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Thank You BIS for the TOOLS!

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Could you explain what is extrude ? Could you also make a tutorial "How to make your first crate for Arma ?" Popka ?

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wikipedia! read and learn!


That is completely useless information with regard to 3D

modelling! Briefly, in this context, "extrusion" is a technique

for making a 3d solid from a 2d shape. Imagine, for example,

a 2D square face, you could make a 3D cube by extruding the

2D square face.

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The modeling process is a bit different from the industrial one. I'll try to explain what extrude is in o2, and I'll try to add pics when I am able to.

Just imagine a planar surface (like a field) which is composed of 9 squares :

 _  _ _




If you extrude the one in the center, the 8 other will remain the same but the center one will be displaced in altitude (it will have taken altitude from the field in my example) and 4 new faces will link it to the 4 previously adjacent faces. In fact the result is that you will have something like a building in the field. Of course it also works with things more complex than a square, but that's the principle.

Hope I'm understandable, I'll try to post pics to illustrate.

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thanks ... i just got one question where is LINDA (lite) ? smile_o.gif) whistle.gif

Got a Ph.D in theoretical mathematical models of botanical vegetation structures? smile_o.gif

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Cheers for teh tools BI! although for future reference release them when they are ready, not when you need to ass kiss your fan base for kicking them in the face! nener.gif

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Elliot Carver

+1 WL and 48h vacation for flaming.

The tools was released at the time the devs thought they are ready to release.

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Is there anyway u can convert OFP mods to ArmA easy now with the tools?

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At the previous page there was someone asking what was extruding. After the theorical answers, I wanted to post one practical example. This is the place at the rear of my aircraft where the arresting hook is stored during the flight :

Before, it is smooth :


After, there is a cavity for the hook to be stored in : (I didn't make the hook yet)


All this is done just by pressing G (extrude), and deplacing the faces created. Much more practical than copying the points and making the faces by hand like before...

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