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GRAA modpack 2.0 and more

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<span style='font-size:12pt;line-height:100%'>Release of the GRAA modpack BONUS 4</span>



Note : you need the GRAA modpack mod version 2.0 installed.

This release include the 3 previous bonus update, so you don't need the older bonus update

This is including an updated ECP version of the config to benefit from the 4 new options, and for people using addons that does not have Llauma's head built in, an updated version of the GRAA "light" config , using the 4 new options.

The animations have been created for the full version of the GRAA modpack 2.0 , so if they do not look nice on BIS default or some addons units that's too bad, if they look nice that's good news but that's it.

Regarding those animations, my priority is in the full version of the GRAA modpack and so the models featured in it, the animations can then look nice with other models, but if they do not i suggest you to use another anim pack

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New additions from the bonus update :

Quote[/b] ]BONUS 1************

In the config.cpp there is now a new option, ENABLED BY DEFAULT


That allow the player (and the AI) to run while being in crouch stance using a totally new animation very inspired by Ghost Recon.

To disable this new feature just add // as usual to the define in the config.cpp

example :


BONUS 2************

In the config.cpp there is now a new option, ENABLED BY DEFAULT


This allow the player to " jog " left and right using 2 new animations that fit visually a lot more with the graa anim replacement pack..

To disable this alternative animations and go back to the original ones just add // as usual to the define in the config.cpp



BONUS 3***********

In the config.cpp there is now a new option, ENABLED BY DEFAULT


This allow the player, when using the AT launcher to

-Stand up with the AT weapon when pressing the backward key (you can aim and fire from there)

And to go prone with the AT when pressing the backward key and the turbo/sprint (whatever it is called) key , you can aim and fire from there too.

Side effect : you can't walk straight backward anymore when using the AT launcher , only diagonal backward remains.

To disable this option and remove those 2 new AT stances and be able to walk straight backward again, just add // as usual to the define in the config.cpp



BONUS 4************

In the config.cpp there is now a new option, DISABLED BY DEFAULT


When it is disabled you continue to use the combat running (jogging , not sprinting) using the CQB stance allowing you to fire while running.

To enable this option, just remove the // as usual to the define in the config.cpp , to obtain


This will enable you now to combat run using the weapon pointing down in 3 directions, you are not able to fire while running like this anymore (to avoid shooting yourself in the legs)

Have fun,


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Lookin really good Sanc. Great how you got standing and lying AT positions and people said it couldnt be done biggrin_o.gif

Great job.

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Thanks to Locke@Germany wink_o.gif

He was the first one to find a config method to implement the leaning animation in an interesting (pressing the turbo/sprint key when going left/right) and correct (not creating CTD) way.

In fact it was the same method i applied for implementing both stand and prone AT, only using a different direction so it remains very interesting for the gameplay.

I wonder why i have not tried this before.

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o)really thanx a lot for really perfect job!

u job make  "old good" OFP more progressive and realistic then ArmA))

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lieing down with an AT weapon is going to be so much fun now

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<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>Release of the GRAA modpack BONUS 5</span>





Note : you need the GRAA modpack mod version 2.0 installed.

This release include the 4 previous bonus update, so you don't need the older bonus update

This is including an updated ECP version of the config to benefit from the 5 new options, and for people using addons that does not have Llauma's head built in, an updated version of the GRAA "light" config , using the 5 new options.

The animations have been created for the full version of the GRAA modpack 2.0 , so if they do not look nice on BIS default or some addons units that's too bad, if they look nice that's good news but that's it.

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OFP2 files mirror thanks to scotchsoldier

New additions from the bonus update :

Quote[/b] ]BONUS 1************

In the config.cpp there is now a new option, ENABLED BY DEFAULT


That is allowing the player (and the AI) to run while being in crouch stance using a totally new animation very inspired by Ghost Recon.

To disable this new feature just add // as usual to the define in the config.cpp

example :


BONUS 2************

In the config.cpp there is now a new option, ENABLED BY DEFAULT


This is allowing the player to " jog " left and right using 2 new animations that fit visually a lot more with the graa anim replacement pack..

To disable this alternative animations and go back to the original ones just add // as usual to the define in the config.cpp



BONUS 3***********

In the config.cpp there is now a new option, ENABLED BY DEFAULT


This is allowing the player, when using the AT launcher to

-Stand up with the AT weapon when pressing the backward key (you can aim and fire from there)

And to go prone with the AT when pressing the backward key and the turbo/sprint (whatever it is called) key , you can aim and fire from there too.

