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RH weapons

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I'd love to see a Sig 556, civilian and SWAT versions. Without a doubt the best assault rifle I've ever laid my hands on. Lord, what I would've done to have one while hunting the Tali & Co.

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Someone should just up and make a SCAR-H or SCAR-L. I'm going crazy waiting for SJB.

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Someone should just up and make a SCAR-H or SCAR-L.  I'm going crazy waiting for SJB.

One guy haves a GRAW2 weapons pack in Arma /all modern weapons/ ,but i forget his name sad_o.gif /lol/

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The OICW picture suggests that you have defined a unique magazine for the OICW - you should just use the games built-in 20-round and 30-round STANAG-mags - in that way you will have ammo-compatibility like IRL.

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P.S._Can you fix Famas and make it black? It is not gray in reality.  huh.gif


In real are 2 ver of color grey and black. Black are using armies

and grey is niccer than black , i think smile_o.gif


If the others want a black ver i will do wink_o.gif

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Here's the little compare with BIS Lr-300 (M4 SPR) and my Lr-300 /normal ver/



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You do realise the M4 SPR and the LR300 are two totally different weapons and are not the same thing at all, under any circumstances, ever, right?

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The BIS SPR is a Mk12 Mod 0 lol. LR300 Looks like the old OFP SJB one ^^

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You do realise the M4 SPR and the LR300 are two totally different weapons and are not the same thing at all, under any circumstances, ever, right?

He ya

I know they different ,but they M4 SPR is a little look like Lr300 wink_o.gif /It was only a example/


FN F2000


and FA-MAS Black , is that colour right ??


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Looks awesome - will there be an ammo crate in the mix mate?

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Will the m-134 have custom recoil at some point just curious as it is in a class unto its self in this line up ?

thanks chefd261

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The M-134 will have special special recoil on that btw in tracer mod by 6th is looking cool with those tracers.

There will be amo box or ammo crate , i dunno right now, i only started wink_o.gif

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I wonder if you could take down littlebirds or blackhawks wit the M134 Minigun on its own lol...

No need for a shilka then.


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How about a Tavor?

Now that would be a good one to make, dont think its ever been made for OFP/ArmA before.

EDIT: Come to think of it, Drill Seargeant released an unfinished one last year, might be a good starting model.

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The M134 might be a bit much but I'd like to see it done, if I could steal it for an addon I'm working on smile_o.gif . Isn't there a towed, tripod version or something in real life?

A better idea would be to make an M214, and mount it on a tripod. wink_o.gif

BTW keep it up, looking good thumbs-up.gif

Edited coz i almost shotmyself in the foot!

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Isn't there a towed, tripod version or something in real life?

A better idea would be to make an M214, and mount it on a tripod. wink_o.gif

You meaned this???


Maybe i will do a tripod ver of M134 wink_o.gif

Btw where i can get the unfinished model of Tavor??

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