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Request for official CD Key/ Player ID registry

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I am all for this...along the lines I like the games where the cdkey registers your email account type thing.

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Nearly a week since I put this up and only barely reaching 130 votes. I though more people would read this forum area, but maby im wrong.

Still, out of the votes o far its 86% in favour of such a system.

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Well if BIS were running such a system and BIS banned your key for whatever reason/offence then yep your Multiplaying days with Arma would be over untill you bought a new copy with a new cd key I suupose.

Or until you found a new key on the net. No real way to distinguish between pirate keys and real ones.

I still think this should be done. And if people search the net and check keygens some of the pirate keys could be banned. Don't know if that would end up banning legit ones though confused_o.gif

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Well what would be the chance a keygen would make a duplicate of a legal key? I dont know how it works, but the chance seems quite small depending on the number of digits.

Still... BIS would never do this. Its not the way they do things

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Well what would be the chance a keygen would make a duplicate of a legal key? I dont know how it works, but the chance seems quite small depending on the number of digits.

Still... BIS would never do this. Its not the way they do things

I don't think we need worry about the keygen. It's the keys being sent to clients that is the issue. They just capture them and use them.

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Im fairly sure you cant make a CD-key out of the MP ID, or can they put any ID they like?

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Im fairly sure you cant make a CD-key out of the MP ID, or can they put any ID they like?

There have been topics on some of the cheat/hack sites about them doing it. So i assume they do.

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I voted "Yes". Actually, I'm wondering why this wasn't implemented in the first place. Battle.net, for instance, has had this for ages, and I'm sure that other games have as well. Have no problem with registering - I play a lot of Steam games, and it's never worried me to have to sign in to Steam to play.

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Hmm bumped nener.gif

I voted yes.

A register your cd key option would be a good idea.

People could try and steal it but they would need to login as you anyway.

If you disagree, you could find servers that have an option to allow anyone on, and ignore the login system. Sure you could probably cheat on them but thats up to the server owner.

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Voted yes but seems for this to work you would need these things in place.

1. Register Id to play online with username password and email.

2. Email verification would let you use "gamespy" ect.. to let you see the servers.

3. To keep people from stealing you id/username and using it to do bad things on servers you should have to login username and pasword to see servers again and do this everytime you start arma MP, maybe have a save option to keep username and password fields filled. And have options for forgot password go to bistudios.com or whatever.

4. This database of id's/usernames should just be used for logging in only not for banning or made public.

5. Maybe you can change your username in future by using your email as verification.

6. One problem that would exist is a cdkeygenerator. BIS would have to keep up with what keys have been sold and add them to database I guess for this to work.

7. I guess for people who dont have internet but do have a LAN would be able to bypass this registration so they could play on different computers but with 1cd key per computer security installed on game in the first place.

8. Incase they decided not to use this database years after release of game they would have to have preinstalled instructions to bypass registration/login if the database wasnt active.

I think this would be great, it would tone down cheaters and hack copies. People may still cheat but they could bascially only cheat once with good admins controlling servers.

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yes but the player id should be based on a unique player id code, that way we can change our screen names in mp without having issues, that is useful for people in clans and tournaments who want to avoid being screwed if they have to change tags...

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yes but the player id should be based on a unique player id code, that way we can change our screen names in mp without having issues, that is useful for people in clans and tournaments who want to avoid being screwed if they have to change tags...

The use of XML's help that problem.

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I can't say yes enough times, this is a great idea! This would controll the dodgy geezersand the geeks who have no life like this Kid who wouldnt make it past the registration screne.

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This system is the same as Novalogic is using for its games (BHD, JO).

In order to create an account and play online you need to put a valid cd key.

They have gone even a step further and on their forums in order to view them and participate you need to create an account and provide a valid cd key.

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This system is the same as Novalogic is using for its games (BHD, JO).

In order to create an account and play online you need to put a valid cd key.

They have gone even a step further and on their forums in order to view them and participate you need to create an account and provide a valid cd key.

Absolutely yes.

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actually a ban makes sense as well...especially if it is a master ban.

In order to create another account and play you have to go and pay for another cd key...

now this is how it used to be...i don't know if there is a walk around for that as well...

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I dont think BIS can do this for ArmA, Maybe ArmA 2, just think they have sold over half a million copies, and to backtrack all those Cd-Keys to store in a big database could take years and thats even if they stored the cd-keys in the first place.. lol.. And then just the implementation of such a thing could take ages..

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