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Lost Brothers IDF Units Ver 1.6 RELEASED

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After mixed feedback on the previous version  , we are glad to announce the release of the 1.0 version , including:

- Updated IDF Paratroopers

- Sayeret MATKAL Special operations units

-  Egoz Counter Guerrilla force

- Givati Infantry brigade

- Updated Tavors with M203

- M4A1 Flattop rifles

- Sig P228 pistol






I know that there are some things to work on , this is NOT our last unit release.

Best regards.

Jewish Freak

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Nice screens but i would prefer some that show the units bit more closely.

Anyway, as far as i can say they look lot better now and seem to be a must download smile_o.gif

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Looking good !

Here is an ArmedAssault.info Mirror to these addons :

DOWNLOAD - IDF Units (v 1.5 ) - [40,3 MB] from Armedassault.info

Code : <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> DOWNLOAD - IDF Units (v 1.5 ) - [40,3 MB] from Armedassault.info

And here is the news to the latest release :

Click here to get to the IDF Units (v 1.5 ) news from ArmedAssault.info

Code :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Click here to get to the IDF Units (v 1.5 ) news from ArmedAssault.info

And last but not least, your personal profile where all of your mods stuff is listed (if you want to add some more info simply PM me)

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Excellent stuff, downloading right away. Toda rabba for the excellent units. biggrin_o.gif

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love the units good work

love the SF, other new soldier models and new weapons.

only request if possible, is to config so

other faces can be used

again keep up the good work

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Awesome! Much more realisitic than the version released for OFP. By way, just would like to know how you make the new one for ARMA. Did you transfer them from OFP verison or totally made new model for ARMA?

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Nightkiller- When you finish your textures of our units and send them to Jewish Freak (Soviet), we will use them in our next update.

OFPCAT- Yeah I'll let Jewish Freak answer that as he did the bulk of the work on converting these units. But originally, yes these units were scheduled to be part of our OFP IDF update.

der_baer_fm- Thanks for the bug report!

El nino Foxhound and ofpdeadeye- Muchos Gracias por los mirrors! (Big thanks for the mirrors my friends!wink_o.gif You guys help keep the mod community strong!

Also big thanks to Jewish Freak for all the hard work and for putting up with my nagging about some of the details. smile_o.gif

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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After some testing i can say that these are really nice units, a bit polishing here and there and they will be even better.

Best unit from the pack are the guys in the baggy suits and the mitznefet on the head, these really look nice.

One thing that you should look into is fixing the clipping of the parts, mostly the LBV, also a few higher res textures wouldnt hurt but i guess Nightkiller can help there.

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Totally awesome great work!!!!

Those units & weapons are great, the best units so far & love the SF smile_o.gif

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Just my opinion. You should have a complete work before releasing. Sure they look pretty but they need far more work. I know you will do it,

gratz hope to see more of your stuff

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I understand what you're saying.  However if you are familiar with the Lost Brothers Mod for OFP, you will also understand that it has never been complete.  "Complete" means essentially the entire Israeli, Egyptian, Jordanian, Lebanese, and Syrian modern and historical packs along with Hezbollah, Hamas, PLA, and other insurgent groups modelled.   We nearly completed the IDF and Egyptian military packs (in OFP) and are soon to release our Jordanian pack for OFP.

That process has taken us YEARS.  We are one of the oldest mods in OFP that still is around to continue on into ArmA.  (Although we still need more map makers, .cpp scripters, modellers and texture artists)

If you want an even relatively "complete" pack in ArmA, you would then have to wait several years before you saw anything.

We decided that instead of releasing massive addon packs as we did for OFP, that instead we will release units as we create them.  Generally speaking, most players seem to prefer that as at least it gives them something to start using and making missions with.  So right now what you see is only the beginning in the development of our "infantry packs."   We still have many more infantry units and specific types of soldiers (like tank crews) to develop.  Once that is done, we will have a solid base foundation for then getting into vehicle and aircraft development (not to mention maps).   We also still need to create some OPFOR units as well.  We have not decided what to create, but most likely it will be Hamas units and maybe Hezbollah.  But until then, several other addon makers are already making Middle East insurgents that can be used as substitutes until we finish our OPFOR units.

Anyhoo... so thats basically a summary of the state of things in our mod. I'm glad you like what you see so far, and hopefully you will see many more great addons and missions from The Lost Brothers in years to come.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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hi my favorite is also the baggy panted soldiers. but i feel the bagginess was overdone. for example most of the loose drape look should be on the back of the shin due to how pants are designed. i did a red outline for suggestions on how to change the models further:


in the first picture you can see the right leg is sort of crushed when crouching.


i also looked at the leg from various angles and the left leg seems a bit too big...also the protrusion at the area below the crotch point(the inner thigh) looks very unatural. like the pants are defying gravity.

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Actually, those suits are SUPER baggy.  The arm sleeves actually need to be more baggy.  Below is a pic of IDF in sniper suits (which are often worn by entire units such as Sayret Matkal.






(Note- On the first pic the pant legs are a little tight but thats because they are wet and clinging to the leg).

Here's a different style of IDF sniper suit but is also baggy:


The bagginess of these suits is done purposefully in order to break up the siloutte of the infantryman or sniper.   There are much better pics on the isayeret.com site that show these suits, but they require membership to see.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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i know, but when standing, the clothes need to drape or hand downwards. it looks great when he's proning as it gets flatted and puffed up, but there needs to be a mix of those two modes cause the game doesn't let you morph the models. also note the crushing of the leg. the crotch point needs a bit editing.

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Well...maybe Jewish Freak can play with his crotch a little bit to get it to hang more.


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Just my opinion. You should have a complete work before releasing. Sure they look pretty but they need far more work. I know you will do it,

gratz hope to see more of your stuff

I disagree , has been discussed in the past and several reasons.

Modteams come and go , alot show alot of WIP then fade away without releasing anything.I'd rather have the betas and with enough interest someone else may finish or bring back the mod.

You can start planning/making missions which could possibly help the modteam.If someone started some nice missions it could give some great input on bugtesting and what may be needed for final versions and the addon could turn out really sweet this way.

If they were releasing finals it most likely wouldn't be numbered as such Ver 1.5.Just wait for final release (if there ever is one, most addons are always WIP as there is always changes that could be made)

As Miles Teg pointed out that other modteams are welcome to use their new soldier units for mods too (boy I still could use some Jap pilots and various WWII units,these units look fairly easy to modify)

A finished version may get too complex and not as easy to modify for what you need

Great work IDF team !!! Looking good and thank you !

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Thanks Bratty for the kind words. I've always been a huge fan of your OFP addons. Good to see ya here in ArmA working on WWII stuff. If they're as good as your OFP work, it should be very impressive. Hopefully Jewish Freak can write a tutorial of sorts on how he was able to convert our infantry from OFP into ArmA. There is info out there, but its hard to find or you just have to talk to the right people.

The more info out there, the more great addons we'll see in ArmA.


Anyhoo.... yeah we definitely welcome anyone making missions with our IDF units and other mods are welcome to use our models as long as proper credit is given.

I'll be making some missions shortly as well.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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