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REALLY looking forward to the new release. I have been using your mod with RTE and having the most excellent fun !

[TAO] Kremator

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I agree with Vultar ("drop ONLY weapon"), it would be a reality. As well as an opportunity to look wounded soldiers as boxes with an ammunition, not killing them.

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Quote[/b] ]I think If they don't drop everything some player may kill them for looting~

Oh c'mon Tony, We know it's specially made for your campaign but this little cosmetic bug could be fixed no ? Also, they should die within 3 minutes if you don't want us to finish them off whistle.gif

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you know,there is a setting called "HideMagazine",if we enable it,they do "drop ONLY weapon",but there is another problem,if some player pick up allweapon of that "weaponholder" but left only magazine there.you'll find you can't see anything in the ground anymore because of "HideMagazine",so another player can't pick those ammo up.

I'll make a trigger to enable/disable the wounds in next verson.

nobody care if they die or not in SP game.but I have to keep it default on for MP game

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I actually like it that they are wounded on SP missions. I haven't tried it yet, but can you heal the wounded guys rolling around? I tried healing an captured wounded enemy guy but it didn't work as my medic refused to go heal him even when he was standing right next to him.


I also noticed that you can't use mines or satchel charges unless the soldier you are using is a spec ops class. It's not a big deal...just something I noticed.

One thing that I just noticed however that was just AMAZING is that now even armored units behave a lot more intelligently now. I could have sworn that they were practicing "bounding overwatch" techniques where some units in a platoon stayed back while others moved forward, attacked, and then were relieved by the units in back of them that were grouped together with them in the mission editor. It was unexpected but very nice!

By the way, do the stryker crews now carry AT weapons? I could have sworn I saw some of them get out of a dammaged vehicle and fire AT rockets at enemy tanks. But maybe it was just some of the infantry from the town that came out to assist them or who had climbed into the vehicle for some reason. lol

I can't wait to see what new updates you will have.

Also personally the heavy breathing of the wounded doesn't bother me too much. In real life they would be screaming, crying, or groaning...which would be a bit more disturbing.

That would probably give players PTSD if suddenly the guy next to him gets hit and lets out a blood-curdling scream of pain or if you had dozens of groaning and screaming injured all around you who won't shut up.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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there is a way to treat with those wounds,just throw a green smoke shell then your HQ will send a support chopper to pick all wounds and prisoner up and reman,reammo,heal your squad

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About picking up the wounded. I have tried it before and the helicopter arrives and the medics get out, then they get back in and fly off without ever treating a patient ! Is it because they are landing too far away from the casualties ? How far do they look for injured?

[TAO] Kremator

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the helicopter only treat caller's wounded,so if the wounded not in your squad,the helicopter will only drop you a ammo crate

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Ahhh that explains it. Would it be possible for it to treat ALL friendlies in the vicinity? Sometimes I have several squads in my missions.

[TAO] Kremator

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it is better to add script "support helicopter" a separate file *.sqs instead of use it constantly, to divide all addons by functions to easily adjust mod, that everyone could remove something or to add, I think it is necessary to aspire to this.

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Just a random question, but has anyone else noticed a lot of recoil using this? I use Q11's (?) recoils without any issue and I know XAM uses similar nice recoils but then whenever I load this up--no matter the loading order of everything--the recoils then to be quite rough especially with the M240 where after just one shot you're nearly pointing up in the air. sad_o.gif

I should have asked this sooner, but wasn't sure what was causing it till I noticed the only times the recoils were this bad was when this was running. Is there a way to disable them so I can use Q's or NWD's ballistics?

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i think it has to do with the aimprecision value in class "RifleProneActions" in the ffn config. i had this problem too with the earlier version of ffn mod until i decreased the value till 0.3 . don't ask me why it affects the recoils but it seems to do, specially with the m240 or the pk.

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I have the same problem with the accuracy WAY off. I also use Q's recoils.

I'll try william1's solution to see if that can be sorted.

Tony - could you have a little look into this as it does seem that weapons are wildly inaccurate. I have to use ht m240 or m249 as single shot weapons.

[TAO] Kremator

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idk if anyone else coverd this but I cant plant scatchel charges when this mods on.

