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Modern Combat Mod - SLX Released

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Hell where is this update?! ;s

It will be done when its done. Please show some respect... crazy_o.gif

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You think Im not respecting BigRooney?

If my post make you think not either then Im sorry.

But as I said someday - "I have no patience for good things" XD

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Asking for details on release dates in such an impatient manner, especially after Big Rooney said that its on its way less than 24 hours ago is generally considered as bad etiquette both on this forum, and off :P

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Quote[/b] ]I didn't see any such ability with that weapon when recently played the BOH mod.

I played BOH 1.46 and when I aimed the type 01 LMAT atgw and fired before the missile hit the target it accelerated upwards and then downwards to hit the target from the top. I did this many times against an enemy T-90A.

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Don't know if this has been covered or brought up (looking thru the thread and couldn't see anything similar)

As MCM has a mortar script - anyway to modify it to allow a fast air (not on map - more of a PGM 500 or 1000 pounder ) strike feature ?  Being a standoff strike option you wouldn't even have to include an aircraft - you could add the feature to the officer of the US & OPFOR side.

Just a thought - I just know how frustrated I get when attacking (or pinned down) and my mortars go way off the mark.



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Hey All.

Work coming along nicely. The new version of the mod as I said before will include a brand new options system similar to the GRAA mod by sanctuary.




Allow the user to enable/disable the use of U.S. Army BDU troops. The ACU soldiers are replaced by woodland BDU and desert BDU soldiers are added.


Allow the user to enable/disable the SLX grass Everon and Malden. When SLX Grass is disabled, OFP uses the original islands, which can increase frame-rates a slight bit. When enabled the SLX Grass islands are used which is a bit more visually nice and the grass provides some cover for troops.


Allow the user to enable/disable the radio voice. When radio voices are disabled, OFP continue to display them, but the really good side is that the AI does not wait until the slooooow speaker finish his voice acting to really do something, noticable immediately in tank battles, and town combat as a squad leader ordering AI around is enojoyable.


Allow the user to switch between the recoil system in this mod, and the new one introduced by the FDF mod, the AI is influenced by this exactly like the player.


Allow the user to play with the extremely stable weapons from BIS system, or with more weapon "wavering" simulating it is not that easy to aim and shoot, the effect is done on the AI too. the wavering is not high enough to make the game harder for the player, but it is enjoyable as you are really happy when you score a very long distance shot now.


BIS formation space between soldiers was rather small, as it was possible to kill nearly a whole squad with a grenade. Enabling the large formation use the double of space between soldiers to prevent this mass killing problem. Another good side effect is that it doubles the battle front, making actually you think with great pleasure that the AI is flanking you.


BIS default AI you know it can't see anything beyond a certain distance, play the mission Ambush and once you are in the small hill you can see easily the AI but the AI can't see you a all. Or you can crawl at 30m from an AI without it being able to see you in open space.

With that option enabled , the AI is now capable to see (and hear) you from longer distances, nearly the same as the distance a player can see an AI.


Allow the user to lean and roll when pressing the turbo/sprint key, SHIFT i think, and the direction left or right, or remove the lean ability to go back at BIS default.


Allow the user to crouch walk in every direction, or go back at BIS default that make the player standing up. The AI can use this by themselves.


Allow the player to run while being in crouch position, use this to move fast to a position while keeping a low profile. The AI can use that by themselves, or go back to BIS default that force you to stand up.


Allow the player to actually run and walk while having the AT weapon on shoulder, or go back to BIS setting of just walking (and then getting killed if your AT fail as you are too slow while walking to run for cover).


Allow a larger field of view instead of the default BIS one. It allows you to see more on the side, just a matter of preference.


Allow the player, when having the AT weapon on shoulder to go prone or to stand up with the AT weapon (and fire from there) when presing the turbo/sprint key (SHIFT i think by default) + your "moving backward" key , or just pressing your "moving backward" key.


Allow the user to use either the new animation replacement pack that comes with the GRAA modpack (or any Anim.pbo he may use instead) , or to use animations that comes from one of my NG serie of anims as they are very different visually. Just a matter of preferences.


