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Second Life

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Quote[/b] ]The more nerds signing up there, the more girls and alcohol for us IRL.

You´re married ! whistle.gif

The ladies don't have to know about that to play with my long hard non-virtual ... hmmm baguette, anyway :


That second life is really stupid, followed some of the coverage on Something Awful. The concept is just sad and scary at the same time. When seeing that kind of stuff, I'd be tempted to do as The_Shadow said, to unplug the comp and leave for a comfy place away of this idiocy.

-edit-: and btw, nothing in the contract I signed forbade me from doing some innocent flirting with members of the opposite sex, and I live in a university city (read : a place where there are shitloads of cute young female college students, and some foreign ones at that!wink_o.gif these days for god's sake!

And naturally nothing except duty and self-preservation will prevent me from drinking!

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this some how links me to matrix or magazone 23(if i am a bit more otaku-ish) tounge2.gif

human beings all up-link to a huge computer networks where the real life really is, while the computers take care of their bodys........

are we looking at the (doomed) future of the human rise? confused_o.gif

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Ran i'm still holding you to that promise that i can have your sister....


This second life stuff is......scarily addictive........ I've never succumbed to it myself, although i have dabbled in mmorpgs, and steer well clear of them as a result of what i've seen (can't afford the time nor social impact of getting heavily into them, plus i enjoy my "1st" life too much to need to rely on a "2nd life" to get my kicks.), but i've seen a few people become so heavily addicted that it messed them up majorly. One person who used to be a member of VCB (the ofp gaming squad) got really heavily into Star Wars Galaxies, they'd literally wake up at 3 in the afternoon, and then play continuously through till 7 in the morning, before going to bed. And then start the cylce anew the next day. And they'd wonder why they were clinically depressed, couldnt get a job, and didn't really have any actual friends!

I don't think we're all in danger of ending up plugged into the matrix of our own free will, however. None of these games i've played can offer the experiences that our real lives can give us, just hollow imitations of such. The experiences they offer feel wholey fake, making you think you're happy when at heart you're deeply unhappy. That said, for people with addictive personalities or those who prefer to run away from thier problems are at danger, because i can easily see how its all too easy to shut yourself away in this virtual world rather than face reality.

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Quote[/b] ]As for the acceptance thing, unlike any other MMORPG I know, this one doesn't have any guidelines, missions, or something like that - it's all about what you do or don't do, and everybody is entitled to like or dislike what other people do there.

An MMORPG GTA? Woo hoooo! Sign me up! Let's kill some hookers!

Does Zaibatsu have a presence in this second life thingy?

edit: who else wants to transform the world of Second Life into a Falloutesque wasteland?

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Quote[/b] ]As for the acceptance thing, unlike any other MMORPG I know, this one doesn't have any guidelines, missions, or something like that - it's all about what you do or don't do, and everybody is entitled to like or dislike what other people do there.

An MMORPG GTA? Woo hoooo! Sign me up! Let's kill some hookers!

Does Zaibatsu have a presence in this second life thingy?

edit: who else wants to transform the world of Second Life into a Falloutesque wasteland?

I havent played it but i dont think that you can kill people, otherwise it would become 1 big DM all the time tounge2.gif

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Ran i'm still holding you to that promise that i can have your sister....

She's unfortunately taken atm smile_o.gif (by a 2nd year Master history student specialising in contemporean conflicts who becomes a real pain in the ass as soon as he feels like asking me questions about stuff, I'm sure he's with the sister just for that, to piss me off smile_o.gif it could be worst though, he's not some kind of dirty punk even though he has odd musical and clothing tastes).

Back to second life : There were the sims already, with people getting badly addicted too and now we have that, I think that what we see among people who play these games is the expression of the new plague of this century in developed countries (no, not AIDS ... I don't think these nerds help spread it anyway) that is mental disorders, keeping it general here, but the ammount of schizophrenic, depressed, anxious and generally fucked up youths is pretty high these days (that impression could just come from me being old and all that but heh).

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Quote[/b] ]As for the acceptance thing, unlike any other MMORPG I know, this one doesn't have any guidelines, missions, or something like that - it's all about what you do or don't do, and everybody is entitled to like or dislike what other people do there.

An MMORPG GTA? Woo hoooo! Sign me up! Let's kill some hookers!

Does Zaibatsu have a presence in this second life thingy?

edit: who else wants to transform the world of Second Life into a Falloutesque wasteland?

I havent played it but i dont think that you can kill people, otherwise it would become 1 big DM all the time tounge2.gif

From what I've seen of youtube videos, it apparently is possible to fight and kill in "Second Life".