Yes, only SpecOps and Sapers are allowed to put stachel charges or mines. Same way only Pilots, SpecOps and SLeaders are allowed to fly as a pilot etc etc. It has been written some posts before.

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Thanks guys, I'm relieved to know I'm not the only one suffering from the massive recoil. I'll be doing as Kremator and trying out william1's advice. Hopefully it'll bring things back to normal so we can use Q's values successfully again. biggrin_o.gif

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I'll try to fix this RifleProneActions in the next version

it maybe possbile that RifleProneActions only affact default movesMC

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Good to hear, as I'm still having a bit of trouble. I miss Q's recoils. biggrin_o.gif

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What you can also do is to put your rank up to Colonel... that also helps.

[TAO] Kremator

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idk if anyone else coverd this but I cant plant scatchel charges when this mods on.

Yes, only SpecOps and Sapers are allowed to put stachel charges or mines. Same way only Pilots, SpecOps and SLeaders are allowed to fly as a pilot etc etc. It has been written some posts before.

Personally I don't like that only black ops and engineers can set satchels.  In real life any well trained infantryman can do this.  Sappers are generally used for more specialized explosives expertise such as breaching mine fields or if a complex explosives circuit is needed. Likewise disabling wired explosives and as well as defensive position construction are their jobs.  I was in a U.S. Army (Reserve) Corp of Engineers in a (Combat, Heavy) engineer unit by the way. While I wasn't a sapper I had a fair amount of training in basic combat engineering as that was my unit's secondary job.  At any rate, any infantryman can tell you that using a satchel charge and really detonating any basic C4 charge is not rocket science.... its as simple as detonating a claymore mine unless you are using det cord (which just requires a few more safety protocols is generally only used for specialized applications).

Anyhoo... unless there is a scripting reason for not allowing all soldier's to set mines and satchels, I think it would be best if that limitation was removed at least on the satchels.  Land mines require a bit of specialized training, but even those aren't too dificult to set after a few hours of training.  Still landmines are generally the domain of engineers as generally they are laid out in a well mapped and documented fashion so as to allow ease of removal/destruction at a later date and so friendly forces don't blunder into them.   Likewise mine clearing is fairly specialized as it requires expertise and training on a large range of landmines.  

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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@Miles: Tony has stated in a few previous posts that all the limitations presents in the addon are necessary for the campaign "Fight For Nogova". This addon was developed to be used in these campaign, not for stand alone use.

I'm sad to be forced to use an AI enhancement addon "based on TonyRanger work", and not the one developed for TonyRanger. But I've no chance to do anything else, because the original addon isn't flexible enough to cover my Community needs about gameplay and realism.


(Sorry for my bad english).

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(Sorry for my bad english).

Off topic here but your english is as good as mine, and it's my native language. wink_o.gif

I agree with your assessment. It's too bad that these enhancements couldn't be made completely modular. Although I have been using it and have gotten used to the parts I don't really like. Aside from a few things, I really like this Mod, though maybe one day when the campaign is wrapped up TR may consider making it more modular.

Since I play SP only I'm the only one that needs to be satisfied though, I can imagine it can be a bummer for MP if some parts don't mesh with the crew.

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(Sorry for my bad english).

Off topic here but your english is as good as mine, and it's my native language. wink_o.gif

Haha you've killed me! xD

And yeah it should be removed. Even when someday someone will play Evo with FFN it will be hard to destroy radio tower as you'd have to be specop or engi.

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I'm sad to be forced to use an AI enhancement addon "based on TonyRanger work", and not the one developed for TonyRanger. But I've no chance to do anything else, because the original addon isn't flexible enough to cover my Community needs about gameplay and realism.


Noone is forcing you to use this mod. If you don't like the way it integrates then don't use it.

Yes there are issues but for what you get, it is MORE than worth the hassle.

[TAO] Kremator

PS we have to be careful that we don't put too much pressure on Tony - look what happened to Solus and SLX Mod, or the ECS crew !!

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@Kremator: I'm not saying anything about be forced to use this addon, in fact I'm saying that I and my Community won't use the TonyRanger addon but any other that seems or be based on it.

I'm sad because TonyRanger did a great job with this addon, but due to a lack of flexibility I (and many people) will choose not to use it as is.

For sure the "Fight For Nogova" campaign will rock.

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