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Infantry, prepare to be amazed

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Quote[/b] ]smellyjelly


Another change that may need to be made to the machine guns is that the stand shouldn't go through the ground.

But now that would greatly change things, as you would need to change the pivot point of the unit.  confused_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]smellyjelly


Another change that may need to be made to the machine guns is that the stand shouldn't go through the ground.

But now that would greatly change things, as you would need to change the pivot point of the unit.  confused_o.gif

Then maybe we should push that idea under the carpet. biggrin_o.gif

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I was ok with how the weap feels in the demo after adjusting the sliders. But being able to shoot and move is not a bad idea either. Considering how accurate the A.I. is when they are returning fire from distances. ....

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This is great, as someone said now we can mod in M203 sights, and maybe even add in a system for suppressive fire ala Red Orchestra? I.E. when you get shot in a certain direction, your sights shake a bit?

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Looks awesome. So we have the gun moving independent of the screen.. can this be extended to give us something Infiltration has but ArmA lacks: freeaim in ironsight mode?

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Notice how this elegant and clearly well trained individual is firing full auto m16...

That weapon is clearly firing small, low powered .22 LR

rounds, not 5.56 mm NATO, so it's no surprise that he can

hold it steady.

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Is there any other links to download the video posted by Dslyecxi? I'm dling it at only 10-15kb, I guess everybody is trying to get it, hehe.

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i like the new viewset.. looksmore realistic and more fluent.. more natural.

looks like the feedback is possitive arround here smile_o.gif

keep going BIS smile_o.gif

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Notice how this elegant and clearly well trained individual is firing full auto m16...

That weapon is clearly firing small, low powered .22 LR

rounds, not 5.56 mm NATO, so it's no surprise that he can

hold it steady.

I wanted to say that too Faulkner, but I figured "What's the point?" wink_o.gif

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On further observation, it turns out the ironsights behave as freeaim ironsights when you have freeaim turned on. I've been playing with it off, so I didn't initially notice it. I'll record a new video that shows this for everyone who is curious.


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On further observation, it turns out the ironsights behave as freeaim ironsights when you have freeaim turned on. I've been playing with it off, so I didn't initially notice it. I'll record a new video that shows this for everyone who is curious.


YESSSS!!!!! Now we're f*cking talking!!!!

BTW two things.......

In the new video can you.....

1) show how much zoom is applied (if any. I couldn't tell very well in your first video) by just clicking the optics button once, not holding it down to do the real zoom. Do that a few times IF there still is a zoom applied to iron sights.

2) what happens with scoped weapons.


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I will be pretty amazed when they will remove tracers from sniper rifles - since we are talking 'bout realism here...


If we have tracers on sniper rifles why don't we have them on handguns then? Star Wars all the way!!!!

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On further observation, it turns out the ironsights behave as freeaim ironsights when you have freeaim turned on. I've been playing with it off, so I didn't initially notice it. I'll record a new video that shows this for everyone who is curious.


Holy shit, right on! Im sitting here F5'ing like crazy.

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I used to play infiltration. Col. Faulkner, you'd be surprised how intuitive the freeaim iron sights are. I'm not sure how they will be in arma, but in infiltration it felt as I would imagine a fps analogue for reflexive shooting feels like.

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This was a very hastily created video... I didn't spend more than a minute or so practicing with the freeaim irons, so it's not exactly the pinnacle of marksmanship. Still, it gets the point across.

Oh, and there's a bonus surprise at the end regarding TrackIR... wink_o.gif

Freeaim Ironsights in Armed Assault 1.05


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Wow! (I'm left with monosybillic expressions.) yay.gifinlove.gif

Keep this up BIS, and you may even knock Blackdog out of his dour mood wink_o.gif

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I have a HUUUUUGE grin on my face!!!!

1) View not locked to gun in iron sight mode.

2) Freeaim iron sights

3) TrackIR works in iron sight mode

...............THANK YOU BIS!!!!!!!!!! notworthy.gif

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