Noraf 0 Posted May 16, 2007 well, since you're watching youtube, what about , made by dslyecxi Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jolulure 0 Posted May 16, 2007 THANK YOU VERY MUCH actually, the video you just posted seems more like a commercial video doesnt it? If you could please post a link to any video in which the AI was shown, i would be very grateful. BTW, my city soccer team is playing the UEFA final right now Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr_Tea 0 Posted May 16, 2007 More videos? Look in here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jolulure 0 Posted May 16, 2007 thanks mr_tea is there any one in there from the Single Player mode? because all i could find was mods and MP. Thanks for the support Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Clavicula_nox4817 0 Posted May 16, 2007 thanks mr_teais there any one in there from the Single Player mode? because all i could find was mods and MP. Thanks for the support Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr_Tea 0 Posted May 16, 2007 Old videos don`t count, they where made with non up to date versions of Arma. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jolulure 0 Posted May 16, 2007 Why dont they take cover behind cars, instead of staying in the middle of nowhere? and why do they run alone against the enemies? i hope the AI gets improved Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mr_Tea 0 Posted May 16, 2007 OMG, look at the date the video was posted. The AI is improved already, old videos are made without the latest patches of course. Edit: btw. Other games look like they have an good AI. But all the game has, is tons of scripting that tell the NPC`s what to do. There is no AI involved in that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jolulure 0 Posted May 16, 2007 ok, there is no point in extending this thread . I would just be satisfied if you guaranteed me the AI is good, i mean, they take cover appropiately, and dont stand up in the midle of a firefight, and dont run alone towards outnumbering enemies. With those requirements, i would be very optimistic, and would buy a nice PC with a 8600GT for playing the game! thanks ArmA community Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Clavicula_nox4817 0 Posted May 16, 2007 Why dont they take cover behind cars, instead of staying in the middle of nowhere?and why do they run alone against the enemies? i hope the AI gets improved LIke Mr.Tea is saying, I recorded those videos 2 versions ago. Their AI is pretty good. Besides, when you don't know where the enemy is, the best cover is flat on the ground. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Death 0 Posted May 16, 2007 ok, there is no point in extending this thread .I would just be satisfied if you guaranteed me the AI is good, i mean, they take cover appropiately, and dont stand up in the midle of a firefight, and dont run alone towards outnumbering enemies. With those requirements, i would be very optimistic, and would buy a nice PC with a 8600GT for playing the game! thanks ArmA community Well, it seems to me a little bit like you're pushing the wrong button all time. Look: ArmA ai acts like OFP's ai. They don't take too much cover e.g: behind cars or rocks. They look sometimes stupid, especially when being set up by somebody who is a) new to editing or b) not a mission maker or c) wants them to do so. Hell even sometimes if everything's been set up right, they may look stupid in relation to how a real soldier or you yourself would react in some situations. But... They will give you a great atmosphere and during firefights you gonna make the experience of heavy heart beat because you shot one of those stupid ai's but now all his stupid ai buddies trying to take revenge. You will make the experience of taking your head out of cover for a second too long and whoooooomp - you're hit - not dead but heavily injured so that you can't aim 100% accurate anymore - you will lay down trying to escape by crawling hearing enemy footsteps around you and begging for that they would be so stupid like seen in the video of the first post. Suddenly an ai soldier will appear from where you didn't expect him - you aim your gun onto him, he aims onto you - tatatatam - you were faster - he's down - your heart starts beating even faster. You think now's the time to make a run into a new cover - you get up start run - zing zing zing za zing - bullets impacting beside you and you will press the run-key as strong as possible just to get out. You arrive at your new cover location - that big rock over there - you run behind it realizing there's another stupid ai standing - you almost fall of your chair - again you shoot, he shoots: you are dead That's where ArmA/OFP has it's top strength - not some perfect eye candy handling of scripted bots. Though it's possible and not too hard to do, to enhance the ai by scripts so that they will react even more to your likings (been done in ofp a lot and will be done for ArmA even mucho better). A lot of sites where you can get user made missions are making reviews of those and if there were a mission where ai was acting like in: 'look how stupid ai can be' video, this mission wouldn't have got a good score and not too many had downloaded it. I've been playing OFP from the beginning and i don't see ArmA's ai being worse than OFP's - and if then due to a bug wich already got or 100% sure will get sorted out. ~S~ CD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
