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1.05 AI improvements?

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I am unable play and tryout the new patch and ARMA for another week or so, and was wondering is there are any real improvements to the braindead AI in the 1.05 patch.

- Is the AI using cover better?

they didn't seem to use any cover in 1.04...instead, they always stayed out in the open trading shots with the enemy until dead. Infantry battles became dull because of this...no tactics.

- Do AI soldiers react to enemys better? In 1.04 they are slow to react to enemy fire and sometimes run right past me without firing a shot. The constant use of the suicide charge is also very annoying when they should be Moving/Shooting from cover to cover.

These are the 2 main complaints I have with the AI, if there are any other improvements; please share biggrin_o.gif

The main problem I have with OFP and ARMA is the lack of a good AI for infantry(and in general). You won't really care about the blurry textures of the wall you and your squad are taking cover behind when OPFOR are supressing you as an enemy squad sneaks around through cover to flank you. I think fun, intense, and satisfying gameplay moments stay with you longer and have a bigger impact than the reflections in the water or the bump mapping of the jeeps tires.

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ai..ai...when will you guys wake up and realize that the ai will never be able to act like humans. we need more human vs human servers. coops suck. crazy_o.gif

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On my comp 1.04  and still these bugs in 1.05 listed below. My comp runs every other game perfectly all drivers are up to date and run other games perfectly. The only improvement I've noticed is the recon troops now attack with sachel charges.

The ai planes still attack nothing they just fly around.

Enemy Ai can still turn around and shoot you straight away even though at that range and looking the other way they shouldn't aquire you that perfectly. Uri Gellar clones with guns?

Static AT  cannons rarely shoot at the enemy they track them, most of the time they wait to be taken out from point blank range.

Some vehicles still jump 500ft into the air for no reason.

Half the sound cuts out after  10mins sometimes after 30mins.

Mg gunners still shoot full auto stood up.

When im viewing from higher ground the trees  hover high in the sky.

Ai in games released in the last two years have had far more realistic AI than this I like OFP and this has potential but I'm sure they could of improved the AI. I lived on OFP for 3 years and it's easy to tell this is the same AI engine and the same unrealistic sound samples with a new graphics engine that is far from finnished and weapon units that do not work.

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ai..ai...when will you guys wake up and realize that the ai will never be able to act like humans. we need more human vs human servers. coops suck. crazy_o.gif

I know that AI will never be as smart as a human, but an improvement like having the AI use a house wall as cover, side stepping out, taking a few pot shots, then side stepping back into cover or a lean out of cover and take a few pot shots would be a huge improvement over the current stand/prone in the middle of the street and die tactic that is currently used. This would add a whole lot to the singleplayer/coop game. Not everyone only plays human vs human, many also play the singleplayer/coop.

@CG Man

Gah...doesn't sound so good. So no improvements to cover usage?

AI air not attacking ground troops was also another big problem I forgot to mention. Sad that it's not fixed...

I was also upset when I discovered that every improvement was the to graphics and not the game itself. I really hope that some loving will be given to the gameplay/AI in the next patches after all the bug fixes.

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In Company of heroes the unit Ai dives for crators, building entrances and walls when their under fire and they crawl to walls and sandbags and shoot knealing behind them. The AI in Counterstrike and battlefield move around and use the surroundings just like a human would not perfectly but far more advanced than this. After VBS 1 I though Arma would be based on it with improved graphics considering VBS 1was done for the US military it should be hard to tell AI from a human.

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Yeah, the AI in Company of heroes for the infantry are very well done...better than almost all FPS games...and its is a RTS game. Soldiers: Heroes of World War 2 and Faces of War had AI infantry that used cover well, and they are both also RTS games.

Seems all the good AI programmers only work on strategy games...

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You're not comparing apples with apples - CoH is not a true 3D environment game, its really a 2D environment for the AI.

OFP and ArmA are true 3D environments, AI tacticals have to go up another level to appear truely intelligent.

But to be honest, from what I've seen it ArmA 1.02, the AI are pretty shit hot from my point of view, when you set up a few AI vs AI battles in different environments and the stand back for hours and watch what happens each time you re-run them ...... it IS pretty impressive.

