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Big Lod problems!

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@CanisDEK: that is a top of the line card. Not top top, like the 8800, but you aren't far away there buddy. Just an inch away. So that is top of the line to 9/10 of people.

I got some more screenshot of the problem which I hope BIS will notice. Also, the problem seems to go away temporarly if you alt-tab, but as soon as you turn around, it's back to normal:


[Remove image tags muppet!]http://Remove image tags muppet!416.imageshack.us/Remove image tags muppet!416/2271/lodbug4ie9.jpg[/Remove image tags muppet!]


[Remove image tags muppet!]http://Remove image tags muppet!236.imageshack.us/Remove image tags muppet!236/2544/lodbug5tg2.jpg[/Remove image tags muppet!]


[Remove image tags muppet!]http://Remove image tags muppet!416.imageshack.us/Remove image tags muppet!416/2086/lodbug6us6.jpg[/Remove image tags muppet!]


[Remove image tags muppet!]http://Remove image tags muppet!416.imageshack.us/Remove image tags muppet!416/6966/lodbug7wg3.jpg[/Remove image tags muppet!]

And here's one that wins them all. The soldier in the FRONT has lesser LODs loaded than the soldier in the BACK!

[Remove image tags muppet!]http://Remove image tags muppet!211.imageshack.us/Remove image tags muppet!211/9171/lodbug9qg8.jpg[/Remove image tags muppet!]

Oh and before you ask, yes, I did wait more than a second before I took the shots. Nothing helped, besides alt tabbing. And that only worked for a minute or two.

you don't have enough video ram.

the game need to unload few stuff before load what you is supposed to see. so , the only way to limit this phenomene , is to set your texture detail to low or very low ,and limite view radius.

128MB is not many today. whistle.gif

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mehman, do you even know how much video ram take the game when you set texture detail to normal ?

more than 270MB .... you have only 128 rofl.gif

try to think a bit BEFORE come here and whinning about hypothetical Arma lacking

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mehman, do you even know how much video ram take the game when you set texture detail to normal ?

more than 270MB .... you have only 128  rofl.gif

try to think a bit BEFORE come here and whinning about hypothetical Arma lacking.

Stop being dumb as a wet brick.

He asked a question and while his system may not be wicked sick, there is no reason for being an asshat.

I suggest you work on your communicative skills before you insult anyone again with your infantile drivel.

And Mehan you could buy a geforce 6800 perhaps... they aren't that expensive. Buy a card with 512MB if you can afford it.

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I'm going to buy an almost completely new rig once DX10 and Vista come out as upgrading currently seems completely useless because DX10 will make 7000 series cards obsolete. I'll just wait.

@ stisoas: First of all, you are not allowed to quote images, second of all you are flame baiting, third of all the manner of your post was hardly mature. Read the forum rules. Also, did you try to read through the topic? I stated that I set my textures to low and that solved the problem.

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We should face it, german ArmA runs like shit. No more, no less.

I have tried the whole day to get arma playable, no chance.

There is something wrong with this game and we have two choices:

- Play the game in 640x480 (Try it, you will get the feeling of how it should run.)

- Wait for a patch that makes this game playable on pc's with ~3GHz, 2GB Ram, 256mb GeForce 6xxx graphic cards and audigy soundcards.

MfG Lee banghead.gif

How can a German version be different from another version, isnt it not only the language but also the scripting that is diff in the various versions?


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mehman, do you even know how much video ram take the game when you set texture detail to normal ?

more than 270MB .... you have only 128 rofl.gif

try to think a bit BEFORE come here and whinning about hypothetical Arma lacking.

Stop being dumb as a wet brick.

He asked a question and while his system may not be wicked sick, there is no reason for being an asshat.

I suggest you work on your communicative skills before you insult anyone again with your infantile drivel.

And Mehan you could buy a geforce 6800 perhaps... they aren't that expensive. Buy a card with 512MB if you can afford it.

i wasnt laughin about his graphcis cards. but about a guy who complaint without think at ALL what can cause his problem.

128MB isnt enough when you (try) to fill it with 280MB of data.

it's as simple as that .


ps: 6800 isnt enough for 1280x1024. target higher

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the problem of ur system is that the vga card has so less memory to cache the textures and shader objects etc.

even if they perform some tweaks to the engine ur system woulnd benfit of this tunes much.

in this case ask the xmas_o.gif for a new vga card. inlove.gif

It is NOT acceptable to have to buy a new graphic card every year. PC life cycle is 3 years, and games should run fine on all these configurations.

