pbo & RC_Be32K.pbo

They are all installed in the ArmA\Addons folder (i've followed the installation instruction from the addons maker).

So i can switch them into a special folder ? (like @yoma\addons as you said for example) Missions that required them will still work ?

Also i got another problem, the place to synchronize with the addons is an ftp server for me, (i don't have a web domain..) but an ftp server is protected. So how can i send the user & password with Yoma's Synchronizer ?

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Thanks Q & Yuka. I am investigating now notworthy.gifsmile_o.gif

Edit : Well it seems Yoma updated his Synchroniser, now i have the 2 fields -> user & password.

Thanks for the fast update Yoma notworthy.gif

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I am back for the best & the worst tounge2.gif

The best -> it works very well, very useful !

The worst -> How the installation folder works ? There is few folders "arma...exe_144........" they look the same, is the program creating a new folder "arma...exe........." when we change saved data ? (server IP, new addons appearing, updated addons list, etc..)

For the next version a better installation system is maybe needed ? (not installing itself in a hiding folder space but in something more "standard" like "c:\program files\Yoma's Addons Synchroniser" for example)

Also i were asking myself if the program uses all the bandwidth available or if it limits the upload/download rate itself ?

Edit : Also a new thing, The Synchroniser can't "enable" TeamSpeak Overlay, it must be done manually. (the launching of the game is so fast with 1.09 beta that you will have to alt-tab)

I don't know if you can auto-enable TSO when starting it ?

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-Autoenabling TSO is not possible at the moment as far as i know (Not my fault, go ask dev's of TSO)

-The installation: check this thread, i know it's a long one, but the explanation on WHY i use the clickonce installer is allready here. (automatic updates is a very good reason for example)

-The program DOES NOT UPLOAD anything. I don't intend to change this, as programming a DECENT FTPClient takes ages and there are plenty allready on the market. What the program CAN do is tell you WHAT you'll need to upload to update the addons server to whatever you have locally.

-You seem to think my tool has anything to do with stuff like Kazaa and the likes. Well, you're wrong, it's not a P2P client, it's simply a HTTP/FTP client.


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*New Version*

-Our dear friend NinoFoxhound has had the Armaholic website changed, this means that people that want to use the Armaholic website for mod information, can do this now.

Just go to settings and Fill the textbox with the URL of your likings (2 examples are printed)

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Hey Yoma, been using your synchronizer for a month now after trying other launchers and such and I gotta say I love it! I won't use anything else that's for sure.

Just wanted to show my appreciation for a job well done. thumbs-up.gif

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-Autoenabling TSO is not possible at the moment as far as i know (Not my fault, go ask dev's of TSO)

-The installation: check this thread, i know it's a long one, but the explanation on WHY i use the clickonce installer is allready here. (automatic updates is a very good reason for example)

-The program DOES NOT UPLOAD anything. I don't intend to change this, as programming a DECENT FTPClient takes ages and there are plenty allready on the market. What the program CAN do is tell you WHAT you'll need to upload to update the addons server to whatever you have locally.

-You seem to think my tool has anything to do with stuff like Kazaa and the likes. Well, you're wrong, it's not a P2P client, it's simply a HTTP/FTP client.


The dev of TSO is waiting for TeamSpeak v3 so :P

I weren't speaking of the "clickonce installer" but of the folder of the installation. I prefer a program that installs itself in a folder i can easily find (like my example c:\program files\yoma's addons synchroniser). Then when i've found the installation folder, i've seen there were multiple folders that pretty look the same.

So i am thinking the update program copy all the new program in a new folder but don't erase the previous version. Am I right ?

I don't wanted to offense you, i am not telling your program is a P2P client. But as it's your program which contact the server & manage the download of the addons. I were thinking the client program could have a limit for download (to prevent the server from loosing all its bandwidth when lots of people are downloading addons for example).

This in the case where the ftp server is on the same server as the game server. (and i think little team as mine can't afford one server for the game, one server for FTP, etc..)

And for the last answer, i will say all the addons makers should then explain the benefits of putting all the addons into a special folder rather than adding them into BIS addons folder. (after all, i were new to addons installation and i just follow what the readme file was saying..)

