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Missing Weapons?

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Ok just to make it clear I am still running patch1.06 if that makes any difference...Also I did a search and it told me no results found.

ANYWAYS. I was looking on youtube and found a guy using a Javelin missile system. I have tried adding the javelin using a series of scripts but then in game my gear is empty. It tells me theres no error, it recognizes the javelin, but it does not show up in game.

Also, I have the BAS_f coop maker, and for some reason at the group screen where I can change my load out before the mission, the Javelin still does not show up...

Anyone able to help me out here...

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As far as I know, the Javelin is not working properly yet. The video you saw was probably someone using a modded Javelin.

I wouldn't know where to find that though.

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ah ok thank you. I was asking because a couple of my friends went into an Evolution coop server and thats where they saw it and told me about it.

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well I go in and I try to add it to my guy, but when i load into the game my guy just does not have any gear. Do I actually have to remove each weapon? because first i use removeallweapons player; and then add them after that.

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Choose a weapons crate Add this to the init field in the editor          

this addWeaponCargo ["Javelin",1]; this addMagazineCargo ["Javelin",10];

Works 100% fine for me on 1.05.5143 beta

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As of the 1.07 beta patch it appears that the Javelin missile's behavior is finished (it top-attacks like it's supposed to and the AI can fire it without problems) but the model could really use some tweaking. When you're prone the CLU (optics part of the launcher) totally obscures your vision.

I suggested that they make the CLU part of the launcher like the grenade on the RPG launcher, as in it's only visible when you've got it in your hands, not on your back.

Guy addmagazine "Javelin"; guy addweapon "javelin"

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I can add the javelin fine in 1.07 patch.

you just type this in to the initialisation thing on the unit you want to have it:

this addweapon "javelin";this addmagazine "javelin";

If you want the unit to have more than one shot, then just repeat:

this addmagazine "javelin";

hope i have helped

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As of the 1.07 beta patch it appears that the Javelin missile's behavior is finished (it top-attacks like it's supposed to and the AI can fire it without problems) but the model could really use some tweaking.  When you're prone the CLU (optics part of the launcher) totally obscures your vision.

I suggested that they make the CLU part of the launcher like the grenade on the RPG launcher, as in it's only visible when you've got it in your hands, not on your back.

Guy addmagazine "Javelin"; guy addweapon "javelin"

in 108 it doesent work right, it doesnt top attack and the missile travels at probably 6x the speed it should.

shooting a tank over 3000 away only took only 2 seconds (if even that long) for the missle to reach it..

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It's slightly closer to real life than the hellfires are... There's lots of stuff that are represented in arma in only a rudimentary way. I wouldn't sweat it.

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javelin works fine - its just not 100% finished

Yeah I've seen loads of guy using them in 'Hold' MP mode. I wasn't sure if they were working properly, but they must be if they are in such common usage... wink_o.gif

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