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ofp campaign to arma conversion

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Just keen on knowing if anyone has heard of anything like this is in the works.If not is it possible to be done relatively easily..

i thought the ofp missions and campaign fun factor,story was way higher than armas shocking atempt at story telling....

Any help,i would be greatfull

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banghead.gifbanghead.gifbanghead.gifbanghead.gif Douple hazzle

EDIT: banghead.gif i even managed to add one typo to that long text... How many typos is still left, i don 't even care.

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Guest Ti0n3r


You would have to port over the old OFP islands. I don't know how hard that would be... A version of Everon is avalible for ArmA right now, but a some places on the island have been modified so it would probably break a lot of missions. I haven't seen any Kolgujev-only or Malden-only addons though.

And, it's possible to convert missions from OFP to ArmA as long as you have ported versions of the OFP islands. You'd only have to replace some units and script commands in the mission.sqm (not every classname in ArmA is the same as in OFP, though a lot of them are).

Maybe that helped at least a bit. I'm no PRO biggrin_o.gif

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That campaign was horrible, and why would you port over any of that stuff? The engine is more capable than it was 5 years ago. Keep ot where it belongs..... in the past...

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Guest Ti0n3r

That campaign was horrible...

Most people here would probably disagree with you. Personally I thought CWC and Resistance were terrific, A+...

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That campaign was horrible, and why would you port over any of that stuff? The engine is more capable than it was 5 years ago. Keep ot where it belongs..... in the past...

Umm are we talking about the same campaign. The CWC and resistance campaign really put the Arma campaign to shame.

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Quote[/b] ]Personally I thought CWC and Resistance were terrific

I must agree with you there , however i dont think they are something that would suite arma unless you have not played it before (lucky people you have a good time coming).Also how can bohemia release any islands and new campaign if they have struck deals concerning the release of extension packs that are not free ?

I personally cant see how a publisher will let them give away cold war crisis campaign and or resistance with new islands etc at least after queens gambit and even then i dont think the publishers will be happy ?

Maybe they already agreed before queens gambit or so, i wait to see like everyone else.

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calling the original CWC campagin terrible...


I suppose you are going to tell us next that CS is a realistic tac shooter?

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The campaign was way to easy and too simple in my opinon. If you are going to due something do it right, you could tell the campaign was done by civilians.

Quote[/b] ]I suppose you are going to tell us next that CS is a realistic tac shooter?

Obviously you really need to check into the stuff we have done.... OFP WGL ... and in progress Advanced Combat Environment (ACE)(coming soon)

But then again this is purely my opinon...

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...you could tell the campaign was done by civilians.

Noooo...wait...does this mean that the mod makers out there are civilians too?

Keep in mind that BIS had military advisers, and it was alright by them. What else could they have done?

Anyway, I think that your best bet for this topic is to wait for CWR.


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Keep in mind that BIS had military advisers, and it was alright by them. What else could they have done?

I often used to wonder what real influence the "military

advisers" had on what went into the OFP campaigns.

Perhaps by "military advisors" they actually meant "one of

the dev's 8 year old nephews who likes playing with plastic

soldiers and toy tanks".

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I commented in another topic,

Asides from the CWC project

A little confused as to how you would convert OFP missions to Arma....

Its different islands and units, you would have to code or script a converter and its more work than just remaking the missions

I can't see how this is possible. What units would replace what and waypoints and such

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Call of tudy, medal of humor etc... ALL had military advisors. Colonel rank atleast in call of tudy... Wait colonel from *(censored)*! No wonder they were such a grap tounge2.gif

I can think what players would have said when they truely would have been part of big machine in CWC... "Yup. I saw one enemy, but missed it."

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Call of tudy, medal of humor etc... ALL had military advisors. Colonel rank atleast in call of tudy... Wait colonel from *(censored)*! No wonder they were such a grap  tounge2.gif

I can think what players would have said when they truely would have been part of big machine in CWC... "Yup. I saw one enemy, but missed it."

I am acquainted with someone who was hired as the

"historical advisor" for the Russell Crowe "Gladiator" movie.

She is a classics researcher and was increasingly frustrated

that virtually none of her technical advice was ever heeded

by the film-makers. She was so appalled by the end result

that we saw (and cringed at) in cinema theatres that she

wanted her name removed from the end titles (the film-

makers put it in anyway). I wonder if it's the same situation

with any of these "military advisors" for games. I can't

imagine any military man with any integrity endorsing stuff

like "Call of Duty", for example.

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I commented in another topic,

Asides from the CWC project

A little confused as to how you would convert OFP missions to Arma....

Its different islands and units, you would have to code or script a converter and its more work than just remaking the missions

I can't see how this is possible. What units would replace what and waypoints and such

Unit names are more or less completely the same. At least infantry, the AT soldiers and two more names have changed which can be tracked down with ease. There's a problem with missing tanks though: no T55 and T80. But you can replace those with the T72, but you'd end up with something unbalanced.

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Call of tudy, medal of humor etc... ALL had military advisors. Colonel rank atleast in call of tudy... Wait colonel from *(censored)*! No wonder they were such a grap tounge2.gif

I can think what players would have said when they truely would have been part of big machine in CWC... "Yup. I saw one enemy, but missed it."

I am acquainted with someone who was hired as the

"historical advisor" for the Russell Crowe "Gladiator" movie.

