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Yeah I noticed the same thing but just didn't mention it. I just figured it has to do with the compatibility issues. Hopefully he will look into some of these issues when he gets MP ironed out.

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Don't worry,I'll make a XEH compatibility replacement in next version.which means only add XEH compatable to replacement not "TR - Class" soldiers

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Good work william1,I was just plan to do the samething after the 0.82 released,but it doesn't matter.Your one may get more people the chance to test the 0.81.if you sure it's work well,you can release it.even this 0.81 have many problem but at last it's stil playable isn't it.

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this addon is amazing, now its fun to just pit two platoons against each other in any town and watch them hammer it out.

the only thing that i think is a bit annoying is the "body armor" i´ve hammered ai with 10+ 7,62 and he´s still standing, plus getting numerous shots with ak myself without even getting wounded. i see your point in having this but right now it feels a bit arcadish.

and maybe tone down the chance of smoke being thrown on contact.

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Ah, ok good. Was hoping it wasn't just me, heheh. Now I feel better--was starting to fear having to reinstall ArmA all over again lol. crazy_o.gif

Thanks William! I'll give it a go sometime today. smile_o.gif

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i´ve hammered ai with 10+ 7,62 and he´s still standing

this is impossible,you maybe using some another MOD or addon?

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i´ve hammered ai with 10+ 7,62 and he´s still standing

this is impossible,you maybe using some another MOD or addon?

Nope, he's not. I had similar problem.

I was shooting to AI and he was performing some dodge actions etc.

After half of magazine suddenly he fall on the ground and performed wounded animation.

What's more, wounded is ALMOST immortal.

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Yeah noticed that about the wounded. Once or twice I managed to somehow kill wounded (it was a test, I'm not really that sadistic....lol).

Anyways, the tracers are back thanks to william's addon, but I noticed now I don't get those "We have no....in this mission" message for the support and such, even in the editor that I usually got. Was I suppose to put williams addon in with the original or disable the original and replace it with this?

I was running a non-dedi with a friend of mine and we kept getting the "cannot edit due to TR_obj being deleted" message.

But I'm glad now I got my tracers back. yay.gif

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TonyRanger, once again thank you for FFN MOD, some additions:

I have noticed a situation during mission when the commander has ordered to the soldier to sit in the tank, the tank was already faulty also the soldier constantly jumped out from it, and the commander ordered to do it again and it proceeded very long. It was possible at the soldier not skill to management of the tank or the reason the faulty tank was, I do not know.

Tony, please look this addon in your MSG. It adds first-aid sets to equipment vehicles.

In the following version I would like to see changes, similarly to it:

- that the weapon at wound dropped out only of hands, but it was possible to use equipment of this soldier.

- that it was possible to call the help and to repair vehicles with use of options of the menu on the right below, at will.

- that repairing vehicles spent longer time and only when nothing threatens (for AI).

- better to use blood it is similar to SIX_Blood.

- to remove first aid, but to add first-aid sets to vehicles.

- free-fall jump from the helicopter similar to that in ECS.

- it is desirable that skills of shooting at all were identical.

- add animation of a jump.

- animation of wounded soldier make less appreciable.


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meanwhile maybe you want to use this one , it's a FFN XEH compatible replacement i've made for my own use ,  the same as TonyRanger's one but XEH compatible and optimized. hope you don't mind TonyRanger

Thanks Willliam1!

This makes it easier to mod-mash:ECS;SLX;Six_pack1;Truemods;FFN =  inlove.gif

also= mad unpredictability  tounge2.gif

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add animation of a jump?this is bad for ArmA engine,you'll simply jump into a wall in ArmA~~

I'll consider about the rest.but,you know something I have to keep for mission and something have to keep out.

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hi william1,your replacement is well fine.but Can you change the loadout of SoldierWsniper/SoldierEsniper/SoldierGsniper with SoldierWSaboteurMarksman/SoldierESaboteurMarksman/SoldierGMarksman?

I've confused them in my replacement.it is SoldierWSaboteurMarksman should equip with M107,not SoldierWSniper

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The AI changes in this mod are incredibly impressive. AI taking cover behind rocks, calling artillery, throwing smoke etc. I also witnessed one of my AI guys climbing on a rock and firing from it! Although I don't think this was intentional it was cool nonetheless.


