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About IcebirdMK

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. cpbo.exe -> right click & Run as administrator
  2. IcebirdMK

    O2 exports to max really small

    BI Editing Tool Suite Release Candidate 3 EXTRACT Oxygen 2 RC3 setup & RC2 exe BinPBO, BinMake Visitor 3 PE RC3 TextView2 Sound Tools Tools Drive
  3. IcebirdMK

    Russian Federation Units V.1

    SLA soldier Specnaz 1.01
  4. IcebirdMK

    Russian Federation Units V.1

    SLA soldier sample model with All texture & material specularity!
  5. np_soldier_b_mlod (Synide) Rewriting texture path! np_soldier_b sample model with All texture & material specularity!
  6. IcebirdMK


    This T90 model is based on real data! T-90CA source
  7. IcebirdMK

    Visitor 3!

    BIS map example for arma.hu
  8. original t72 + driver inside
  9. yes, only in stopped vehicle!
  10. Hi, There is 2 object, door A and door B. If we moving a part of door A for example the clench than how can we synchronize the animation with the door B? sorry for my english
  11. arma T72 (7 lods + texture)
  12. Hi, Geometry can be switched with alpha radio and its possible to make objects with variable geometry. for example: multiple damage points (min. 256), 3D holes (I have problems changing the textures with this one) & Original T72 model + roadway
  13. IcebirdMK

    ofp campaign to arma conversion

    this is my campaign conversion. All missions ready. ace everon (arma wood), PMC aec islands music, sounds mi24, scud, cwc us soldier camo videotable, phone etc. include 1985a.pbo. scripts fix. some animations are missing (for example: telephone anim), others have to be converted from ofp example: OFP: FXStandAtt uspozorstat.rtm -> ArmA: AsigPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_easeEnd.rtm civil civilstat.rtm CivilStillV1 civilstani.rtm onchair zidle.rtm jeepcodriver JeepCoDriverstat.rtm FXangel fx_angel_stand.rtm FXangel2 fx_angel_stand2.rtm FXStandhip rucevbok.rtm FXstandtotel ktelefonustart.rtm FXstandtotelHand ktelefonuend.rtm FXStandTelLoop telloop.rtm FXStandSurDown lehzajatec.rtm FXStandSurDead zajatecsmrtb.rtm FXStandSurUniv zajatecstat.rtm FXStandFromTable staniodstolu.rtm FXStandUnivTable univsezeni.rtm FXStandRotateTable kestolu.rtm effectStand bezstanistill.rtm effectStandTalk bezpovidani.rtm EffectStandStill bezstanistat.rtm effectstandsitdown bezsedi2.rtm EffectStandSitDownStill bezsedi.rtm EffectCombatStand sstani.rtm StandDyingVer2 bezsmrtB.rtm StandGetOutTank bezseskok.rtm fxstanddip klik.rtm FXStandDangle houpese.rtm Combat sstanistat.rtm EffectStandSalute bezhlasstat.rtm standtoaware standtocombat stanidostanis.rtm Sitdowntostand bezvztava.rtm
  14. IcebirdMK

    OFP Animation Enhancement V0.5

    If you want to use an animation on a custom button, you can do it in for example in the following way : Both event will carry out simultaneously. This way you don't have to manage with complex keyboard combinations. The OFP will show it as a crash, but this is not important, because this is present basIcally at the target locking too.