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Article on use of VBS2 by Dutch military

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This weeks issue of the Defensiekrant, a weekly publication of the Netherlands ministry of defence, has an article on the use of commercial gaming applications as part of the courses at the Maneuver Instruction and Training Center (OTCMAN), which mentions the use of VBS2.

Defensiekrant, page 10

A translation of the full article:


Commercial games prove to be a perfect instructional device

The future belongs to gaming

Amersfoort - When an ordinary captain in the infantry says that 'gaming' can be of great importance to training courses at Defence, then that will not lead directly to an avalanche of publicity. It is different when a genuine professor for 'Gaming - for the digitally challenged: games on the computer - declares in a national newspaper that education, defence and for example the fire brigade can take enormous advantage from digital training. "It is about time to lift this training method from its hobbyist aura" is the opinion of captain Clemens Roos of the Maneuver Instruction and Training Center (OTCMAN) at Amersfoort.



In room 18 of building U at the Bernhard barracks some 25 computers are running games like Steel Beasts (mechanised operations) and Virtual Battle Space II (dismounted operations). The processor is an ordinary Pentium IV, the operating system Windows XP. Extra attention is given to to the graphics card. The VTO (Occupational Technical Course) KMA at the OTCMAN has started to use games as a training method. "It is still too much ad hoc" observes Roos, besides a fanatical gamer also national military champion Orientation. "I have personally connected all the wires in this class room with bits of tape. I do not mind that, but it illustrates the pioneering phase in which we are engaged. The value is being underestimated. It makes a huge difference if a tank driver has already driven around here on the digital Leusderheide before he is released into the open." The computer and professional games are excellent educational devices according to Roos. "I think it just has to sink in at certain places."

Mark Overmars, wo is professor at the University of Utrecht, thinks that gaming will gain more influence in educational courses. "World of Warcraft is played by almost ten million people online. The socalled serious games are making an enormous advance. More and more use is made of games in education, in defence, in the world of medicine, in the government" observes Overmars in the Algemeen Dagblad.


Captain Roos agrees entirley with the position of Overmars that we are just at the beginning of the utilisation of games. That has also to do with a generation divide. The baby boomers generally have no interest in game consoles, the youngsters adopt it readily. This was proven during the KL-days some weeks ago. We manned five isles with each ten computers in the sporting hall which where constantly in use by youths" tells Roos. "The beauty of it was that a group of five boys immediately grasped that cooperation is essential with these games. The group dynamic is enormous at such a moment." Roos will readily not assign blame to the older generation. "We have got more than enough young soldiers who have a low regard for these games. The good thing is though that especially these persons come with surprising solutions and become the greatest fanatics."

We take Battle Space II as an example, a game in which the participants have to capture a number of sectors from enemy units as dismounts. "I am still in awe over the power of this means." The players can select a (Dutch) weapon with all its associated advantages and limitations. "You will for example notice that an upright shooting stance will more likely result in a miss, just as in real life. Moreover this version - which costs about a thousand euro for a licence - has no health bar which allows one to absorb a couple of hits. Therefore they quickly abandon the thought of running and gunning in any direction. One really learns to move tactically in a group. With the knowledge gained here, soldiers are not only better prepared to start an exercise, but also with more self confidence. That is an enormous benefit. One builds in success. Important in this regard is that each action of an individual soldier can be evaluated. As instructor one could just provide a narrative, but here one takes someone through an entire process, in which everyting is shown."

This is concerned with training up to and including level four, so from an individual level to company level. And here the customer is always served to his wishes. There can be developed scenario's, it is possible to operate with Apaches integrated and when the Boxer makes its service debut, then one can immediately integrate that vehicle. "The cavalry can now already test along with the armoured infantry what the impact on maneuvers will be when the CV-90 will be joining. The YPR can hardly keep pace with the Leopard, but in a while the tank will have trouble keeping up with the new armoured vehicles. that has significant consequences for mechanised operations."


