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Hold fire only let them holds fire until the enemy is dangerously close or when they are under fire, when you order it during a firefight it they are most likely under fire wink_o.gif

not really .. look at Bug 2218 ...

The AI begins to ignore the "HOLD FIRE", if the following condition is fullfilled:

e1 = enemy (my teammate knowsabout this unit);

m1 = my teammate;

if ( e1 knowsAbout m1 > 0.7.. ) {

  m1 ignores HOLD FIRE




Well im not going to check it so ill just take your word for it..

In this case you shouldnt report any enemies to your squad, if the 'magic value' is still .105 it should be ok, but i assumed that the whole thing was still the same as in OFP.. Sorry wink_o.gif

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Firesectors can be done with the watch command (hold alt, click direction), its not perfect but it works.

Don't say the watch command is working. It is not, it's bugged. It only works if the AI is in safe behaviour. Once they were in a firefight their beahviour changes and the watch command does not work anymore.

Do I have to be logged in or registered in the BTS for voting? I still don't know how to register in that damn thing, the Biki account does not work and last time I checked the relevant topics here in the forum it was not very helpful crazy_o.gif

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The missions that came with your pack as examples i think there called - RAC Burns powder- or something like that are amazing. I added Mr.Centipedes tracers with different sizes for the MG's and Armour and set time to dusk and man, what intensity. I hope when voices become available you can add different voices for when guys are fleeing and panicking etc...

I keep playing these over and over  tounge2.gif

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I've been thinking about that voice-thing too. But right now i've different stuff underwork... It can take long time, before i start to do something about these suppression-scripts again... Hopefully someone else can present better suppression-implentation before it or tweak this to better form (and use it to their work yay.gif ), so that i get released from responsibility tounge2.gif

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Nice and interesting scripts.

I've had already coded some event-driven .SQF suppression scripts for my personal use, but now i've learnt some very interesting tips reading yours.

I'm currently updating my scripts, i'll eventually post them if they'll satisfy my expectations.

Thank you!

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Quote[/b] ]Don't say the watch command is working. It is not, it's bugged. It only works if the AI is in safe behaviour. Once they were in a firefight their beahviour changes and the watch command does not work anymore.

The Watch command uses the current soldier target to make them face a certain way, when they pick up a new target they lose the invisible "watch" target. Notice if you set a "Watch" command and then tell them to "no target" they won't watch anymore.

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I'm currently updating my scripts, i'll eventually post them if they'll satisfy my expectations.

Hopefully they will thumbs-up.gif

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This thread has died a little bit, any progress on the scripts? I love them haha

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Well. They are converted to OFP.

And I'm adding things from OFP's version to ArmA's scripts. Plus i finally found way to get proper bullet and leader directions for northern-bearings. As with current public versions it's done bit illogical way, which could cause suppression when it shouldn't.

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excellent keep up the good work , and we all will have the arma we wanted , i still play ofp with slx ecp and graw models ,and even though arma is great it still dosent match the intensity of these 3 mods conjoined, maybe with more scripts like these a stable patch for arma and we will see arma more immersive than ofp.

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Well. They are converted to OFP.

Have you released the Ofp version yet? If not will you do it and when?

We would have to modify the scripts to work with different addons I guess?

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Yes, they need exact ammo-names to work, just like ArmA version's east and west versions. But that isn't big thing... OFP just seems get more stress from scripts than ArmA. I'm trying to optimize them more.

I can't say about release dates at the moment. For ArmA's version or OFP's version.

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I don't know exactly how your script(s) are designed but if I remember correctly from when I had a look into the ArmA scripts the main effort of is to select the fired ammo type and the impact position.

You could use one "main" script for Ofp which will use several pre-compiled functions to find out the fired ammo and impact position.

I don't know if preprocessing functions in Ofp has the same performance impact than compiling functions in ArmA but it should at least be better than using scripts all the way in Ofp.

And I once heared that you have to use a reasonable amount of delay in stressful loops. I don't remember if it was Ofp or ArmA related however.

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Basically scripts just monitors area near unit by using two different simple ways:

1. by measuring object's speed and direction (uses 'nearobjects'-command)

2. by searching objects (nearestobject-command) with certain stringnames and in OFP's version checking direction of the object. This is only way, to my knowledge, to make it work in OFP. Script basically has list of stringnames that it needs to spot in given distance of unit to cause suppression.

Still i haven't looked those functions, so this is only speculation, but it is said that .SQFs can freeze FPS if they are needed to process frequently unlike .SQSs which sortof fits to overall stress level. Close area of group should be cheched atleast 6-10 times in second to spot fast flying bullets.

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Mh, 6 to 10 times per second is much. According to the Biki functions are executed exclusively while scripts are executed quasi parallel to the rest of the game. This applies to Ofp as it does to ArmA afaik.

