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SQF revive script

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Good to hear

This additional thing is also a good teamfunktion

If someone looked only for himself he would get a problem if he dies next time.So more social you are so more others people will help you if you in trouble.

We had it implemented with ofp mappafct_resp 2 and there a lot of Situations of discussions about "who them them shall now review as next" to get all players as long as possible in the game.

At every successfull review there was a message "x reviews to get one additional resp added"

And no this is not to make a game like Battlefield ;-)

You have an Endless Resp and it is on your own to use it or not

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Just posting back to say it worked like a charm on my 1.08 mission. I had a few issues, but then I realised I have left the triggers in from the previous version.

Quote[/b] ]4.) "Don´t hit me" More spawn point´s then like in other Games ak BF Series.

I like the sound of that one.

I do have one slight problem, if I die and use all of my revives by either respawning or being revived, then quit and join in as another player; I instantly respawn alive when I die as the new character, in exactly the same place, with exactly the same weapons. Its not really a big deal, as once the last person falls unconscious it ends anyway.

Great work on the script, me and my clanmates love it.

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Just posting back to say it worked like a charm on my 1.08 mission. I had a few issues, but then I realised I have left the triggers in from the previous version.
Quote[/b] ]4.) "Don´t hit me" More spawn point´s then like in other Games ak BF Series.

I like the sound of that one.

I do have one slight problem, if I die and use all of my revives by either respawning or being revived, then quit and join in as another player; I instantly respawn alive when I die as the new character, in exactly the same place, with exactly the same weapons. Its not really a big deal, as once the last person falls unconscious it ends anyway.

Great work on the script, me and my clanmates love it.

When you swap positions and rejoin the server do you get the joining mission screen and get the prompt for how many revives you have remaining? If you don't it means the scripts are not initialising when you rejoin the server and you need to disconnect again and rejoin until it works - soory about this it seems to happen occasionally and I'm not sure of any other work around - damn JIP smile_o.gif

@MCPXXL - I've managed to add the extra spawn points, add a respawn button time element and move all the necesary variables into the init.sqf to ease the use of the scripts. I still need to add the team kill and the revive-reward function but I've got a fair idea of how to implement these now so shouldn't take too long. I was thinking I would make all these additional functions (ie. team_kill, reward and mission_End) optional and they would be turned on by function_name = 1 in the init.sqf.

With the additional spawn points I've created a trigger so that if the enemy are within 50 metres of the spawn point you can't spawn there is this OK?

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3.) Time to initiate the Respawn Button like 180 Seconds as Sample

4.) "Don´t hit me" More spawn point´s then like in other Games ak BF Series.

So if some aeras are reconqured by your troup the corrosponding spawn point there would be "open" for use.

5.) Reducing Number of Resps by teamkill/+civiliankill but this can be done if there is a part for teamkill in

6.) Adding bonus "resp" by making more then 3 reviews

7.) Gettining an option to go into Kegs Spectating after all Resps are gone.

#3 - Time to initate Respawn - this should be settable by mission designer in the INIT. You may like 180, but I'd like it to be about 15 for my style of designed mission(s).

#4 - ArmA isn't BF for a reason. I don't see a need for multi-repawn points. IMHO.

#5 - Sounds good

#6 - Sounds ok, but a bit unnecessary IMHO. Your a team, in coop, you're expected to help out comrades in arms.

#7 - "meh"

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#3 - Time to initate Respawn - this should be settable by mission designer in the INIT. You may like 180, but I'd like it to be about 15 for my style of designed mission(s).

#4 - ArmA isn't BF for a reason. I don't see a need for multi-repawn points. IMHO.

#5 - Sounds good

#6 - Sounds ok, but a bit unnecessary IMHO. Your a team, in coop, you're expected to help out comrades in arms.

#7 - "meh"

Don't worry m8 I'm hoping to have all that stuff easily configurable in the init.sqf so the mission maker can choose what options to use. smile_o.gif

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I will not discuss any kind of "thats not needed" in any threat because the FAKT of "Playing with fun" is for everyone different.

Sure ANY of my ideas should be "disable" per param in the init !


My Idea of spawn points was...