I also understand that hardcore gamers or brand new PC buyers should have better and excellent graphic performance and quality, but the game should still be playable (without being completely ugly) on other PCs.

I was already disappointed last year with spec requirements for GRAW. Now I hope for a performance patch for ArmA or I won't buy the 3 licenses of French version in 2007 for my family and me.

And more, if I buy a 7900GS 256MB now, I'm sure that GRAW2, Crysis or another game will be unplayable or ugly in 2007 for multiple reasons: need 512Mb of graphic memory, DirectX 10, etc... I don't even think about 2008 games... unacceptable !

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We should face it, german ArmA runs like shit. No more, no less.

I have tried the whole day to get arma playable, no chance.

There is something wrong with this game and we have two choices:

- Play the game in 640x480 (Try it, you will get the feeling of how it should run.)

- Wait for a patch that makes this game playable on pc's with ~3GHz, 2GB Ram, 256mb GeForce 6xxx graphic cards and audigy soundcards.

MfG Lee banghead.gif

How can a German version be different from another version, isnt it not only the language but also the scripting that is diff in the various versions?


They have different publishers.. who have diffrent versions of the game.

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The German version of ArmA had more bugs than the Czech version. Even the best Systems with 512 MB PCIE graphic cards couldn’t made more than a “couple†of frames. They “had†some “problem†with the CD protection. I’m writing “had†and “problem†because these guys not even tested the game they are selling for 42€. Then it was fixed, or not completely fixed, I don’t know. I wanted to know that.

Quote[/b] ]

more than 270MB .... you have only 128

try to think a bit BEFORE come here and whinning about hypothetical Arma lacking

At the ArmA cover it was said: 512MB RAM, and a graphic card with 128MB. Then they are writing that, I assume the game is playable with those system requirements.

When you buy a car and the trader says it “consumes†about 12 L at 100km, but in reality it needs more than 24L – you will want to have some judgment.

And then as a judge I will say to you – don’t cry around boy!

The question is – should I get my money back?

And “about hypothetical Arma lacking†the ArmA bots are the dumbest bots I have ever seen. If you don’t believe me – take a sniper and shoot at a standing group from 500m distance. It is like:

Shoot – kill

All bots at the ground for proudly scripted 30 seconds, then all stand up.

Shoot – kill

And the “fun†continures…

And the last question: Where you have your 270MB, no more, no less? With 10 settings and variable view distance you have a lot of combinations…

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I didn't read the whole topic, and sorry if this was already said, but a good thing to do that can reduce that problem is a good defragmentation on the disk where the game is installed.

ArmA files are quite big (+100mb for the main addons files) and thus are possibly heavily fragmented at installation. Some of my files were split in more than 200 parts ! And that of course slow down the read time. I've used the program "DisKeeper" but the windows xp built-in defrag program should be fine too.


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I didn't read the whole topic too but I'm really disapointed

about the performance of the game!


Since 30.11. I tried everything everyday to get a little

entertainment with ArmA but nothing works correct.

I'm thinking about too of giving the game back at 13.11.

Edit: I'm surely "NOT" buying a new component too to make

it run better.

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Well I have an eVGA 680i motherboard, Intel Core2Duo e6700, xfx 8800gtx, corsair twin2x2048-6400c and I am having hell trying to get a decent fps. I am having trouble with those textures loading. Every time I go near a few trees my fps drops significantly and it's like watching a slideshow.

Using German Version, 1.01 Patch & Language Patch.

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Serious question: What should or better can be done?

... I bought a game I can't simply use!

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I didn't read the whole topic too but I'm really disapointed

about the performance of the game!


Since 30.11. I tried everything everyday to get a little

entertainment with ArmA but nothing works correct.

I'm thinking about too of giving the game back at 13.11.

Edit: I'm surely "NOT" buying a new component too to make

it run better.

Not anywhere have I seen you post your system specs? Nor do you even say if you're using 1.01?

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Hi there,

I also had these issues and found these few steps to help. I have an 6600GT AGP and dont know if there are similar steps for PCI-E.

Anyway, setting the nvidia quality setting in the nvidia Control panel to performance helped alot. But the big one for me was AGP Arpeture setting.

If you look in the arma config file it has 2 memory entries. Local Vram and non local Vram. Setting my AGP Arpeture in bios changes the non local Vram setting in ArmA.cfg, and it seems to make one helluva difference. No major LOD errors, I get the odd one where the texture seems to take a few seconds to load but thats usually after an ALT-TAB.

Maybe something for the AGP users to try. It may or may not work for others, but it seems to be something that people are over looking.

