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Thanks for your test Pickled14.Could one more guy run the FFN MOD on the servers?I need to know what I need to fix in the MP gameplay.

I've add voice effects in my latest update,it's included the wounded call for help.

"guerilla-like" mission ?you can add a officer(HD) to those guerilla squad to make them surrender when taken heavy lost.

default,AI can kill wounded,but it's randomly.you can make a script to force Ai to do so.



_ap=_this select 0

_True_side=side _ap


?!(alive _ap):exit

_side=side _ap

?_side != _true_side:goto"upow"




_ap setcaptive false


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I think someone else prior asked if the community can list compatible mods and so far I have tried the following:

XAM1.5 -  Game crashed occasionally when calling in medivac/support chopper.

ECS - No issues yet.

Addons I run concurrently with the above (@xamadds):













NWD_ RealDispersion







Proper_effects_damage_and_sea_texture replacement










RH Weapon enhancements

RHS Marines

RHS Weapons






TrueGameplay mods





Xtra Mods

ZGB Mods

Mapfact addons (@mapfact)

Thanks pickled14! I meant to ask this but forgot to post it. I too use pretty much all the same Mods/AddOns as you plus some more. I haven't seen any real problems with my setup but I haven't had much time to play lately. This list is a tremendous help for those of us who "pile on" the content. Thanks again.

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Great work, Tony, thanks a lot!

But please, make this configurable!

I like the AI CQB capabilities very much, and would also like to use them with units like Vilas WW2 and others.

On the other hand, I would prefer to be able to deactivate some of the other features and balancing modifications like for example the wounding thing and the heavily impacted targeting.

Please do not try to make a 'take all are leave it'-mod. The flexible and modular ones live longer wink_o.gif

Best regards and thanks again!


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I like the mod's features so far.

On my xp3000+ 64 bit/1gb ram/x800 I noticed quite a bit of CPU lag with a 15v15 squad/armored battle (~5FPS), on lowest resolution/graphics settings. After the battle cooled down, the cpu load dropped dramatically though.

I'm not quite sure which components were causing it (perhaps cqb AI?), but I don't know if I can keep using FFN for large missions. :-/

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Tony you are a one man -modding- army. notworthy.gif

what you have done is nothing short of amazing.

If I may suggest in the next update to re-include your old missions from 0.75

About addon compatibility (in sp only),

I have not experienced crashes or what not yet but for me i don't get the VFAI command menu anymore so that is out,

Also Rug-dsai does not seem to be working any more but that could be due to something else so can anybody confirm this?

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I'm now making a update,fix something like support chopper will be shot down by firendly army etc.

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well some experiences with MP.

The flash grenades and gas grenades only affect to the thrower, not other players near.

Its like the entire mod only executes the script to the player that uses it, not to the other players.

The Pinned animation that happens when you´re running under fire, has a bug if you´re carrying a pistol, first the character changes to the main gun and them makes the anim.

I´ve been playing a game with the mod, and the server does not have the mod, we were 20 players, and the frames get down dramatically (-11Fraps), normal 40-60 frames. i have to test that mission more times to see if is a problem of the mission or a mod problem.

my pc:

AMDx2 2ghz. 3Gb RAM DDR2 (800). Nvidia 9600GT 512Mb

I think you have to patch Mp compatibilities.

If you want to test it in Mp tell me and i can join a server or something, i´m very interested in this mod. i like it so much, it makes the game betther.

Maybe you can make a test mission fo Mp in the next release, we can test it for you to give you feedback. Its clear that Sp works fine but the MP has to be tested.

I will try tomorrow to test other stuff in MP.


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hey im trying to GET The ai commander TO dig in his troops automaticly. I know about the INTI " TR_backpack" but how do i get them to use the defense script. " I know wat its named @ all but how do i get it to work with the INTI"

I tryed waypoints im gussing ya have to put with the init

this is wat i trired correcttly if im wrong

add weapon "TR_Backpack", [this]exec\Tr_obj\Misc\fence".sqs

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Is there a way I can get rid of that injured soldier thing when using the replacement file. It's killing me. Or can I change it for personal use to be able to kill them? I'm testing my mission and wipe out a town(within DAC zone) and there's 30 guys endlessly writhing around on the ground injured. They don't die. If I you wont let me kill em, and least make it so they die after a few minutes if no help arrives. Maybe I'm wrong here and they do die after a while but didn't wait long enough.(Although I watched them for 10 minutes to see if they would.)

Also, if one of my squad member gets hurt and starts doing the injured bit, I can't order him to my medic and my medic doesn't do anything to heal him. When using the replacement file aren't they supposed to heal guys automatically? There's no enemies around cause I'm in my base, half a map away from them.(I shot one of my squad members to test it. whistle.gif )

Besides another of my daily "injured no kill no like it" comment, this Mod is a damn gem. Beautiful work my friend! thumbs-up.gif

I apologize for another comment on the injured-no-kill thing.