The ideal of Roos is that Virtual battle Space II will get a module in which (future) mission areas can be entered. "The possibility of integrating improvised explosive devices (IED's) or suicide attacks already exists. Countering these can therefore be practiced at any moment." adds sergeant major Luuk Lucardi. "We have contacted TNO to investigate how we might gain maximum return from this educational device", continues captain Roos. "With that we should be able to convince management. In my opinion a clear policy should be formulated which we can use in the armed forces. Scenario developers on a spot, with the OTCOPN or OTCMAN." he proposes. "One might consider to integrate more elements for an exercise, so the OTCVUST is involved as well. That will only benefit the training courses. A squad leader that knows what not to do in an action, exudes more self confidence. Therefore there is a lot to be gained."



AVDD: Audio Visuele Dienst Defensie (Defence Audio Visual Services)

KMA: Koninklijke Militaire Academie (Royal Military Academy)

OTCMAN: Opleidings- en Trainingscentrum Manoeuvre (Maneuver Instruction and Training Center)

OTCOPN: Opleidings- en Trainingscentrum Operatiën (Operations Instruction and Training Center)

OTCVUST: Opleidings- en Trainingscentrum Vuursteun (Fire Support Instruction and Training Center)

TNO: Nederlandse Organisatie voor toegepast-natuurwetenschappelijk onderzoek (Dutch organisation for applied-scientific research)



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thanks for info, updated VBS2 wikipedia page ...

btw. is in that article mentioned usage of VBS1 ? because i already got some info but can't find any article

if You know any please tell me link so i can update VBS1 wikipedia page too ...

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And there's pictures too biggrin_o.gifVBS2 Press Release

Click the pics for larger resolution :

<a href="http://vbs2.com/site/images/NDLA1_large.jpg" target="_blank">


<a href="http://vbs2.com/site/images/NDLA2_large.jpg" target="_blank">


<a href="http://vbs2.com/site/images/NDLA3_large.jpg" target="_blank">


<a href="http://vbs2.com/site/images/NDLA4_large.jpg" target="_blank">


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Why they showed this game to those scholarships?

Public relations for recruitment purposes?

Just as America's Army does with America's Army.

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Recruitment would be a good idea!

The word goes that civilian vs dutch army ended up a defeat for the army guys on this event.....

wink_o.gif they prolly did that on purpose.... or? whistle.gif

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i'm sure that score changes after 50km trip with full equip load in MOUT training smile_o.gif

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i have more info for that vbs2 wiki!

Quote[/b] ]In attempt to research the best use of war-simulations within the dutch army,the 'Defense and Security' department of TNO organizes on 13september a gaming contest.

TNO is the leading tecnhology research institute in the netherlands.

i translated a piece of text from the newspaper, but wasnt able to find official TNO information... if it pops up - i post!

here is the translated text from the telegraaf newspaper.


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Quote[/b] ]In attempt to research the best use of war-simulations within the dutch army,the 'Defense and Security' department of TNO organizes on 13september a gaming contest.

Five expirienced civilian players will take it up against 5 trained military personell, who play the game following 'army doctrines'. TNO is currently selecting volenteer for this contest on the internet. The researchers want to see the essential differences of of both teams strategy, to see if they actually make different choices and learn from failures.

i have been calling TNO and requested to attend to report about the event.

Although i have no 100% confirmed yes, they will get back to me at the end of the week with their info package and answer.

i might be able to do a excessive report on this research.


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Wow cool, Didn't know our army was going to use it, I only knew that they used to use VBS I.

Lennard. tounge2.gif

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Last chance for dutchies to sign up!


Quote[/b] ]

Hoi allemaal!

Hier is de 'recruitment' officer. smile_o.gif

het uur 'U' is genaderd. ik zal een selectie moeten gaan maken voor het evenement.

Hieronder een aantal regeltjes, waaraan je moet voldoen om mee te doen.


