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New human models that actually work ingame... now thats another ArmA Addon that wins the 1st of its kind trophy, very nice.

Cant wait for the ArmA SLX!

maybe we'll get to see some of those models you've been sitting on ? wink_o.gif

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If its intended to be sarcasm then maybe i just said it wrong, i think this is wonderful news and Solus did a great thing here... In case it wasnt meant that way:

No new units planned yet, mainly cause Laser is so flattened with real life work.

Guess our last Mot.Inf could make a arma apearance but i dont think it would be worth the work as their style is so different from ArmA units... wouldnt midn seing them with normalmaps and stuff though ^^

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great work, but now i guess people are gonna bug us even more for our addons to be imported to arma wink_o.gif

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I personally think people should wait until the new tools come out to make new people units, cause until then they will look misplaced IMHO, what without the kickass normal maps and lightmapping that ArmA units have present inherently.

Feel free to think differently, but I hope that this release doesn't precipitate a glut of inferior units being hastily and shoddily ported into armed assault... and besides Neph's Mercs, LSR's, RHS' and ORCS' units (all of which honestly crap all over all other OFP units), there are no OFP units, modded or otherwise I believe are deserving of being compared to a single BIS SLA rifleman. I mean, my modded LSR units (FP ACU) were pretty shoddy in any case, and are absolutely uncomparable to the current US Armines.

Please note that the above opinion does not mention vehicles. I'm still waiting to see an RHS or ORCS T80 waltzing around Sahrani, heheh.

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True true, had the same feeling, lets hope we dont see a wave of quickly ported OFP units in ArmA now, cant think of many addons that could be on par with the ArmA models.. actually noone come to my mind exept maybe Nephs Mercs.

Time for something new then, someone create some woman to cheer the Sahrani guys up... sooner or later they might get attracted to each other otherwise... if they arent already.

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Hmmm, why you guys are so worried about porting old addons to Arma - I know some of them look ugly now but things can be improved. Correct me if I am wrong (i am not expert in 3D), but imagine some skilled guy/girl create good human model in external 3D program which can be easily converted in *.p3d, am I right? So where those limitations? Normals and speculars can be done...

Yop this is the hard way to do, but I like people who better try than wait...:love:


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Problem i see is you dont have the hands and heads from ArmA which is one of the main things that will make them stick out.

So id rather say, make somethign new just for ArmA with the new knowledge then it will look good but porting old OFP units... just cant imagine that would look decent.

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Hey, I know some units that could be ported to ArmA from OFP:

The Doberman Dog (was it from blackdog?)

MiG's Animals

Philcommando's Tiger and Horse

CSJ's Rabbit and co...


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Again one member of community broke one another walls. Ur skill just suprise me from times to times. The lack of normal mapping seems not be so huge visual problem so far so why not convert some more?

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very nice work indeed!!!

now the GDI soldiers and NOD soldiers can fight in the battlefields xD

Thank you very much!


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so downloading...


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Problem i see is you dont have the hands and heads from ArmA which is one of the main things that will make them stick out.

So id rather say, make somethign new just for ArmA with the new knowledge then it will look good but porting old OFP units... just cant imagine that would look decent.

How about the ones from VBS1 (the head anyway, they're the same).

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I personally think people should wait until the new tools come out to make new people units, cause until then they will look misplaced IMHO, what without the kickass normal maps and lightmapping that ArmA units have present inherently.

Feel free to think differently, but I hope that this release doesn't precipitate a glut of inferior units being hastily and shoddily ported into armed assault... and besides Neph's Mercs, LSR's, RHS' and ORCS' units (all of which honestly crap all over all other OFP units), there are no OFP units, modded or otherwise I believe are deserving of being compared to a single BIS SLA rifleman. I mean, my modded LSR units (FP ACU) were pretty shoddy in any case, and are absolutely uncomparable to the current US Armines.

Please note that the above opinion does not mention vehicles. I'm still waiting to see an RHS or ORCS T80 waltzing around Sahrani, heheh.

