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DTP Beta

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allow me to introduce you to the Dynamic Transportation Project.

It started as a small exercise in scripting for ArmA (as I never scripted for ArmA or OFP before) and ended in a collection of quite useful (at least I think so wink_o.gif) scripts for SP mission makers, inspired by the great GDCE for OFP.

The scripts provide SP mission makers with the possibility to let the player freely choose when and where he wants to insert to or extract from the mission area and to give the player the possibility to call medevac to save his wounded men.

How it works:

Insertion, Paradrop, Extraction and Medevac can be called using the radio. A map will pop up, where the player can choose the area where the chosen action should take place. As soon as he has done this, the Chopper or APC - depending on the distance between the base and the LZ - will start to move towards the LZ.

Example videos:

- Insertion

- Extraction

- Paradrop

- Medevac

Please try the > Beta < and give me some feedback. Constructive criticism is welcome!

The Beta contains a simple demo mission as well as a mission template.

Currently, the scripts are for SP only - I have a really baaad internet connection and thus do not play MP - so scripting for MP is out of my scope. If anyone is interested in porting my scripts to MP, though, don't hesitate to do so wink_o.gif

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Very cool. I like it!

A couple of pieces of feedback.

The helo shouldn't' land ON the green smoke during extraction.

The harrier from the airstrike suddenly vanishes after it drops its bombs, but before they impact.

Maybe it would be good if you allowed the player to choose what type of vehicle will take you to the insertion pt?

A very good start, however!

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Thanks for the feedback!

I will take a look at the smoke landing thingie, should be no problem.

The airstrike script is written by Mr.Murray (as stated in the readme), I just added it for fun - not sure if I will change it.

Not sure what you mean with the choosing part - do you mean whether an APC or a heli is used? I made this depending of the distance, and somehow I like this approach wink_o.gif

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If I have time in the weekend AND nobody beats me to it, I might have a look to move it to MP smile_o.gif

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If I have time in the weekend AND nobody beats me to it, I might have a look to move it to MP smile_o.gif

Would be great! yay.gif

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I can see your point about the choice of vehicle for insertion. It is a pretty cool feature that it goes by distance.

About the airstrike issue, the Harrier does not dissapear suddenly using JUST the airstrike script in a test mission but it did for me in your demo.

Some weird glitch???

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Yes defenitly!!! Thouse Script's rock! thumbs-up.gif


Well if you convet them to MP could you separate the Script's too?

I mean One folder for Extraction, Insertion another folder for Airstrike and another one fore artillery?

Well maybee Jander could do that too after sickboy converted it...

Would be really nice! smile_o.gif

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Well, the scripts are separated like this already, and you also have the possibility to switch on and off the various features of the scripts. Just have a look in the init.sqs of the mission template!

@scubaman3d: I think it was some kind of weitd glitch, yes. Never encountered anything like this before, afaik... The plane should disappear, yes, but only when it has reached a certain distance (a few thousand meters) to the mission area.

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Working on it atm (MP)... Planned release in the afternoon

.. Update:

Got it working for a while, but added for MP the features and possibilities to have support for all 3 sides (guer/west/east), and the possibility to have multiple teams per side to acquire support (You can define arrays with support vehicles)

I am uncertain if I will continue it tonight or somewhen in the week but you guys hear from me wink_o.gif

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what would be nice with the airstrike is to be able to set the direction that the strike comes in from, then we would get a better fall of the bombs.

I seem to remember there was something like this released for ofp, you would clik the map then drag a line for the direction unless I'm getting confused with something else?

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this looks like a great script! And very good idea to show off with videos of the stuff in action too thumbs-up.gif

Nice touch also to add it to all sides to call for the scripts.

A 3 sided team deathmatch players and bots running around in a big battlefield calling in support and fighting eachother and stuff that would be very nice. With the new 1.05 patch that will be released by Bi later the east will get some nice new aircraft to be used as bomber aircraft. smile_o.gif

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what would be nice with the airstrike is to be able to set the direction that the strike comes in from, then we would get a better fall of the bombs.

I seem to remember there was something like this released for ofp, you would clik the map then drag a line for the direction unless I'm getting confused with something else?

think that was synpir's support pack addon?huh.gif in ofp-hell of a bit a kit/addon that was!!!

nice work biggrin_o.gif

and sickboy!! for mp! smile_o.gif

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How about evacuating dead soldiers too in the medevac script?

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The script needed lots and lots of rewriting for true MP Compatibility, especially due to the 3 sides and multi-team stuff smile_o.gif I am sure I will finish it in this week, which day I can't say... soo much to do smile_o.gif

How about evacuating dead soldiers too in the medevac script?

I think this will be not that easy smile_o.gif Unless there are new animations that can carry soldiers, so there can be ppl carrying dead soldiers to the choppers and then extracting them smile_o.gif (Altough we can simply let the soldiers 'disapear' of coarse smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]what would be nice with the airstrike is to be able to set the direction that the strike comes in from, then we would get a better fall of the bombs.

I seem to remember there was something like this released for ofp, you would clik the map then drag a line for the direction unless I'm getting confused with something else?

This should be easily implementable.

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How about evacuating dead soldiers too in the medevac script?