As for Zaibatsu, I do not know what you're referring to, but many manga and anime avatars are available to represent you there, and you can change your appearance there without too much effort I think...

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99% of people who pop up on my XFIRE (Friends and FoF (Friends of Friends)) Are all playing Second Life... one of them plays it about an average 10hrs a day...

Edit: For all I've heard about it it looks like a pile of crap... Im wondering wether to test it out...

Edit2: Thats it, it looks so tremendously dumb and stupid I'm going to create list of "GAMES NEVER TO EVEN LOOK AT" just for it.

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Ran i'm still holding you to that promise that i can have your sister....

She's unfortunately taken atm smile_o.gif (by a 2nd year Master history student specialising in contemporean conflicts who becomes a real pain in the ass as soon as he feels like asking me questions about stuff, I'm sure he's with the sister just for that, to piss me off smile_o.gif it could be worst though, he's not some kind of dirty punk even though he has odd musical and clothing tastes).

Back to second life : There were the sims already, with people getting badly addicted too and now we have that, I think that what we see among people who play these games is the expression of the new plague of this century in developed countries (no, not AIDS ... I don't think these nerds help spread it anyway) that is mental disorders, keeping it general here, but the ammount of schizophrenic, depressed, anxious and generally fucked up youths is pretty high these days (that impression could just come from me being old and all that but heh).

Awww smile_o.gif I don't even know what she looks like, i just remember you trying to get rid of her to me tounge2.gif So probably something like this:



*ahem* Anyway, i'd say you're right, and i'm only 21, the youth of today do seem to have an unproportionate share of mental disorders. Maybe its an attention thing? Either way, i'm sure if we mock it as emo, the problem will eventually be ridiculed into non existance wink_o.gif Or alternatively these people will increasingly shut themselves away from reality within the haven these games seem to offer.

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why dont they do somthing useful with second life and make a virual supermarket so those who are physicaly restriced can do some shopping more conviniently.  Looking at virtual life you can see it has so much potential to be useful.  Instead its full of 13 year old kids pointing and laughing at a flying penis.

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I think it's common knowledge that airbourne penes are humorous. tounge2.gif

On a more serious note; I've tried the game a while ago, just to see what all the fuss is about. Perhaps I didn't give it enough time, or perhaps it's my general dislike of mmorpg-esque games, but I hated it. For me, the only reason to play a game is because it offers you an experience you couldn't have in the 'real world'. Second Life offers mundane experiences, like interacting with someone. I think this says more about Second Life players than anything I could write up...

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Cannot resist...


Currently installing... crazy_o.gif


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Cannot resist...


Currently installing... crazy_o.gif


I have to admit that I know this kind of behaviour... Had to face it a few month ago while watching someone playing WoW...

In general you get over it after a few weeks/month, don't worry tounge2.gif

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why dont they do somthing useful with second life and make a virual supermarket so those who are physicaly restriced can do some shopping more conviniently.  Looking at virtual life you can see it has so much potential to be useful.  Instead its full of 13 year old kids pointing and laughing at a flying penis.

From what I gather of "Second Life" it is possible to make links to other internet sites and stuff, so the e-commerce factor could be covered (I think Adidas has a shop online though since I haven't tried out Second Life yet I do not know if there's a connection between the company's webshop and "Second Life" store...).

As for the "penis" attitudes - I mean, you find immature people everywhere, not just there. And from what I heard at the CNN coverage of "Second Life", supposedly there's a teen and an adult version out there (not that it helps too much I think but oh well). But it's the fact that people look beyond the childish attitudes that made Adidas commit to having an online presence, as well as the country of Sweden have an embassy there (I wonder if anybody could request political asylum there... wow_o.gif ) . I mean, I think that which makes other entities besides gamers want to be there is that obviously in the case of brands, they want advertising and selling stuff - but what of the swedish embassy? What made Sweden take such a bold step? Vision? If everything is going 3d, not just OS's but also the internet, where the current browsers will be replaced by a "virtuality" (think VR but without the necessity of anything that is online being real in anyway, the imagination being the limit...).

Actually it's kinda smart - instead of people being stuck to browsing 2d pages, where interest in a site can be lost in 30 seconds, if you're stuck in a 3d-environment it's different - one always has the curiosity of exploring all the angles, as also the way of content being displayed is very different than if only reduced to 2d (think of like, for instance, if this forum would be in Second life, it could be like huge editable scrollable windows, and pictures of WIP stuff being actually small-scale models, screenshots would be like small 3d "maquettes" - hey, why not?). And of course, us members of the forums wouldn't be reduced to a name, a picture and a sig - we would be represented by 3d-entities... and HEY! Maybe the entire BIS staff could have a Q&A session there with all aboard! Now THAT would be welcome.gifthumbs-up.gif

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Phew... You haven't lost me yet. My PC should own Second Life but It says Intel gfx cards arn't supported and I take their word for it when I get about 1FPW (Frame per week) and everything looks like crap. lol.

