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German Version out!

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Had the SE in the mail today. Heard of the problems with fps performance, but for me the game seems to run fine on lower settings (Athlon XP 2800+, 1GB, ATI X1600pro AGP 512MB). Thanks BIS!


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Had the SE in the mail today. Heard of the problems with fps performance, but for me the game seems to run fine on lower settings (Athlon XP 2800+, 1GB, ATI X1600pro AGP 512MB). Thanks BIS!

hm, interesting...

could you do me a favor and make a screenshot with fraps displaying your FPS in the single mission: 03 - Lieferjunge?

right at the beginning of the mission looking in the direction of the enemy...

using normal preset settings i get 10-11 FPS at the beginning of that mission. using very low settings i get barely playable 12-15 FPS...

again my rig:

athlon 64 x2 4400+

2 gig ram

ati radeon x1900 xt

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Received mine aswell today... and im pretty sad... thats not my beloved OFP confused_o.gif

Bad performance, lots of Graphic probs ( and my machine can handle Gothic 3 on high settings... so that shouldnt be the prob ) unintresting missions, completely fucked controls and a interface that seems like they wanted to stay with the old but also tried making something new that ended somwhere in the middle being totally crap.

Hey if someone wants to make a great mod then switch the interface and everything back to ofp style crazy_o.gif

They tried to reinvent the wheel and created a square.


What i saw for now made me play some more classic OFP ...

Oh and im amazed how some mags could give it 78% in the current shape...


Just looked at some textures in the characters folders, seems quite a few things from OFP for the X-BOX were left in there as there are quite a lot of resistance and elite textures in there, wonder why they wasted good memory for unneeded things

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Received mine aswell today... and im pretty sad... thats not my beloved OFP confused_o.gif

Ha, you obviously don't remember OFP release. It was plagued with bugs. We had it in uk 6 months before states and you couldn't even play multiplayer.

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Received mine aswell today... and im pretty sad... thats not my beloved OFP confused_o.gif

Ha, you obviously don't remember OFP release. It was plagued with bugs. We had it in uk 6 months before states and you couldn't even play multiplayer.

I dont think thats an excuse for some of the bugs reported till now.

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Just looked at some textures in the characters folders, seems quite a few things from OFP for the X-BOX were left in there as there are quite a lot of resistance and elite textures in there, wonder why they wasted good memory for unneeded things

Even in original OFP textures were only loaded when required by mission, and ArmA takes that even further by loading them on the fly when object and particular LOD are on visual distance.

Unfortunately BIS didn't forget any MLODs in data files for us to rip apart this time like with Chinook in original OFP smile_o.gif

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IMHO planes are even worse (well, theres only one really but..), at least I can kill something with choppers. crazy_o.gif

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Received mine aswell today... and im pretty sad... thats not my beloved OFP confused_o.gif

Ha, you obviously don't remember OFP release. It was plagued with bugs. We had it in uk 6 months before states and you couldn't even play multiplayer.

I played OFP since the first demo came out... and even with the demo i had more fun than with ArmA in its current shape, so mayn thing si liked in OFP are changed and often ina way that just doesnt make sense...

Maybe they tried make it more noob friendly... if that was the plan it failed horribly as it seems more complex than ever, the action menue especially, sometimes its there, sometimes its not, sometimes you get actions sometimes you dont... all that worked like a charm before.

Or the swaying when aiming, the odd camera when driving a vehicle ( try drive by steering with the mouse... ) that is too fixed and always tries to jump back to its original place if you stop to steer for a millisecond.

Not to mention the helicopter controls... who came up with this?!

I already disliked the BF2 system but i could live with it ( when i actually played that game back then ) but this here is absolute craptastic.

I mean fpr years i had fun flying choppers in OFP, it was just great and now i get a 150% different system that is more a cramp then fun?

The list is endless and before i can enjoy this it needs lot of bugfixing sad_o.gif

And hey... im one of the biggest OFP fanboys...

