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Squad/Clan looking for player

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As the title says, if you're a squad/clan looking for new players to join, then this is the right place.

Please use this topic instead of making a new one. smile_o.gif

Do not advertise your squad/clan here, for that you can make a new topic in the Squads and Fanpages forum (if you haven't done already). If necessary place a link to your "advertisment topic".

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Name: 23rd Ground Division

Website: 23rd Ground Division

Info :


23rd Ground Divisio has been around since September 2001. Originally led by GEN Raynor, on the 23rd of July 2003 COL Questor joined the 23rd Ground Division in October 2003 he took over command from GEN Raynor and created the 23rd as it was back then.The success and reputation comes from stern leadership, organised training and the dedication of its members. As the years have passed by times and tastes change. The 23rd Ground Division have seen many people come and go, but they always have held the Division with great respect, even in their passing.

In April 2007. Captain Terror reformed the 23rd Ground Division with former members such as: Jimbo, Smookie, Smiley, Jonny, Redhouse and some more. We try and create the old 23rd as it was but with a new twist to it.


The 23rd Ground Division focuses on realism and roleplay, trying to create a good balance between both of them in order to achieve the greatest possible gameplay. Based on US Army tactics 23rd Ground Division brings you through combat training programme, teaching you the most essential skills, in order to prepare you for full combat duty.

Contact Info:

Captain Terror:

MSN:[email protected]


You can also PM me for more info

2nd Lieutenant Smookie

MSN:[email protected]




No password



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Are you looking for large organised battles against other real human opponents, and not just another predicatable AI?

Are you looking for a unit that holds regular training, uses realistic tactics, and has an organised structure which is fun and enjoyable to play in?

If so ... join IC ArmA today!


What is IC ArmA?

IC ArmA is a tournament where weekly battles occur with more than 60 players battling it out for control of various towns that have decided prior to the Saturday weekly battles.

This takes place in a large organised theatre of battle, with various sections and units from each Army using their own skills and expertise taught during the weekly training in order to be more effective on the battlefield.

We also have a large number of Ex-Forces members from various Military backgrounds from around the world, so you can be sure that what you will learn here will be from a realistic background.

What do I do now?

If you are looking for a large, organised battle to take part in, then there is no other place like IC ArmA!


Simply sign up on the forums and attend battles as much as you can. Many members bring clans, but this tournament itself is not a clan, as members from various ArmA clans from around the world come to enjoy ArmA, the way it was meant to be played!

If you wish to learn more, contact myself at ...

X-Fire - 22infamous

MSN - [email protected]

Thankyou B)

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16 Air Assault Brigade, Rapid Reaction Force

Just a litlle background info from our side so you guys know who we are & what we like:-

Our Squad started up in 2001 playing BHD then we moved on into Joint Ops/JOE/JOTR/JOR.

We helped Nova-World in beta testing the JOE, then we moved to help Brutal-Arts in developing the Reality version of Joint Ops Reality who then became Phsyphon-games.

Our Regiment are full of some funny charactes from all over the world(Germany/USA/Canada) We also have lots of Ex-Serving members & still serving UK British Forces. The guys are all proud to serve with the -16AAB- and they carry these -16AAB- Tags with dignity because we believe to work as a team(no matter what circumstances)and also to do so in a professional manner.

We are now fully 100% Arma operational now and are openly recruiting for all our regiments through our all new website.

We have a number of dedicated servers running. If you would like to join one of our servers, you can always check which ones are running by using this link :- SERVERS

Onto our Recruitment requirements :-


Qualifications for joining.

1. Must be 18 years or older ( Male or Female )

2. Must be European or able to make our operating times ( 7:30 -11pm UK time week nights, longer at weekends )

3. Must be a team player

4. Must be able to follow a chain of command

5. Able to use Voice Communications, such as teamspeak - available free at www.teamspeak.org

6. Must have a valid Email & ICQ Number ( available free at www.icq.com ) ICQ is for instant messaging &

so we know when each other are online.

7. Attend and be willing to attend squad training nights.

8. Willing to donate £5 per month towards server rentals & renewals. **** NOTE

If for any reason you are banned from a server or leave or are removed from the squad, you are not entitles to rights of access or refund. ****






The Regiments we have available :-


The RAF is responsable for providing Air Transport, Air Gunner Support & Medivac functions.