When I used your xeh compatible replacement it caused periodic lag in my mission. My computer wasn't under stress either.

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hi william1,your replacement is well fine.but Can you change the loadout of SoldierWsniper/SoldierEsniper/SoldierGsniper with SoldierWSaboteurMarksman/SoldierESaboteurMarksman/SoldierGMarksman?

I've confused them in my replacement.it is SoldierWSaboteurMarksman should equip with M107,not SoldierWSniper

Sure, here it is the corrected replacement with exchanged loadout (changed the previous link as well) :



are you running other mods along with FFN ? because the ones that before didn't work with the ffn replacement will work now with the xeh replacement, maybe that's the source of your lag.

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I'd like to ask to be sure, Tony, if you are still going to make Animations separate? It would be great.

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Hi tonyranger,

great work with your mod.

I have just some issues with it:

1) ai units tend to run into each other till point blank range and won't open fire when very close ...

2) as someone complained before, crew still loop getting in & out of damaged vehicles indefinitely

3)  weapons dispersion does not seem to be heavily influenced by rank/skill, low skilled units perform quite as well as highly skilled ones, especially at close range (< 100 meters). This is a probably a limitation of vanilla Arma, but can it be worked out ?

4) why units don't like to go prone when menaced ? When close to enemy any unit may prefer rolling than dodging

5) dodging effects are fine, but due to the lack of weapons dispersion  in ARMA/CQB these movements are normally useless, since also poorly skilled AI can easily pinpoint units dodging, while these ones are still vulnerable. I'm now probably suggesting a "cheat", but since the point is simulating evasive movements i think that calling some lines like "this setcaptive true; sleep 1; this setcaptive false;" just AFTER triggering the switchmove command for the evading unit can be an improvement. I've done that for a mod i developed for me and it worked fine

6) Just a hint: i bet the "dodge" behaviour is driven by a "hit" eventhandler ... why not triggering ALSO when a unit comes into fire ? How do do it ? I did it through a "FIRED" eventhandler, basically it works this way: you check the "assignedTarget" of the unit firing, if it's not NULL then fire the "dodge" behaviour for the target unit (you should take in account a proper delay and the "knowasbout" value of target vs. firing unit). Also you may provide an useful  timeout variable to be checked before re-triggering the dodging behaviour, trough an instruction like "this setVariable ['dodgeTimeout', time + 5];". Pretty simple and worked wonderfully for me  wink_o.gif

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I have been doing more testing. Is it possible to override the 'only pilots fly planes' ? Is there an init that I use for normal troops to get them to be pilots ?

The reason is that I wanted to test the new AWACs script in a mission and the replacement.pbo must have kicked in and immeidately dropped me out of the plane.

[TAO] Kremator

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6) Just a hint: i bet the "dodge" behaviour is driven by a "hit" eventhandler ... why not triggering ALSO when a unit comes into fire ? How do do it ? I did it through a "FIRED" eventhandler, basically it works this way: you check the "assignedTarget" of the unit firing, if it's not NULL then fire the "dodge" behaviour for the target unit (you should take in account a proper delay and the "knowasbout" value of target vs. firing unit). Also you may provide an useful  timeout variable to be checked before re-triggering the  dodging behaviour, trough an instruction like "this setVariable ['dodgeTimeout', time + 5];". Pretty simple and worked wonderfully for me  wink_o.gif

What a great idea. Could this be implemeted easily Tony into the next release?

[TAO] Kremator

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to normal soldier that's because I don't want to their "dodge" are passive ability.they already have another passive movement animation.

beside the SpecOps use the different CQB script as Normal Soliders they have both the "FIRED" and "Hit" and passive "dodge" movement.

not only pilots fly planes,but also SquadLeader and SpecOp fly planes.this feature is for furture MP gameplay.If you got trouble now,looks like you have to place a emtpy plane on map with "player moveindriver this "and then place a pliot or SpecOp as player.

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I bring you a good news,FFN MOD 0.82 MOD can use with SLX MOD!both FFN and SLX animation live together,and even the AI.you can even try SLX squad fight with FFN squad.

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