Side effect : you can't walk straight backward anymore when using the AT launcher , only diagonal backward remains.

To disable this option and remove those 2 new AT stances and be able to walk straight backward again, just add // as usual to the define in the config.cpp



BONUS 4************

In the config.cpp there is now a new option, ENABLED BY DEFAULT


This will enable you now to combat run using the weapon pointing down in 3 directions, you are not able to fire while running like this anymore (to avoid shooting yourself in the legs)

To disable this option, just add the // as usual to the define in the config.cpp , to obtain


When it is disabled you continue to use the combat running (jogging , not sprinting) using the CQB stance allowing you to fire while running.

BONUS 5************

In the config, after the GRAA options you can find new ones that allow the player to select which AI position he will see ingame when the AI is in "AWARE" mode.

Type0 is enabled but if you want to enable another stance instead of this one , just remove the 2 comments ( the // that are just before the #define .... ) and disable the other 7 stances (and type0) by adding 2 comments (add // just before the other #define...... ) as usual you did for the other config options

Only one type of animation must be enabled, all the other types must always be disabled ( //#define ......)

You can't have 2 types of animations enabled or the game will crash or will get errors, so remember when you enable one of the 8 types in the config to disable all the other ones by commenting them out.

To help you noticing what type is what animation, get a look to the included screenshot AIstances.jpg

note -> the type6 AI static animation has been made by Dreamy Knight

Have fun,


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Flip in hec crazy_o.gif Slow down fella,you're a mod makin machine! Only joking excellent stuff mate.

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Downloaded and tested the Anims on their own and I must say great work Sanc'.

Regards HH smile_o.gif

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still think u should update the armor and air by putting it as an option if u want to have todays tanks and choppers that would b nice. Like having a M1A2 in battle with a M1A1

Your MOD sanctuary so u decide wht u wanna do.

OH btw the new updates that u recently posted r fantastic thumbs-up.gif


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Nice Sanc

I see you've decided to use the Updated BIS faces instead of the Facestex2 faces.

Great Mod and super bonus pack. Setting the boundaries of OFP again hey sanc

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can u planning making deth anims or enchenced crouch pose variants?

I doubt i will make new death anims, as the default ones are good enough for me.

Maybe an alternative crouch stance will come, i will see when the time will come.

still think u should update the armor and air by putting it as an option if u want to have todays tanks and choppers that would b nice

That's not the goal of this project.

I see you've decided to use the Updated BIS faces instead of the Facestex2 faces.

Actually both face sets are available (BIS faces reworked to Llauma mapping, or facetex2 faces) by enabling or disabling an option in the config.

That is just one of the 24 options available.

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Quote[/b] ]Actually both face sets are available (BIS faces reworked to Llauma mapping, or facetex2 faces) by enabling or disabling an option in the config.

That is just one of the 24 options available.

Thanks Sanc. Oh BTW would you mind if I used this mod as a backbone to a larger project, replacing tanks, helos and effects like a TC mod but still using llauma's heads.

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Of course, feel free to use it as a basis for another project.


I would like to repeat : everyone wanting to use this , or part of this as a basis for whatever mod is totally free to use what he needs from the modpack, just give credits where it is due.

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ok sanctuary thought it might b a good idea to do the armor thing but its all good. Anyway a new update coming soon or is the update 5 the final release

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There is nothing final anymore.

Further update may come when (and if) i will have something ready and bug free .

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Excellent work Sanctuary! Especially with the anims, they are the best part of the GRAA mod.

Mirrored files;

GRAA Files

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I'm using the latest Plus5 pack with GRAA and ECP and for some reason the US Spec Op units (silenced) use a AK-74SU with Kobra optic while the display says it's the HK? I've used the appropriate configs according to the readme and am curious. Thanks

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Good find, it seems i made a mistake in the ECP version of the config.

In the upcoming update 6 it will be fixed.

