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SQF revive script

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NP Norrin smile_o.gif Like I said ur doing a nice job anyhow smile_o.gif

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Yes Norrin, thanks for letting me test this out and give suggestions throughout your development of it.

I've been using it on my latest mission "The Paraiso Upheaval" with great success. It's heads above far and away far better than any other revive script out there. Bigtime.

This would be a GREAT addition to Kiljoy's EVOLUTION map. Huge addition.

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I tried to run this on my 1.07beta game, and I couldn't get it to work. I realise that its only tested and made for 1.05, so I was wondering if you are going to update it for 1.08 so I could get it on my mission.

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I tried to run this on my 1.07beta game, and I couldn't get it to work. I realise that its only tested and made for 1.05, so I was wondering if you are going to update it for 1.08 so I could get it on my mission.

Just downloading 1,08 now.  Damn and I'd only just got the autotrigger thing working to. smile_o.gif  Uzii, I'll check out the current version of the script on 1.08 and make any necessary adjustments and post as soon as I've got it working.

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Just downloading 1,08 now. Damn and I'd only just got the autotrigger thing working to. smile_o.gif Uzii, I'll check out the current version of the script on 1.08 and make any necessary adjustments and post as soon as I've got it working.

Coool mate wink_o.gif

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Good to hear biggrin_o.gif

This is the perfect script for my mission(s). Having unlimited respawn makes it too easy, and only one life makes it too hard. This is a happy medium, and I'd love to use it. It must be the Beta 1.07 that causes trouble, as I have gone through all the things you've listed to try and fix my problem. Keep up the good work and I eagerly await the 1.08 Version!

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OK, the AI_disabled revive scripts should now be working with version 1.08. I've had to change the animation of the revived player slightly as the new patch seems to recognise the player animations differently but this shouldn't really affect gameplay.  

There's a couple of other changes as well:

* All the triggers necesary to run these scripts are auto created when a player joins the server.  This will hopefully make it alot easier to implement these scripts

* When an unconcious player disconnects his unconcious marker is now removed from the map.

* Unconcious markers now use the players name and not the units

You can download the 1.08 compatible AI_disabled revive script form here: 120607

Remember to check the new implementation notes in the zip file.

Please let me know if you run into any problems with the auto-triggers such as players not getting the "joining mission" screen when connecting to a server.

I'll hopefully get the revised AI enabled scripts done in the next couple of days.

EDIT: I've slightly revised the script and replaced the posted file with the latest version.

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Excellent work Norrin.

Me and my clanmates tested a mission I threw together which included your revive script, the GL2 script and the UPS script and it was a load of fun!!

I look forward to testing the 1.08 version very soon!

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* My mistake it runs ! *

* My mistake it runs ! *

* My mistake it runs ! *

So now i have implemented it and got no errors

All things are going good so far

Then it took 2 lives on dying and the last thing the lying Soldier doeas is getting his Gun in front... He lives but canot do something.

1: No Errors on start

2: Dying correct and Text comes

3: Camera goes to the living one

4: He does his animation

5: i came back into my lying person but then i can do nothing

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I assume now the only thing us map makers need to do is make sure we have an "restart_west" marker and manually set the amount of times you can revive (default at 2)?

IE, it looks like you put the description.ext stuff into a script (nice) and now auto-read the player list of names, yes?


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@MCPXXL Sorry for the hassle its causing m8. It sounds like the soldierWB code is not being being recognised in the revive script.

Can you do me a favour please, can you try one of the cheesy test missions you can find in the zip file, as the revive script works in these missions on both my desktop, which runs XP, and my laptop, which is running 32-bit Vista.

This will give me some idea of whether the problem is more likely to be in the scripts or there is some incompatability prob with your mission. For instance, HulkingUnicorn has told me that he's found if the server is really taxed by the mission then the revive scripts break down.

Another thing you could try would be to replace the "soldierWB" code with "man" on lines 37 and 38 of the revive_player.sqf script.

Finally, if you could send me a copy of your mission to norrins_nook@iprimus.com.au or PM me a link, then I can have a closer look at the problem and it will help me find a solution.


Yep m8 you're just about right but you'll also need a second marker Boot_Hill which the dead players are transported to and you'll need to define the player_units array in the init.sqf with the names of the units you want to use the revive script and then you should be right.

Just check the implementation notes in the zip file as hopefully this will help explain what needs to be done - if it doesn't then maybe I need to rewrite them smile_o.gif

I've also used soldierWB in the revive_player script so you may need to change this if you run into probs.

Please let me know how you get on.



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Ah, stupid me didn't read the notes all the way to the bottom... I just assumed (my problem: assume) that when I was reading the top, you were just explaining how it worked.

My bad smile_o.gif

You mention "boot_hill" for dead bodies.. please tell me they don't just pile up there, and that you actually delete them... right? Otherwise, man, crazy lag will be created as they pile up. sad_o.gif

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Ah, stupid me didn't read the notes all the way to the bottom... I just assumed (my problem: assume) that when I was reading the top, you were just explaining how it worked.

My bad smile_o.gif

You mention "boot_hill" for dead bodies.. please tell me they don't just pile up there, and that you actually delete them... right? Otherwise, man, crazy lag will be created as they pile up. sad_o.gif

I must admit I 've never checked. As the player is transported to Boot_Hill alive (with a black screen and a screen message to disconnect and rejoin) I just assumed for the AI-disabled scripts that the unit would disppear when the player disconnected from the server as they normally would. I'll just check and let you know.

EDIT: Just checked and the "dead" player's body does disappear when the player disconnects from the server. So as long as you don't have a dozen guys who enjoy staring at a black screen for hours on end it shouldn't be a problem. smile_o.gif

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Getting a bad error I can't trace..

On death:

"resource respawn_button not found"

I even put the .hpp file in the main dir, still did no good.

It's not seeing it somehow.

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Getting a bad error I can't trace..

On death:

"resource respawn_button not found"

I even put the .hpp file in the main dir, still did no good.

It's not seeing it somehow.

M8 send me your mission so I can take a look at it.

If you move the .hpp file into the main directory you'll need to change the code in the description.ext file to this

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#include "respawn_button.hpp"

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Ug. Nevermind. I'm an idiot again. Man, not my day. And I even spent like 30 minutes looking for my own stupidity.


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NOTE: Client & Server now 1.8

OK, found some bonafide issues that didn't exist before:

We have 2 "revive"'s in our little scrolll menu, where before we always had just 1.

If you die, sometimes when you get revived now, you go into your body, and into first-person, but your not totally "alive" and the respawn button never goes away and you stay dead.

HOWEVER, also when that happens, to others in the game, they see something different.

Also, because you've been revived, technically, you're first-person in your body so there is no camera view.

WHen I eventually hit the "respawn" button, I end up on my belly at the respawn_west marker instead of standing, which normally happens (standing).

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The two revives in the action menu suggest that two instances of the respawn player script are running on the player's machine for his avatar. This is probably what's stuffing up the rest of the script.

Sounds like I should go back to the manual placement of the necesary triggers as the auto-placement is only introducing headaches.

Do the test missions in the zip file run OK on your server or do you have the same problem?

If they don't maybe send me your mission and I'll try and track down whats going wrong.

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Try that mission, it's the lastest version I'm using since the 1.08 patch.

Also, we're having all kinds of oddness now with missing guns, guns that look invisible and stuff - many of us are noticing weapon issue. Like enemy laying on the ground shooting at us without holding their gun, etc. But I'm pretty sure ALL of that is 1.08 related.

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Thanks m8 will check that out now.

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Found your problem with the script satexas69 - I forgot to tell you that you needed to delete the 4 old editor placed triggers related to the old versions of these revive scripts as the auto-create trigger function built into the new script replaces these. That's why you were getting two instances of the script running for your unit and it was stuffing up.

I had to disable the addons but once I deleted the old triggers the revive script started working properly.

You can get a copy of the revised mission here (addons deleted) if you're interested: http://home.iprimus.com.au/simonns....ara.zip

As far as the disappearing weapons are concerned try the mission again now with those four triggers deleted and if that doesn't help it could be a problem with your weapon addons not being compatible with version 1.08.

@MCPXXL - perhaps this is the problem with your mission as well.

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We tested it yesterday and got no Errors so far

Some ideas:

Would be find to have ALL params in the init

1.) Number of Respawns

2.) Type of reviewer


3.) Time to initiate the Respawn Button like 180 Seconds as Sample

4.) "Don´t hit me" More spawn point´s then like in other Games ak BF Series.

So if some aeras are reconqured by your troup the corrosponding spawn point there would be "open" for use.

5.) Reducing Number of Resps by teamkill/+civiliankill but this can be done if there is a part for teamkill in

6.) Adding bonus "resp" by making more then 3 reviews

7.) Gettining an option to go into Kegs Spectating after all Resps are gone.

Would be fine to have that for today 16:00 o´clock European time LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooL

Anyway FINE Job done so far !

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M8 you're killing me smile_o.gif How 'bout I get it to you by 17.00. biggrin_o.gif

One and two are easy, will need a bit of time to think about 3, 4, 5 and 6 as I have to work out a way to implement these functions. Seven should also be easy but will have to wait for Kegetys to update for ver 1.08.

PS: I like 3, 4 and 5 not sure about 6 though - if its not too hard to code I may give it a go but it probably means more public variables and I'm not sure thats such a great idea.

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