We suport the RAF in its general role of fixed wing Aircraft and in its guise as the Joint Helicopter Command which is resposable for providing all Rotary wing support for the 16 Air assault Brigade.

Positions available are:-

Fixed Wing Pilot - Pilots will be trained to operate all fixed wing aircraft in a combat environment.

Fixed wind Gunner/navigator. Co pilot in any 2 seat aircraft introduced.

Joint Helicopter Comand roles:-

Pilot - Trained to operate combat & transport helicopters in a combat & rescue capacity.

Air Gunner - Offensive Gunnery for gunships & Defensive Gunnery for Transport Choppers.

Loadmaster - Your the main man after the Pilot. Your responsible for loading Transport & Men in an organised fasion. In the back of the chopper Your the boss.

As in game, pilots cant type, its up to you to relay his/her instructions to those in the back.

Medivac Crew - The flying Doc. Chopper flown to an Evac point or drop off point close to the wounded to heal them. If a Squads own medic is down, your the only hope.


The Household Cavelry are responsible for all vehicular transport, assault and support roles.

The Corps supply Drivers & Gunners for Vehicle assaults in collaboration with other units.

Other roles include MBT Commanders, Gunners & Drivers, also APC Crews. if it moves on land then its your job to keep it moving.

Commanders - trained to be effective MBT Commanders and section leaders for Coordinated vehicle assaults & support.

Drivers - Trained in all 4x4, APC , MBT & Truck operations

Gunners - trained to operate as effective Support Gunners using mounted vehicle weapons and MBT main guns.


The Royal Engineers are a Supporting unit within the 16th.

Responsible for Resupply ( Mobile Armouries ) , Repair , Refuel Mortar Support, Anti Air, Anti Tank roles , Demolitions & Defensive perimeters.

Specialist roles include:-

Mortar Teams

Anti Air Specialists

Anti Tank Specialists

Demolitions ( Bridges etc )

Defensive tactition - planing defensive peremeters & defensive lines.


The Para's are the main force of the 16th. Airborn troops expert in all aspects of ground warfare. If you join 1 Para, you will be trained in a number of fightting techniques ranging from desert - jungle- urban, etc and how to make use of other unit resourses such as the Engineers & air Support etc. When the job needs done hard and fast, your going in first.

Specia Air Service ( SAS )

The SAS are known to work in conjunction with elements of the 16AAB. Access to our SAS is by invite only from another section within the 16AAB and only once you reach a certail skill level.

If you want to work within an organised structure in specific roles, im sure we will have something to suit you.

16 Air Assault Brigade, be trained the British forces way.

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We are the United-Nations-Army also known as U.N.A - an Armed Assault Clan of the first hour. The Clan was originally founded in July 2004 by General Crow, a long time squad leader in ICM (Intel Combat Marines). Our passion was valid in OFP Resistance at that time. As the profoundly awaited Armed Assault was released we changed over to it on the 30.11.06.

U.N.A. is a multi skilled/mode clan playing COOP, CTI and of course clan wars. The clan is separated into three well trained different sections : ALPHA (A1) is our infantry squad, ALPHA (A2) is our Armour and vehicle squad and finally CHARLIE which is our air assault and support squad. We´re playing Armed Assault the way it was made for - A MILITARY SIMULATION. Therefore we have an army-like ranking system, and following orders given by the leaders goes without saying. Our sense of togetherness makes us strong in battle and with U.N.A. you´ll never walk alone.

We have three 100Mbit servers, and in game we communicate over TeamSpeak2.We play without 3rd person, crosshair or any other aids as a basic principle - this means in Full Vet- Mode.

We´re always looking for new members which are at minimum 18 years old. Cause we´re a EUROPEAN CLAN your command of english should be acceptable. We don´t care if you are a good player or not - basic skills will do. We forge our new members from the beginning on, and with behaviour, and steadiness you will climb up the ladder! For each higher rank you will be demanded with a test. As a recrut for example you have to pass the Basic Infantry Test and as a Privat you have to defeat three enemy squads on your own to make your way to Privat First Class. Before you get promoted to Sergeant you have to pass through enemy territory only by map and compass. For good work our members receive benefits- but watch out - you can also fall back down!

Did we awake your interest? Come to our TeamSpeak- our TS-IP is or use the link for teamspeak in Clanserver. Or join us right away by registering at the join us section.


