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Big Lod problems!

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Got the latest patch, problems seem worse than before. crazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

Thats exactly what I experienced after installing the patch yesterday. Not a single fps more than before, but this LOD thing got much worse.

Since I couldn't get my new rig really stable and took it back to the store to get it fixed, I'm now trying again with

Athlon XP 3200+

Geforce 6800 Ultra

2 GB RAM (of which Arma is only using the sixth part, was the same on the new rig)

Audigy 4

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what were your specs before?

i seriously need to know whether this problem is widespread. Maybe we can spot trends in the different versions of the games, hardware, and driver version

I am using version 93.71 forceware

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Quote[/b] ]

i seriously need to know whether this problem is widespread. Maybe we can spot trends in the different versions of the games, hardware, and driver version

This is an OPF engine issue... confused_o.gif

Happy xmas. xmas_o.gif

And keep cool testing another patches which are killing and adding old/new bugs.

Just : WAIT THE 1.96 version... rofl.gifrofl.gifrofl.gif

But ounly if you are able to install them. goodnight.gif

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Has there been any comment on this issue from BIS at all?

Right know, it is so bad, that I JUST CANNOT play the game without cursing to high heaven crazy_o.gif

I've waited years for this game, and I've talked it up to my clan mates, and now we are all very disappointed.

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@ Dec. 10 2006,21:46)]Anyway suggestion to all those who have experienced a similar problem: try sliding down all the details (to the very minimum like i did if necessary) and meanwhile play and enjoy.


Great! I did THAT and installed ArmA on a NASA computer!

It's PLAYABLE! wow_o.gif


No need for a patch!

MfG Lee crazy_o.gif

Oh boy. Airborne Ranger. Now that really was something back in the old days. tounge2.gif

Now in to the topic. I'm experiencing same probs.

Very annoying to play textures popping in/out all the time. I really hope BIS is able to fix that somehow if possible.

My specs:

Asus Nforce 4 mainboard A8N SLI-SE

Athlon 64 3000+

2 GB mem

Geforce 7600 GT with forceware 93.81 drivers.

And i'm using German D/L version from Morphicon updated to 1.02 .

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I hope a good patch, released soon, will solve our probs.

I have a question, to all gamers and the BIS support team:

How important is to have more than 1GB RAM memory?

I want to buy one more 1GB for my PC; I have 2x512MB memory for each processor (have Athlon 3800X2).

Should I get 2GB, or it is better to save the money for a better graphics card (90€) and try tu buy it in February?

What would you tall me to do? (Especially for ArmA!wink_o.gif

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Check this Video Out this starts happening after roughly about 45min of use, if I alt tab out of the game it seems to clear the issue for a short while, If I end the game and start again I can get another 45min worth.

I have also tried it on my other computer and get the same results, this has got to be down to something seriously wrong with the programming, or else why should it keep refreshing even though there is nothing changed on the screen, its as though something is triggering a loop and it just cant break from it.

(Give it a couple of min and the video should be available.)

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lool fubarno1

That was a good one! wow_o.gif

Question 1 : Have you patched the game with 1.02? or 1.01?

Question 2 : Have you tried Gothic3 with your system?

Question 3 : Do you have the feeling you need your 2GB Ram memory?

Try to look at your FPS with FRAPS programm.


It is tradition to play OPF related games without shadows !!! wink_o.gif

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The LOD problem is really pissing me off!

i hope... no i demand it will be quickly fixed. After all we payed for it.

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I went through the same as many here

I hope this will help someone

My system is

2.4 Ghz

1 Gb Ram

Geforce 6800 GT 256 mb

The game looked butt ugly

or ran slow never a happy medium

The textures always took way to long to draw

I decided to try another gig of ram

that helped a bit but still couldn't use any shadows

Then I sprang for a new graohics card

Decided on the Geforce 7600 GS 512 mb from newegg $150

big improvement on the textures it ran better but I still wasn't happy

out of frustration I clicked the

"Quality References to - Very high"

This re-set all the options to high and very high

knowing this would slow the fps  way down

I set my "Resolution to 800X600x32"

and was very suprised to see a beautiful smooth running game

I played a MPmission I'm working on for about three hours

with 60 troops 4 armored vehicals in the town of ortego

it ran great and looked great !