I agree with ya m8 wink_o.gif Considering that we currently have nothing aside from reskins, even those youve indicated would be a huge advance forward if they became avaliable in Arma....

Quote[/b] ]


great work, but now i guess people are gonna bug us even more for our addons to be imported to arma

Heck ya! tounge2.gif lol, cant have high quality units sitting in Ofp suffering abandonment issues now.. tounge2.gif

man, this is a thread to be watched fer sure biggrin_o.gif

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nice addon. Respect to the research efforts on the


If anyone is interested, i have made zombie versions of the SLX women available over in the zombie mod thread.

They inherit the SLX classes with some zombie attributes.

Zombie Mod Thread

This is not meant to hijack this thread, just a little notice.

Looking forward to seeing more releases of you guys.


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Finally. Perhaps we can now see more female civilians too.

biggrin_o.gif How about higher resolution textures? That would improve their appearance. At least the faces would go a long way.

Animals anyone? Must be harder than hell to do.

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here is quick test using the SLX characters



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so are we now able to have short, fat, thin, large people? eventually children?

And please don't start that boring story about beeing over the edge about children in war enviroment.. we talked about that already.

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charonos: Cool zombies!

Törni: Animals aren't too hard. I made a dog for HL2 a long time ago but it's on a dead hard drive now.

djfrogstar: Looks like a good start!

bravo 6: Yes different kinds of people can be made now, it's just a matter of someone making a model and UV mapping the faces, hands, and legs to the ArmA personality texture layouts. It's not that hard but I don't have time to make the head/hands/leg models.

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so are we now able to have short, fat, thin, large people? eventually children?

And please don't start that boring story about beeing over the edge about children in war enviroment.. we talked about that already.

Ive heard its possible to make children.... There is an option in o2 that allows a unit to be scaled down and it carries over the animation tree which allows the unit to go ingame without his geometry flying out of whack... Never tried it but heard from someone it was possible.

As far as the headscarf... I just threw it on in 3 minutes, and didnt bother with rescaling and removing geometry from the original head... Im not sure about how to weight it yet...

But this SLX release has really helped get things started

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Quote[/b] ]Im not sure about how to weight it yet..

You add weight to modlel's geometry LOD. Just select the part you want to define the weight to and enter the wanted value in the box. Be sure to turn off the "do not change the total mass" option, if you just added new stuff to the model.

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Quote[/b] ]Törni: Animals aren't too hard. I made a dog for HL2 a long time ago but it's on a dead hard drive now.

You mean with all working animations and behavior etc.???


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Quote[/b] ]Im not sure about how to weight it yet..

You add weight to modlel's geometry LOD. Just select the part you want to define the weight to and enter the wanted value in the box. Be sure to turn off the "do not change the total mass" option, if you just added new stuff to the model.

Thanks... for the explanation..

Thing is I have a full headscarf, one that is just around the neck and mouth and a 3 hole mask. I wanted to add them to the SLX girls. But am not sure if i can just delete the hair to prevent it from intersecting the scarf.

Im not quite ready to make a unit from the ground up as it involves massive knowledge of the weighting which you described.

But again.... Its great to have these for refrence!


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djfrogstar: Deleting the hair shouldn't mess up any selections or anything. To attach vertices and polygons to an already made selection in the selections window you select what you want and then control-click the selection name and it will select all the stuff that's already assigned plus the stuff you want to add. Then right click on the selection name and click redefine. When you deselect and click on the selection name it should highlight the stuff you added to that selection. You can see what selections something is attached to by selecting it and right clicking on a blank spot in the selections window and select weights. You can double click on the weight percentage numbers to set them.

Quote[/b] ]You mean with all working animations and behavior etc.???


Törni: I made a run animation and a jump-bite animation and a few others for the dog. It was a zombie dog that replaced the headcrabs in HL2. It was cool because you could also have them join your side and walk around with a pack of attack dogs. :]


zerg63: Looking great! biggrin_o.gif

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