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Damn Daddl, you look even older than me biggrin_o.giftounge2.gif

While your hair chose to resign mine is turning oldschool grey biggrin_o.gif

Your performance makes me wonder as we almost have the same rig.

I have

Athlon XP 2800+

1 Gig DDR Ram

and a flashed 9700 Pro

Hopefully fun will kick in once I have new hardware+some hotfix from Morphicon and a patch adressing most irritating issues from BIS.

The SE edition is worth every penny though.

The comprehensice Editing manual (wich will be on sale for around 10 Euros from what I´ve heard) is great, and the T-Shirt fits, still... biggrin_o.gif

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How are the helicopters?  Are they like everybody says?   Planes?

You know what?

I can't tell you!


Because I'm first configure the controls! And this alone is great, you can make very cool things like mapping one key with e.g. this:

- "Press key"

- "Press key 2x"

and with the STRG Key you can make:

- "STRG + Key"

Example: You use "Q" for lean left. Pressing "Q" and the charakter lens left. As long as you hold it, you lean left.

Now you can configure pressing "Q" 2x and the charakter holds the lean left.

And you can configure "STRG" + "Q" for another feature, maybe compass, watch, map, whateveryouwant.

It needs some time to configure it, but it's very important to do it right!


I just played with 5 different soldiers, unarmed hmmwv and a pickup truck on the smaller island. Nothing more.

I can't understand the ppl starting the game, seeing it is a little different to OFP and come here start "crying".

Please! Take the time to understand how some things now work. I first missed the action menu, but then i saw that it was not there because there was no action to do at this moment.

It only shows up, when you need it, but most of the time you are doing the needed things with a quick click on the middle mouse button. For things like take AT launcher from back, you now have a key! Waaaaaaaay better then the sometimes laggy action menu.

I had some impressiv enemy AI behavior while taking a look how things work in the editor.

Example: Had an enemy squad ~1000 meters away behind some buildings. Was trying something and shooting around. Nothing special.

Then some minutes later, someone was shooting at me from somewhere!  wow_o.gif

It was only the sniper from the enemy squad, send as a scout searching for me! Amazing!


Can't wait for the weekend to test some more!

MfG Lee wink_o.gif

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Meh... its easy to say omg you whiner get used to it.

Why do i have to if it worked perfectly for years?

Some things are good, i agree but there are lot more bad sides at least for me.

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well.. Is it worth buying and playing like that? Im nore sure if Bis will fix that with a patch since is just bad design not bugs.

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Depends, maybe im just a bit gaming lazy lately ( Oblivion, Dragon quest and some other games still lay here nearly finished since months ) but i just didnt had fun with it yet, mostly because it runs so sluggish and because of the low lod popups.

For a OFP fan its a must offcourse and im sure it will be great after a few patches but for now i at least want a performance fix... guess i need to dl me a version meanwhile...

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Shadow, yes, there are bad things in it.

But nothing ruins the game. Or does it really for you?

I know, it's hard to see some of the changes after we played 5years with OFP, but hey we will not die because of that.

ArmA feels like OFP and that's the most important thing for me. Some bad bugs are in ArmA which will be fixed in the near future. We better collect those bugs and tell BIS about instead of posting in every thread that has a user view and/or screenshots of Armed Assault.

Some of the changes will stay, you should learn to use, not to hate them. Some of the changes can be fixed by people like you.. modding freaks. wink_o.gif

Everyone should try to find the fantastic features ArmA can offer, not only the "bad" things.

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

--> goodnight.gif

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You know bals, looks are not everything... biggrin_o.gif

Your performance makes me wonder as we almost have the same rig.