My AGP Arp is set to 512MB, and arma doesnt seem to mind one bit. Total ram usage never really hits 1GB so still plenty left.

As for PCI-E i have no idea if there is anything remotely similar to the AGP Arpeture so cant help out there. Sorry.


3500+ AMD 64 @ 2500Mhz (250 FSB)

2GB Corsair TwinX Platinum 3200DDR @ 250Mhz

Asus 6600GT TOP edition 128mb gfx card.

Audigy S/Card

Seagate 120GB and 80 Gb HDD

ArmA 1.01

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Well what can i say i see that you're all in my same situation...

These are my specs : check this.

I am stuck at the helo training mission. I can't get to the lz to pick up the squad and complete it because between the second and third waypoint the ground starts flickering...objects change color or become transparent.

All i can do is quit the game. If i don't, the PC will reboot.

When not rebooting (because i deactivated the autoreboot) i will see the blue screen, still my DXdiag is perfect with no error.

I have the latest Nvidia drivers for my card and the pc is brand new.

The game is german version patched to 1.01 and i applied correctly the english language pack.

This can only mean one thing : ArmA 1.01GER is bugged.

I tried any possible setting in the Nvidia panel and inside the game...down to the lowest settings. The issues remain.

I think there's no solution to this issue without a patch.

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It is not possible to get more RAM memory for the PCIE cards in BIOS. I tryed it and looked in forums.

3 Days for patch remaining...

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I think everyone's missing the main point.

We don't have to change our settings. Our settings work with all games. America's Army, Battlefield, FEAR work PERFECTLY on my system with default factory settings.

It's BI who've got to fix the game.

What do u mean 3 days for patch remaining? Are they releasing the fix in 3 days? inlove.gif

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No, I have now 3 days to get my money back, sorry.


I fear that it comes like with Gothic 3. The engine is bugged, NO FIX POSSIBLE.

I will by the game again later, when my system is ready for it. I will have to wait at least 6 month, I think.

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I slew down the details : all to the lowest, deactivated AS filtering and AAliasing.

The glitches are completely gone and i'm finally enjoying the game.

Generally, when the symptom is a CRASH, it's a game bug. When it's low performances then yes it's low hardware specs.

In this case we're dealing with a game which has just been released and with only 1 minor patch (not 1.1 but 1.01). It will surely get better.

Very n00by of the DEVs not to post the suggested settings for the typical hardware configurations. A button to test the HW and suggest settings could help a lot.

I've gone crazy after settings for 2 days, i'd never seen a game where your PC reboots...games CTD, they don't make the PC go in critical error.

Anyway suggestion to all those who have experienced a similar problem: try sliding down all the details (to the very minimum like i did if necessary) and meanwhile play and enjoy.

I'm sure BI is reading and they will come up with fixes allowing a better use of our hardware specs.


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@ Dec. 10 2006,21:46)]Anyway suggestion to all those who have experienced a similar problem: try sliding down all the details (to the very minimum like i did if necessary) and meanwhile play and enjoy.


Great! I did THAT and installed ArmA on a NASA computer!

It's PLAYABLE! wow_o.gif


No need for a patch!

MfG Lee crazy_o.gif

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Im playing on similar specs to above (details in signature) and have had a huge improvement by:

Updating chipset drivers

Updating Direct X to most recent

Defragging both hard drives

Going into Nvidia control pannel and chaning Texture Filtering to High Perfomance rather than Quality.

This last bit made the world of difference and ArmA is certainly playable given a bit of tweeking.

Keep with the game, this can only get better and better.

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Yes. eventually its possible to scale up the minimum detail settings till the performances feel the load.

In my experience, no game has every crashed due to the detail levels causing overheating. I'm not even sure this is the case actually because i saw in the windows reports a dx9.dll error causing the crash.

Most games have safety triggers inside so that if you select things you shouldn't select, they just don't work, or auto-scale down.

It was very very n00by of the devs not to insert these triggers in the game and the very well insertion of a button to auto-detect best settings would have come very handy.

A game should work bad but still work and never crash in these cases. Bad bad mistake but there's all the time in the world to fix it in future patches. pistols.gif

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well... i guess we can only wait for the patch...

btw...oswald... the screenshot made my day.... i am crying...had to laugh too much wink_o.gif

to all the ppl posting tips... before completly changing system configs...chipsetdrivers etc... just lets wait for the next patch. if other demanding apps and games don´t make your current puter act up it is probably more likely that the current crop of problem is more engine related than pc related... just mho...

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