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Do you live for kicking ass and chewing dirt?

Or are you more happy loading up a 5ton with ammo to resupply the troops on the front?

Are YOU the type that gets ecstatic at the prospect of reconning a hill for 5 hours?

More important, ARE YOU A TEAMPLAYER?

In that case, you're in luck.

Whatever your specialty, you'll find a place in the KS Army.

Who we are.

The KS Army is not a clan, but one of the factions in the IC-ArmA tournament, which is not a tournament but outright WAR.

It works like this: Two armies (The kickass KS Army and the evil communist aggressors the DRS) fight over territory during a 12-week campaign.

At the end of the campaign the one with most territories win. Simple. More info at www.IC-ArmA.com.

What we do.

Every weekend, the two armies clash in a massive battle that goes on for hours.

In the week preceding the battle we practice, strategize, go pubbing, play COOPs or just generally shoot the shit on TS.

We're an easygoing community with people from all walks of life and all ages.

But make no mistake -most things we do are geared towards our primary goal, the complete and utter destruction of our vile enemy.

Who should join?

We don't really have any restrictions. However, as we're loosely modeled after a real army with a command structure and such, it would be best for everyone if you're mature enough to follow (and give?) orders. And of course, you need to be a teamplayer.

Other than that, all you need is a legitimate copy of ArmA and a burning desire to stomp out communism in Sahrani.

Joining is easy!

Go to www.IC-ArmA.com and click 'Join a Division' in the left menu, then follow the instructions and make sure you choose 'Kingdom of Sahrani' as your army.

See you on the battlefield/


Click here to sign up directly!

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Name: The Rifles Armed Assault Regiment.

Website: www.theriflesregiment.co.uk


The Rifles Armed Assault Regiment is based on a real-life British army unit. Only recruiting mature, realstic players and not John Rambo ensures quality of gaming. Using real life tatics and weaponry in many difficult and challanging missions all realism based is what makes this unit stand out. Be you a squaddie with an LMG, or a Sniper on a hill calling in an airstrike, this units for you. We use no crosshairs, infact, we use no aids at all, just you, your map, compass and weapon. We don't mind what your skills are, don't know how to use a map? We'll teach you. With nightly training sessions and massive all day coops on weekends, this is one intense close-knit unit.

Age limit: 13+

Game types: Primarily Role-play Coop, few Clan V Clan battles.

What we do: Kill communists, what it should be all about.

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Edit: mispost.

To Mods: Accidentaly posted here,you should delete it, or you can leave it and ill get something typed up for it in the next 5 hours...

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Task Force Delta


About us

TFD was made by two friends who have known each other for over three (3) years now. We each had good roles in all of our previous clans, and we decided to make our own with a lot of knowledge in leading. So expect your stay here to be a good one.

We're not the worst of clans where all the rules are, "there are no rules". We have some, and we enforce them. They are simple, and straight to the point. Its not hard to comply with em.

TFD Terms of Agreement (Rules)

1.No excessive profanity. Occasionally we all let out a shi*, bitc*, and a fuc*. It's cool man, but don't do it too much, or extremely loud. Your making yourself look like an idiot if you keep it up, we'll laugh at you. Not with you.

2.No racism, at all. Seriously, that stuff is too much these days. Racism will result in a time ban from the forums, and (or) teamspeak. Also, if convicted you will be put on a temporary probation. We love you, seriously, but we can't have that stuff here.

3.Work as a team, and follow superiors. We don't want you as a slave, we just wanna have fun and get the job done. Excessive failure to comply will lead to a lesser time ban from the forums, and (or) teamspeak like the subject above.

4.NO HACKING/CHEATING. This will NEVER be permitted while in the TFD clan. Violators will be banned on the spot !

5. Multi-claning is NOT allowed. It's good to see that your loyal to your other clan, but our members are required to stay with us, and us only.

6. Have fun punk ! This is one of our most enforced rules. Keep up the negative attitude, and we'll kick you. Yeah, Really ! We don't need you to bring us down while the rest of us are having a ball !

We Are Recruiting!

We are currently recruiting. Please go to https://www.TaskForceDeltaClan.com/forum/ to join! We are also looking for four (4) Staff Members, COs and XOs, for 101st Airborne and 11th Infrantry Divisions, please see our TFD General News Board for more information.

