ravendk 25 Posted May 14, 2007 We mannaged to fix the weapons dissapering bug and are now working on fixing the optics of the weapons, an update of DDAM will follow soon. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
canis lupus 20 Posted May 14, 2007 Don't know if you are already on it, but the last version didn't have blood textures, although I don't like to see my countrymen bleed I kind of missed them... and there is something wrong about the camo, especialy the desert camo, I'm not sure what it is but something feels wrong when I play with them... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Grim_Fandango 0 Posted May 17, 2007 Agreed, it's rough to watch your "Jenses" die, even if it is only digital. I have a tendency to make very very easy scenarios when using 'em ¨ Especially in days like these where our troops aren't having a far too easy time of their own. So not really missing the blood at the moment. But absolutely amazing work (as per usual). Looking forward to seeing these addons develop. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ravendk 25 Posted May 18, 2007 Optics on weapons are fixed. Now fixing all optics on oure stuff. New bug found in BIS based vehicles, those will be updated. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
canis lupus 20 Posted May 18, 2007 I just got an idea I would like to suggest, after the 1.07 patch the special forces got those delta like helmets and as far as I know the danish "jaegere" also uses those, or at least something that looks like them, I would love to see that in your mod... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ravendk 25 Posted May 19, 2007 @agamoth: Â Yarh its the first thing we added after the beta patch @public DDAM Update for 1.07 is going well and we are getting close to release of DDAM RC5 DDAM were allso on Sahrani Radio Sahrani Radio episode Sahrani Radio DDAM is allso looking for new staff. We are looking for: Textures Scripters Modelers If your interested, send an email to [email protected] *note* We are looking for skilled staff, atm we do not have the resources to train new modders. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
canis lupus 20 Posted May 19, 2007 thanks... looking forward to this Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ravendk 25 Posted May 19, 2007 Danish Defence Army Mod Release Candidat 5 will be out wery shortly. Stay tuned. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ravendk 25 Posted May 20, 2007 DDAM RC5 Over 30 units from Infantry, Army Scouts and Army Recon Weapons: Diemaco variants; M95 aka C7A1 (ironsight and elcan version) M96 aka C8A1 (ironsight and elcan version) LSV M03 aka LSV aka LSW Sig P210 aka Neuhausen Antitank Weapon; Carl Gustav Recoil less rifle (with antitank and high explosive rounds) GPMG; MG62 aka "the nazimachingun" aka MG3 (not a rasistcomment, i just qoute the troops on the front line) Pistol; Sig P210 "Neuhausen" Vehicle; Mercedes 240 GD aka Spejder GD (Scout GD) {its used by many brances and in many variants} Special Version of the Mercedes 240 with 2 MG's (multiple(3x) turrets) M113G3 aka M113 M113 Ambulance Piranah III (Reskin of the stryker sofar) HMMWV HMMWV w TOW HMMWV w .50 (place holder for eagle 3/4) Leased LandRover (well its just there for some reason ) Desert versions of HMMWV and M113 Buglist: No buglist (erh.. well you know..) Some units dont have the right vest. Some shadows are missing. No unit list No weapon list Thanks to: Sigma-6 D@Squ@de TeRpEnTiN (Special tanks to this guy) Ebud UKF PicVert Deadmeat Helifreak Jackal326 DK SFF Frandsen Picvert Cheeky Monkey Kasper RKSL And all those we forgot.. For all addon editors and makers: Remaking, reskinning editing of DDAM material is not allowed without contacting DDAM first By downloading this you agree on all therms of agreement like copyrights and stuff.. Basic stuff Tracked and Air units Wheeled units Links thanks to armaholic.net Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
canis lupus 20 Posted May 20, 2007 I just tested the mod, everything looks great, I love the SOP units, there seems to be a bug with the tracers on the mercedeses with the mg on the passenger seat, the tracer seems to be comming from the front of the car instead of the mg, no big deal though. the game crahed after a couple of minutes, I'm not sure if it has got anything to do with your mod, I'll let you now if I find out for sure. In all, a very good job... thanks... I hope you plan to make some more realistic models once the propper tools are out... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
da12thMonkey 1943 Posted May 20, 2007 Some nice work in this pack. The new SOF units and the GDs with 3 MGs are great. I've noticed that there's a transparency bug on the stocks of the M/95 and M/96 where you can see the ground behind parts of the weapon when you use freelook. It effects the whole buttstock of the M/95, and the rod part of the telescopic stock on the M/96 that the buttstock slides along. There was some discussion of this problem in a thread here if it helps in fixing it: http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....14;st=0 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CanadianTerror 0 Posted May 21, 2007 Great pack guys! EDIT: If you do another update, I'd like to see some blood added if possible. I'm just kooky like that. Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Xtreme Serb 0 Posted June 4, 2007 Just a quiry, love your work, but with the editable configs, how do we apply the changes in the editable configs to the actual addon? (not stealing anywork in my own name, just sorting out some weapon experiments for a clan) many thanks keep up the good work Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ravendk 25 Posted June 4, 2007 Just a quiry, love your work, but with the editable configs, how do we apply the changes in the editable configs to the actual addon? (not stealing anywork in my own name, just sorting out some weapon experiments for a clan) many thanks keep up the good work he well actualy its wip stuff we forgot to delete Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ravendk 25 Posted June 8, 2007 Small update: DDAM Reseach have made an OH6 with multiple gunners. Functions sofar: Right and left side Gunners with MG3 Aimpoint (this might be changed) Pilot got Zunilauncher (Rocketpods) This vehicle is totaly out of the mind (oure own DDAM creation) for SF Extraction, for when the Fennec need cover in the LZ Pictures will follow soon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MEDICUS 0 Posted June 8, 2007 DDAM Reseach have made an OH6 with multiple gunners.Right and left side Gunners with MG3 Aimpoint (this might be changed) Pilot got Zunilauncher (Rocketpods) Will there be a Oh6 with a Laserdesignator, too? Or am i mixing this with the Kiowa? (Is there a OH6 with LD or would this be some kind of "Fantasy-Vehicle"?) MfG Medicus Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the_shadow 0 Posted June 8, 2007 wouldnt a EH101 be a better choise for air transport then the fennec? maybe with armed fennecs as cover or perhaps the SeaKing (i saw one of those on Karup in Denmark) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pyle_(DK) 0 Posted July 8, 2007 Hi i'm new here. First of, I love the ddam mod, but I have seen a few things that's not perfect with it, no offence. on the Dyssekanon the LAM is scriming green, and on my old one its dark gray, and y missed the rubber handel on top of it, and the yellow band on the end is black on the real one. and the chain bag on the side of the LMG is normaly in the m84cammo I'll see if i can post a picture here if I can find out how to do so. But I still thing its the best mod out there Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pyle_(DK) 0 Posted July 8, 2007 Dam I dont know how to upload pictures , perhaps I can mail it to you, I have bouth pictures of the dyssekanon but there is no LAM on the picture since it was at V-Mek at the time, and there is an picture of the chain bag (bond taske) for the m62. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mads bahrt 0 Posted July 17, 2007 wouldnt a EH101 be a better choise for air transport then the fennec?maybe with armed fennecs as cover or perhaps the SeaKing (i saw one of those on Karup in Denmark) The seakings will probably move into retirement this year. Therefore it's not worth putting much work into them. Frandsen - since the cayuse has been retired, could you place the MG62 gunners on a Fennec? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
CooliO 0 Posted July 20, 2007 Leopard 2 should be on the top of the list. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ravendk 25 Posted July 21, 2007 This vehicle is totaly out of the mind (oure own DDAM creation) for SF Extraction, for when the Fennec need cover in the LZ @Mads. I know.. read the Quote. @pyle_(DK) heh well one can only do so much we got a big pack and in time all the small details will follow. But we will keep you in mind. @CooliO yarh, we got the model from oure VBS project but need to know the Arma basics to be putting it in Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GeorgGearlos 0 Posted July 27, 2007 Hi RavenDK Could you make the M62, LSV, and C8/7 in silenced versions? It would be cool as this stuff actally is on its way to the forces. I know this for a fact as i am deep in the development of these silencers. The M62 silencer is just awesome, the sound attenuation is just incredible. If you wants more info on this, just feel free to contact me. For more info at our business: www.sai.dk sai Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GAU-8 vs Life 0 Posted July 27, 2007 So, finally, even the beefy Danes have realised that one feels a bit punchy after 30 rounds of earsplitting 5.56ers? Hehe And I know what you talk about! It's really fantastic how the sound just "moves" forward and all by a sudden you can talk to someone and even hear your own voice in your own ears too. Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GeorgGearlos 0 Posted July 28, 2007 So, finally, even the beefy Danes have realised that one feels a bit punchy after 30 rounds of earsplitting 5.56ers? Hehe And I know what you talk about! It's really fantastic how the sound just "moves" forward and all by a sudden you can talk to someone and even hear your own voice in your own ears too. Â Sure, well lot of people just love shooting, but that damn noise.....oh man. Second it is a matter of security and communication, its not a qeustion of making shooting totally silent as it practically is impossible, but more the relaxed feeling when shooting silenced, and be able to receive commands without being in doubt of whats actually has been said. Example: Hold fire! Yes yes i am firing away. Result: 20 dead children in a kindergarten Share this post Link to post Share on other sites