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co30 Domination! One Team

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hello I would just like to say I love this mission as well and like above would like to see all the modes merged somehow. I would really like a Pvp version with the AI added so you could have the mobile respawn with AI squads. I would really like both sides to able to fight over the different objectives perhaps make it possible for one side to spawn directly at the objectives to act as human defenders along with the AI, If this makes sense. I also think that when Mapfacts DAC gets released you could add that ( populate the whole island) and it would create a semi- dynamic war with objectives

Thanks for this mission.

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Q; Is it possible to merge all the game modes into one map file so admins can choose which side the server's going to run that night either team; blue red yellow?

Q; Is it also possible to have the AI integrated as standard but with the option to have it switched on or off before the game is started?

Let me see what I can do here smile_o.gif

1; One of the guys playing on the server last night managed to hitch a friendly chopper flying above him, one in a million i know.

Allready fixed.

2; No ammo crates at base just one or two would do, or one with endless supply.

Added. Only local to the player. Gets refilled every 15-20 minutes.

3; Controlling the AI in the players radio action menu is a bit fidgety.

Ask BIS to introduce an easier system ;-)

4; Repair, refuel, ammo, trucks along with uh60's tend to get scattered to quickly during game play, possibly reduce there respawn times?

The respawn times were chosen because of my experiences with 20-30 players (well, only blackhawk three and four will respawn after 25-30 minutes). All other vehicles will only respawn, if they are destroyed. Currently I do not plan to change that.

Instead of the choppers having to transport the 113 to setup a remote spawn wouldn't it be better to just allow the UH60's/Mi17's or players to take a service vehicle & Engineer to set up a remote camp, containing a flag pole, mash, farp, & ammo crates, but only allowing up to a maximum of four camps at any given time on the map and limiting the build distance's between the camps 700, 900, 1200, or 1500 meters or so apart? just to offer a bit more diversity when playing.

Maybe in another mission smile_o.gif

Nevertheless... I put work on this mission on hold until BI releases 1.09. That is my little boycott against BI. Fighting against the MP bugs costs a lot of time and it is really frustrating sometimes.



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I also think that when Mapfacts DAC gets released you could add that ( populate the whole island) and it would create a semi- dynamic war with objectives

No chance that I will ever integrate DAC. I have put a lot of work in my own scripts and they have proven to be stable and do what they should do. That means, they cause allmost no lags, even while a lot of players connect or disconnect, they have some AI enhancements (like some kind of group link)... and so on.

Mapfacts ArmA DAC was never tested under this circumstances and has to prove that it is usable.



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Good reply wish all my replies where like that lol.

regards the AI menu, yeah I should have clarified it a bit more ill give ya a example I wanted to drop the 1 AI i had selected with my F key but ended up dropping the whole team of them. lol again it would be good if we could recruit and dismiss out in the field.

Re spawns good thought my mind was playing tricks on meh.

Couple of other things we came across last night after haloing in one of the guys once landed on the ground amongst tree's got stuck, couldn't move access escape menu etc and found the only way he could break the stick was by pulling out he's rocket launcher, or alt & F4 the game, this happened to him twice.

The other thing was the debris and body's on the map we've being running the map/mission the sum of 49 hours now and we've noticed that none of the body's of troop's or vehicles seem to be getting cleared away.

I will say one thing though about the game play it is definitely smother than evo when flying over the island's maybe cause that you only have one city active at any given time like.

thanks again, and roll on 109 eh smile_o.gif

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I also think that when Mapfacts DAC gets released you could add that ( populate the whole island) and it would create a semi- dynamic war with objectives

No chance that I will ever integrate DAC. I have put a lot of work in my own scripts and they have proven to be stable and do what they should do. That means, they cause allmost no lags, even while a lot of players connect or disconnect, they have some AI enhancements (like some kind of group link)... and so on.

Mapfacts ArmA DAC was never tested under this circumstances and has to prove that it is usable.



ok fair enough was just an idea anyway.

roll on 1.09 I may stop playing crysis then

I have had another stupid idea - could we have a version of this where you can play opfor and try to stop bluefor getting all the objectives. You still have the opfor AI you just help them out as a sort of quick reaction team. I think it would be fun. I know you have the PVP version that you have to fight against a third party but I want to be able to stop bluefor. I think it would add a fun dynamic element to the mission, anyway perhaps I will try to add this myself for a Lan game.

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Offtopic i know, but is there any news on DAC for ArmA? I did a search but came up with nothing. Can some one point me in the right direction?

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First of all. We in Bluppy like your maps and work biggrin_o.gif

And now to my question.

Is it possible to add "team_status_dialog" to Domination

OneTeam AI 2.22?

Soo you can add or join team in game

Thnx for the greet work you do.


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First of all. We in Bluppy like your maps and work biggrin_o.gif

And now to my question.

Is it possible to add "team_status_dialog" to Domination

OneTeam AI 2.22?

Soo you can add or join team in game

Thnx for the greet work you do.


Welcome to ArmedAssault and your first of many posts!   welcome.gif

I like your idea of joining teams, but also think that forcing the player to stay in one team encourages proper team play.  Other wise players would just split off and do their own thing, as in Evolution maps.