Also, I thought I saw an answer to my questions on a previous page but I couldn't find it again. I'm dead tired so my reading, and typing for that matter, is fading fast. wink_o.gif

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first write a this addweapon"TR_Backpack" in the squad leader's init.then put a

[squad leader's name]exec"\Tr_obj\Misc\foxhole.sqs"

in the waypoint,then this squad will dig in when they reach the waypoint

thanks for your test lucifervivo.the FFN MOD is required and neccessary on servers side,because some script only run on servers.

so please test again with FFN MOD on servers side about all feature you have already test.like the flash/gas grenade

and A-10 and support chopper etc.

the more problem you've found in MP.the better my next version mp compatibilities.

btw :

*the shooting with a snipper rifle is very hard vecause you hit the enemies and the do not seem to be hurted. I used 6 magazines of MK12 to kill 2 soldiers...

I have marksmanship setting,if you are not sniper or SpecOp,even you are using sniper rifle it's still hard to use.

there is a script for wounded soldier

this make AI soldier open fire to wounded


_ap=_this select 0

_True_side=side _ap


?!(alive _ap):exit

_side=side _ap

?_side != _true_side:goto"upow"




_ap setcaptive false


this make wounded die in 1 mintue


_ap=_this select 0

_True_side=side _ap


?!(alive _ap):exit

_side=side _ap

?_side != _true_side:goto"UWD"




_ap setdammage 1


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btw :

*the shooting with a snipper rifle is very hard vecause you hit the enemies and the do not seem to be hurted. I used 6 magazines of MK12 to kill 2 soldiers...

I have marksmanship setting,if you are not sniper or SpecOp,even you are using sniper rifle it's still hard to use.

Is that what's going on?

I'm using Jonny's SF and Marines and from 75-100m with an Aimpoint Desert m4 acog it takes 6+ shots to injure someone. Tony, my friend, this ain't right. Sniper, SpecOps or Grunt that just isn't accurate. I challenge you to find any soldier, even the lowest rungs that will take any more then 2 shots to kill from 75m. I can't speak for other military's but US soldiers, especially Marines are all marksman. If we took 6+ shots to kill from that distance, we'd all be dead.

Again, I'm not sure if you've served in any capacity but the time spent by branches like the USMC on marksmanship is not just a few minutes a year. We take pride in our abilities and this marksmanship setting makes soldiers look like a civilian. I imagine this goes for Russians, Brits, Aussies, and all the likes as well. I can't speak for them but I gotta believe they wouldn't put soldiers on the battlefield that need to unload a clip just to bring someone down.


Thanks for the script for the wounded soldiers but what do I do with it? Do I need add this to every units init to work? That's not what I'm looking for if so. I use hundreds of units in my missions and this would take me days with the limited time I have to add this. What I'd like to do is tweak it in the config. It's only for my own use. Sorry for the dumb question but my knowledge and skills with this kind of stuff is limited. I'm not quite sure what I do with this.

Thanks in advance.

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is it a problem of body armor or a matter of high dispersion bullets ? because in a mission i was playing i was literally unable to kill an enemy at 100m , i spent a whole magazine and nothing. Then i took a look at tonyranger's config and it seems that accuracy depends on the rank of the shooter, the more rank , the more accuracy he has , that added to the aimprecission in prone possition (value 0.75) makes to hit someone like if you would be shooting with a festival  pistols.gif , and the enemies  nener.gif  at you

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I'd say just give us the standalone AI ASAP, that's what everyone wants.

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I figured it may have something to do with rank but then I remembered that I always set my units at high ranks and skill. Now I'm curious to see how many it takes to kill/injure guys with lower ranks. I'll have to check this out when I'm done with work for the day. Preferably I'd like to see this part of the Mod get removed or have the opportunity to remove it but if it can be drastically tweaked that's fine as well.

Either way I'm having so much fun with this Mod it's nuts. I love how the enemy comes looking for you and the way they fight. It's truly brought back a serious urge to play again.

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This addon makes a big difference and adds a lot more realism to any battle, congratulations. But I've some problems between your addon and my Community's official addons: we're using weapons with adjusted ballistics and recoils based on NWD and Q1184 addons, those weapons have their own dispersion and power, and we must to deal with it. We don't need a rank limitation to modify something important like the weapons dispersion. And our current way to play doesn't support to have a squad full of colonels.

IMHO: put any features you want, but give the freedom to configure what to enable/disable.

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if you want to improve your markmanship when you are not Sniper or SpecOp just make your rank higher(like "Corporal" or "Sergeant" even "Captain").I do know in war a recently joined army "private" soldier really can't use his weapon effective.

in a normal infantry squad,not everyone have high marksman,without a sniper maybe only their Sergeant have the best markmanship,you no need to set everyone with high rank

this setting is used for my furture MP game mode.