Geheimhoudings plicht - ( waar je voor moet tekenen. )

Akkoord portretrecht - ( voor foto's voor intern gebruik in het leger. )

Medewerking onderzoek - ( diverse vragen beantwoorden. eventueel voor de camera. )

Totaal verbod op foto/video camera's. - ( foto's worden door de fotograaf van het leger gemaakt. )

Je word verwacht om de hele dag, 13 september van 09:00 17:30 beschikbaar te zijn.

De locatie is GEHEIM.

Mensen die met het openbaar vervoer moeten, moet er rekening mee houden om VROEG te moeten vertrekken ( 06:30 am )


* 0900-0930 uur Ontvangst

* 0930-1000 uur Uitleg bedoeling en achtergrond

* 1000-1100 uur Gewenning, voorbereiding 1e en 2e run

* 1100-1200 uur Uitvoering Run 1 en 2 parallel

* 1200-1300 uur Lunch

* 1300-1400 uur Voorbereiding en uitvoering 3e run

* 1400-1500 uur Voorbereiding en uitvoering 4e run

* 1500-1600 uur Voorbereiding en uitvoering 5e run

* 1600-1700 uur Discusie en Afsluiting

Deelnemers krijgen een vergoeding.

Kun jij voldoen aan de bovenstaande eisen? Stuur de volgende gegevens voor dinsdag 4 september naar: [email protected]







openbaar vervoer : ja/nee

Deze informatie word doorgestuurd naar de projectleiding, en zal een keuze maken uit de deelnemers.

met vriendelijke groet,

Jerry Hopper.

The above text was written in dutch on purpose.

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...wait, it's only 5v5? What do they expect to learn from that?

Seriously, that's disappointing. 5v5 will tell you very little - 30v30, on the other hand, would get you into an area where real teamwork happens (or, in the case of unorganized people, doesn't), and from that you'd be able to draw some very useful data.

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You had to get up at 0400? Probably some evil tactics so you cant 100% concentrate today! tounge2.gif

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nice one jerry yet again you bring a nice twist to the surroundings of Bis smile_o.gif.

5v5 hmm must be up agains small special forces teams or is the dutch army thinking of cutting down the size of there squads and this is a test to see if it works ;0 j/k (if it was uk ,i could believe it)

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.... And we're BACK!

On four missions, we lost a total of 3 guys but all objectives were completed.

We can safely say : 'Mission succeeded!'

Stay tuned for a 'writeup' of the event in the short future.

Dsly : remember this was a 'pilot session' and the 5 military people do get paid,thus a tenfold of these men cost a considerable amount of money. Especially for a pilot session.

But, dont worry, my feeling says that this story will most likely get a tail....

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Small update on VBS2 and the dutch army.

AMERSFOORT - Defense used increasingly to computer games to train soldiers.

The battle is on break.

"Three minutes", urges Major Erik Douze against his men.

With damped voices the troops continue in the computer lab, discussing strategic consultation and compare lines of fire. The eyes towards the screens. Hands on the mouse. while time runs out, the faces change.

The frozen world in computergame 'Steelbeasts Pro' comes back to life.

Two teams of four soldiers take it from their PCs against each other. Occasionally, a curse oppressed.

'Take a look left, Oneeye!! " the team that uses the virtual tanks and stay six minutes in the designated village or completely disable the opponent wins.

Corporal first class Roël Mountadj is shooting, and hits it right on the target, a thick smoke and flames starts billowing from the wrecked tank.

Wachtmeester John Loupatty drives after a minute with his Armoured fighting vehicle at a sharp boulder and wrecked the undercarriage of his tank. The Major is lenient and presses the button 'damage recovery' button. "A learn moment. We have in practice many problems with wear of the undercarriage. That you get there already."