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As far as bandwidth throttling is concerned... if you have the option of running an FTP server on the same box as your game server (and that's your only option) there are many FTP server solutions that offer per user, per connection, or global bandwidth throttling options.

A simple one to get you started (easy to set up, maintain, and use) for windows is Filezilla FTP Server.

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I've haven't search a "external" FTP server program, i have used the windows IIS for the FTP server which was already installed on it.

But thanks, i'll try to find if there is something to configure the FTP bandwidth.

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I weren't speaking of the "clickonce installer" but of the folder of the installation. I prefer a program that installs itself in a folder i can easily find (like my example c:\program files\yoma's addons synchroniser). Then when i've found the installation folder, i've seen there were multiple folders that pretty look the same.

So i am thinking the update program copy all the new program in a new folder but don't erase the previous version. Am I right ?

And for the last answer, i will say all the addons makers should then explain the benefits of putting all the addons into a special folder rather than adding them into BIS addons folder. (after all, i were new to addons installation and i just follow what the readme file was saying..)

-One cannot choose the install path of a clickonce installer due to its nature, look it up in google.

-The extra paths you see are indeed to an older version.

(check your installed software list HEY you can actually ROLL BACK a version of my software, isn't that a nice feature)

It won't keep ALL the previous versions though.

-Clickonce has various downsides but allso has various pro's, I personnaly think the pro's(rollback, autoupdate, mindless deployment) outperform the cons, by far.

-Some idiot addonmakers telling you to put your mods in default BIS addons folder doesn't make it a less wrong thing to do.

-Be glad that you have addons instead of requesting all addonmakers to do something.

Anyway, trust me you NEED custom addonfolders. Else you'll get in trouble updating the game etc. Allso some day some addons will conflict and you'll have a very hard time finding out which ones are causing trouble. Not to speak of certain multiplay servers that won't allow you to connect with your installed addons, where you won't have the simple option of not using them if they are in your default addonsfolder.

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It doesn't need a linux version. It's perfectly compatible with linux web or ftp servers.

People keep thinking this is some kind of server program...

IT'S NOT. It does NOT serve any files, it just makes it easy to get/upload your files. It doesn't even upload files, but can tell you which files have changed on your local installation so you know what to upload to web/ftp server.

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Hi Yoma. Still uses your tool its very nice work you have done!!! notworthy.gif

Just some small questions:

On the server tab, at the bottom, I got "Download" and all the boxes are checked. Why can't I check out the ones I wanna download? I think that would be a nice feature. So I could download 3 out of 7 addons, just by checking the boxes. And then just have a "Download" button for those I have checked.

This is presuming I know what I wanna download. It work ok now, but I have to take all at once or just one at the time.

And is it possible to expand the use of the modfolders.txt, so I could also get some information at the same time. Like if you separate it with space.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">@FDF_Sounds\AddOns Some text with information

@XEH\Addons Some text with information

@ArmAEffects\Addons Some text with information

Then if you could also get this information at the "Servers" tab, after the addon. I think that would be a informative feature. Like version numbers or who's the author of the addon, or if it's required at my server...anything..

And the last question...is it possible to incorporate to manual put in where you want your config files, like the options "-cfg=" and "-profiles=", not sure uf you need to add "-config=" since I think that is just a server option. But the two others at least would be great.

I assume you got a lot to do and don't really have time for this. But if you do think it's sound ok and wanna do it. I would be happy.

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sorry Yoma, but my "wish-list" is a bit long, I can see that now after posting it. Don't take it as something you have to do. It's just what I would like to have.

I think what you have done so far is just great. And these things are just what I am missing. You are the creator of this program and you decide what you would like it to be.

No offense!

Best retard NoBrainer

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Indeed time is not on our side...

Maybe later.

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Great tool, I wont be going back to any other addon launcher, thats for sure notworthy.gif

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And the last question...is it possible to incorporate to manual put in where you want your config files, like the options "-cfg=" and "-profiles=", not sure uf you need to add "-config=" since I think that is just a server option. But the two others at least would be great.

There is a white textbox under Use Custom Parameters

at server launch.

In this box you can add your own specific extra startup options. (like -profiles=) etc.

The data will persist as soon as you launch the game.


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