I have

Athlon XP 2800+

1 Gig DDR Ram

and a flashed 9700 Pro

I can play fine at 1152x864 with everything on low. Your 9700 will be the bottleneck, tho. Not sure if it can keep up with ArmA's demands, especially as the video ram is less (the X1600 has 512mb). The game still looks fine, even with everything on low - compared to OFP/VBS1 that is, with a better rig it will look marvelous! Once they fix the problem with the SecuRom protection I should be getting some more FPS and maybe I can up some settings or the resolution then.


And yes, Mr. Murray did (again) a great job with his editing tutorial - his first one for OFP was what got me to make my first mp mission when Resistance came out. Very good!

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Shadow, yes, there are bad things in it.

But nothing ruins the game. Or does it really for you?

I know, it's hard to see some of the changes after we played 5years with OFP, but hey we will not die because of that.

ArmA feels like OFP and that's the most important thing for me. Some bad bugs are in ArmA which will be fixed in the near future. We better collect those bugs and tell BIS about instead of posting in every thread that has a user view and/or screenshots of Armed Assault.

Some of the changes will stay, you should learn to use, not to hate them. Some of the changes can be fixed by people like you.. modding freaks. wink_o.gif

Everyone should try to find the fantastic features ArmA can offer, not only the "bad" things.

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

--> goodnight.gif

INdeed i will get used to them but i really dont understnad why they wasted good time to reinvent the wheel at some points when they better invested it in bugfixing.

Well i play OFP for now and wait for a ArmA patch smile_o.gif

BTw, hehe, this reminds me of a bug report ona RHS release where i told you the same thing just the other way around ^^

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I'm so happy for the German fans! Here in Canada we can only grunt and wish Santa knew what Armed Assault was. That is because there is still no distributor for N. America!

It is hard to believe they can't find one. Heck, if I had the money I'd do it for them.

Maybe they can't get past the Homeland Security folks in the USA because it is a war game. smile_o.gif

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I'm so happy for the German fans!  Here in Canada we can only grunt and wish Santa knew what Armed Assault was.  That is because there is still no distributor for N. America!

It is hard to believe they can't find one.  Heck, if I had the money I'd do it for them.

Maybe they can't get past the Homeland Security folks in the USA because it is a war game. smile_o.gif

How many more times does it have to be mentioned that N America does'nt have a distributor. There are plenty of other ways for you to get this game that have been mentioned over and over again.

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You know bals, looks are not everything... biggrin_o.gif
Your performance makes me wonder as we almost have the same rig.

I have

Athlon XP 2800+

1 Gig DDR Ram

and a flashed 9700 Pro

I can play fine at 1152x864 with everything on low. Your 9700 will be the bottleneck, tho. Not sure if it can keep up with ArmA's demands, especially as the video ram is less (the X1600 has 512mb). The game still looks fine, even with everything on low - compared to OFP/VBS1 that is, with a better rig it will look marvelous! Once they fix the problem with the SecuRom protection I should be getting some more FPS and maybe I can up some settings or the resolution then.


And yes, Mr. Murray did (again) a great job with his editing tutorial - his first one for OFP was what got me to make my first mp mission when Resistance came out. Very good!

from what i tryed with a

intel p4 3.0Ghz

2G ddr 400

radeon 9700 pro 128

you have to play it at very low settings and it may run smooth.

maybe a better card is needed wink_o.gif

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I had some impressiv enemy AI behavior while taking a look how things work in the editor.

Example: Had an enemy squad ~1000 meters away behind some buildings. Was trying something and shooting around. Nothing special.

Then some minutes later, someone was shooting at me from somewhere!  wow_o.gif

It was only the sniper from the enemy squad, send as a scout searching for me! Amazing!

Sounds great! Seems like the AI isn't deaf anymore and reacts to and investigate gunfire heard over distance! smile_o.gif

Looking forward to more reports as you guys test it out...


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I'm excited!!! I'm getting the German version sent to me in a few weeks. yay.gifpistols.gifnener.gif I'm in complete shock! Its here. Its here! Armed Assault. The screenshots are making me salavate and sweat. Hehehehe. It will be a very Merry X-Mas.

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