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Guest RKSL-Rock

RKSL Studios

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Quote[/b] ]Look around the biki and you shall find:Dialogs

Yeah, thats not a bad start. I used that myself.

You can also unpack the config from inside Bin.pbo and get the styles e.t.c For all the Arma dialogs. Look for things like class RscDisplayGear.

To preview that particular dialog and the others. Run this from a radio trigger:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">pDialog=CreateDialog "RscDisplayGear"

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Guest RKSL-Rock
[Figured I'd save Rock a little trouble!]

Cheers.  But I'm so not the person to ask about scripting. rofl.gif

Quote[/b] ]Look around the biki and you shall find:Dialogs

Yeah, thats not a bad start. I used that myself...

What he said!  

The Cargo System is UNN's creation.  All I asked for was the ability to pick up and move ammo crates in MP and look what we got tounge2.gif

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may i ask if the new released toold will help the project?

i guess you guys started this project without the tools, so im asking if your going to use them to finish/improve somehow the project?

if yes, how? and where?

ps- sorry for all these questions confused_o.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock
may i ask if the new released toold will help the project?

i guess you guys started this project without the tools, so im asking if your going to use them to finish/improve somehow the project?

if yes, how? and where?

ps- sorry for all these questions  confused_o.gif

I've already answered the same question on the previous page.  

However the new version of O2 has improved my ability to make compound animations.  it seems that the old p3d format couldn't properly deal with translations.  As a result of the new tool and format I'm likely to spend less time trouble shooting problems.  This might make it easier to release some addons sooner but we're still talking weeks to months, not a matter of days.

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great UNN that was exactly what i was looking for yay.gif Thank you others too for your help biggrin_o.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock

Ok, here it is.  The first screen shots in the New 02.

This is the Royal Air Force Hercules C5 version.  The C.1, C.3, C.3A and C.4 will follow.

The AC-130 will also follow at some point so please don’t spam us with requests for more info.  We don’t have any right now.

International Versions – To stem the probable high number of attempted ripoffs once the UK pack is released we are going to make several generic skins on a  base model C-130H and C-130J.  (-30 versions of each should also be available.)  These will be “Roundel compatible†so you can simulate most any air force in the world.

Requests from Other Teams and Mods – We are happy to support other teams by assisting them in converting our C-130 to their national spec with a Paint Kit etc.  But this will be dealt with on a “permission request†basis only.  Permission will NOT be granted if you don’t get permission first. (And we will kick up a fuss if you ignore that simple caveat).  

We don’t get paid to make addons the least you as a community member can do is at least respect us enough to ask first before modifying our hard work.


Click For Bigger                            Click For Bigger                            Click For Bigger


Click For Bigger                            Click For Bigger                            Click For Bigger

I've managed to solve my issues with the animation system and the landing gear.  At this stage there are no scripts running but obviously eventually there will be some scripting.

Video showing more of the features should appear at a later stage. (No I don’t know when)

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Gnat @ Aug. 24 2007,15:20)]Nice model guys (no, thats not a request wink_o.gif )


Your cargo system.... the MP version, would I for example be able to "attach" or load one model to another model on creation of the main model ingame, without the use of looping script?

My example. I have a large Frigate who's GEO lod is mostly taken up with the front half of the ship. I need to "attach" an invisible heli-deck to the rear of the ship so that helicopter can land and soldiers can walk on the visible rear of the ship.

In my old OFP Frigate this is done with a setpos loop. I want to abandon that method so I've got something that works in MP. Do-able?

Sorry mate but that sort of request would be better in a PM or a Post inthe Scripting forum.  I'd like to keep this thread about RKSL Projects and not for other people's scripting queries.

Would you mind taking it to PM please.

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This looks absolutely bloody beautiful my good sir. Fantastic!

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sweet looking c-130 model! btw will the rear door be animated by action menu or something? Like something to play with when in cargo during long flights biggrin_o.gif is the plane made in old or new O2? tounge2.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock
Gnat @ Aug. 24 2007,15:20)]Nice model guys (no, thats not a request wink_o.gif )


Thanks mate.

sweet looking c-130 model! btw will the rear door be animated by action menu or something? Like something to play with when in cargo during long flights  biggrin_o.gif...

Do I really need to answer that?

... is the plane made in old or new O2?  tounge2.gif

It was made in N02 (NotO2 - our own 3D tool) initially, brought into OFP 02 to sort the mass and finally resaved in O2PE to get proper support for the animations.

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Lovely jubley RKSL, great work. A nice positive since Wednesday.

Can't wait for the first of your units being released. Will soldiers and small vehicles be able to walk/drive into the rear of the aircraft?

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Quote[/b] ]Can't wait for the first of your units being released. Will soldiers and small vehicles be able to walk/drive into the rear of the aircraft?

I suspect your going to have to live with a limitation for this current engine? It's easy enough to walk\drive into a Cargo LOD. But drawing objects internally that, as far as the engine is concerned, exist outside, is another thing.

I've noticed in the Arma engine the same problem with OFP…Hmm...I'm struggling to put this in a half decent way...But objects that exist in world coordinates (outside and independent of a vehicle) are not drawn in the same way as objects that occupy an internal LOD like cargo, pilot positions e.t.c

While it will work. You may have to turn a blind eye every now and again smile_o.gif

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that is one hell of a nice model. cant wait to get my grubby hands on it.

you have a eurofighter typhoon on the works? i know that you were working on one for ofp hs it been carried over to arma?

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Guest RKSL-Rock
you have a eurofighter typhoon on the works? i know that you were working on one for ofp hs it been carried over to arma?