TeamSpeak Server


Major Eversmen

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Maybe you're looking for an Armed Assault squad to join? Well, FUSION is looking for new members, so the first step was already made.

FUSION is a merger between two Squads: Platoon and Geeks With Guns (GWG). Both Squads already had a rich history, with Platoon going back to the CC4 days (2001), and GWG being there from the start of Operation Flashpoint (2002). The majority of the members is English and/or Dutch speaking, English being the language used during gaming.

Currently FUSION is active in one league, the European Combat League. We mainly play CTF, C&H and Combi maps (a combination of CTF and C&H, created by one of Platoon's former members). We have regular training days: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday, starting roughly at 20:00 BST/21:00 CET, and lasting until the last man falls asleep behind the keyboard.

What has FUSION to offer a new recruit?

* We have our own high performance server, on a direct 100 Mbps link to the Internet backbone, so excellent connectivity

* A group of relaxed and mature friends, with a focus on fun, and a bias for improvement and winning

* Well organised outfit

What do we feel you should bring?

* A relaxed and mature attitude

* Dependability

* A teamplayer. FUSION does not believe in ranks, everybody is of equal importance and value to us.

* Knowledge of ECL and/or its maps and gametypes would be a bonus.

* A PC and internet connection suitable for Armed Assault MP games

What do we need to know of you in case you fill in a recruitment form?

* Name

* Age (minimum of 18)

* Country where you live (city is OK too, but not necessary). Has to be in Western Europe due to timezone differences

* Your native language (apart from that you should be proficient with English

* e-mail, MSN and/or ICQ (at least one) so we can contact you.

* Optionally your nickname, experience with Armed Assault and/or other Squads and/or Leagues

* Where did you hear of us?

You can find the form on our forums: FUSION recruitment office

We'll contact you and work out the details then smile_o.gif

Best regards,

HitmanFF, Leader and Striker


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Intel Combat Marines...

We're back,


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Sovereign Forces is now Recruiting 18+ Mature members.

Recruitment Info:

-Go to www.sovereign-forces.com and Fill out an Application

- Post on the forums for a TS account and Xfire information

- Jump on TS and the servers for good games, Tactical Play and most importantly get to know everyone.

Once the recruitment process is complete you will be given access to our clans HUGE FTP server, File planet account, ect ect. And if you qualify Admin rights.

Also our server provider company is hiring from within the clan, and be willing to train a few members in server sales. and server support.

So if your interested in becoming apart of a great group of gamers/family goto www.sovereign-forces.com


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U.S.M.C Warriors is seeking veterans from U.S. Armed forces to join us in operations with Armed Assault.

Our Leadership and many members are former and active Marines, and other prior service.

View our requirements and see our recruiting contact information at www.usmc-warriors.com

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Hi folks!

Here is the 5 years old german OFP/ArmA Clan! We are still looking for mature gamers who wants to play coops, cti's, try mods with a squad which is in average +35 years old.

most of us have families and therefore we starts to play earliest at 22:00 CET. If you are german or english speaking we would like to give you a very warm welcome to Global Earth Re-Union.

We have a lot of ArmA Servers (including the Addon QG), Teamspeak and of course a web site.

Do not hesitate to get in contact with us. Our TS Server is public > globalearth.de

Hope to see you soon!

Luemmel, Leader of GER


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Sgt.Chuppa*A* here:

                    The Able Co. ArmA team currently has close to 40 members.Almost every night there are around 10 members playing ArmA.

What seperates the 9th Infantry ArmA team is that we play in squads for the teamwork and use teamspeak to communicate.We move together and stay alive alot longer than if we played as lone gunman.Anyone that plays ArmA, knows that going it alone won't get you very far.If you have ArmA and are interested in playing with a great bunch of ArmA players go to http://www.9thinfantry.org, and fill out a join application. Read our rules and standards found in the 9th Infantry Doctrine, and see if we appeal to you.It applies to everyone in the 9th, to ensure that everyone is treated with respect.

                     A few things that are currently happening;


            1. Mid Week Battles-   held once a week, usualy on Wednesday night. Consisting of anywhere from 4 to 8 clans teamed up in 2 diffrent teams. {awsome battles here}

            2. Boot Camp-   all new recruits have to attend. 3 diffrent qualifacations to obtain. held at Drill instructers selected times. {depending on # of recruites.}

            3. Squads-    think you have what it takes to be a grunt, tanker, or a pilot with A.C.E.?  Depending on how well you do as a recruit, become a full member and you can apply for a special roll.