You have a number of Spawnpoints, all of them under Start_west.

Then in your mission the mission designer can move them in situations like a camp is reconquered.

So long as it is in your hand this respawn marker is moved to this position.Is it back in enemy hand the marker would be back under yout start_west marker.

I think moving the body around on the place you died, is not so fine because "some times" the people self moved into this bad position and will have so an easy optinon to get out of the fireline without learning something.

Teammates could say "aeh no ! wait and then move out i will not help you"

Once more the respawn system should help to get more teamplay NOT to make it easier for Rambos.

When it is so bad he can choose to respawn at start_west base and take the long way back into the battle i mean.

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I've pretty much got a working version of everything you wanted MCPXXL.  It'll take me some time to write up an explanation on how it all works but I'll hopefully have something posted in a few hours.

The way I've got it currently set up the mission designer can specify up to four respawn points on the map (he may only choose one if he desires and the dialog changes to suit the design ie. one button for a single spawn or 4 for 4 spawn points etc).  These spawn points only become available if there are no enemy units within a 50 meter radius.  If you clear out the spawn area you can then respawn there.  If the enemy moves back into the spawn area you lose the ability to spawn there.

Everything is now configurable through the init.sqf so if you don't want to use a certain aspect of the script you can disbale it easily.  I've also set up the team kill punishment and revive/reward functions.  The mission designer can also specify how many times team kills will be tolerated before a player is punished or the number of revives a unit needs to make before it is rewarded with an extra life.

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You have done more so far then i hoped !

So take your time i will wait  tounge2.gif

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Here is the version of the revive script with all the features you were after.  I've tested it and it seems to work well and you can enabled/disable/change options without too much fuss but there's alot of new stuff here and I can't promise this is going to be as reliable as the last version.  PLease read both the implementation text file and the init.sqf - readMe doc as they both contain info on how to use these scripts and the new options.

These scripts are pretty experimental so if you're game enough to try them please let me know how it works out or if you have any suggestions.

- norrin

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Thanks to 1.08 and my optimization efforts, goliath now runs very smoothly.

It seems like JIP is completely botched though - Anyone joining after mission start won't have the script running.

So, what is the status on the ai-enabled version?

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Thanks to 1.08 and my optimization efforts, goliath now runs very smoothly.

It seems like JIP is completely botched though - Anyone joining after mission start won't have the script running.

So, what is the status on the ai-enabled version?

Just change the code in line 168 of the revive_player.sqf which currently reads this

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_name switchMove "AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_healed"; with this

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_name playMove "AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon_healed"; should get you up and running with the AI_enabled revive in ver 1.08.  Once I get a bit more info on how the new changes are going with the AI_disabled scripts I'll start adding them to the AI_enabled script.

EDIT: Damn that works for the players but not the AI - I'll look into it further and try and get you something tomorrow Hulk.

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Got it ! notworthy.gif

So first Question:

//Enemy side can be "EAST","WEST","GUER" etc

enemy_side = "EAST";

Whats about RACS is friendly to ?

Because i use RACS and EAST as Enemy

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Test !

2.5 Hours testing with exactly ZERO Error

Yeeeehaaaa !

So one more Idea comes up while playing.

On JIP it could be useful to have the option to chhose the


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It seems like JIP is completely botched though - Anyone joining after mission start won't have the script running.

I've run into this problem too, mucks up mission for late-joiners... they kinda cheat cause they "insta-respawn" where they died at after 1-2 seconds.

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It seems like JIP is completely botched though - Anyone joining after mission start won't have the script running.

I've run into this problem too, mucks up mission for late-joiners... they kinda cheat cause they "insta-respawn" where they died at after 1-2 seconds.

Not really sure how to deal with this problem. In my testing the problem occurs about 1 in 20 times when I JIP. Its a problem that has existed the whole way through the development of these scripts. I'm not sure whether the likelihood of the scripts not initialising for the joining player increases as the mission progresses as I've never tested much past 60 minutes mission time or now we have version 1.08.

The trigger method I have been using is not perfect but it has been alot more reliable than the other methods I've used such as initialising all scripts in the init.sqf, using HAILO's JIP scripts or just setting up a more simple onplayerconnected line.