OblivionX 0 Posted May 16, 2007 ok, there is no point in extending this thread .I would just be satisfied if you guaranteed me the AI is good, i mean, they take cover appropiately, and dont stand up in the midle of a firefight, and dont run alone towards outnumbering enemies. With those requirements, i would be very optimistic, and would buy a nice PC with a 8600GT for playing the game! thanks ArmA community I dont want to be rude but I just dont see the point of this post at all. If everyone that had a doubt over buying this game for what ever reason would post posts like this the forums would be clutter with hundreds of OT like this. You got a Demo to download. You can read reviews. You can scan this forum for posts about the ai and post in them. This post is like "I dont like the ai so I dont gonna buy the game"... oh really..who cares. I didnt like the new BF game and didnt buy it... but I didnt post on their forums just cause of that. I think the ai is pretty good in ArmA and the youtube video in your post doesnt resemble the experience I got in my game. Sure there are always room for improvements but I have great fun making small missions in the editor and see how the outcome will be. Have nice day. OblivionX Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dmarkwick 261 Posted May 16, 2007 Either buy it or not, stop teasing us with your huge dilemma. [/irony] Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
5133p39 16 Posted May 16, 2007 I think that here you must differentiate between global AI (which is relatively good) and AI Pathfinding (which is catastrophic in urban environment). The AI on the video seems to be dumb, because their pathfinding screws up badly - MAYBE the AI is telling the soldiers to take cover, or get out of that street, but the pathfinding routines are overwhelmed by the amount of objects nearby (or maybe the pathfinding is really badly implemented - i cant say which is which, pathfinding isn't easy task). You can see how terrbile the pathfinding is even without a firefight. My point is - if you try this very same situation in some other places, with not so much objects and buildings around, the AI will be much better. They will move, try to flank, etc. I hope that the pathfinding will get much better, because as it is now, it's a total nightmare to lead AI into, through, and out of a town (and i am talking about the newest patch 1.07beta). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jolulure 0 Posted May 17, 2007 Ok. 1.- I DONT HAVE A SYSTEM ENOUGH TO EVEN RUN THE DEMO. Thats for those who say why i dont try the demo. 2.- I am not critisicing, insulting, shouting... I am just posting my OBJECTIVE opinion after what i have seen in youtube. Now, you have cleared that it was an old version, ok. 3.- I would like to know if the AI will get better in the near future, or whether it will stay like that Please, answer politely, i am not insulting, shouting or talking heavily to anybody. Understand I am new to this game, and I am not a XPert. And that I am talking a FOREIGN language. Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeMeSiS 11 Posted May 17, 2007 3.- I would like to know if the AI will get better in the near future, or whether it will stay like that If the mission editor sets them up like that they will always act like that, improvements or not. Now if the mission editor had given them a guard/hold/sentry/whatever waypoint or used some community made scripts they would have attacked the treath instead of lying there like dumbasses. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jolulure 0 Posted May 17, 2007 i dont seem to understand. So you need to download mods, scripts... for playing the game ok? doesnt the official stuff work well? So for example, in any official SP campaign mission, will there be AI problems? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
5133p39 16 Posted May 17, 2007 2.- I am not critisicing, insulting, shouting... I am just posting my OBJECTIVE opinion after what i have seen in youtube. Now, you have cleared that it was an old version, ok. 3.- I would like to know if the AI will get better in the near future, or whether it will stay like that It doesn't matter whether it was an old version of ArmA on that video - rest assured that the AI in current 1.06, or 1.07b, is not much better. Watching AI move in urban environment almost makes me cry - the only reason why i won't is that i already run out of tears. Don't get me wrong, i am OFP/ArmA fan, but let's face the facts. AI in urban environment is terribly bad, and needs to be redone. Will the AI get better in the near future? Noone knows. We can only hope. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NeMeSiS 11 Posted May 17, 2007 No, the default AI behaviour just needs to be properly 'activated'. If you want the AI to walk around in an area looking for enemies, you give them a 'search and destroy waypoint'. If you want them to defend a position, you give them a 'guard','hold' or 'sentry' waypoint. The person who made the video is just a bad mission editor and uses flawed ways of testing the AI. He probably didnt give them any waypoint at all, in which case the AI does nothing (Except for returning fire and laying on the ground, and sometimes does a random attemp to flank the enemy) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scrub 0 Posted May 17, 2007 I think that here you must differentiate between global AI (which is relatively good) and AI Pathfinding (which is catastrophic in urban environment).The AI on the video seems to be dumb, because their pathfinding screws up badly - MAYBE the AI is telling the soldiers to take cover, or get out of that street, but the pathfinding routines are overwhelmed by the amount of objects nearby (or maybe the pathfinding is really badly implemented - i cant say which is which, pathfinding isn't easy task). You can see how terrbile the pathfinding is even without a firefight. My point is - if you try this very same situation in some other places, with not so much objects and buildings around, the AI will be much better. They will move, try to flank, etc. I hope that the pathfinding will get much better, because as it is now, it's a total nightmare to lead AI into, through, and out of a town (and i am talking about the newest patch 1.07beta). Just wondering, as I too have had issues with urban AI pathing - have you tried the 'compact staggered column' formation? Â It helped me to a great extent. Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
