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Snake Man

Vietnam: The Experience v0.4

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Vietnam: The Experience (VTE) v0.4


The leading, most detailed and the most comprehensive Vietnam War modification for OFP.

This is to announce the release of VTE v0.4 final full install, it is the last version released for Operation Flashpoint. Check out some of the items we include.


C-130, MC-130 Combat Talon, DHC-4 Caribou, OV-10 Bronco, Il-28 Beagle, B-52 Stratofortress, B-57 Canberra, F-4 Phantom, F-5A, F-100 Super Sabre, MiG-17, MiG-19 Farmer, MiG-21, A-1J Skyraider, F-105 Thunderchief, A-6 Intruder, O-1 Bird Dog, F-86A Sabre, Sikorsky S-56, CH-53E Superstallion, CH-34 and the old SEB stuff like Hueys etc.

Ground vehicles

M24 Chaffee, M41 Walker, Centurion, DShK Heavy MG, GMC CCKW, Willys MB, T34/85, M3 Halftrack, BTR-50, BTR-60, BTR-152, NVA Truck, M551 Sheridan, M1919A4 tripod, Maksim MG, PT-76, ZU-23-2, ZPU4 AA, Bike, Scooter, Motorbike, Gaz69, V150 Commando, ZSU-57.

Soldier squads

Air Cavalry, Marine, Marine Force Recon, SEAL, Army, Special Forces, LRRP (ERDL/tiger), CIDG, MIKE, ARVN, Cambodian mercenary, Hoi Chan, Bushman, Civilian Villager, VC Villager, Village Rebel, VC, NVA, SOG, Australian SAS. All these avatars/units are brand new made from scratch by Ebud, they use Llaumas heads and overall are very high quality with good performance.


Maksim MG, Browning Hi-Power 9mm, Bar, Mas36, Mas38, Chautelleret, Grease Gun, MP40, Thompson, Kar, M1 Car, M1 Garand, M1919A4, DP27, PPD-40, L1A1, Nagant, PPS-43, PPSH-41, M60 Shorty, M63A Stoner, Chicom Type 56, RPG-2, 90mm Recoiless MAW, M45 9mm SMG, M39 Hush Puppy, Ithaca 37, Typ 68, MAT 49, K-50M, Sten Gun MkII, Bren Gun MkII, Lee Enfield N4.

Vehicle Weapons

MK-77 Napalm, UV-16-57 Rockets, HVAR Rockets, MK-82R, AIM-9 Sidewinder, AIM-7 Sparrow, AGM-45 Shrike, AA-2 Atoll, FAB-250, Standard ARM, MK-81, MK-83, MK-84, M-117, M-118, BLU-82 Daisy Cutter, LAU-10 Rockets, 20mm Cannon, VYa Cannons, 6x50cal M2, SUU-30 Pod, M61 Vulcan, 4x20mm Cannons, GSh-23 Cannon, 7.62x51 doorgun.


Mule, Cow, Rooster, Chickens, Duck, Dog.


Vietnam Intro, Vietnam 12km, Vietnam 25km, Ilo Ilo, Rumble In The Jungle, RSSZ, Long Son, MeeKong, MDSZ, A Shau Valley, SEB Ia Drang, Iron Triangle, VTE Ia Drang, 7 Mountains, IIICTZA Parrots Beak, Australian AO, Polei Kleng, Quan Binh Son, Vinh Thanh Valley, Khe Sanh, The Bra, FSB Gloria, Dak Seang, Tet68.

Objects & Textures

We include over 400 new objects including vegetation (bushes, trees, grass, palms, jungle canopy, rocks etc), civilian housing and military objects. The ground is covered with many brand new textures. Also there is the good old SEB objects and textures present for the original Ia Drang and few other islands. The objects have been now streamlined and optimized, they look better and should give better framerates.

All that material just for editor? Noope, we include 115 single missions, 14 MP missions and 8 campaigns. Brand new mission to get onboard was Vietnam Tour of Duty dynamic campaign based on GDCE by Kutya.

The changelog for fixes contains many entries, read the full list on Documents directory in the download package. But to list few most important; Fixed many model errors on various vehicles. Added more resolution lods to models (better framerates). Tweaked many missions and added many missions (to PMC NAM SEAL campaign for example). Added optional config for the radio comms voices which people requested. Fixed all critical bugs reported and tweaked some configs like proper ammunition etc.


Required addons are as follows; Bn880 tracers, CoC Unified Artillery, CoC Mines, CoC Divers, JAM3 and USMC markers. Download these addons from the following links.