I flew a chopper over the citys

it was very smooth

before this I was always turning off the " PostProcessing "

because I don't like the blurr effect or the out of focus look

I never liked or used kegetys DXLL blurr effect in ofp either

" So my observation is that with a simular system to mine

I beleive ArmA needs to use "Postprocessing" to run well

and look good. "

It sure made the difference on this system

2.4 Ghz

2 Gb Ram

Geforce 7600 GS 512 Mb

My Ingame settings are

Quality Reference - Very High

Visability - 1200                    Resolution - 800X600x32

Terrain - Normal                 Anisotropic filter - High

Objects - High                   Shadows - High

Textures - High                 Antialiasing - High

Shading - Very High           Blood - High  

Postprocessing - High

My graphics card Antialising is set to 2X

totally happy with the way the game looks and runs now


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Problem i have is getting a decent enough frame rate so that infantry combat is actually playable.

Aiming either with or without ironsight can be incredibly sluggish, going prone results an fps drop of ~30-40% thanks to all the grass, bush's etc.

What baffles me even more though is that my frame rate barely changes at all even when switching my resolution from an incredibly bad looking 800x600 to my TFT's default resolution of 1440x900.

System specs are, AMD Opteron 146 @ 2.8Ghz, 1.5Gb RAM, GeForce 7900GS (610/800). Tried multiple drivers but just cant get an acceptable frame rate where close quarters combat doesnt involve me struggling to aim due to sluggish/jerky responses because of a poor frame rate.

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Problem i have is getting a decent enough frame rate so that infantry combat is actually playable.

Aiming either with or without ironsight can be incredibly sluggish, going prone results an fps drop of ~30-40% thanks to all the grass, bush's etc.

What baffles me even more though is that my frame rate barely changes at all even when switching my resolution from an incredibly bad looking 800x600 to my TFT's default resolution of 1440x900.

System specs are, AMD Opteron 146 @ 2.8Ghz, 1.5Gb RAM, GeForce 7900GS (610/800). Tried multiple drivers but just cant get an acceptable frame rate where close quarters combat doesnt involve me struggling to aim due to sluggish/jerky responses because of a poor frame rate.

Ya man I got the same problems. I have tried everything set to "very high" and everything set to "very low" and the fps stay almost exactly the same. The only real difference I see between high and low is that while looking around or bringing up iron sights the game starts lagging while it loads new textures and lod models. At very high settings my fps will dip into the low 20s and at very low settings my fps will dip into the high 20s. No matter what setting I choose I always always get this loading sluggishness. Its very annoying and I don't understand why I can run the game on high and low and still get the same performance.

Specs. P4 3.4 ghz extreme edition, 4 gigs ram, radeon X1950XTX pcie

This game is horribly optimized im pretty sure sad_o.gif

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I too am having the same problems...

AMD FX-55 San Diego 939

2gb DDR 400 RAM

nVidia 7900GTX /w 512mb

Audigy 2ZS

ABIT AN8 Ultra Motherboard

Windows 2000 Pro SP4

Not at all a horrendous system, even if it is DDR and single-core.  It has very little problems with similarly modern games with similarly powerful graphics. The strangest thing of all for ArmA is that the game runs almost the same regardless of the settings. I believe this is due to the poorly optimized foliage/grass. The game looks amazing with all settings at very high, especially the shadows.  But after taking the HMMWV through Carazon towards North Sahrani, the game really, really begins to lag. So, of course, I lower my settings down, down, down... Still a lot of stuttering and jolts. Mind you, this is with only one unit in the mission editor.

My video card settings are set to highest performance and it's only had a very marginal affect on the game's performance. I really have no clue or solution to get these problems fixed. I don't want to play without shadows on a system I spent as much money as I did.

Gah! Frustration!

- dRb

EDIT: And yes, I have the most updated drivers for all the components that need them. I have very little things running in the background, including services. I even made my desktop all black and wiped out all desktop icons except for those needed... Still, very little progress!

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Quote[/b] ]Resolution - 800X600x32

And you have no problem to detect an enemy 500m away?


OPF and Arma shoudn't be played at low resolution, you will simply have no chances in multiplayer.

And yes, even i can turn everyting on high and view distance at 5000 m, when i have resolution of 640X480...

But look - Arma TEXTURES have better sights tha crapy 800X6000.


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Sorry to bump an older thread but im also having major LOD issues, which im 100% sure is a game bug and not my hardware, the demo runs great now im using older radeon drivers smooth framerate with little to no slowdown.......BUT these Extreme lod levels appear outta nowhere for what seems to be no reason i can look at something one minute and it looks great the next the entire world has turned into a(very poor) oil painting, i see no reason for the game to do this as im having no performance issues here it just happens eventually no matter what settings i use and sadly the LODs never increase again so this completly puts me off playing the game

not really looking for help( i know there isnt really a fix for this) just wanted to add my name to the list of people that have game wrecking lod problems

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