            4. Practices-    Come practice as a team, and only as a team. Held 2-3 times a week, or even more!!

            5. Servers-    We have at least 2 to 3 servers always on for ARMA. Max of 4, upto 74 slot server.

            6. Team Speak-   2 Team Speak servers, one is used for MidWeekBattle.

                     If you want to learn more about the 9th Infantry Able company, visit our website http://www.9thinfantry.org


To join the 9th Infantry you will need the following:

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         1.  A good attitude with the ability play in a team evnvironment.

2. You must be at least 16 yoa.

3. You will need a mic for your interview and to communicate with

   other ArmA players in game.

4. A full version of ArmA.The version you have doesn't matter as long

   as it's a legal copy of ArmA.

5. You must be able to contribute $3 dollars per month to help

   cover server costs.

6. Be fully prepared to have fun.

Or just shoot me an Email, if you have any questions

[email protected]

Or shoot me a pm, on our website... http://www.9thinfantry.org

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4IB is a group of players that accurately portray a US Army Stryker Brigade Combat Team. Our membership base consists of highly motivated people from all walks of life working to accomplish our mission-

Our goal is to execute missions, for the safety and preservation of citizens of the United States, with targeting discrimination and purpose, and with little or no collateral loss to non-combatant populations. To provide an Infantry Brigade organized, equipped and trained for modern warfare. To function in the protection of life and property and the preservation of peace, order and public safety, under competent orders of military authorities.

Joining 4IB only requires that you sign up on our website, and through the website submit an application to join. Note that joining the forums does not constitute submitting an application to join.

Unlike groups that hold "Boot camp" or other forms of required session based training all of our learning is done through self-paced "qualifications". For example our Entry Level Training ( Dubbed Basic Combat Training [bCT] ) consists of a knowledge section which has everything you can learn from text, and a practical factor section which consists of items you can do in game. Each item requires a signature from any qualified member. Once you fill up the qualification card you will stand a quick board ( 30 minutes ) in which we will ask you questions pertaining to the qualification at hand. Passing means gaining the respect of other members and being considered trustworthy.

Weapons Assignments are handled via qualifications as well depending on the level of qualifications. For example we have the following qual cards (Listed by SENIORITY):

Entry Level Training (BCT)

Drivers Qualification Course ( DQC )


Automatic Rifleman


Rifleman Antitank

Designated Marksman


Team Leader

Squad Leader

Warrant Officer Flight School

To give an example of what a typical Qual Card looks like here is the Orienteering-


Map Reading-

Grid Coordinate System

Declination ( Contour )

Compass ( Azimuth )

Terrain Markers

Map Marking-





Time to target

Distance to target

Heading to target

Combat mode

Practical Factors

3- waypoint navigation-

Vehicle Navigation-

Live Fire Exercise

Score- X/10

Live Fire Exercise is conducted with at least a team sized force. Member must find own position on map and navigate to four way points. Live Fire Exercise will be scored considering time to complete as well as routes taken during different combat modes.


Contact Information:

Website: http://4thib.com


Password: N/A

Commander: Raynor

AIM: Raynorhiarro

MSN: [email protected]

Xfire: Raynorhiarro

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The 15th MEU is currently recruiting to fill open positions!


First and foremost - we are NOT the real 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit. We are a gaming Unit with a very high view of the Corps, and a very high view on realistic gaming. We gather and play to honor the real Leathernecks who serve. The real 15thMEU can be found at the following site:


We play Armed Assault: Combat Operations in all of its forms. Armed Assault is a great combat simulator that is very conducive to the environment we've set here. Armed Assault information can be found at http://www.armedassault.com

That being said, we do share more than a few similarities. We're simulating a Marine environment in a virtual world - same ranks, same ideals, same values. Hell, even a few of our members are Marines or are planning to serve in the Corps. They bring their experience to the table to further enhance our Unit.

We uphold the Corps Values of Honor, Courage and Commitment.

Honor: Marines are held to a high standard of the utmost ethical and moral behavior. Honesty and honor are held in great regard. Respect for others is essential. You are expected to act responsibly in a mature and dependable manner. Every Marine is accountable for his or her actions and meeting the highest standard of the Corps.