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Does this break the wolfrug's DSAI addon ? soldiers are now pretty quite and dont curse anymore huh.gif

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everybody,I have to say something...does anyone knows why my MOD called <Fight For Nogova>?If it's just a AI improvement or a effects pack,why should I use this name.

Fact,The answer is very simple,there is something behind it,a project.it contain two part,A SP/MP Campagin and A new MP mode called "CTC".

All features will included in the Campagin (something like the mercanary mission I've made in 0.75),and you'll not trouble with "which feature" should be used in mission,because I will make this campagin myself,but unfortnately,ArmA2 maybe just released in next year.I'm afraid that I can't finish this campagin in ArmA(but don't worry,I'll still work on it in ArmA2 anyway) .So the last important thing for me in ArmA is that "CTC".

CTC is a little like CTI and Evo,but it's different,it should be looks like a real combat.Have anyone still remember the High Command Mode Video I maded sometime ago?that's a command system for the "Company Commander"(something like CTI commander) in CTC mode.there are also some"Platoon Leaders"(normal player like squadleader in CTI) inside.here contain something we can call RPG(Role Play Game) setting.those Platoon Leaders have Classes,Levels,Personl Feats and Group Feats.For example,A "Armored Platoon Leader" can call in Tanks as reiforcement.If a Platoon leader have the "Trainer" feats all his soldier will gain more marksmanship with low rank.His soldier will level up and become Veterans. Those prisoner and wounded who have been taken by support chopper will also a resource of this CTC mode.Of course these things just a part of the whole CTC features.

So,trust me,everything left in this FFN MOD 0.81 have a reason to exsit.even some features seems have no use "Now".

This FFN MOD 0.75 or 0.81 with out any mission are just for test not for fully play.

if anyone accpet me,and have intresting for my furture work.please help me to test all these already-exist feature out in MP gameplay.I can't start to make this CTC mission without make sure all these features worked in MP gameplay.

By the way,the FFN MOD required installed in servers side both.so test on this condition.

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Hi tony.

Only a small sugestion.

i think people is nervous because the change your Ai makes to the game.

Maybe you can release a small addon that separates the basic Ai features for normal gameplay.

You could call it TonyR AI or something, including in it the most basic Ai movements and improvements.

On the other hand you can continue with your development of your campaign and new gamemode.

One more thing, when I tested all the FFN features in MP, i was the server of the session, and some clan mates entered my game. Is this way correct to test the FFN mod??

All the players got the FFN mod in use at same time, server (me) and clients (clan mates). All of us got the mod and charged in arma.

Because in this way some things as I say some posts before, dont work properly.

another question, what do i have to do with this:

Quote[/b] ];UWD.sqs

_ap=_this select 0

_True_side=side _ap


?!(alive _ap):exit

_side=side _ap

?_side != _true_side:goto"UWD"




_ap setdammage 1


Do I have to create a sqs fille called UWD and set a triger or in the init to activate it as any normal script??

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yes,you are correct.both server and player need the same version of FFN MOD.

there maybe something wrong or some features not work in that way.that is what we need to test,I just need the test report.

what kind of AI addon you need?A replacement?you know if you are using some addon which not defined base on BIS class,no replacement would work on them.you still have active them by add something to the init,is there anything different as now?

it's already very simple to enable the AI feature to un-bis-defined addons.you can find that in my readme.

for example just add a

{[_x]exec"\TR_OBJ\Cover\Cover.sqs"}foreach units this

to a squad leader's init will enable this whole squad "advancing with cover" ability

that UWD.sqs is just used for your custom mission if you want the wounded die.but you are not neccessary to so isn't it

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Thats weird. I haven't noticed any dispersion or 6-shots to kill problems- maybe the campaign I'm playing (Perpetua), everyone is set to 'expert'.

I like the idea of Rank-based performance to help fight the clone-like feeling of the generic soldier but I would have to say a bullet is a bullet and should kill the same.

Your Mission sounds promising and I was thinking maybe you could allow killing of the injured units but also have some sort of Peacekeeper force ie. UN, that if witnessed would take away from your money and resources.

Also, does anyone know what mod is making my RPG discard after one shot, regardless of how many missiles I got in my sack  crazy_o.gif

I'm running:@FFN;@Six_Pack1;@Truemods - it's driving me nuts

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we are running a linux server and got some problems with the mod.

every time we want to start a mission the sever kicks everbody back to the missionsmenue and writing that tr_obj are missing.

But the two files are defentliy on the server.

any ideas.

we are running also QG, truegames mod, NWd ballistics and a cutom made mod.

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I didn't realize this is strictly for MP, I'll stop giving my comments then since I only play SP. As far as the replacement only working for BIS based stuff, it seems to work very well with all units when XEH is added to the replacement file. Although I'm not completely sure since I haven't been able play it a ton.

My apologies for giving SP feedback, I'd love to help but MP isn't my forte.

I'll get out of your hair now.

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