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Zmod (Crappy Zombie Mod)

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this mod is turning out rather nice.... I think its time to test them in a proper enviroment. The haunted cemetary found in NAJAF iraq...its not really haunted but zombies you would think it was



Please take some shots at either dusk or dawn with some zombies lurching around. That would be excellent. smile_o.gif

And I saw a vid a while ago of a guy killing some zombies at night. They would just spawn and appear right in front of him. I don't know if it was this mod but if your zombies spawn would it be possible to make them rise up from the ground with a bit of 'dust' puffing about as they climb out of the earth? that would look quit cool I think. Much better than them just popping onto the map.

I saw a vid of some RTS mod where bases/factories rose out of the ground when constructed and that made me think something like this could be possible.

Man, now I'm imagining custom animations of one arm pushing up through the ground then the rest of him slowly clawing his way out.


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Yeah Ill try to take some pics... but it dangerous because i have to avoid getting eaten....

I also have a large tomb i made with a lope on each side leading toward the top.... Would make for an interesting last stand...

here is a shot of the tomb...cant really see much in this pic though


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Very nice! But the zombie sounds are too high. I can hear a zombie snarl and eat several hundred meters... When a zombie is within 50 m from me it sounds like he is breathing down my neck.Is it supposed to be that high volume?

I have no soundmod, and x-fi with latest drivers.

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Nice, the 0.61c fixed the non-attackers, but I have more questions...

When I place a lot of civilians on a map, then a few zombies, I get a lot of stutter. Maybe smooth play for 1 second then a large stutter, then completely smooth and stutter again. It seems after each stutter, the zombies have turned towards a certain person. Maybe this has something to do with the targeting system in the script.

Also, the zombies often tend to stop moving completely when they are in a bit larger numbers (maybe 20+). They'll just stand there and watch you... It seems they have trouble selecting a target sometimes, or at least engaging it.

otherwise your mod is : yay.gif

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I had the same thing happen, I had a large group of zombies which i was observing for awhile with the camera.sqs

and after awhile they stopped walking around, but seemed to group themselves together and stopped attack the other AI i had moving through the area

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Yeah, it seems they all follow a path where someplace along the way they stop up and stand inside eachother until you walk very close to them. Then they'll start moving around again. I think the script has trouble running smoothly on all zombies once they're in large numbers.

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Hello, i have some questions:

1°) how can i put a "respawn point" or an area where zombies will appears (i want to create an outpost secured, with a barrier to get out, and m2 to protect the entrance) what is the command?

2°) i tried to close a hangar with walls to be protected from outside; i cant get out as i wanted, but zombies from outside walk through the wall, how can i let them outside?

Thanks for your answers and good job wink_o.gif infection is so cool!

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i haven't tested it yet but i have a question , do they have a "zombi" animation ? i mean do they walk like zombies or just like the default characters in Arma? huh.gif

btw those pics are scaring ! crazy_o.gifgoodnight.gif

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The whole zombie walk direction algorithm had to be adapted

to counter the insufficiencies of the ArmA engine of handling

frequent domove commands because of the path planning and the FSM override by the engine. It is partially still unsatisfactory, but it's the best that can be done and i have tried every possible way to get around the situation that they stand around.

Zombie animations can be done maybe when the tools are out and someone has a mocap suit lying around and samples the data. biggrin_o.gif

Expired? Okay different link: CZM V0.61c


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Well i assume you can import keyframed walkcycles from 3DS and Maya with the tools, it just wouldn't look as good as all the MoCap stuff that comes with Arma.

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I've been playing with this mod for the last couple of days, and I'm bloody impressed with it. Well done!

The only real problem I'm having is with my AI team mates not responding to orders after they start shooting at the zombies. Even after they've killed them all, the soldiers just lay there. If they do follow me, they do it prone. Any ideas?

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what happens if you order them to "UP" their position?

I do not remember altering the combat and behaviour stats of the humans in any part of the script. I will check the issue myself today.

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I currently making a mini-company with your zombies.

Very good,but i think slow zombies need to have more resistance from bullets,than fast zombies.

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what happens if you order them to "UP" their position?

I do not remember altering the combat and behaviour stats of the humans in any part of the script. I will check the issue myself today.

If I have a group of three or more, one will usually stand up and follow, but the third one won't. With just me and one AI, it seems pretty random. I should add that they're not injured in any way.

It is like they're paralysed with fear.

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Someone should make some demo missions for this. Also, a suggestion. Could you add some spawners?

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Just been playing this mod, it really rocks! notworthy.gif

But is there any chance you could release a version where the zombies are switched to the East side?, so the civs can attack them.

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Addon NeM_ZombieDefs' requires addon 'ZS_BDU_Woodland'

Anyone know which addon this is that is missing?

I have:




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Can't remember what it is called the zip files name is WoodlandUS2, if you go through some of the early pages of addons & mods complete I'm sure you will find it there somewhere

just found it, its on page 7 called woodland BDU

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I don't have the game yet, but I can say, without even playing it, no zombie mod can be complete without a spawn system. But this is still an excellent start.

Keep up the good work.

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Any way we could try to figure out how to prevent the extreme stuttering and such?


great mod, btw.

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