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PC Gamer ArmA Preview

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Can anyone scan in the article about Armed Assault?

It's on page 46

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I don't really like PC Gamer, but if there's an ArmA preview I will have to pick it up...

I'll be sure to scan it.

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Yep, six squid is too much to spend on a load of immature opinions and a dvd full of rubbish demos! tounge2.gif

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Why it's named as ArmA: Armed Assault, when Atari release is called ArmA : Combat Operations? icon_rolleyes.gif

Anyway, thx for the scans.

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And the ads, you forgot the ads. wink_o.gif...

The first page doesn't show up, just the other 2 work.

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And the ads, you forgot the ads. wink_o.gif...

The first page doesn't show up, just the other 2 work.

Doesn't ARMA mean weapon in some lauguage?

I vote they rename it BFB2 (big fookin battlefields 2)

or OP:upgrade (your PC)

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Hi all

Well I read the review then realised it is the US version of PC Gamer.

It is a very positive review! So it looks like the US version and therefor the next patch are quite an impovement.

The reviewer was taken aback at no run and gun but was mature enough realise that is the way it is for real. He even had a go with the editor; which is unusual for a game reviewer, many just run a single player mission and write their copy then off to the pub for a liquid lunch.

This guy seems to have spent a few days with game he even managed to get over not being able run and gun with rockets against tanks and found out it requires a cool head, lots of covert positioning one shot and run; which all of us know.

The reviewer had nice things to say about the AI which aparently impressed him. Saying he was suprised to see them act on their own intiative and take charge.

The reviewer even learned the trick of killing tank crew while they are exposed out of the hatch and that is something that takes most people a cool head and months to learn.

So over all things bode well for an excelent US release!

Kind Regards walker

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And the ads, you forgot the ads.  wink_o.gif...

The first page doesn't show up, just the other 2 work.

Doesn't ARMA mean weapon in some lauguage?

I vote they rename it BFB2   (big fookin battlefields 2)

or OP:upgrade (your PC)

Arma means Weapon in the various forms of portuguese and spanish

lol, too right , i got a brand new pc for this game, i hope BIS gets a share on the revenues of top of the line components that were sold just for Arma tounge2.gif

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I'm honestly really surprised by that article. I just expected it to get horrible press here since it's not a typical FPS, is much harder than most "hero" shooters, etc.

I know this is just a hands-on preview, but I hope the same person does the review. If not, it could make a 180.

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ArmA only scored 70% in UK PC gamer, nothing has been improved since then, (i have not tried the beta patch) so i'd be interested to see what the US PC gamer score is.

Is it still not out in the states? icon_rolleyes.gif

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Why it's named as ArmA: Armed Assault, when Atari release is called ArmA : Combat Operations? icon_rolleyes.gif

Yap,is strange to see name ArmA: Armed Assault "publisher" Atari..i think that is here a litll mistake in magazin biggrin_o.gif

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ArmA only scored 70% in UK PC gamer, nothing has been improved since then, (i have not tried the beta patch) so i'd be interested to see what the US PC gamer score is.

Is it still not out in the states? icon_rolleyes.gif

then you should, really why ppl didnt like beta patches when it is using the mod way and didnt cripple the old version? confused_o.gif

i understand the problem with sprocket version but saying "nothing has been improved since then" is just simply misleading

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Thank you for posting the article Staos

Very nice review

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I should advise everyone to remember that it's a preview and not a review. Remember also that most previews are blindly optimistic about a games strengths and are strangely silent about any flaws or bugs that may appear. Maybe they assume that all these issues will be addressed before the official release, but as experienced gamers, I'm sure you all know how true that is...

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Ah yes, now I remember why I cancelled my PC gamer subscription.

On the last page in a caption for a picture it says:

"TOP: Don't be suprised if your AI teammates begin to take charge of the situation.  They have no problem stepping up to lead if you aren't man enough.

BOTTOM: Your squad of elite soldiers is your best weapon in the war on terror.  If you use them effectively, they'll cover your back, spot enemies for you, and even tell your sweetheart back home if you get hit."

What freakin game was he playing?  I would be dammned suprised if my AI under my control functioned beyond being meat-shields and took over the lead!

"Your squad of elite soldiers is your best weapon in the war on terror."   ...War on terror?  Clearly this Andy guy is huffing paint and his brain cell is confused with the premise of the game.

"If you use them effectively, they'll cover your back, spot enemies for you, and even tell your sweetheart back home if you get hit."

Thats not amusing.

Positive press is good, but this guy is a boob!

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ArmA only scored 70% in UK PC gamer, nothing has been improved since then, (i have not tried the beta patch) so i'd be interested to see what the US PC gamer score is.

Is it still not out in the states? icon_rolleyes.gif

then you should, really why ppl didnt like beta patches when it is using the mod way and didnt cripple the old version? confused_o.gif

i understand the problem with sprocket version but saying "nothing has been improved since then" is just simply misleading

Im not dissing ArmA, i like it.

Nothing has improved since i bought ArmA, hardly misleading.

Beta patch may well make things better, i'll find out when it goes retail

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I live in the US and have been playing Arma since V1.0 german. I love it! I saw this preview in the US PC gamer a couple of weeks ago. I too was suprised at the preview. It was very good for Arma sales here in the US. And where do more games sell than anywhere else in the world??? The USA!! So this will be good for us when all the rest of my american gamers finally get their hands on Arma.

Imagine the number of multiplayer servers and players that will flood Arma's battlefield when this hits the stores. I just hope as mentioned the actual review is as nice as this preview.

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The guys gun on the first page is suffering from the lod bug, its in 'flat' mode...classic. (you can tell via the textureless clip). rofl.gif

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Ah yes, now I remember why I cancelled my PC gamer subscription.

On the last page in a caption for a picture it says:

"TOP: Don't be suprised if your AI teammates begin to take charge of the situation.  They have no problem stepping up to lead if you aren't man enough.

BOTTOM: Your squad of elite soldiers is your best weapon in the war on terror.  If you use them effectively, they'll cover your back, spot enemies for you, and even tell your sweetheart back home if you get hit."

What freakin game was he playing?  I would be dammned suprised if my AI under my control functioned beyond being meat-shields and took over the lead!

"Your squad of elite soldiers is your best weapon in the war on terror."   ...War on terror?  Clearly this Andy guy is huffing paint and his brain cell is confused with the premise of the game.

"If you use them effectively, they'll cover your back, spot enemies for you, and even tell your sweetheart back home if you get hit."

Thats not amusing.

Positive press is good, but this guy is a boob!

My butt has been saved more than a few times by my AI mates. As for the meatshields comment, you need to remember to tell them to 'advance' or 'engage at will' so they will move beyond your specific commands.. and the occasional AI interloping through their arc of fire. Many times when I'm outnumbered, I'll post my men over a ridge, do a hit and run, and lead the responding enemy into an ambush. Works like a charm, the whole ridgeline acts as a kill zone that the AI take advantage of. Skill level also is a major factor. smile_o.gif

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The UK version of PC Gamer held its head high with the reviewing remit "We'll only review the finished product you get to buy off the shelves - if the game's not finished we won't review it." then happily reviewed the European (i.e. Czech/german) version - wasn't that not even to 1.04 standards? - and gave it a low score.

The 1.05 patch merits a recount.

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uk pc gamer gave ArmA over 80% so did pc zone

and pc format.

there all bis fanboyze

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A nice review for one of the greatest games ever notworthy.gif .

nice to see some pro reviewers are getting the idea although not polished ARMA really is one of the most exciting games on the PC in years.

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