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Rope insertions

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I remember seeing in a VBS2 video that it was possible to rope-drop (not sure what its called, rope insertion?) from the blackhawks/transport choppers and was really hoping to see this in ArmA but disappointed that the feature isnt implemented

in my opinion it would be great to have this feature, parachutes can really be a big pain in the ass and rope insertions are well.... just so damn cool. biggrin_o.gif

Do you think we will ever see this feature in ArmA?

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well in OFP BAS featured this .... it is sad that BIS has not learnt from all those talendted modders in the ofp world.

I'd very much welcome rope insertion especially since you can sit outside the MH6 delta force style. biggrin_o.gif

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actually could somebody who knows where it is add this to the wishlist? At number 1 spot? Thanks thumbs-up.gif

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Maybe they didn't implemented every stuff from OFP Addons and VBS1, because the US Army wouldn't buy VBS2 anymore. They would prefer Armed Assault whistle.gif


But i liked the cool way of these insertions in good old bas addons wink_o.gif It's only a matter of time until those addons are released to the community. wink_o.gif

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if someone does add this, can you make sure the max rope length is enough so yuo can insert into forests, if needed.

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must be a difficult mod to make though. I really thought it would have been in the game in the first place.

the other thing is, if a user-made mod is released... how does it work? Im guessing it will only work on missions that use the mod - and everyone has to download it or...?

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No the BAS insertion ropes were specific to their choppers so it didn't need a mod just the chopper addon pbo's


ps: they were real cool

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must be a difficult mod to make though. I really thought it would have been in the game in the first place.

the other thing is, if a user-made mod is released... how does it work? Im guessing it will only work on missions that use the mod - and everyone has to download it or...?

I got the BAS modded helos, and that's all you needed, the helos addon. It came up as a menu option, you could choose Rope Insertion and the script would slither you down the rope and dump you at the bottom. You could also request rope ladder extraction but that was a bit hit & miss.

Another nice detail for the Chinhooks was the fast menu item of "Fast Insertion" where you could instead of (or rather, as well as) eject you could request Fast Insertion and the helo would stop as fast as it could and land, dump you out then scoot away. It was good for setting up a helo patrol where you didn't know where you were going to encounter enemy, or for when you unexpectedly encountered enemy on the way to somewhere else.

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SOBR[1st-I-R] @ Mar. 27 2007,08:57)]well in OFP BAS featured this .... it is sad that BIS has not learnt from all those talendted modders in the ofp world.

They didn't? Well then I wonder where are all these talented people now? whistle.gif

The BAS workaround wasn't that great anyway, it had a lot of problems and didn't even look good (you could tell it was a workaround just seeing it). BIS are the developers, if they were to impliment something they'd have to do it professionally and correctly and if they couldn't get it to work much better than what BAS did they wouldn't have put it in. I'm not saying their not capable, but they'd need to impliment some other features first (ex: realistic simulation of rope, etc...). Also, I'm sure it's a very low priority for BIS. It's not an extremely common tactic IRL, and it's not a crucial feature for ArmA's setting. I can think of a dozen reasons why BIS potentially didn't include it, I'm really sorry to hear you were actually expecting it (I definately wasn't, I thought it was obvious). It's not really something that would work well being hard coded anyway (as that means it'd have to be generalized), only certain helicopters can do it IRL and each one uses slighlty different techniques, for something this unique to the vehicle in question (and the forces that operate it, as they have different techniques as well) it's better off being scripted specifically for that vehicle.

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Well, it wouldn't have been totally unexpected, considering they modelled rope arms onto the Little Birds. But yeah, they would have had to put a lot of effort into making it look good.

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SOBR[1st-I-R] @ Mar. 27 2007,08:57)]well in OFP BAS featured this .... it is sad that BIS has not learnt from all those talendted modders in the ofp world.

They didn't? Well then I wonder where are all these talented people now? whistle.gif

I believe BAS migrated to VBS. smile_o.gif

I don't think it's essential to have absolute accuracy in rope simulation in order to implement rope insertions, the fact of being able to use the functionality is more important than getting the swing right. I mean, any grunt can get into a chopper & scoot off somewhere, that's not realistic either, but the remit seems to be it's how you use an item, not that it needs to be simulated accurately.

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Rope insertions? maybe in expansion pack smile_o.gif

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I expected fastropeing to be present and those dumb parachutes removed.