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Actually ZG i think i'd end up hitting the keyboard in frustration if they made the internet all 3d and fancy.....I can imagine myself shouting at my PC now; "F'ken load times, just load the damn page! I don't want all this 3d crap! Just give me a webpage ffs!"

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Tried it out a while back.

Think it has potential, but the interface feels kind of clunky at the moment. As is, I may drop by if I'm extreemely bored one day, otherwise I have no need for it. However, i would not rule out it becoming much more mainstream if improved upon.

I'm sure there were also people who said the internet didn't need graphics or images.

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It just totally beats me why people will spare vast amounts of time to such pointless pursuits. About as close as I'd get to a 'second life', would be the occasional visit to the forum, but even then, I'm simply being me, so doubt very much it can be classed in the same manner.

I can appreciate a persons will to seek a second perspective, afterall, isn't that what gaming is about, stepping back from reality and escaping into someones, other than your own shoes?

But, I quiz highly the entertainment factor of a game trying solely replicate life. In this 'second life', must you contend with the death of loved ones? How does life start in this second life? How would 'owning an island' in an electronic world, make me feel better about myself?

It blows my mind how people are willing to spend real world dollars not so much on, but IN a fantasy world.... Monthly land management fees.... I mean, Jesus Christ, who wants a voluntary tax?!?.... Why not play some other game and 'pretend' you own Kolgujev, or San Andreas, or, dare I say it, The Sims (another, game which seems, socially destructive). Heck, it'd be a hell of allot cheaper!

Do laws of real-world physics apply, or could it be such 'I can fly, and I can shoot bolts of lightening just because I say I can'.

It interests me, no doubt, but there are so many other things in life, (like having a bloody good social life! ) that come before needing a second 'ultra immersive but pretend' one!

From an outsider looking in it seems rather depressing that these people couldn't find something more focussed to dedicate there time, skills and finances towards!

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I used to play second life. A lot.

There are a lot of problems with the game, IMO.

It's not really a VR system.

It's more like an online 3D modeler/scripter/addon-maker.

But not a "second life." No, hardly at all. I was kinda disappointed. Based on the impressions, I see here, i think it is very different from what you guys think. Your "avatar" is basically just a means of decorating and moving the camera around, there isn't really any physics or reality applied to it. As far as physics goes, you can apply some havok-physics to objects if you want, which is fun sometimes but is actually kinda limited.

The world also was very boring and lacked ANY, i mean ANY sort of immersion into some of the very impressive things people had created. The world just feels so sterile.

The world in this game is just as immersive as the paintings are in a museum. They're there, you can touch them, but all you can really do is look at them, and that's it. boring.

But it is still fun to build things for fun.

...if there is one thing I absolutely hated about the game, it was the community. It seemed like a lot of them (I am stereotyping, but oh well) were the "no-life" types. Or, that's just the way a lot of them came across, thinking they were really elite and way superior to you because their anime avatar looked just like it did in the cartoons. And bullying/making fun of you for having a little fun in-game....they seemed to take it all way too seriously.

I did have a lot of fun with the WWIIOLers (a squad/guild/group composed of players from the MMO with the same name), who shared generally the same opinions as me. Not caring or not whether or not we got banned from the game, I will say it was a blast, for example, dressing up as various soldiers from WWII and going to the (what we agreed to be) highly ridiculous and immoral online strip clubs. Yes, online strip clubs. We would go and act like we were policing and enforcing the situation, acting like idiots, but usually didn't really harm anyone, but because everyone took the world so seriously and had zero sense of humor we got banned quite often. goodnight.gif In fact, we started giving out badges for being banned. The game was a total riot playing with those guys. rofl.gif

Also, performance was also often completely ridiculous in relation to what was actually being displayed on the screen.

Bottom line, I use SL for an easy-to-use, free, 3d modeler to make random things when I'm bored, but hardly as any sort of alternate reality as advertised.

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Wow... What dose this say about society? I'm a "whatever floats your boat guy," but this really gives insight as to what is over the horizon when VR becomes more immersive.

Frankly wasting all my little free time in these forums leaves no extra for such things. Thankfully.

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a friend told me apperently people get virtually married to people in second life, even though in real life there complete strangers. really sad confused_o.gif

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