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Vilas' addons

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Natural, edited, or through rose-tinted glasses, they're looking great which ever way you look at them. Keep up the good work Vilas, I want my FIA back!

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2 ShadowY

Well, at least my opinion is that your pic is far away from good quality. Also I don't know what's up with your monitor, but I see everything clearly. So far most people like my pics and Vilas'n'Shadow NX are satisfied with my work, so I'll continue to do it my way.

Anyway, this is isn't the thread to discuss this. If you don't like my pics - contact me via PM and stop your spam here.

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You are the one 'selling' the pics as promo`s for the project.

My question was could you do that the vanilla way and later on post a un-edited screenshot beside the edited one.

And I thought it would be legit to show the difference between edited and natural pics for miles teg.

This has nothing to do with the combat photography thread.

But if you read the comments section then you know what I sad there wink_o.gif

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Well, as I stated before you have PM messenger to contact both of us and prove your point of view. And remember that I can't satisfy everyone with my pics - one likes one thing, second likes another. Sergey Mikhalkov has good didactic poem "Elephant", telling artist can't work for pleasure of everyone - or he'll get a mess instead of work of art.








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answer to Jahve:


...but as I found in the internet US special forces as Israeli forces had such mounted optics on M16



Trijicon manufactures ACOGS not only for picatiny mount

one thing I don't know where they start production

concerning US special ops model - it is not molle pouches, it is chest pouch on webbing (I should change webbing)

i found some pictures of US comandos with something like that, maybe pictures were from later than 1985, but even TAC vest was manufactured since ca. 1986

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Seems NSX used a little less contrast in the last pictures and i must say they are definatly the best ive seen so far for the project.

Especially the Hind one is pure gold and with the updated textures i think this should even please the rather sceptical community in the russian forums about this pack.

Btw, maybe also add the picture as one piece linked below like Burns and Parvus do, always frustrating to save a pic just to later notice that only one of 3 slices was saved.

For "just" one of the armys in a project we invested already a lot of time into the soviet soldiers.

So heres a possibly incomplete list of what i changed since the pictures shown last week and before:

- KLMK has no more net look as the real one is a rather soft material

- KZS mesh look is bit less.

- Lots of dust on all soldiers

- Fieldcap has no more vent holes and new cleaner lining ( model was also changed by Vilas )

- Completely new lot smoother RD backpack texture

- Brown belts because from what i know only Naval forces should carry black leather gear like holsters, harness and belts.

Would be awesome to also have some soviet marines with hat gear but that may overload the mod too much.

- Lot better Bandana texture, less grainy, better colour and lot better sitting folds.

- APS holster was recoloured and parts of it were edited so details are a bit more visible.

- Added a set of new textures for a correct soviet LBV and strap textures for the RPG backpack

- Lot other little tweaks that i forgot about.

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Soviet Motorised Infantry will get new gunners models:

RPK gunner will have RPK magazines that stick out of pockets in vest

PK gunner will have ammo belt around him

FIA gunner will have ammo belt around him (different than motorised in.)

FIA soldiers are also in US olive BDU

Specnaz with RD backpack have also RD pouches (not old AK and grenade pouches)

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Im glad you liked my ideas and add the vests and the rd pouches.

Btw, the mags that stick out should be left for Spetsnaz as the normal KLMK guys should only have a LBV on the officer.

For the simple RPK guys a longer version of the AK pouch is the best idea.

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i just have to say that i'm really looking forward to Project '85, it's looking better and better every day.

do you plan to include a few missions or maybe even a campaign as well, or will this be a collection of vehicles, weapons and units only?

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there were planned campaigns for both sides, east and west


as in OFP

missionmakers are not so popular in the nature, some people offered help, only 2 people did something , rest just wanted to get links to beta of addons or offered help but had no time or what ?

also some people have to much their own ideas and cannot follow scenario

so missions are my bigest problem :/

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I will probably alter Evolution SP to make use of the Project `85 units.

I´ll do one version with CWR stuff, but it can be relatively easy converted to use Projekt `85. wink_o.gif

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As a backup of what Vilas said:

If you are a talented mission maker and want to help a promising mod please PM me or Vilas.

Some little sample mission would be great.

Knowledge about camscripting would be a big +

Only PM me or Vilas if youre serious about this, PMs sent to me can also be in german language if thats easier for the person.

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Thanks for kind words, Steve. I'll PM you and Vilas later, cause I don't have enough free time now. Anyway, another teaser pic:




Bigger (1280*1024)

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Very nice, if you also add big links to the other two pics it would be perfect smile_o.gif

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after some consultations with profesional soldiers I decided that in game as oposite to Spetznaz there will be green berets commandos of US Army (not SEALs or other forces)

commando will get proper tactical vest ( http://www.specwargear.com/images/vest-QRV-1.jpg , http://www.specwargear.com/images/vest-QRV-3.jpg )and M60E3

thanx to Skaven who allow me some months ago to use and modify His addon smile_o.gif

now I made E3 variant for commandos:

image show Skaven M60 and M60E3


E3 version has proper rear sight with circle like M16, not gap like AK

edit: some small details to change on E3

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Very good idea to make special forces units, instead of seals or others. thumbs-up.gif

I have that much free time at hand, that i can say, i will make an Evolution SP version, which will use Project `85 units for sure.

It will take some time, once the mos is out, because not only units but weapons and ammo-classes have to be changed too. Else the "evolution" would not work.

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Hi Vilas and Co..^^

Your work seems very ambisous to me.

The stuff you already released I´m glad to have on my harddisk.

Cause there are different sorts of troups with matching vehicles so I can make various constalations of opponents. And so i got different scenarios for my SP-Missions.

This is what I need. Thank you for that.

The stuff shown here and in the screenshotsection are really porn.

Cannot wait for it, but live isn´t a walk in the park.

Your decision for the green berets, respect. They would be awesome in ArmA.

I´m not proud for even asking for something more... really.

And now here comes the "but", ...is there a chance for a well used old rusty civil-Mi17, or something like that?

That would be awesome.

Even if there comes a definitiv NO^^, I will be happy with your upcoming stuff. Just want to take the chance by asking for.

Don´t be angry with me...

Keep up your great work.

A thankful enduser...

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As OWP ( they made a great Mi-8 pack for OFP ) works on a new pack for ArmA i think you get a civillian Mi-8 in the near future.

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Oh, thanks for the info.

I know that OWP-team too, but haven´t found much of them.

They made very impressive choppers for OFP, and I think they have also done very nice Zil-trucks(?)...

Nice to hear.

So all energie can be solved for the origin Project 85^^.

Good luck with it, looking here nearly every day..

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Hi, back in action smile_o.gif


The picture is totally crap, but just letting you know I'm making a new M81 Woodland from scratch; WIP pic; 1st stage

got the size right I think; made all the detail work as for now; ripstop applied - but you have to get really close to see it -> I did not want a grid visible form 5 meters...

For now only BDU, PASGT is still in the works

comments welcomed

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Very nice job on that woodland texture, looks like an authentic worn piece from the earlier era. I've come across a few woodland BDU's from around that time and the screenshot matches them rather well.

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One thing I noticed about almost all of the units so far, especially Soviet units, is missing insignia. Is it planned to add these in the final release?

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