I think this will be not that easy smile_o.gif Unless there are new animations that can carry soldiers, so there can be ppl carrying dead soldiers to the choppers and then extracting them smile_o.gif (Altough we can simply let the soldiers 'disapear' of coarse smile_o.gif

Yes, I thought more or less about the disappear thing. If you had eventhandlers on every soldier which adds an action to the players action menu when he is near the body like "identifiy this soldier and prepare him for evacuation", and you get points for identifying dead soldiers and evacuating them but get negative points for not doing so...

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Ok this is the current Status/Readme... I'm contacting Jander to evaluate smile_o.gif


==================== DEVELOPMENT VERSION - NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ====================


<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>This is the DTP by Jander, converted by Sickboy (sb_at_6thSense.eu) for Multiplayer Application.</span>

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>New/Improved Features:</span>

[*] Converted all radio messages to stringtable entries

[*] Exchanged mr Murray's original Artillery SQS version into MP version written in SQF by Sickboy

[*] Exchanged the radio trigger system for a dialog, for multiplayer sake. Leaders of the teams automaticly get an action to activate the dialog. The next leader aswell etc. etc.

[*] Multiplayer Compatible, Multiple Sides, and Multiple Teams per side!

[*] Multiple Vehicles per side (Choppers and APCS), each vehicle will return to it's original location.

[*] Many optimizations to the code with less need of executing functions multiple times but once read into a variable.

[*] The medevac in multiplayer waits 30 seconds at the smoke location for players to get on board

[*] Now features 6th Sense framework with NS Lite and Netengine system for relaying commands and radio messages

[*] Settings are now done in DTP\dtp_init.sqf

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>New Settings:</span>

[*] Arrays to define the available Choppers for each side: DTP_ChoppersW, DTP_ChoppersE and DTP_ChoppersG

[*] Arrays to define the available APCs for each side: DTP_APCsW, DTP_APCsE and DTP_APCsG

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Known Bugs:</span>

[*] FIXED - The client somehow crashes in Multiplayer, at this time, when calling any of the features except Artillery/Airstrike. Apart from this, it is completely Multiplayer Compatible (NEEDS TO BE LOOKED AT-FIXED BEFORE RELEASE smile_o.gif)

[*] The chopper landings need tweaking, many times the chopper and its cargo get dammaged...

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Todo:</span>

[*] Fix the Bugs smile_o.gif

[*] Currently the activation/deactivation functions needs to be checked, I have not tested nor really updated it

[*] Do more optimizations, maybe some restructuring, I had to rebuild a lot and some parts over and over again. this could've made some structures illogical..

<span style='font-size:10pt;line-height:100%'>Credits:</span>

[*] Jander for the original version

[*] Mr. Murray for the Artillery original version

[*] Various others that need to be listed(/approached) before release due to used scripts/functions


==================== DEVELOPMENT VERSION - NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE ====================


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- Fixed Multiplayer crash bug caused by waypoint creation for player on server (player is not local to server and somehow creates a client crash)

- Added some GetOuts for getting the AI out ASAP after landing

If it's okay with Janus, we could make a public beta release for test and comment etc...

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If it's okay with Janus, we could make a public beta release for test and comment etc...

It is absolutely OK with Jander!

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Sorry for this late reply! And Sorry, it's Jander and not Janus indeed smile_o.gif


There is the Beta version... I have been very busy... but will continue this work soon.

Bugs, Ideas & Feature Requests: http://trac.6thsense.eu:800/arma/trac/newticket

Any discussion or feedback can be done in this thread smile_o.gif

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new beta looks really great.. ive implemented it into my map, now all im going to do is test it with friend..

though im not sure if you implemented a easier way to get rid of the Debug option in the "action" menu

and i didnt figure out if one can use radio commands for like extractions, Like 0-0-1 Extraction, and chopper would come pickup.

though i came to think of some suggestions for future updates.

1. a way to separate Littlebird from Blackhawk, so if you have a small group like 4ppl you get a littlebird, and above a blackhawk.

2. separate heli, apc for medevac. if i would like to use an addon like the alouette medevac, only for medevac, nothing else.

Edit: some thoughts after testing it in MP..

well it works, but we did run into several problems, as it seems..

one was that when chopper didnt want to land att LZ it landed like 40away, and didnt give any order to get out, so i got out but my guys were stuck in the chopper, no eject option and disembark didnt work..

also no parachutes in paradrop..

also, when me and friend was on same team, we put up insertion, worked fine. but then he called in medevac, he said for him it worked.. but for me, the chopper wasnt working.. i saw a flying damage model of a chopper, that i couldnt get into, no chopper sound or anything, just a flying model.

also there didnt seem to be a timeout for choppers going from base to insertion waiting for team to jump in.. since my friend took medevac out, he couldnt get back since the team was out on the field.

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Tried the Beta on the front page and I have to say good work. Looking forward to any new releases

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This link is not working.  

The original DTP is great.  I hope theres a new link to download the new DTP adaptation by sickboy

I can throw you another link, but if you check the posts above there are quite some mentioned bugs... Anyone is welcome to complete it though.

I am working on different projects atm, if I will find time to finish the standalone DTP is questionable, but you should see features comeback in different projects wink_o.gif

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