CoC Mines v1.0:

mirror 1: CoC site

mirror 2: filefront

mirror 3: ofp.info

CoC UA v1.0: (yes I'm well aware that v1.1 has been released).

mirror 1: filefront

mirror 2: ofp.info

CoC Divers v1.0:

mirror 1: CoC site

mirror 2: ofp.info

JAM 3: (any more mirrors?)

mirror 1: ofp.info

USMC Markers/Symbols:

mirror 1: CoC site

mirror 2: ofp.info

Bn880 Tracers:

At BIS topic

This v0.4 release is full, meaning no install problems, however we have setup a VTE Installation Help page for users are having problems with MOD directories.

Download VTE at ofpc.de - 428mb. Thanks from mirror to ofpc.de site. All new mirrors are welcome.

Mirror 1: funkymonkeys.org

Mirror 2: ofp.info

You can visit us at VTE Official web page and also check out VTE at ofpc site.

June 25th, 2007.

VTE Founder and Leader

Snake Man, PMC.

Edited by Snake Man

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Sounds great! i liked the previous VTE version too.

Is there still the Fia T-55 or default Bis m60 as a placeholder for some assault guns/tanks?

Anyways downloading now... smile_o.gif

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its time for sum "flied lice", downloading now! smile_o.gif

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Awesome! Thanks for all the hard work snake man. smile_o.gif

Any servers running this?

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Can anyone post some screenies of ww2 era weapons ? DP27, PPD-40, Nagant, PPS-43, PPSH-41 etc ?

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SnakeMan, should you need some work done on my islands for the ArmA conversion, pls contact via the hcpara@hotmail.com address as I no longer have internet @ home, but can check hotmail at work. I don't stop by these forums very often either these days, so email is best.

Congrats on another release, hope to see an ArmA version in the future, again let me know if I can assist in any ways.

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Thank you so much, I always loved Vietnam era addons, and your's the best around.

Any plans for ArmA vietnam addons in the future?

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There are vietminh but no frenchies.... I know it s vietnam and no indochine war, but who ll kill them now wink_o.gif (try at least...)

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First of al great job and thank you for all of your efforts!

I've installed the mod completey as instructed, but for some reason I hear no voices (reports). All of the other sound effects and music work properly. Ideas anyone?

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There is a config that eneables the radio voices that you should use instead of the default one, search in "<VTE folder>\bin\"

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Hi all,

I've got this error when i start the Vietnam Tour of Duty campaign, config.cpp/cfgweapons.vte_m3sdhdmag

What is this?

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  (SamotH @ June 27 2007,21:28) said:
There is a config that eneables the radio voices that you should use instead of the default one, search in "<VTE folder>\bin\"

The installation says nothing about it. How can I make OFP "use" the proper voice config?

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  (-Variable- @ June 27 2007,16:01) said:
First of al great job and thank you for all of your efforts!

I've installed the mod completey as instructed, but for some reason I hear no voices (reports). All of the other sound effects and music work properly. Ideas anyone?

Nice signature smile_o.gif lol

Great i was expecting this mod

now lets see how it works in MP

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Check the "Voices_config.txt" file in the folder "x_vte\Documents\"

There is the explanation on how to do it.

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help.gif For those who play the campaign mercyful fate, in the mission called "night attack" you have to defend your base against Vc and destroy some mortars. I did both but nothing hapened. What should i do?

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Nice job! But it seems the tortured texture problem of the player in first person still exists. For example, the tortured texture of hands in first person... Any one got the same issue?

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  (General Giap @ June 27 2007,22:01) said:
help.gif  For those who play the campaign mercyful fate, in the mission called "night attack" you have to defend your base against Vc and destroy some mortars. I did both but nothing hapened. What should i do?

That campaign never reached a decent state before it was released, probably why you are having a problem with it.

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  (SamotH @ June 27 2007,23:52) said:

Check the "Voices_config.txt" file in the folder "x_vte\Documents\"

There is the explanation on how to do it.

Thank you. Now I have the original OFP voices. I just don't understand why the mod didn't use them in the first place..?

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  (General Giap @ June 27 2007,23:01) said:
help.gif For those who play the campaign mercyful fate, in the mission called "night attack" you have to defend your base against Vc and destroy some mortars. I did both but nothing hapened. What should i do?

Did you return to base after you destroyed the mortars? I made the campaign a good while back, and IIRC you have to return to base and then the mission will end. You should also get some sidechat about the mortars.

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I'm thinking about downloading this mod. But one thing that bothered me since the first nam mod is that in the jungle the AI can see throught most of the foliage.

Is this the same with VTE?

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No problem with seen through, the new jungle vegetation is pretty good.

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  (Snake Man @ July 01 2007,10:57) said:
  [b said:
Quote[/b] ]But it seems the tortured texture problem of the player in first person still exists.

What do you mean by this, do you have a screenshot?

It's the custom face texture being mis-aligned, parts of it appear on the helmet and hands instead. Also the viet face textures have a face within a face.

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