Courage: Courage is not the absence of fear. It is the ability to face fear and overcome it. It is the mental, moral and physical strength ingrained in Marines. It steadies them in times of stress, carries them through every challenge and aids them in facing new and unknown confrontations.

Commitment: Commitment is the spirit of determination and dedication found in Marines. It is what impels Marines to serve our country and the Corps. Every aspect of life in the Corps shows commitment, from the high standard of excellence to the vigilances the Marines show for training.

Why do we do this? We'd like to think that a member in our unit would take from these and be a better person for it. A better person for the unit and hopefully a better person in life. They will learn what it is work together in team and work towards a common goal. They will learn what the words "determination" and "dedication" mean. They will learn to be dependable, respectful, and respectable.

They will earn the right to be called a Marine in the 15th MEU Realism Unit, and they will uphold all that comes with that title so not to tarnish the great name of the Corps and those who serve it.

If this sounds like something you're interested in, by all means please register and let us know. But keep in mind, once you take that step and commit to joining, we're going to hold you the same standards we hold every other member.

Semper Fidelis


Some history on the 15th MEU ArmA Realism Unit:

The Unit was established in April 2007 and has steadily grown from month to month. The 15th came out of the 22nd MEU Realism Clan ( who play the Project Reality mod of BF2 ) and established itself as an active unit that held true to the values of realistic gaming. Many of the unit's members have real world military experience and work to adapt that to the ArmA environment.

What you will find in the 15th MEU:

* Access to two Armed Assault servers running on Hypernia Dedicated Servers. One public server provides a great place to relax and play and recruit new members. One locked server running 15th MEU specific training maps provides the stomping grounds for realistic training and serious play.

* A newly updated Ventrilo 3.0 voice server.

* Active members and Staff who work to keep all members and new joins interested and engaged. Weekly unit training events get all elements of the unit together to train. Light Training events throughout the week focus on the individual elements.

* A focused and in depth basic training course to acquaint new recruits with the structure of the 15th, SOPs, Chain of Command and basic infantry skills. Once passing basic and earning the rank of Private or Student Naval Aviator, members will be assigned to a Fireteam or flight school for further specialized training.

* Opportunities for continued training and advancement. Infantry leadership courses for Fireteam Leaders, Squad Leaders. Officer Training Courses for Enlisted members to train into command roles. Active promotion schedules.

* A sharp and professional website with active posting and a handy calendar to keep track of events. A Squad XML roster that is updated diligently, found at http://www.15thmeu.net/squad/squad.xml

* Friendly help with training in game, and also with out of game issues. We're here for ya.

* And most of all, a fun group to kick back and enjoy a great game with. No crazy requirements or ridiculous mandates for belonging, just some simple courtesies and respect all around.


We currently maintain the following positions within the Unit:


Armor Crews

Rotary Wing Pilots

Fixed Wing Pilots

Crew Chiefs


Combat Engineers

Please check the recruiting page on our site for current openings!

In the near future we will be opening Scout Sniper Detachment and Force Recon Platoon.

If you are interested in joining please register at our site, found at http://www.15thmeu.net, and submit an application in the "Recruiting" section. Your application will be processed in a timely manner and you will be sent login information for our Ventrilo server and available dates for basic training. We look forward to hearing from you!

15th MEU Realism Unit Command Staff

Contact Info

Capt R. Savage - Xfire: thehappysavage, [email protected]

Capt J. Schultz - Xfire: James2785, [email protected]

SSgt P. Tigernan - AIM: radar4224, [email protected]

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25. Air Cavalry Division (25. Dywizja Kawalerii Powietrznej) is now recruiting again. We are pleased to inform you that we will accept the application from any ambitious soldier, who is willing to take part in clanwars. Initial game skills of new members are not important - if you lack game knowlegde or need some hints, we will provide you with special training session, which will surely help new people to improve their game results.

We offer several types of trainings a few times in a week, ability to take part in ArmA leagues (such as OnlineWarfare, ArmA International eSport Contest, European Combat League, Gamez-Club) and playing on our gameserver.

If you would like to join 25.DKP and taste the best of multiplayer, you must have:

- own legal Armed Assault copy

- working microphone

- Teamspeak2 programme (downloadable for free)

- fast connection speed (min. 256kbps)

- 3 or 4 hours per week to spend on playing

Would be also nice if you :

- were older than 15

- spoke english on at least basic level

- had an experience from Operation Flashpoint.