She is a classics researcher and was increasingly frustrated

that virtually none of her technical advice was ever heeded

by the film-makers. She was so appalled by the end result

that we saw (and cringed at) in cinema theatres that she

wanted her name removed from the end titles (the film-

makers put it in anyway). I wonder if it's the same situation

with any of these "military advisors" for games. I can't

imagine any military man with any integrity endorsing stuff

like "Call of Duty", for example.

Most likely this is the case. CoD2's mil advisor has been atleast part of PR-tours, taking journalists around Poland's coutryside as Nazis (Polish actors) first took them as POW's and Yanks (Polish actors these guys too) then rescued the journalists (whole trip was bit like disaster from what i've read)... Don't know anything else about his presense with that game... Well i haven't even played at the game

You know what: I had to get up from bed, because i realised that this Forum is full of colonels... and i just mocked colonels (well joking but)... When i realised that my first tought was: Am i stupid or what!

Sorry to you all colonels... I love you all inlove.gif

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The next post is not meant to target anyone in particular (except americans) but it's more of a little observation I've made. I've been lurking on and about the ofp community for years now. I think I started playing a while before the mod tools were released for ofp.

Recently I've been seeing more and more people popping up at different forums related to war games about ranting how a game isnt realistic and its unreal yada yada yada. Well this is understandable due to the current situation in the world and middle-east (yup 95% of these ranters are americans). They usually start really enthusiastically about how they know everything about fighting since they've been in combat yada yada yada (and usually it just turns out its their neighbours kid/brother whoever who was actually in combat and they've just heard stories from them since the poor fellow didn't pass his physical exam). rofl.gif

I would like to remind you turds (yes you ranters) that in many countries (like the one I live in) an army service of varied length is obligatory! So some of us have military training even though we dont have combat experience and our country is not in a (illegal)war. I'd say thats halfway between a civilian and a combat veteran. So don't pretend you're some god of war if you've been in combat and everyone else HAS to be civilian since their country is not in a war! You don't know anything about the other persons or their backgrounds here on these forums since we all live in different parts of the world and in different cultures. (And if you took half the time you spend on waging war to learn about different cultures half the wars could be avoided.)

Most things people complain about realism in ArmA have been around since day one of ofp. Learn to live with it, stop playing or make a better game. crazy_o.gif To be fair, I'll give you 10 years to develop a game thats more realistic than ArmA and in the same scale.

Phewwww... Good to get this rant of my back..

P.S. The average age of every great "empire" in the history of mankind has been about a few hundred years in lenght. When was it again that Kolumbus found America? Think about that, huh?

P.P.S. Allah will have revenge on all infidels!  pistols.gif  pistols.gif  rofl.gif

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Hummm, nice speech sir but it's a thread about CWC rearmed, not internet-military experts or American foreign policy. I'd also expect a psychiatrist to know better than to go around calling random people turds on a public forum for ranting about something while ranting about them by himself.

Obviously, there is a lot more realistic player-made content out there (for OFP at least) than the stuff BIS ever made. You don't have to be a friggin four-star general to know a believable scenario from the typical rambo-bullshit missions or the basic properties of a certain piece of military equipment for instance.

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So not true, the ranters are more possibly american youth if thats what you are getting at.Just spoiled with technology.

I see more people from other countries here that know more about war and politics than most americans I know

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this is my campaign conversion.

All missions ready.

ace everon (arma wood), PMC aec islands

music, sounds

mi24, scud, cwc us soldier camo

videotable, phone etc. include 1985a.pbo.

scripts fix.

some animations are missing (for example: telephone anim), others have to be converted from ofp

example: OFP: FXStandAtt uspozorstat.rtm -> ArmA: AsigPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_easeEnd.rtm

civil civilstat.rtm

CivilStillV1 civilstani.rtm

onchair zidle.rtm

jeepcodriver JeepCoDriverstat.rtm

FXangel fx_angel_stand.rtm

FXangel2 fx_angel_stand2.rtm

FXStandhip rucevbok.rtm

FXstandtotel ktelefonustart.rtm

FXstandtotelHand ktelefonuend.rtm

FXStandTelLoop telloop.rtm

FXStandSurDown lehzajatec.rtm

FXStandSurDead zajatecsmrtb.rtm

FXStandSurUniv zajatecstat.rtm

FXStandFromTable staniodstolu.rtm

FXStandUnivTable univsezeni.rtm

FXStandRotateTable kestolu.rtm

effectStand bezstanistill.rtm

effectStandTalk bezpovidani.rtm

EffectStandStill bezstanistat.rtm

effectstandsitdown bezsedi2.rtm

EffectStandSitDownStill bezsedi.rtm

EffectCombatStand sstani.rtm

StandDyingVer2 bezsmrtB.rtm

StandGetOutTank bezseskok.rtm

fxstanddip klik.rtm

FXStandDangle houpese.rtm

Combat sstanistat.rtm

EffectStandSalute bezhlasstat.rtm


standtocombat stanidostanis.rtm

Sitdowntostand bezvztava.rtm

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cool stuff IcebirdMK smile_o.gif

interesting to see how CWC works out in ArmA right now.

can you give a few details how you did your conversion please smile_o.gif

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best part of ofp campaigns were the cut scenes and the beginning of missions(often you would be sitting in a chopper or apc and the guys would say funny things. also there were a few characters that stayed with you throughout the game)

arma's news flashes were kind of boring.

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