Just because sometimes an AI seems totally dumb standing in front of you and not reacting properly ..... to be honest I see that all the time with human players in MP! lol

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Some bugs/issues with AI are definetely fixed in 1.05.

Still some work has to be done, but it's nice to see some actual improvements.

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Speaking of Improvements.. Someone lob up a Wiki page of errors w/decriptions. Then, instead of posting here.. make a nice, organized database for BIS to look at them all. Then they can simply delete the corrected errors for an upcoming patch. Or, if you would prefer, we can continue to scatter information all over the forums..making it near difficult to find any specific errors. Creating 1 mega thread will be just as confusing.

edit: I made one. This was my first WIKI edit.. Hopefully it will prove useful not only for consumers but for BIS to take advantage of as well: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk:Armed_Assault

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I think many ppl moaning about the AI here are simply overlooking the fact that we deal with a different environment than in other games where the AI seems to act smarter.

AI in other games are mostly (not always) scripted to act differently on different maps. If they're not scripted the game designers have found another way to simulate smart behaviour by simply putting static positions down at appropiate objects.

For example, in CoD you see the AI taking the same positions every and every time, even the animation is scripted into a static position. It's not bad when you play it the 1st or 2nd time, but after that it becomes very obvious - they just switch and lock into preset positions.

A different example would be calculated (real) AI behaviour like in the Swat titles. Here the AI can have the luxury of taking all the environment into account to decide who does what, but this only works because the environment itself doesn't offer great freedom - so the data to be calculated is rather limited. You see the SWAT team navigating from room to room or a backyard, but that's it. This kind of AI would never work on a big ArmA island.


the problem ArmA AI has to deal with is that it needs an AI that has to work well on a great variety of situations, taking place anywhere on huge islands - whether you're fighting the AI in a desert, in a forest, in a city and in a single house.

Honestly guys, you can't expect an AI that can master all these situations like a human would AND have the ArmA engine running at 30+ fps at the same time. We'd need far better PCs to do that i guess.

The thing we got to our advantage are the scripting commands. So no matter what mission you do in the editor you could do beliefable behaviour via scripts when you're willing to invest the time.

I hope we as a community can come up with different AI modes for different environments. That would be the best thing to do imo - and you can't do this in other games. Comparing ArmA to CoD or SWATx is rather pointless.

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Well I hope they fixed the Boat bug where the boat wont go right upto the beach the men get out swim for ages then drop their rifle then become wounded by the water.

APC stops men get out then the APC runs them all over.

In Ofp at least the ai jets occasionaly attacked  and static cannons engaged at long range.

Ok so comparing Arma to a 2D game like Company Of heroes isn't fair but come on this AI is around 4 yrs old  with no improvments it seems worse. 3- 4yrs later theirs more computing power and ram to handle  more complex AI.

Anyone new to OFP or ARMA will be gobsmaked by the AI of hundreds of troops and tanks deciding to attack one another in their own way  but  after 3-4 yrs I expected the AI to be twice as good.

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well said CG Man. I too am who expected some improvements to the AI... yes, current ArmA's AI can be more smart with loads of scripts. however what I wanted was more "less scripts" AI. because the reason why I so loved OFP was the AI that smart enough with less scripts than any other game (in that time)...

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1.05: very disappointed to see AI AT soldiers STILL engaging infantry with M136/RPG. Sigh icon_rolleyes.gif

And AI heavy machine gunners (12.7mm) still won't engage air targets bigger than a Littlebird....

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And AI heavy machine gunners (12.7mm) still won't engage air targets bigger than a Littlebird....

they do for me huh.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Well I hope they fixed the Boat bug where the boat wont go right upto the beach the men get out swim for ages then drop their rifle then become wounded by the water.

Nope, it still doesn't work. sad_o.gif

The only thing you can do is to put yourself as a leader boatdriver, move that boat on shore and order them to disembark. That works, I just tried it.

When you're on shore, you can always make someone else leader.

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And AI heavy machine gunners (12.7mm) still won't engage air targets bigger than a Littlebird....

they do for me  huh.gif

REally? You've been shot at in a cobra by 12.7mm? Aw c'mon don't get my hopes up.... yay.gif

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