Allow the user to move in every direction , jogging with the weapon pointing down, or with the possibility to "run and gun" (very inaccurately though), just a matter of preference.


Allow the user to either play with the old BIS "weapon on back" stances, or with that stance replaced by the popular "patrol" one. Just a matter of preference again.


allow the user to have the 3rd person view (external view) to be closer to the player model, or to use the BIS default if prefered, it is just a matter of preference.


allow the user to be able to put down / take any object/weapon from the crouch position without having to get up first like in the default OFP , disabling this get back to the default OFP behaviour (when crouch and want to put/take object, your soldier stand up first).


allow the user to launch grenades from the crouch stance without having to stand up first, or to be forced to stand up before launching a grenade like in BIS default gameplay.


this option allow the user to go in relax mode , like only the AI could do in default OFP, when pressing BACK key + Sprint Key while standing aiming , crouching aiming and lying aiming. This allow to lower the rifle and offer more field of view while you continue to look at a specific target. Disabling this go back to default BIS behavior.

This is the new Javelin. Its more accurate and effective at longer ranges.


Some of the U.S. Soldiers available with the BDU option enabled.


And BDU Special Forces.


And the Desert Soldiers.


And Desert Airborne Troops.


Quote[/b] ]It seems that this shovel says: DONT USE ME ; p

I found no errors with any melee weapons.

Quote[/b] ]Remember to Add some more variants of F-35, Like Only AA.

This can't be done as I don't edit aerial models yet.

Quote[/b] ]reenable slx ai manouvers et. al.

Just put // in front of slx_nomaneuvers=1 in the slx_gl3_settings file and all maneuvers will be back enabled.

Quote[/b] ]hmmmm something to me thinks the black trail from missiles should be white.

It turns white, the pic is photoshoped so it looks different.

Quote[/b] ]-F-15 arms are not disapearing after shoot


Quote[/b] ]-Shoot with Maverick from A-10 causes huge lagggg! Almost always crash game.

-AT rockets from Mi-28 are too weak, about 4 to destroy M1A2, what's more they are very unaccurate.

-Stryker's optics doesnt work.

-How about replacing UH-60 w/ M2 with UH-60 GAU-12 on both sides?

- Fixed.

- Also fixed.

- Model error, can't be fixed at the moment.

- New models have been introduced.

Any change of a link that works. I can't download from flashpoint.ru, just alot of jibberish comes up when I try to download.

Quote[/b] ]As a SpecOp Assaulter when I dismount aimpoint everything works fine, but when Aimpoint is on, there's no ammo. It's SMG.

Noted. Thanks for spotting.

Quote[/b] ]Ka-60 released and a Mig MFI by Evgeni

They would've been nice to add.

Quote[/b] ]Hell where is this update?! ;s

BigRooney, what's going on? Some more bugs discovered? More configs? ;s

Btw. Please make sure that campaign can be played. Both Res and CWC. Please ;p

Calm Down Vultar.

As you are the one reported the majority of new bugs, you should understand that it takes time to fix certain issues.

The campaigns are indeed more stable and playable.

Quote[/b] ]I played BOH 1.46 and when I aimed the type 01 LMAT atgw and fired before the missile hit the target it accelerated upwards and then downwards to hit the target from the top

Alright, I'll look into it again, on a side note the Javelin is now able to lock and hit targets over mountains if you aim into the air first. I'll post some screenshots showing it working soon.

Quote[/b] ]Being a standoff strike option you wouldn't even have to include an aircraft - you could add the feature to the officer of the US & OPFOR side.

An airstrike script is already included in the mcm_scripts.pbo file, it does that exact thing. The new artillery will be more accurate and easier to use.

Regards to all, Big-Rooney.

Please remain patient as I shift through everything to make sure I missed nothing and add some extra features and effects.

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Hell yeah, BigRooney nice to hear some news.