I also expected a proper ejection sequence in the AV8, i expect too much whistle.gif .

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I made a mission for VBS1 using the rope insertion and it looked good, and like heatseeker i thought it was a forgone conclusion rope insertion would be included. Especially as the two development teams are so closely linked. Maybe the VBS guys didn't want to hand something over that was an exclusive for there game version.

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No, I don't think that ArmA will ever have rope insertions unless they nail down a rope simulation. The BAS method was fine for a mod, but all that action menu malarcky about pinning the helicopter to a point in 3d space at a completely level attitude just wouldn't fit as a commercial product. BAS are geniusses but they were hindered by what they couldn't do, and pinning the helicopter in place was essential because the ropes we not animated or affected by physics in any way. I'm afraid that that just wouldn't do for an addon that BIS would include with ArmA.

...and that is my *opinion*.

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i suppose it would be pretty easy to implemement fast roping in arma seeing that it was done for ofp but could it be done with actual floaty round ropes and then when the guy is on the rope he would have a mass, this would mean you'd have to keep the helo steady as they went down or they would be swinging all over the place. dont know if its possible or not but it would look mighty fine. what does the vbs rappelling look like is it like above?

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No, I don't think that ArmA will ever have rope insertions unless they nail down a rope simulation.  The BAS method was fine for a mod, but all that action menu malarcky about pinning the helicopter to a point in 3d space at a completely level attitude just wouldn't fit as a commercial product.  BAS are geniusses but they were hindered by what they couldn't do, and pinning the helicopter in place was essential because the ropes we not animated or affected by physics in any way.  I'm afraid that that just wouldn't do for an addon that BIS would include with ArmA.

...and that is my *opinion*.

remember that VBS1 copter video with (not sure if it was roller on chain or rope) ? smile_o.gif

plus i think someone from BIS said they looking into "fast rope" down feature (but no warranty) ...

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Quote[/b] ]unless they nail down a rope simulation

Have you seen the VBS video with the chopper carrying a barrel at the end of a rope ? top notch...

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Quote[/b] ]unless they nail down a rope simulation

Have you seen the VBS video with the chopper carrying a barrel at the end of a rope ? top notch...

Link me smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Maybe the VBS guys didn't want to hand something over that was an exclusive for there game version...

Exclusive? My ass..people who 'wasted' and waited, what?, 2 years for a MP version know how i feel.

Anyway, thought VBS chitchat was proghibit around here. New rules maybe?

But anyway, i think the 'rumor' of telejunky hits it a bit. Up to BIS to proove me (us) wrong. Just don't let it delay the tools development any longer please.

Quote[/b] ]

Have you seen the VBS video with the chopper carrying a barrel at the end of a rope ? top notch...

smile_o.gif Yeah great and fabulous to see what they can pull of he.

Oh wait, to enter this dream set your clock to the year 2009 or hope your green bills are green enough. Don't forget to order the gold support while you at it...(wish it existed 3 years ago).

@Mods: sorry for my behavior, but some current things make me behave like this banghead.gif .

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No, I don't think that ArmA will ever have rope insertions unless they nail down a rope simulation. The BAS method was fine for a mod, but all that action menu malarcky about pinning the helicopter to a point in 3d space at a completely level attitude just wouldn't fit as a commercial product. BAS are geniusses but they were hindered by what they couldn't do, and pinning the helicopter in place was essential because the ropes we not animated or affected by physics in any way. I'm afraid that that just wouldn't do for an addon that BIS would include with ArmA.

...and that is my *opinion*.

remember that VBS1 copter video with (not sure if it was roller on chain or rope) ? smile_o.gif

plus i think someone from BIS said they looking into "fast rope" down feature (but no warranty) ...

That's good to hear. I did see the load master video. The rope looked like a bunch of nunchucks tied end to end, like realtime game ropes often do. I figured that that was a specialized simulation for crews and that it was an expensive algorythm, not very suitable for action gaming. I'd imagine that that's why they're not giving any warrantees! If they can make it work, that would be pretty cool!

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I think it would be hard to introduce fast ropeing at this point since we would need modified helicopter models with suitable anims and cargo positions confused_o.gif . I dont think a good (professional) implementation can be easily done and they were under heavy time constraints so i can understand why they didnt prioritise such a feature.

BIS have created the rope simulation thing but we know little about its implementation and actual capabilities..

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