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About Jander

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  1. well then - sorry for bothering you with this stupid question... seems that I am a typical case of "RTFM" here
  2. Hello, I am using SLX without any additional Mods, and I love it. But somehow SLX messes up the ammo counter. without SLX: with SLX: does anybody have an idea how to fix this? Thx in advance, Jander
  3. Jander

    DTP Beta

    It is absolutely OK with Jander!
  4. Jander

    DTP Beta

    Well, the scripts are separated like this already, and you also have the possibility to switch on and off the various features of the scripts. Just have a look in the init.sqs of the mission template! @scubaman3d: I think it was some kind of weitd glitch, yes. Never encountered anything like this before, afaik... The plane should disappear, yes, but only when it has reached a certain distance (a few thousand meters) to the mission area.
  5. Jander

    DTP Beta

    Would be great!
  6. Jander

    DTP Beta

    Thanks for the feedback! I will take a look at the smoke landing thingie, should be no problem. The airstrike script is written by Mr.Murray (as stated in the readme), I just added it for fun - not sure if I will change it. Not sure what you mean with the choosing part - do you mean whether an APC or a heli is used? I made this depending of the distance, and somehow I like this approach
  7. Hello, allow me to introduce you to the Dynamic Transportation Project. It started as a small exercise in scripting for ArmA (as I never scripted for ArmA or OFP before) and ended in a collection of quite useful (at least I think so ) scripts for SP mission makers, inspired by the great GDCE for OFP. The scripts provide SP mission makers with the possibility to let the player freely choose when and where he wants to insert to or extract from the mission area and to give the player the possibility to call medevac to save his wounded men. How it works: Insertion, Paradrop, Extraction and Medevac can be called using the radio. A map will pop up, where the player can choose the area where the chosen action should take place. As soon as he has done this, the Chopper or APC - depending on the distance between the base and the LZ - will start to move towards the LZ. Example videos: - Insertion - Extraction - Paradrop - Medevac Please try the > Beta < and give me some feedback. Constructive criticism is welcome! The Beta contains a simple demo mission as well as a mission template. Currently, the scripts are for SP only - I have a really baaad internet connection and thus do not play MP - so scripting for MP is out of my scope. If anyone is interested in porting my scripts to MP, though, don't hesitate to do so