Meanwhile, you can fix it by opening the GRAA-ECP version of the config with a text editor, then look for :

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class HK : Riffle





// model="HKM5_SD6_proxy";

// modelOptics="optika_HK";







And replace those lines

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> model="\EST_Weapons\EST_AK74M1P29.p3d";






<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">model="\WST_Weapons\WST_M4sd.p3d";


displayName="M4 SD";

displayNameMagazine="M4 SD Mag";

shortNameMagazine="M4 SD Mag";

Once done, scroll down a bit to find

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Single







Replace the line

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">displayName="$STR_DN_HK";


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">displayName="M4 SD Single";

And finally, scroll down a bit again until you find

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class FullAuto







Replace the line

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">displayName="$STR_DN_HK_AUTO";


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">displayName="M4 SD Full Auto";

And that's all, problem fixed wink_o.gif (just do not forget a single characters when copy/pasting)

Or if you are unsure with this, just wait for update 6 when it will come as those changes will be included wink_o.gif

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<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'>Release of the GRAA modpack BONUS 6</span>






Note : you need the GRAA modpack mod version 2.0 installed

(and ECP 1.085 if you plan to use the ECP version of the config, and the GRAA light if you plan to use the GRAA light version of the config).

This release include the 5 previous bonus update, so you don't need the older bonus update

This is including an updated ECP version of the config to benefit from the 6 new options, and for people using addons that does not have Llauma's head built in, an updated version of the GRAA "light" config , using the 6 new options.

The animations have been created for the full version of the GRAA modpack 2.0 , so if they do not look nice on BIS default or some addons units that's too bad, if they look nice that's good news but that's it.

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New additions from the bonus update :

Quote[/b] ]BONUS 1************

In the config.cpp there is now a new option, ENABLED BY DEFAULT


That is allowing the player (and the AI) to run while being in crouch stance using a totally new animation very inspired by Ghost Recon.

To disable this new feature just add // as usual to the define in the config.cpp

example :


BONUS 2************

In the config.cpp there is now a new option, ENABLED BY DEFAULT


This is allowing the player to " jog " left and right using 2 new animations that fit visually a lot more with the graa anim replacement pack..

To disable this alternative animations and go back to the original ones just add // as usual to the define in the config.cpp



BONUS 3***********

In the config.cpp there is now a new option, ENABLED BY DEFAULT


This is allowing the player, when using the AT launcher to

-Stand up with the AT weapon when pressing the backward key (you can aim and fire from there)

And to go prone with the AT when pressing the backward key and the turbo/sprint (whatever it is called) key , you can aim and fire from there too.

Side effect : you can't walk straight backward anymore when using the AT launcher , only diagonal backward remains.

To disable this option and remove those 2 new AT stances and be able to walk straight backward again, just add // as usual to the define in the config.cpp



BONUS 4************

In the config.cpp there is now a new option, ENABLED BY DEFAULT


This will enable you now to combat run using the weapon pointing down in 3 directions, you are not able to fire while running like this anymore (to avoid shooting yourself in the legs)

To disable this option, just add the // as usual to the define in the config.cpp , to obtain


When it is disabled you continue to use the combat running (jogging , not sprinting) using the CQB stance allowing you to fire while running.

BONUS 5************

In the config, after the GRAA options you can find new ones that allow the player to select which AI position he will see ingame when the AI is in "AWARE" mode.

Type0 is enabled but if you want to enable another stance instead of this one , just remove the 2 comments ( the // that are just before the #define .... ) and disable the other 7 stances (and type0) by adding 2 comments (add // just before the other #define...... ) as usual you did for the other config options

Only one type of animation must be enabled, all the other types must always be disabled ( //#define ......)

You can't have 2 types of animations enabled or the game will crash or will get errors, so remember when you enable one of the 8 types in the config to disable all the other ones by commenting them out.

To help you noticing what type is what animation, get a look to the included screenshot AIstances.jpg

note -> the type6 AI static animation has been made by Dreamy Knight

BONUS 6************

In the config.cpp there is now a new option, DISABLED BY DEFAULT


When disabled, this make you use the GRAA replacement animations pack that comes with the GRAA mod, or it will make you use any ANIM.PBO you may prefer to use with this.

To enable the option, just remove the // as usual to the define in the config.cpp , to obtain


When this option is enabled, this will make use of the replacement animations included in the sanc_animcr (stand/crouch/prone and their specific drop/binoc/reload), basically coming from the DMA-NG final release.

That's just a matter of preference, look into the screenshot included 'bonus6screen.jpg' to see the difference when using Offtime GROM unit by example if you never tried the DMA anim NG final release.

Have fun,


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