One of the guys from my squad Synide, who is much more knowledgeable about these things than me, was working on a new JIP script for 1.05 but I'm not sure whether it still works in 1.08 either way I'll talk to him about it over the next few days.

WHen this has happened to me in the past I have just disconnected and reconnected to the server and this seems to fix the problem. THis is fine for clan missions where everyone is on teamspeak as the continuing players can ask the joining player whether he got the "Joining MIssion" screen or the number of respawns left prompt or even if they get the "player joining" hint when the new player joined the mission.

I realise this is not so good on public servers as many players will not know what to expect and may want to exploit the bug anyway.

If you do see this happen ask the player to quit and rejoin and if they refuse, kick them from the server then they have to reconnect to keep playing and hopefully this will fix the problem.

Hopefully we can come up with a better solution soon but if you've got any ideas please don't keep them to yourselves.

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@Hulking Unicorn. Here's a working version of the AI enabled revive_player.sqf file for ArmA ver 1.08.

Just replace your current revive_player.sqf with the one in the zip file and you should be good to go. It seems that the animation commands are working quite differently from version 1.05 so I've had to play around with these a bit. I've also had to shorten the sleeps in some of the loops so I hope it doesn't put additional strain on your processor but I haven't seen this in my testing.

This version of the AI_enabled script is essentially the same as the one you've used previously, so it hasn't got any of the new functions now available in AI_disabled scripts but as I've said once I'm sure they're working OK and are not too buggy I'll add these to the AI_enabled script as well.

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I don´t know if that helps much but i became a tip and use now in SQF this:

if !isServer then


  waituntil {player==player}


And in sqs this code

? isServer: goto "w"

@(player == player)


I use it in init.sqf;init.sqs and some other scripts

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I don´t know if that helps much but i became a tip and use now in SQF this:

if !isServer then


waituntil {player==player}


And in sqs this code

? isServer: goto "w"

@(player == player)


I use it in init.sqf;init.sqs and some other scripts

Sounds promising m8 thank you I'll give it a try.

Oh I forgot to say I can easily set up the new script so that you can have two enemy teams that prevent you from accessing spawn points (eg. EAST and RACS) - I just need to add more triggers and an extra configuration line to the init.sqf.

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Not really sure how to deal with this problem.  In my testing the problem occurs about 1 in 20 times when I JIP.  Its a problem that has existed the whole way through the development of these scripts.  

I think the problem multiplies depending on how fast triggers are activated with text on them when a player joins the mission.

For example, in that mission I gave you Norrin, which you removed the triggers for me and gave back - once you go near Paraiso, the mission REALLY starts with a little trigger activating and a text letting you know it has - "WAVE 1 - Let's get it on".

Well, when you JIP anytime after that's triggered off immediately and the revive code doesn't seem to like that collission and somehow loses out...?


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To make clear what MCPXXL meant, during research for my revive script and BAS f I found that you need those lines for JIP scripts

Quote[/b] ]if (!isServer && player != player) then


waitUntil {player == player};

waitUntil {time > 10};


Because the player var is not instantly defined and the time var is snyced after a short time, that means that sleeps and ~s are ignored in JIP scripts at the beginning.

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To make clear what MCPXXL meant, during research for my revive script and BAS f I found that you need those lines for JIP scripts
Quote[/b] ]if (!isServer && player != player) then


waitUntil {player == player};

waitUntil {time > 10};


Because the player var is not instantly defined and the time var is snyced after a short time, that means that sleeps and ~s are ignored in JIP scripts at the beginning.

^^ Hey, that's good to know. Thanks for the info. notworthy.gif

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Today I found that it looks like the player var is init'ed instantly for JIP'ed players since 1.08... whistle.gif

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Today I found that it looks like the player var is init'ed instantly for JIP'ed players since 1.08... whistle.gif

So are you saying that now the player var is initialised instantly on joining that  

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">if (!isServer && player != player) then


 waitUntil {player == player};

 waitUntil {time > 10};

}; is now redundant?

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The first part is redundant, yes; not sure about the time var yet.

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