What i would like to see is a Spec ops team.  They could then head off and do the secondary missions, leaving the main assaults to the infantry teams.

What’s the general consensus on that guys?

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Is here any one put in "Team Status Dialog" in the map?

I can not get it to work sad_o.gif

i can´t get it to show on the list down to the right.

And i have try to fix soo it´s as a button in "show Status" like "Fix head bug" but no hop sad_o.gif

I get no erros or nothing so i dont know wate to do next

Is easy when you get erro but nothing sad_o.gif

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Been kinda busy recently with RL stuff but finally got the Beta 22 pack uploaded to ArmedAssault.info

The pack can be downloaded by clicking here.

Hope to see more great work!



aka: JynX

ArmedAssault.info Site Team & News poster

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Hi there!

I've never actually tried to use the laser guided bombs until yesterday but I never got it to work. I was playing as team leader in the 2.22 version (not AI) and were flying the aircraft. A sniper in my group had a laser marker and lased the target (so that he could see the diamond in the laser designator).

However, I never saw any kind of indicator in the aircraft HUD of the lased target. I probably did something wrong but I have no idea what. Can someone help me? This function isn't de-activated in domination right?

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Excellent Mission. The question memains why are people still playing evo? This mission is truly Evos's Successor. Still has bugs albiet very tolerable ones, nothing game changing at all. The potential for expansion with this format is infinite. Streamlined to keep the action focused on a single objective whilst still enabling the choice to complete sidemissions. genious this map everything you wanted Evo to be smile_o.gif

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Excellent Mission.  The question memains why are people still playing evo? This mission is truly Evos's Successor.  Still has bugs albiet very tolerable ones, nothing game changing at all.  The potential for expansion with this format is infinite.  Streamlined to keep the action focused on a single objective whilst still enabling the choice to complete sidemissions.  genious this map everything you wanted Evo to be smile_o.gif


In my opinion Evo have most responsive, organized and aggressive enemies, especially the air units.

The Dom gunships takes close flyby over enemy units without harm 'em, while Evo ones are really dangerous. To the other part I noticed that Evo MI17's takes long times hovering near the combat zone exposing themselves to rocket fire from below...

Evo is perhaps better for people playing on the same server almost all time, but if one try to play on several servers, the military career progression coud be quite annoying, especially when objectives are quite far from the airport.

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Is here any one put in "Team Status Dialog" in the map?

I can not get it to work sad_o.gif

i can´t get it to show on the list down to the right.

And i have try to fix soo it´s as a button in "show Status" like "Fix head bug" but no hop sad_o.gif

I get no erros or nothing so i dont know wate to do next

Is easy when you get erro but nothing sad_o.gif

No one can help me???

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I haven't touched Domination since 2.22 (currently enhancing norrins revive scripts).

As soon as 1.09 is out I'll integrate Team Status Dialog in the next version of Domination (at least in the AI version).


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I just need to say that I truly love your mission and appreciate the help you give us here at this forum.

I mostly play the the original version so that we can be in the same group and we're mostly just 2-4 persons so it's hard to fill up all the nescessary slots.

Could you tell me how I can modify the original 2.22 version so that we can add artillery and rescue and maybe also engineering functions to the group?

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yeah it would be good to have a full support backup in this mission

arty ammo drops etc

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This mission is really awesome and it's until now my favourite multiplayer mission, specially the AI version which is by far my favourite Domination version.

But I do have a problem in this mission which is that the laser designator simply doesn't work! While having a human player (standing on the ground) designating a target with his laser designator I simply can't lock any laser targets, a thing that doesn't happen in other missions (in which the designator work quite well).

I really whish that this problem could be fixed.

Anyway, thanks very much for this excelent mission.

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The LD problem is an ArmA bug, it simply doesn't work on the RACS side.


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Could you tell me how I can modify the original 2.22 version so that we can add artillery and rescue and maybe also engineering functions to the group?

At least in the AI version all players can use artillery. Adding rescue and engineering functionality needs changes in some scripts, not that easy smile_o.gif

But as I wrote before... I'm not touching it until 1.09 is out (and it seems that we have to wait til next year).


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The LD problem is an ArmA bug, it simply doesn't work on the RACS side.


Humm, I see.

Quite a wierd bug. Thanks for the reply!

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Xeno I would just like to say plz do not abandon this mission. Its the best example of what ArmA should be like. Thankyou so much for it and I wait eagerly for the next version. My only gripe so far is the Laser Designation bug and the halo script deleting the parachute when you are 25 feet from ground causing death or servere injury.

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The LD problem is an ArmA bug, it simply doesn't work on the RACS side.


But could it work if the one using the LD wasn't from RACS? For example a specialist borrowed from the US Forces?

So if I would change "SoldierGSniper" with "SoldierWSniper" that soldier could then use the LD or do I have to change the pilot too?

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I've noticed the radio communication audio sample that plays when receiving a message from base is garbled noise rather than anything recognisable as human speech. Since no one else seems to have mentioned it, I assume this is likely specific to my sound card (Audigy 2 ZS) or by design.

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