Maybe you just give the functions a try and see if they really perform worse than scripts whistle.gif

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Maybe you just give the functions a try and see if they really perform worse than scripts whistle.gif

You have severe obsession with functions, did you know that wink_o.gif (just like my old-and-tested-trick-is-better-than-bag-full-of-new-ones obsession)

I'll give them a try... At some point whistle.gif

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I've noticed that, too smile_o.gif

I believe it's because functions are more structured thatn scripts with all theri gotos and stuff.

And functions need variable declarations and have return values inlove.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Version 1.5 is now ready. First post edited with links and such. wink_o.gif

Short list of new things:

-Most ugly bug in the whole wide world squashed/killed/exterminated

-One less suppression level Panic (It was just dead weight)

-All AIs finally can keep their individual skill-level, which gets adjusted (had energy enough to add couple of arrays for it)

-Suppression levels were tweaked bit again.

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I just recently discovered your scripts pack. This is a very great addition to the game.

Playing a mission with this enabled, adding Sickboy's tracers and Chammy sound pack... ArmA is getting better every day !

Thanks a lot for the work !


EDIT: I can not make it work as ofpforum suggested. I did what he did, creating a pbo and changing names accordingly, as well as modifying the characters.pbo config. Each time I try to launch a mission, I get an error "requiredAddons\ not an array", and many others alike.

What do I need to do ? Is it because the config is still in cpp and not in bin ?

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.CPP should work fine. But did you rename it to correct form. I use plain suppression_pack.PBO so i did write like this in config.CPP:

Quote[/b] ] hitSound20[] = {"\ca\Characters\Data\Sound\Hit30", db-25, 1};

soundEnviron[] = {"", db0, 1};

soundEngine[] = {"\ca\characters\Data\sound\breath", db-60, 1.2};

additionalSound[] = {"\ca\characters\Data\sound\noise", db-120, 1};

class eventhandlers


init = "_this exec ""\Suppression_pack\Second_suppress_m.sqs"""


Are you sure that you did pack suppression scirpts to PBO? these are only things i can figure out you did wrong (either config has wrong filename or you didn't pack suppression pack to PBO)... or 'class eventhandler' is in wrong spot? in that place in my example it works fine

Attention to everyone how tries this trick! Make sure that script has this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">? (leader group _grp) != _grp: exit

Here's where it should be in scirpt (just after _grp = _this select 0):

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">~random(1)

_grp = _this select 0

? (leader group _grp) != _grp: exit

?(format ["%1", sup_unitarray] == "scalar bool array string 0xe0ffffef"): sup_unitarray = []; sup_skillarray = []

?(typeName _grp == "OBJECT"):_grp = group _grp

?(count _this >= 1):_det = _this select 1

?(count _this >= 2):_multip = _this select 2

Or you end up having one script for each soldier and civilian in mission... It's not big thing (they just mix up sometimes and result is odd behaviour of AI) but might cause severe lag, as if mission has 100 units then there are 100 scripts running on background and savegames might end up working. whistle.gif

However there is way to check this:

1.Create squad (bigger is better) and set one of them as player

2.create trigger (radio alpha forexample) than put into it's OnActivation-field this: disable_suppression_scripts = true

3. Activate trigger (radio alpha)

4. Now if you see only one this kind message ("Suppression scripts have been disabled!") in groupchat then your okay... But if you see more messages, then there has been more scripts in that group. If you see none message, then something is wrong... They didn't have that script running in the first place.

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Well, it seems that my game does not like config.cpp in character.pbo !

I did exactly what you did and it doesn't work for me. I then went back to original config but left it as cpp and I still have error messages (so, unrelated with your scripts). If I revert back to original config.bin everything works nice.

I'll try to find a solution tonight... What if I create an addon pbo like "Suppression.pbo", with a config file and the scripts ? The config would modify the CAManBase class with the eventhandler. Would it work that way ?

Thanks for the help, anyway.


EDIT: OK, it works now, as a standalone addon biggrin_o.gif It fits perfectly with other automatic loading scripts like sickboy's wink_o.gif

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This is really cool, Second. They really got down now when they meet some armour.

This reminds me of an old script from Bremmer named "fighting retreat" that uses the same drill. (there were some problems with the unit stances tho..)

Very nice. I gonna use one of these for sure. wink_o.gif

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New link added xmas_o.gif

There's one thing to be mentioned aswell: If using that modded version (character.PBO related) you might end up getting error messages displayed. It's not too severe, it's about adjusting skill levels of some units to correct level (now it is left undone). I don't have idea why is it there and what are the circumstances which leads to it. It seems to be mission related: Some missions are whining about it constantly.

@Blanco: Thanks smile_o.gif

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Apparently we can overwrite classes nowadays so ill see if i can make a mini PBO with just the scripts and a config that overwrites the man class.

EDIT: Oh, seems like malick already did it. tounge2.gif

EDIT2: Tried it myself and its much better then rePBOing the character.pbo all the time, highly advised. smile_o.gif

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