**Waiting patiently**

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hey that are some good news biggrin_o.gif

but what is the difference between MCM(or BIS) and FDF recoil??

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I must admit I dont know much about this mod - are there going to be any ACU units, or is this set in the early 2000s?

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@ ch_123


Allow the user to enable/disable the use of U.S. Army BDU troops. The ACU soldiers are replaced by woodland BDU and desert BDU soldiers are added. "

that means you can choose between ACU and BDU.

in the recent version are only ACUs and I guess its set in 2008 smile_o.gif

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Hi Big Rooney,

Great to see those news and updates. Now for the civilian zil pack what you need to do is save that page (the page with the jibberish) as a rar file and it will work. Thats how I got the SU-34 to work because I got the same jibberish. You could always save the "DOWNLOAD" link (make sure you are logged in) in firefox by clicking save link as or in internet explorer save target as ... The file to save it as is : ZilGR.rar

Ok now for BOH LMAT I clicked on the tank and got a lock on and then fired the missile straight at it and then it before it reached it used top attack.

Big Rooney what I have always wanted to see for flashpoint made was the T-72B (mod 1990). Its a widely used modernized T-72B and has T-90 style ERA. To make it you should probably modify ORCS T-90 and add 2 kontakt-5 blocks (1 per side) and remove shtora and add T-72 front light. T-90 has 3 blocks per side while T-72B Mod 1990 has 4 and no SHTORA.



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On another note Big Rooney BobCatt has a BTR-80A finished and a BTR-90 close to finished I believe. If you could contact him and arrange a deal for those to be used in the next release of MCM-SLX then that would be excellent. As always best wishes with this mod project.

In my opinion the main resistance trucks should be the ZIL-130/131's series and variants and also Ural-375D's. I dont believe they would have GAZ-66's unless they captured them.

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Universal, sorry for spotting, but please don't double post as you do it often.

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If you had read the previous posts by me in this topic you would understand that the laptop I am using to post from cannot handle more than a certain length on a post before it wont allow me to edit it thereby making it so i have to doublepost. Big Rooney any chance of including M16A2 for US National Guard units ? Also T-72B with era is commonly reffered to as T-72B1. Also how would we enable and disable the new options for 1.1 ? Good Luck and Best Wishes with this mod.

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good job wit this mod i do have a few suggestions tho for the options:

-enable or disable slx effects for those who have an ancient computer like mine

-enable or disable that fortification script that makes ai take cover in buildings. Playing the BIS campaign will make it silly.

-Give options for the crosshairs. Some people like me prefer the original bis crosshairs. Others like the ffur one it be nice if u put this option down.

-Give option for smoke caused by an explosion. I dont like the slx smoke too much i feel it's not very realistic and prefer the traditional bis smoke. give an option for that too help with performance too.

You dont have to put the options down but they be a nice addition to this MOD. Cant wait to try this out thx

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kosta, I and my Computer made by the oldest Pharaons agree with you.

Universal, sorry didnt know about laptop, but it's quite strange, isn't it?

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Thats ok , no its not strange at all its just too old wink_o.gif same goes with my desktop.

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some time ago, I played SLX mod but the enemies had a big visive range and in a Cold War Crisis campaign mission, I had to wait the destruction of a tank done by my friends (is one of the missions with the resistance) but the didn't this and an enemy saw me and killed a lot of us...and the tank wasn't destroied...did you fixed this bug? What's the last SLX version? Where can I download it? Thank you.

PS: I know that I can use this mod with ffsx1985...if I use it, too I'll can use the faces of this mod with ffsx? THx

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You really think such amount of goods is needed? How about our ancients? Will they work with something like this? Whats more, the more options in action menu the harder game play is and AI are going stupidy, remember that many people want to pass CWC with this mod. SLX already mess and needs some fits.

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SLX-AI-MANOUVERS being disabled means that missions will run 100% with mods like mcm-slx , ffur-slx-85 etc.... It was the main problem and now thats its been fixed you can enjoy CWC and other campaigns.

Edit: Big Rooney the SVU should be used for MVD units only.

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