Looking at the mesh earlier today I've decided to remake it.  Partly because of the lack of details but also becasue of what the ArmA engine can now do for us.

I have another epic train journey in a few weeks.  i'm planning on re-making it then.

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You're in London.. Every train journey is an epic. smile_o.gif

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While it will work. You may have to turn a blind eye every now and again smile_o.gif

Do you mean that it will jump or sort of 'crash' against the aircraft in mid-air even though it is inside?

Have/will you look at it any further or is it an engine limitation that can't be helped? Either way, it all looks awesome to me.

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Quote[/b] ]Do you mean that it will jump or sort of 'crash' against the aircraft in mid-air even though it is inside?

No, it's more to do with how the engine draws other objects when you’re sat in a cargo position. As long the vehicle is not moving and has a suitable geometry LOD, there is no problem with walking into a vehicle and sitting down in a specific seat or driving another vehicle into the back. But if your watching the process from a unit sat in a cargo position, then it can draw the boarding units at the wrong scale or draws them as though the are actually outside the vehicle.

Quote[/b] ]Have/will you look at it any further or is it an engine limitation that can't be helped? Either way, it all looks awesome to me.

I will certainly keep an eye out to see when and where this problem occurs. That way we might be able to narrow it down. But its not fatal and only happens if you’re sat in a cargo position watching something else moving around inside the vehicle.

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Have you guys thought about or looked at the lighting system in ARMA? I was thinking about sitting in the back of the hercules at night waiting for para drop. And envisioned the red cabin lighting...

But in OFP there was this thing with the cabin light, also lighting up the outside of the aircraft, so If it was on the ground the lighting would also light up the surrounding terrain.

Have you guys allready checked out if that has improved? This question actually combined with the next one.

Is it going to be possible to turn on and off cockpit lighting? With instruments lighting up? This goes for all of the addons really?

Aircraft cockpits and even dashboards of some of the more expensive cars look cool with all the different lights and colours and buttons and switches. (im a button addict... the more buttons and switches an object has, the cooler it is! wink_o.gif )

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Quote[/b] ]Have you guys allready checked out if that has improved? This question actually combined with the next one.

Is it going to be possible to turn on and off cockpit lighting? With instruments lighting up? This goes for all of the addons really?

Yeah, it's something we’ve been discussing amongst the team.

It is possible thanks to some of the new Arma commands. There are limitations, those kind of lights don't cast shadows. But they’re ideal for things like interior lighting and instrument panels.

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YAAAAY! yay.gifyay.gifyay.gif

Every addon you guys are making is soo worth waiting for. Wheter is be the harrier, or the hercules, or the lynx, or the merlin, or the AAA and radar systems, or the "test island II" or the tornado... Ahh man its endless, every project is super!

Thanks again to the RKSL team, you guys arent getting paid, so I guess we cannot say thank you enough! smile_o.gif

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Not to sound rude but there has been an update promised for few weeks now.

Ive been told that there would be something shown in week but nothing appears. smile_o.gif

What I actually said last week was:

Sometime next week is the earliest anything is going to happen.

There is this thing called "real life". It has a nasty habit of intruding on "ArmA Life". I've had 8 days of dealing with hackers on my own and client's servers ArmA work has sadly been the lowest priority.

Now if that reason isnt good enough then you could employ the four of us to make addons. I'm pretty sure we'd all prefer it to our normal lines of work. My starting salary is 40k GB pounds a year I expect the others may be around the same rate if not higher.

I have been working on the C-130 this morning. Reworking the flaps and optimising the mesh to make it easier to texture. But if thats the attitude you take I'm not really that interested in indulging you.

Really didnt mean to come across like that.

Im very sorry and got the wrong end of the stick (not thinking properly more then likely) you said that Sunday i thought you was implying in the week when posted on 18th. I understand about real life problems sorry if seemed like was haggling just wanted to see some new stuff on it. You do alot of work for community though and you guys who make this stuff are super assest to the community. thumbs-up.gif

Just looking at you updates since freaking awesome

MiG-29SM "Fulcrum-C"

MiG-29SMT (Product 9.17)

MiG-35 "Fulcrum-F"

IM-23 "HAWK" SAM System

And thanks for the C-130 update sounds superb shame about few bugs but hopefully can be sorted wish you all best. smile_o.gif

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Guest RKSL-Rock

Ok here's another C-130 update:



Download High Res Version @ RKSL Studios - 64.5Mb

This is the community preview for the upcoming RKSL Studios C-130 Pack.

The first pack will focus on the UK Variants:

• Hercules C.1 (C-130K)

• Hercules C.3 (C-130K30*)

• Hercules C.3A (C-130K30* Special Ops)

• Hercules C.4 (C-130J30*)

• Hercules C.5 (C-130J)

* The “30†denotes the stretched fuselage version.

Future releases will include roundel capable versions in various common camo schemes:

• Hercules C-130E/H

• Hercules C-130H30

• Hercules C-130J

• Hercules C-130J30

• AC-130 (Exact Version to be confirmed)

Planned generic colour schemes planned are:

• Low Vis Grey

• Flat Green

• Two Tone desert

• Two Tone Green/Grey (Dutch Camo)

• Three Tone Green (South American)

Every version will have the RKSL Cargo System installed and will support stock BIS vehicles.  Custom Vehicles and cargo can be added easily using a slight customisation of the scripts.

A Paint Kit will be available to Mod Teams that ask for permission to modify the addon for their own projects.

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Hah, brill mate!

Short field capabilities look excellent; can't wait to pop it down in a field, boot some of Messy's Landies out of the back and bugger off.

Nice to see your forums back up too mate.

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