This year three army bases (Havelte, Oirschot and Schaarsbergen) will get a classroom with these games. So far, commercial games only used for military training in the educational and training centre in Amersfoort and on a small scale at the base in 't Harde. But wargaming is embraced by the armed forces as a way for soldiers to prepare for Uruzgan.

"A young guy on patrol in Uruzgan should anticipate a multitude of situations. Large-scale military exercises on areas are expensive and limited by, for example, environmental rules. Therefore you are forced to do simulation," says Clemens Roos captain of the Knowledge for battle in Amersfoort .

Many commercial games are based on warfare and are extremely realistic. By allowing actions to be evaluated, they are good teaching material according to captain Roos. The substance is rapidly absorbed, because the lesson is similar to what many soldiers in their spare time. All existing games are cheap and easy to buy.

In Virtual Battle Space2 is the player on a military foot-patrol. The teacher may choose how many civilians and Taliban he confronts his men. During the game he can with a mouse move just like an extra insert roadside bomb. All terrain is available to 'Virtual Uruzgan' building, emphasizes Captain Roos. Games would be an integral part of the final training for deployment to Afghanistan. That is still not the case. Dutch soldiers in Uruzgan gaming although passionate, but for fun.

Ideally, according to Cpt.Roos - before each outside-excercise a we want a game-session advance. "A game doesnt replaces a real, because then, for example, plays fatigue or bad weather a role.

But you have use the limited time on the field excercise to the fullest.

This, immediately saves much time as when a beginner's error isnt made on the training field ."

"In games is no button 'surrender." You are not trained to conclude peace, "says David Nieborg, gaming expert of the University of Amsterdam. Games can according to many scientists be very valuable for military training, but they know their limitations.

"They look so realistic that they can arouse false expectations that reality as 'finished 'as in the game", thinks Maaike Lauwaert that at the University of Maastricht who wants to promote at computer games.

They stressed that a game is always a simplified, schematic representation of reality, where nuances disappearance.

Personally, she was ' baffled 'by the' naivetyin the distinction between friend and enemy. "

"There is a large grey area."




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Ideally, according to Cpt.Roos - before each outside-excercise a we want a game-session advance. "A game doesnt replaces a real, because then, for example, plays fatigue or bad weather a role.

At least simulating fatique and stress won't be a problem anymore with the next version released in April. I don't see a problem with simulating bad weather at all, maybe when you want to have huge sandstorms or something.

Thanks for your translated reports Jerry, giving us an insight view how the suite is used at the 'serious gamers'. smile_o.gif

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For anyone that is interested, next weekend are the Army days of the Royal Dutch Army in Oirschot.

A nice thing I discovered is the game zone on the base where 20 computers are set up running VBS2. Public is able to play 5 vs 5 games.

For the people that are interested to have a little meeting there and play a game PM me so we can set the time we will be around there. (1st of June)

Game Zone Dutch Army

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Quote[/b] ] -- via babelfish --

To crawl and shoots with your keyboard

REPORTAGE, of our report donor Noël van Bemmel

published updated on 02 June 2008 02:46, on 2 June 2008 10:54

oirschot - computer computerspellen help themselves to prepare soldiers to their missions. For this reason defence builds training centres.

There you stand then, to the edge of the Iraqi borough ash Samawah. With your helmet on, shard waistcoat to and M-16 a gun in your hands. Vanachter every muurtje can a extremist emerge, with savage barb and Kalasjnikov in the attack.

Thus press you on w-toets of your keyboard to remain in movement. Or even ww w to run to the next sandy house. You kneel on one knee (x-toets) looking at the sight of your gun once quiet by (v-toets) and then see you that the picture dances and by your heavy breathing. You will lie (z), keep you inhale just as (rechtermuisknop), and then see you a black turban above the talud of an asphalt road putting up. Hup intact © and finished (w). You approach the man of achteren, notice the Kalasjnikov in its hands, and think of the rules or commmitment: a weapon is not enough, has this man, however, hostile intentions? Then the poppetje twist themselves in one jolt for and fire from the hip. The display device becomes red and then black.