A bit of information about us - we have been playing Operation Flashpoint/Armed Assault since July 2003. After several ups and downs, dissolutions and reactivations we are back for good. We would like to share with new players the knowlegde and the experience we gained in those past years.

Here are some of our achievements :

- 2. place- ECL Summer 2004 Battle Ladder

- 2. place - ECL Winter 2004 War Ladder

- 2. place - CCL Season 2

- semi-final - CCL Season 2 Playoffs

- 3. place - ECL Summer 2005 War Ladder Div 2

- 1. place - ECL Summer 2005 Skirmish Ladder

- 1. place - ECL Autumn Skirmish Tourne

Although we do not require a lot from new members, we can offer a lot. If you are already in any inactive clan and you are still mulling over if it is worth joining, I anwser - It is! You will surely meet bunch of great people,you will take part in unforgetable matches and without doubt you will enjoy yourself here.

Apparently we recruit people from Poland, Czech Republic and Russia, however we will gladly accept any member who understands basics of polish language or is willing to learn it.

Those who are interested shall contact one of following :

Kuba (polish) - GG: 3162408, MSN: [email protected]

Guma (polish, english) - GG: 3377011, MSN: [email protected]

Elej (polish, czech, english) - GG:8888980, MSN : [email protected]

Smookie (polish, russian, english) - GG: 1179347, MSN: [email protected]

.. or filling in application form on our webpage ("Dołącz do nas")

25DKP is waiting for you!



Command staff

Recruiting section

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Second Dragoons are recruiting

We are a very active unit and part of the International Conflict Tournament and are actively seeking motivated players who have a strong sense of team work. We hold intense battles on +100 man servers every Saturday and do our training and preparation during the week.

We are mainly active between 1900 – 2200 GMT.

We are very open to absolute ArmA newbies and our dedicated staff members will make all efforts to help you find your place in our outfit.

There’s no need to be shy, if you are motivated enough to show up twice a week for training and the battle itself and check our forums regularly for updates that’s more than enough.

You can join here (www.ic-arma.com) or send me a pm if you have further questions.

BlueSkunk, Lt


Amor vincit omnia

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CMPGN clan is now recruiting.

We are a coop clan our advert is placed on

this topic if you are interested.

All roles are welcome : tanker, infantrist, pilot, leader etc.

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Deadly Fragrancy is looking for some ArmA Coop players.

DF is actually a AAO Clan, but i have decided to add this squad cause i cant get used to Americas Army anymore (too heavy like CS) .

This will be a NEW ArmA squad and I will be the organisator of that Squad

I play ArmA now since the German version was out, and i specially like the Coop Missions (Evolution is great)

There will be NO Clan/Server fees!

We have a Root


TS² running IP: armyops.eu PW: via PM/Email

This Squad will be a fun playing ArmA squad, with realistic gameplay and rules. Playtime will be everyday 4PM GMT+01.

DF speaks German... i speak a bit broken English. But all Countries are welcome... we will see/find a way to comunicate.

So German/English is required.

ICQ:326717329 wink_o.gif

Thank you


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International ArmA Strike Team (IAST) welcomes both guests and potential recruits.

We're a small group of active members (roughly five active ones) who are in need of battle-hardened replacements (just being fancy here, not a skill requirement) to fill our ranks.

Our community is based in Europe, with members from different countries (Including Estonia, Finland, Norway, Poland and Russia), but stick to English as our common tongue.

We play mostly coop missions scaled to larger group sizes using Norrins revive script, and said missions are often my WIP projects - thus there is some testing flavor to our gaming.

At the moment we lack a dedicated server, so we play hosted games nowadays and use Xfire to organize our gaming (I have same username in Xfire as on this forum) - don't trust the server status monitor on our site.

Finally, we don't require much from you besides a basic level of English and being able to stay close to your team (lonewolfing is disencouraged, to put it mildly).

For more information on our group, our rules and addons, check our site and/or contact me in Xfire.

Edit 23.05.09:

IAST have gone under, with many of our members having left ArmA permanently and others gone to other squads.

Edited by HulkingUnicorn
Squad died

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The United States Virtual Navy is currently recruiting people to fill in the SEAL Team billets and possibly the Marine Branch:


Requirements are:

Age 16+ (waiverable if 15)

Armed Assault



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