robert(uk) 0 Posted May 17, 2007 How do you know for sure that it is AI in that video? Â I see human players acting like that all the time on public servers... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebud 18 Posted May 17, 2007 The only thing you can really say about the infantry ai is that they react as if they are in a open or woodland environment in every situation. If you are in a slightly hilly wooded to open area the ai is superb. In a dense urban environment it has some issues, but since this game has ALWAYS been about open outdoor RURAL combined arms combat, the way the ai acts in urban combat doesn't bother me as much as most. Seeing how the ai in this game can and HAS to do sooooo many different tasks I can live with the good and the bad and try to limit my experience with the bad by NOT creating or playing missions that try to make the ai does things it was never intended to do. If I want great urban combat there are several other games that can do it well. They on the the hand cannot do large scale combined arms missions in an open environment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Chris Death 0 Posted May 17, 2007 After i was reading those replies that you shouldn't bother ArmA comunity like that, i must say i did want post something but because my previous post wasn't a short one i also didn't want to bother anybody again. But here goes: I disagree with such opinions because the only thing you seem to have seen yet before was that video showing how stupid ArmA's ai is. This makes your question totally legitime and shouldn't be seen as an insult to the ArmA comunity. However, i already tried to tell you that the ai even at it's worst behaviour will appear terribly dangerous in the eyes of the oponent. Also a straight answer to your question i've already given at the end of my last post: Quote[/b] ]Though it's possible and not too hard to do, to enhancethe ai by scripts so that they will react even more to your likings (been done in ofp a lot and will be done for ArmA even mucho better). I don't think it's important wether the improvements of ai will be made by BIS themselves or by users. Fact is: BIS has included a way to enhance ai by FSM and now it's up to the users to use this. If you can't get ArmA to run on your rig to be able to convince yourself i'd have an alternative suggestion: get a copy of ofp it's not really expensive anymore, and probably there are even a lot of ppl out there who already moved to ArmA, considering to get rid of their old OFP. Some of them even had two or three exemplaries - so chances are big you can get one cheaper than for € 10. Note that OFP's graphics isn't up to date but you could get an idea of how the ai is acting yourself. And last but not least i want say again: The ai seen in that video has not been set up like it should (possible without any scripting knowledge from within the mission editor and the options menu). It looks like an ai group just being placed somewhere without any waypoints and other settings which is a must if you want to set up a decent mission. I could make the very same scenario easily but i could with 30 seconds more work improve their behaviour for at least 50%. Point is: it's up to the user to define how dumb or smart the ai is acting - show me other games where you can do this up to your likings. Also you should know that: you can set up almost any scenario that comes into your mind - which is the strongest point of OFP/ArmA. Finally i want say it again, to answer your question: Yes, ArmA's ai will become much better than that what you have seen in this video and it already is it ~S~ CD Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
5133p39 16 Posted May 17, 2007 No, the default AI behaviour just needs to be properly 'activated'.If you want the AI to walk around in an area looking for enemies, you give them a 'search and destroy waypoint'. If you want them to defend a position, you give them a 'guard','hold' or 'sentry' waypoint. The person who made the video is just a bad mission editor and uses flawed ways of testing the AI. He probably didnt give them any waypoint at all, in which case the AI does nothing (Except for returning fire and laying on the ground, and sometimes does a random attemp to flank the enemy) You misunderstood what i was refering to: 'search and destroy' waypoint doesn't make the AI to use cover, neither will 'guard', 'hold', 'sentry' or any other waypoint. Their only idea of cover is lying flat on the ground, waiting to be killed. No waypoint will make the AI to lean over corners. No waypoint, behaviour, formation, or combatmode, will make them move like normal people when crossing a bridge, and so on. Watch AI moving inside the multistory hotel building - slowly creeping right along the path defined inside the p3d model of the building, not deviating a single milimeter off the path, unable to avoid each other even if there is plenty space around, etc. And you can't do nothing about that, unless you implement some VERY VERY HEAVY AND HUGE scripting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites