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Zmod (Crappy Zombie Mod)

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I did find one thing I dont know if it is a bug or what but it did this in the other versions to. After playing a mission about 20 min the zombies just stand there. I walk right up to them shoot them and they dont move I run right into a huge crowd of them and they just look at me. Could you please take a look at this and see what it could be. Like after a while they just dont target anything anymore. When I was playing the mission and the only guys left were me and a few hummers (I dont know if this could help or not) . But plz take a look because I play a msiion that long and it sucks when they just stop cold.

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I don't like to keep making demands here, but the resurection thing dosn't work with other than the original models, I would like to use the woodland us troops but when they are killed by a zombie I just get an error, it might be worth a look, I can imagine that some of the new special forces in missions so it would be nice if it worked with addons aswell.

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Yeah good idea, let me know what units you all want infected in your missions and i will see that i can provide infection upgrades for these specific types of units.


It is highly likely that this bug is due to the ArmA engine not being able to process too many domove commands in a row.

I dostop them every 7-8 seconds to "reset" them, but still this happens. I don't have any idea how to fix this.

Only Suma probably would know what causes this.

Custom Zombie animations are kind of hard to achieve, as i don't have a motion capture suit at my disposal. biggrin_o.gif

Everything in Arma is motion captured and editing Mo Caps is nearly impossible, but i will see what i can do.

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maybe a request to Suma for some basic zombie anims? inlove.gif

Btw tried the new version and they work good except i think i get the same error that after a while they stop attacking.. really gets your tensions up in the beginning when you hear them and hear gun fire and stuff and then when you s&d around the city and you later on encounter them in big flocks not doing anything is annoying.. tounge2.gif and also some of the civilian slow models give me errors like <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">bad vehicle type civilian11_infslow_infslow same happens with number 10 civilian type slow too. and i get some small hint box in the left corner with NULL in it.

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Yay! Always love it when there's a new version of the zombies when I get home inlove.gif

w00t for Zombies! thumbs-up.gif

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you can start with the field reporter he dosn't work either, but otherwise I like to use the woodland us soldiers and the new desert and DMP troops, you can find them under the discussion section.

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I've found one bug smile_o.gif,Helicopters rarely fire on the infected units.

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Okay here a little update with small fixes:

CZM V0.55c

@ agamoth:

I have made an additional pbo for the ZS Woodland units.

It's inside the archive.

The additional definitions for infected units need to be placed into the addons folder together with the respective addon that you want to use it with. Do not put any unit defintions addon

into your addon folder if you are not intending to use it that means

you do not have the related unit addon installed.

It will ask for it.

I am thinking of implementing kind of an infection timer for humans.

If they get bitten without being killed by a zombie there could be the chance to find a medic who has an antidote within 5 minutes or so, could be fun. What do you think?

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thanks alot, you sure don't waste your time.

the infection timer when bitten sounds almost to good to be true

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Okay i have a weapon addon set up now that is basically

a dropable syringe which contains the antidote and can be

looted off dead medics or found on the floor or being taken from a crate. Now only the script has to be adapted to feature the timer and the antidote usage.


How long should the timer be until it's too late to take the antidote?

I had something like 5 minutes in mind.

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5 minutes sounds about right,So it puts the pressure on the player to find the antidote. pistols.gif

Just a small idea,Rocket-Zombie,Basicly a zombie that only ever uses his rocket launcer but he isnt very accurate with it.Good idea or bad idea?

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haha sounds like that evil nemesis guys in resident evil 3 tounge2.gif

bring him on pistols.gif hope you cana make him looks just as evil and messed up that he was in the game. or the re 2 movie smile_o.gif

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I cant use for the Nem Zombies waypoints.

I mean, they cant use a waypoint.

Is that impossible ?

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5 min. sounds good, the antidote idea is realy good, brings up a few mission ideas, looking very much forward to try it.

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Well, there was no other way to make them hunt humans

other than constantly adding domoves to the individual zombies

with an updated position of the nearest human.

But i see your point, i will contemplate about that, maybe

to override that routine in case the mission maker wants to move the zombies somewhere. But there again, zombies are

supposed to be stupid and they will just go for the nearest piece

of meat they can find, so i don't know.

The timer script works now, healing with the antidote works too.

But at the moment only for the player.

I will also give AI the possibility to when they are healed by a medic that has the Antidote on him, to be cured from the infection.

I'll probably post that update on next monday.

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charonos I think you are doing a great job with this mod. I dont want to be a a** or anything but it would be great to find out a way to fix that one big prob that is driving me crazy. The thing is when you are playing a mission for a long time like 20-30min and after that time the zombies just stop moving and wont attack anything and just stand there for ever. I think if you could fix this prob it would be really great. Because now you can only make short missions,that could be fun but sometimes it is better to have long missions 30min a above. So if you could look into this prob it would be great because this is the only thing holding me back right now from making more missions.Thanks for your time.

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I'm afraid to say that my hands are tied.

It's a bug inherent to the ArmA engine.

The domove command starts mini FSMs, that

somehow mess the AI up and i can't override these FSMs.

They put the unit in the formation task that they are etc.

So we have to wait for BIS to maybe fix that.

Sorry guys.

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Thanks for your reply charonos. I kinda had a idea that it was not your mod because I seen some troops do the same thing b4. well other than this you are doing a great job keep it up. And if I could say one thing, I know you said this b4 about there armor, but if you cut turn it up just a little so maybe it take 1-3 more shot to kill them that would be great.1 more thing could you add the S.W.A.T, D.E.A, C.I.A addon to this because I use those units alot and messed around with there gun setting and would be great it they came back as zombies biggrin_o.gif THANK YOU

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This may have been answered already, I skimmed the posts in the last 10 pages but I didn't see it...

What are the zombie's names, so they can be created with a script?

For example,

"SoldierWB" createUnit [getMarkerPos "barracks", groupAlpha]

What are the zombies called exactly, so I can replace the SoldierWB with the specific zombie I want. I tried "zombie1" "zombie" "nem_zombie" "nem_zombie1" etc, but none of them worked.

Also info on how the infected zombies names are formatted would be useful.


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Ok, through much trial and error I figured out that the base zombies are






I still don't know the names for the slow zombies, and for any of the infected human zombies. Some info would be helpful, thanks.

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Just unPBO the config file:

/* Slow Zombies */

class NeM_Zombie_1Slow: NeM_Zombie_1


maxSpeed = 3;




class NeM_Zombie_2Slow: NeM_Zombie_1Slow


model = "\ca\characters\Civil_Undead_2";

displayName = "Zombie 2";



class NeM_Zombie_3Slow: NeM_Zombie_1Slow


model = "\ca\characters\Civil_Undead_3";

displayName = "Zombie 3";



class NeM_Zombie_4Slow: NeM_Zombie_1Slow


model = "\ca\characters\Civil_Undead_4";

displayName = "Zombie 4";



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I'm afraid to say that my hands are tied.

It's a bug inherent to the ArmA engine.

The domove command starts mini FSMs, that

somehow mess the AI up and i can't override these FSMs.

They put the unit in the formation task that they are etc.

So we have to wait for BIS to maybe fix that.

Sorry guys.

have you tried using waypoints?

addWaypoint to give them a waypoint

setWaypointPosition to move it were you want them to go

setWaypointSpeed for ...

setWaypointBehaviour to careless




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I think he said b4 that waypoint will not work with this addon.

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