(text passes through under video)

`We want leave every soldier the consequences of its decisions themselves ervaren', say to major Clemens rose which awakes the report donor by means of the choice menu to life. `Then remember you the lessons tactic a piece improve. Rose works at the simulation centre country action that for some months in Amersfoort experiments with computerspelletjes. No precious simulators, but games which can buy everyone in the shop. Such as Steel Beasts for tank layers and Virtual Battle Space 2 for the infantry work (commercial alternative is called Armed Assault). TNO developed a method where soldiers evaluate their own game behaviour.


Rose: `We can adapt the scenario during playing. That proves to be a complete powerful training means. A group does not observe good, then certain Talibanstrijders emerge in a blind person angle. Have patrols only visibility on the front of a house, then put instructors fast two tanks in the backyard. `React firstly soldiers frequently lacherig. Nice banging! But if they receive really with their work busy to be, environment becomes serious.

The game has been especially intended for young groups and group commanders who must give control to ten up to forty infantrymen, or up to four Leopard-tanks. They come for the week along virtual twist missions. `Some go rather to the hei', put rose, `but the meesten realise the advantage of it, however. In the simulation centre everyone comes to the turn, whereas for that in the field no time is. Moreover make a difference it fuel, ammunition, wear and damage to oefenterreinen. `I have been persuaded of it that the eventual money produces.

A scenario which takes place in Uruzgan is in makes, puts rose. `Eventually are possible a soldier already for its retransmission virtually on patrol by Tarin Kowt or Chora. Then he already for departure where he left or Right must refusee, where a ambush is probable or where is 25mm-snelvuurkanon the best lap fields has weet. Behind the pc. the soldiers learn especially the importance of good perception and of appointments in advance. Thus you can give to all houses for departure but better a number, so that everyone has it later concerning the same Talibanstrijder on a roof.

Serious gaming

Once on drive such are then less gone wrong. That becomes clear at least from Canadian study into the impact of serious gaming. Soldiers who fight firstly on the pc., perform better than colleague those conventional tactic lessons have followed. Also TNO calls the education results `mainly positief'. defence is in any case enthusiastic enough every fighting brigade to this year give a game room.

Those stand apart from the ultramodern simulation centre that for eighty millions euro in Amersfoort are built. There complete entities with each other in reconstructed vehicles can practise as from end next year. Rose: `Are there also a project immerse infantrymen with sensoren on their package in the virtual world. Do not have then impression you twice q-toets for a fast role to left. Eventually will practise the soldier also real outside, where it blows, regent or freezes. Or such as soldiers say: where friction is.

Virtual Battle Space 2 are relatively cheap, but are no a tailor-made job. The player can choose from American, Australian or Canadian vehicles, weapons and uniforms. The Dutch soldiers missing especially their own carriages which have other properties. software manufacturer Bohemia Interactive wants add best Mercedes Benz-jeep with automatic grenade thrower, but that costs extra money. Also practise the Americans, at, Canadians, Australians, Swedes, Norwegians and Nieuw-Zeelanders with Virtual Battle Space.

recruitment means

The American armed forces also use their own computer computerspel as a recruitment means. More than nine millions users have registered themselves on http://www.americasarmy.nl. The Netherlands has plans still no in that direction. Rose: `I see more in light-versie of Virtual Battle Space which soldiers can download for thuis. Recruitment played however a role during the country power days last weekend. There visitors on more than fifty could pc.s with each other on patrol.

`These are f**n difficult man', call the fifteen-year-old Johan Wisgeraof. He sneuvelt each time by own fire of its schoolgirls Veenendaal. `And my balls now its. The student metal adaptor has been best interested in a job at the country power. It will not be be first choice, but which weet. `I weet heus, however, that such a mission in Uruzgan is no computer game. If you cannot there sneuvelt, you to the choice menu.

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